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OSDI Technical Sessions
OCTOBER 23, 2000
9:00 am10:30
Opening Remarks and
Keynote Address
Systems Issues in
Global Internet Content Delivery
Daniel Lewin, Chief Technology Officer, Akamai Technologies, Inc.
The primary goal of Internet content delivery is to improve Website performance,
scalability, and availability by serving content from a large deployment of
servers at the edge of the Internet, thereby avoiding Internet performance
bottlenecks such as congested peering points while providing peak crowd
protection. Deployment and mapping are the most publicized aspects of content
delivery, yet they are by no means the most important. At least equally crucial
are many challenging systems issues, including local and wide-area load
management, fault tolerance, real-time distributed data collection, security,
remote administration of software and configuration, efficient allocation of
distributed storage resources, and the collection and processing of terabytes of
log files daily. This talk will describe these problems in more detail and
explain how some are addressed in the Akamai Content Delivery Network.
Daniel Lewin founded Akamai in September 1998, together with Tom Leighton and a
leading group of MIT scientists and business professionals. As Chief Technology
Officer, Lewin drives Akamai's research and development strategy.
10:30 am11:00
am Break
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11:00 am12:30
Applying Language
Technology to Systems
Session Chair: David Culler, University of California at Berkeley
Systems as Languages
Benjamin Chelf, Andy Chou, Seth Hallem, and Dawson Engler, Stanford
Devil: An IDL for Hardware Programming
Fabrice Mérillon, Laurent Réveillère, Charles Consel,
Renaud Marlet, and Gilles Muller, IRISA/INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu
Taming the Memory Hogs: Using Compiler-Inserted Releases to Manage Physical
Memory Intelligently
Angela Demke Brown and Todd C. Mowry, Carnegie Mellon University
12:30 pm2:00
pm Symposium Luncheon
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2:00 pm3:30
Session Chair: Timothy Roscoe, Sprint Labs
Surplus Fair Scheduling: A Proportional-Share CPU Scheduling Algorithm for
Symmetric Multiprocessors
Abhishek Chandra and Micah Adler, University of Massachusetts, Amherst;
Pawan Goyal, Ensim Corporation; and Prashant Shenoy, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst
Performance-Driven Processor Allocation
Julita Corbalán, Xavier Martorell, and Jesús Labarta,
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Policies for Dynamic Clock Scheduling
Dirk Grunwald and Philip Levis, University of Colorado; Keith I. Farkas,
Compaq Western Research Laboratory; Charles B. Morrey III and Michael
Neufeld, University of Colorado
4:00 pm5:30
Session Chair: Brian Bershad, Appliant.com
Towards Higher Disk Head Utilization: Extracting "Free" Bandwidth from Busy
Disk Drives
Christopher Lumb, Jiri Schindler, Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon
University; Erik Riedel, Hewlett-Packard Labs; and David F. Nagle,
Carnegie Mellon University
Latency Management in Storage Systems
Rodney Van Meter, Quantum Corporation, and Minxi Gao, University of
California at Berkeley
A Low-Overhead, High-Performance Unified Buffer Management Scheme That
Exploits Sequential and Looping References
Jong Min Kim, Jongmoo Choi, Jesung Kim, Seoul National University; Sam H.
Noh, Hong-Ik University; and Sang Lyul Min, Yookun Cho, and Chong Sang
Kim, Seoul National University
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OCTOBER 24, 2000
9:00 am11:00
Session Chair: Butler Lampson, Microsoft Corp.
How to Build a Trusted Database System on Untrusted Storage
Umesh Maheshwari, Radek Vingralek, and Bill Shapiro STAR Lab, InterTrust Technologies
End-to-End Authorization
Jon Howell and David Kotz, Dartmouth College
Design and Implementation of a Self-Securing Storage Device
John D. Strunk, Garth R. Goodson, Michael L. Scheinholtz, Craig A. N. Soules,
and Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University
Fast and Secure Distributed Read-Only File System
Kevin Fu and M. Frans Kaashoek, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
and David Mazières, New York University
11:00 am11:30
am Break
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11:30 am12:30
Session Chair: Peter Druschel, Rice University
Overcast: Reliable Multicasting with an Overlay Network
John Jannotti, David K. Gifford, Kirk L. Johnson, M. Frans Kaashoek, and James
W. O'Toole, Jr., Cisco Systems
System Support for Bandwidth Management and Content Adaptation in Internet
David Andersen, Deepak Bansal, and Dorothy Curtis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology; Srinivasan Seshan, Carnegie Mellon University; and Hari
Balakrishnan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
12:30 pm2:00
pm Lunch (on your own)
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2:00 pm3:30
Session Chair: John Wilkes, HP Laboratories
Operating System Management of MEMS-based Storage Devices
John Linwood Griffin, Steven W. Schlosser, Gregory R. Ganger, and David F.
Nagle, Carnegie Mellon University
Trading Capacity for Performance in a Disk Array
Xiang Yu, Benjamin Gum, Yuqun Chen, Randolph Y. Wang, and Kai Li, Princeton
University; Arvind Krishnamurthy, Yale University; and Thomas E.
Anderson, University of Washington
Interposed Request Routing for Scalable Network Storage
Darrell Anderson, Jeff Chase, and Amin Vahdat, Duke University
3:30 pm4:00
pm Break
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4:00 pm5:30
Reports (WiPs)
Session Chair: Andrew Myers, Cornell University
Do you have interesting work you would like to share, or a cool idea that is not
yet ready to be published? Symposium attendees provide valuable discussion and
feedback. Short, pithy, and fun, these Work-in-Progress Reports (WiPs)
introduce interesting new or ongoing work. We are particularly interested in
presentation of student work. People interested in presenting their work at this session
should follow the submission instructions.
5:30 pm6:00
pm Break
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6:00 pm8:00
Poster Session and
Symposium Reception
Session Chair: Fred Douglis, AT&T LabsResearch
Would you like an opportunity in an informal setting to present a poster
describing your current work, an aspect of your work, or work you are
considering to the OSDI attendees? If so, the Poster Session is for you. People
interested in presenting their work at this session should follow the submission
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9:00 am10:30
Session Chair: David Johnson, Carnegie Mellon University
Proactive Recovery in a Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant System
Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Exploring Failure Transparency and the Limits of Generic Recovery
David E. Lowell, Compaq Western Research Laboratory; and Subhachandra
Chandra and Peter Chen, University of Michigan
Design and Evaluation of a Continuous Consistency Model for Replicated
Haifeng Yu and Amin Vahdat, Duke University
10:30 am11:00
am Break
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11:00 am12:30
Session Chair: Bill Weihl, Akamai
Scalable, Distributed Data Structures for Internet Service Construction
Steven D. Gribble, Eric A. Brewer, Joseph M. Hellerstein, and David Culler,
University of California at Berkeley
Processes in KaffeOS: Isolation, Resource Management, and Sharing in Java
Godmar Back, Wilson H. Hsieh, and Jay Lepreau, University of Utah
CpU: Component Composition for Systems Software
Alastair Reid, Matthew Flatt, Leigh Stoller, Jay Lepreau, and Eric Eide,
University of Utah
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