Next: Propagating updates
Up: Replica set management
Previous: Bronze replica removal
The graph-based pervasive replication algorithms described in this
section offer some fundamental benefits over traditional approaches
that have a fixed set of servers manage replica locations.
- Simple and efficient recovery from failures:
- Graphs are, by
definition, flexible--spanning edges to any replica
makes the graph incrementally more robust and efficient. Moreover,
using just one type of edges both to locate replicas and to
propagate updates simplifies the recovery from permanent failures and
avoids any system disruption during graph reconfiguration.
- Decoupling of directories and files:
- Directory entries point
only to gold replicas, and the set of gold replicas is
typically stable. Thus, a file and its parent directory act mostly
independently once the file is created. Adding or removing a bronze
replica for the file does not require a change to the directory
replicas. Adding or removing a gold or bronze
replica for the directory
does not require a change to the file replicas. These are key
properties for the system's efficiency.
Yasushi Saito