Security '03 Paper   
[Security '03 Technical Program]
Static Analysis of Executables to Detect Malicious Patterns*
University of Wisconsin, Madison
1 IntroductionIn the interconnected world of computers, malicious code has become an omnipresent and dangerous threat. Malicious code can infiltrate hosts using a variety of methods such as attacks against known software flaws, hidden functionality in regular programs, and social engineering. Given the devastating effect malicious code has on our cyber infrastructure, identifying malicious programs is an important goal. Detecting the presence of malicious code on a given host is a crucial component of any defense mechanism. Malicious code is usually classified [16] according to its propagation method and goal into the following categories:
Combining two or more of these malicious code categories can lead to powerful attack tools. For example, a worm can contain a payload that installs a back door to allow remote access. When the worm replicates to a new system (via email or other means), the back door is installed on that system, thus providing an attacker with a quick and easy way to gain access to a large set of hosts. Staniford et al. have demonstrated that worms can propagate extremely quickly through a network, and thus potentially cripple the entire cyber infrastructure [1]. In a recent outbreak, the Sapphire/SQL Slammer worm reached the peak infection rate in about 10 minutes since launch, doubling every 8.5 seconds [32]. Once the back-door tool gains a large installed base, the attacker can use the compromised hosts to launch a coordinated attack, such as a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack [2]. In this paper, we develop a methodology for detecting malicious patterns in executables. Although our method is general, we have initially focused our attention on viruses. A computer virus replicates itself by inserting a copy of its code (the viral code) into a host program. When a user executes the infected program, the virus copy runs, infects more programs, and then the original program continues to execute. To the casual user, there is no perceived difference between the clean and the infected copies of a program until the virus activates its malicious payload. The classic virus-detection techniques look for the presence of a virus-specific sequence of instructions (called a virus signature) inside the program: if the signature is found, it is highly probable that the program is infected. For example, the Chernobyl/CIH virus is detected by checking for the hexadecimal sequence [5]:
This corresponds to the following IA-32 instruction sequence, which constitutes part of the virus body:
This classic detection approach is effective when the virus code does not change significantly over time. Detection is also easier when viruses originate from the same source code, with only minor modifications and updates. Thus, a virus signature can be common to several virus variants. For example, Chernobyl/CIH versions 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 differ mainly in the trigger date on which the malicious code becomes active and can be effectively detected by scanning for a single signature, namely the one shown above. The virus writers and the antivirus software developers are engaged in an obfuscation-deobfuscation game. Virus writers try to obfuscate the "vanilla" virus so that signatures used by the antivirus software cannot detect these "morphed" viruses. Therefore, to detect an obfuscated virus, the virus scanners first must undo the obfuscation transformations used by the virus writers. In this game, virus writers are obfuscators and researchers working on malicious code detection are deobfuscators. A method to detect malicious code should be resistant to common obfuscation transformations. This paper introduces such a method. The main contributions of this paper include:
• The obfuscation-deobfuscation game and attacks on commercial
virus scanners
• A general architecture for detecting malicious patterns in
• Prototype for x86 executables
• Extensibility of analysis 2 Related Work2.1 Theoretical DiscussionThe theoretical limits of malicious code detection (specifically of virus detection) have been the focus of many researchers. Cohen [13] and Chess-White [14] showed that in general the problem of virus detection is undecidable. Similarly, several important static analysis problems are undecidable or computationally hard [31, 30]. However, the problem considered in this paper is slightly different than the one considered by Cohen [13] and Chess-White [14]. Assume that we are given a vanilla virus V which contains a malicious sequence of instructions τ. Next we are given an obfuscated version O(V) of the virus. The problem is to find whether there exists a sequence of instructions τ in O(V) which is "semantically equivalent" to τ. A recent result by Vadhan et al. [25] proves that in general program obfuscation is impossible. This leads us to believe that a computationally bounded adversary will not be able to obfuscate a virus to completely hide its malicious behavior. We will further explore these theoretical issues in the future. 2.2 Other Detection TechniquesOur work is closely related to previous results on static analysis techniques for verifying security properties of software [42, 47, 44, 39, 40, 48]. In a larger context, our work is similar to existing research on software verification [41, 45]. However, there are several important differences. First, viewing malicious code detection as an obfuscation-deobfuscation game is unique. The obfuscation-deobfuscation viewpoint lead us to explore obfuscation attacks upon commercial virus scanners. Second, to our knowledge, all existing work on static analysis techniques for verifying security properties analyze source code. On the other hand, our analysis technique works on executables. In certain contexts, such as virus detection, source code is not available. Finally, we believe that using uninterpreted variables in the specification of the malicious code is unique (Section 6.2). Currie et al. looked at the problem of automatically checking the equivalence of DSP routines in the context of verifying the correctness of optimizing transformations [33]. Their approach is similar to ours, but they impose a set of simplifying assumptions for their simulation tool to execute with reasonable performance. Feng and Hu took this approach one step further by using a theorem prover to determine when to unroll loops [34]. In both cases the scope of the problem is limited to VLIW or DSP code and there is limited support for user-specified analyses. Our work is applied to x86 (IA-32) assembly and can take full advantage of static analyses available to the user of our SAFE tool. Necula adopts a similar approach based on comparing a transformed code sequence against the original code sequence in the setting of verifying the correctness of the GNU C compiler [35]. Using knowledge of the transformations performed by the compiler, equivalence between the compiler input and the compiler output is proven using a simulation relation. In our work, we require no a priori knowledge of the obfuscation transformations performed, as it would be unrealistic to expect such information in the presence of malicious code. We plan to enhance our framework by using the ideas from existing work on type systems for assembly code. We are currently investigating Morrisett et al.'s Typed Assembly Language [27, 26]. We apply a simple type system (Section 6) to the binaries we analyze by manually inserting the type annotations. We are unaware of a compiler that can produce Typed Assembly Language, and thus we plan to support external type annotations to enhance the power of our static analysis. Dynamic monitoring can also be used for malicious code detection. Cohen [13] and Chess-White [14] propose a virus detection model that executes code in a sandbox. Another approach rewrites the binary to introduce checks driven by an enforceable security policy [43] (known as the inline reference monitor or the IRM approach). We believe static analysis can be used to improve the efficiency of dynamic analysis techniques, e.g., static analysis can remove redundant checks in the IRM framework. We construct our models for executables similar to the work done in specification-based monitoring [29, 28], and apply our detection algorithm in a context-insensitive fashion. Other research used context-sensitive analysis by employing push-down systems (PDSs). Analyses described in [39, 40] use the model checking algorithms for pushdown systems [38] to verify security properties of programs. The data structures used in interprocedural slicing [36], interprocedural DFA [37], and Boolean programs [41] are hierarchically structured graphs and can be translated to pushdown systems. 2.3 Other ObfuscatorsWhile deciding on the initial obfuscation techniques to focus on, we were influenced by several existing tools. Mistfall (by z0mbie) is a library for binary obfuscation, specifically written to blend malicious code into a host program [9]. It can encrypt, morph, and blend the virus code into the host program. Our binary obfuscator is very similar to Mistfall. Unfortunately, we could not successfully morph binaries using Mistfall, so we could not perform a direct comparison between our obfuscator and Mistfall. Burneye (by TESO) is a Linux binary encapsulation tool. Burneye encrypts a binary (possibly multiple times), and packages it into a new binary with an extraction tool [10]. In this paper, we have not considered encryption based obfuscation techniques. In the future, we will incorporate encryption based obfuscation techniques into our tool, by incorporating or extending existing libraries. 3 Background on Obfuscating VirusesTo detect obfuscated viruses, antivirus software have become more complex. This section discusses some common obfuscation transformations used by virus writers and how antivirus software have historically dealt with obfuscated viruses. A polymorphic virus uses multiple techniques to prevent signature matching. First, the virus code is encrypted, and only a small in-clear routine is designed to decrypt the code before running the virus. When the polymorphic virus replicates itself by infecting another program, it encrypts the virus body with a newly-generated key, and it changes the decryption routine by generating new code for it. To obfuscate the decryption routine, several transformations are applied to it. These include: nop-insertion, code transposition (changing the order of instructions and placing jump instructions to maintain the original semantics), and register reassignment (permuting the register allocation). These transformations effectively change the virus signature (Figure 1), inhibiting effective signature scanning by an antivirus tool.
The obfuscated code in Figure 1 will behave in the same manner as before since the nop instruction has no effect other than incrementing the program counter1. However the signature has changed. Analysis can detect simple obfuscations, like nop-insertion, by using regular expressions instead of fixed signatures. To catch nop insertions, the signature should allow for any number of nops at instruction boundaries (Figure 2). In fact, most modern antivirus software use regular expressions as virus signatures.
Antivirus software deals with polymorphic viruses by performing heuristic analyses of the code (such as checking only certain program locations for virus code, as most polymorphic viruses attach themselves only at the beginning or end of the executable binary [18]), and even emulating the program in a sandbox to catch the virus in action [17]. The emulation technique is effective because at some point during the execution of the infected program, the virus body appears decrypted in main memory, ready for execution; the detection comes down to frequently scanning the in-memory image of the program for virus signatures while the program executes. Metamorphic viruses attempt to evade heuristic detection techniques by using more complex obfuscations. When they replicate, these viruses change their code in a variety of ways, such as code transposition, substitution of equivalent instruction sequences, and register reassignment [11, 7]. Furthermore, they can "weave" the virus code into the host program, making detection by traditional heuristics almost impossible since the virus code is mixed with program code and the virus entry point is no longer at the beginning of the program (these are designated as entry point obscuring (EPO) viruses [15]). As virus writers employ more complex obfuscation techniques, heuristic virus-detection techniques are bound to fail. Therefore, there is need to perform a deeper analysis of malicious code based upon more sophisticated static-analysis techniques. In other words, inspection of the code to detect malicious patterns should use structures that are closer to the semantics of the code, as purely syntactic techniques, such as regular expression matching, are no longer adequate. 3.1 The Suite of VirusesWe have analyzed multiple viruses using our tool, and discuss four of them in this paper. Descriptions of these viruses are given below. 3.1.1 Detailed Description of the Viruses
Chernobyl (CIH)
Hare The Hare and Chernobyl/CIH viruses are well known in the antivirus community, with their presence in the wild peaking in 1996 and 1998, respectively. In spite of this, we discovered that current commercial virus scanners could not detect slightly obfuscated versions of these viruses. 4 Obfuscation Attacks on Commercial Virus ScannersWe tested three commercial virus scanners against several common obfuscation transformations. To test the resilience of commercial virus scanners to common obfuscation transformations, we have developed an obfuscator for binaries. Our obfuscator supports four common obfuscation transformations: dead-code insertion, code transposition, register reassignment, and instruction substitution. While there are other generic obfuscation techniques [12, 23], those described here seem to be preferred by malicious code writers, possibly because implementing them is easy and they add little to the memory footprint. 4.1 Common Obfuscation Transformations4.1.1 Dead-Code InsertionAlso known as trash insertion, dead-code insertion adds code to a program without modifying its behavior. Inserting a sequence of nop instructions is the simplest example. More interesting obfuscations involve constructing challenging code sequences that modify the program state, only to restore it immediately. Some code sequences are designed to fool antivirus software that solely rely on signature matching as their detection mechanism. Other code sequences are complicated enough to make automatic analysis very time-consuming, if not impossible. For example, passing values through memory rather than registers or the stack requires accurate pointer analysis to recover values. The example shown in Figure 3 should clarify this. The code marked by (*) can be easily eliminated by automated analysis. On the other hand, the second and third insertions, marked by (**), do cancel out but the analysis is more complex. Our obfuscator supports dead-code insertion. Not all dead-code sequence can be detected and eliminated, as this problem reduces to program equivalence (i.e., is this code sequence equivalent to an empty program?), which is undecidable. We believe that many common dead-code sequences can be detected and eliminated with acceptable performance. To quote the documentation of the RPME virus permutation engine [8], [T]rash [does not make the] program more complex [...]. If [the] detecting algorithm will be written such as I think, then there is no difference between NOP and more complex trash. Our detection tool, SAFE, identifies several kinds of such dead-code segments.
4.1.2 Code TranspositionCode transposition shuffles the instructions so that the order in the binary image is different from the execution order, or from the order of instructions assumed in the signature used by the antivirus software. To achieve the first variation, we randomly reorder the instructions and insert unconditional branches or jumps to restore the original control-flow. The second variation swaps instructions if they are not interdependent, similar to compiler code generation, but with the different goal of randomizing the instruction stream. The two versions of this obfuscation technique differ in their complexity. The code transposition technique based upon unconditional branches is relatively easy to implement. The second technique that interchanges independent instructions is more complicated because the independence of instructions must be ascertained. On the analysis side, code transposition can complicate matters only for a human. Most automatic analysis tools (including ours) use an intermediate representation, such as the control flow graph (CFG) or the program dependence graph (PDG) [36], that is not sensitive to superfluous changes in control flow. Note that an optimizer acts as a deobfuscator in this case by finding the unnecessary unconditional branches and removing them from the program code. Currently, our obfuscator supports only code transposition based upon inserting unconditional branches. 4.1.3 Register ReassignmentThe register reassignment transformation replaces usage of one register with another in a specific live range. This technique exchanges register names and has no other effect on program behavior. For example, if register ebx is dead throughout a given live range of the register eax, it can replace eax in that live range. In certain cases, register reassignment requires insertion of prologue and epilogue code around the live range to restore the state of various registers. Our binary obfuscator supports this code transformation. The purpose of this transformation is to subvert the antivirus software analyses that rely upon signature-matching. There is no real obfuscatory value gained in this process. Conceptually, the deobfuscation challenge is equally complex before or after the register reassignment. 4.1.4 Instruction SubstitutionThis obfuscation technique uses a dictionary of equivalent instruction sequences to replace one instruction sequence with another. Since this transformation relies upon human knowledge of equivalent instructions, it poses the toughest challenge for automatic detection of malicious code. The IA-32 instruction set is especially rich, and provides several ways of performing the same operation. Coupled with several architecturally ambivalent features (e.g., a memory-based stack that can be accessed both as a stack using dedicated instructions and as a memory area using standard memory operations), the IA-32 assembly language provides ample opportunity for instruction substitution. To handle obfuscation based upon instruction substitution, an analysis tool must maintain a dictionary of equivalent instruction sequences, similar to the dictionary used to generate them. This is not a comprehensive solution, but it can cope with the common cases. In the case of IA-32, the problem can be slightly simplified by using a simple intermediate language that "unwinds" the complex operations corresponding to each IA-32 instruction. In some cases, a theorem prover such as Simplify [49] or PVS [46] can also be used to prove that two sequences of instructions are equivalent. 4.2 Testing Commercial Antivirus ToolsWe tested three commercial virus scanners using obfuscated versions of the four viruses described earlier. The results were quite surprising: a combination of nop-insertion and code transposition was enough to create obfuscated versions of the viruses that the commercial virus scanners could not detect. Moreover, the Norton antivirus software could not detect an obfuscated version of the Chernobyl virus using just nop-insertions. SAFE was resistant to the two obfuscation transformations. The results are summarized in Table 1. A √ indicates that the antivirus software detected the virus. A × means that the software did not detect the virus. Note that unobfuscated versions of all four viruses were detected by all the tools.
Table 1: Results of testing various virus scanners on obfuscated viruses. 5 ArchitectureThis section gives an overview of the architecture of SAFE (Figure 4). Subsequent sections provide detailed descriptions of the major components of SAFE. To detect malicious patterns in executables, we build an abstract representation of the malicious code (here a virus). The abstract representation is the "generalization" of the malicious code, e.g., it incorporates obfuscation transformations, such as superfluous changes in control flow and register reassignments. Similarly, one must construct an abstract representation of the executable in which we are trying to find a malicious pattern. Once the generalization of the malicious code and the abstract representation of the executable are created, we can then detect the malicious code in the executable. We now describe each component of SAFE.
Generalizing the malicious code: Building the malicious code
Pattern-definition loader
The executable loader
The annotator
The detector Throughout the rest of the paper, the malicious code fragment shown in Figure 6 is used as a running example. This code fragment was extracted from the Chernobyl virus version 1.4.
To obtain the obfuscated code fragment depicted (Figure 7), we applied the following obfuscation transformations: dead-code insertion, code transposition, and register reassignment. Incidentally, the three commercial antivirus software (Norton, McAfee, and Command) detected the original code fragment shown. However, the obfuscated version was not detected by any of the three commercial antivirus software.
6 Program AnnotatorThis section describes the program annotator in detail and the data structures and static analysis concepts used in the detection algorithm. The program annotator inputs the CFG of the executable and a set of abstraction patterns and outputs an annotated CFG. The annotated CFG associates with each node n in the CFG a set of patterns that match the program at the point corresponding to the node n. The precise syntax for an abstraction pattern and the semantics of matching are provided later in the section. Figure 8 shows the CFG and a simple annotated CFG corresponding to the obfuscated code from Figure 7. Note that one node in the annotated CFG can correspond to several nodes in the original CFG. For example, the nodes annotated with "IrrelevantInstr" corresponds to one or more nop instructions. The annotations that appear in Figure 8 seem intuitive, but formulating them within a static-analysis framework requires formal definitions. We enhance the SAFE framework with a type system for x86 based on the typestate system described in [6]. However, other type systems designed for assembly languages, such as Typed Assembly Language [27, 26], could be used in the SAFE framework. Definitions, patterns, and the matching procedure are described in Sections 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 respectively. 6.1 Basic DefinitionsThis section provides the formal definitions used in the rest of the paper.
Program Points
Control Flow Graph
Table 2: Examples of static analysis predicates. Explanations of the static analysis predicates shown in Table 2 are standard and can be found in a compiler textbook (such as [3]).
Instructions and Data Types
Table 3: A simple type system. The type μ(l, τ, i) represents the type of a field member of a structure. The field has a type τ (independent of the types of all other fields in the same structure), an offset i that uniquely determines the location of the field within the structure, and a label l that identifies the field within the structure (in some cases this label might be undefined). Physical subtyping takes into account the layout of values in memory [4, 6]. If a type τ is a physical subtype of τ' (denoted it by τ ≤ τ'), then the memory layout of a value of type τ' is a prefix of the memory layout of a value of type τ. We will not describe the rules of physical subtyping here as we refer the reader to Xu's thesis [6] for a detailed account of the typestate system (including subtyping rules). The type int(g:s:v) represents a signed integer, and it covers a wide variety of values within storage locations. It is parametrized using three parameters as follows: g represents the number of highest bits that are ignored, s is the number of middle bits that represent the sign, and v is the number of lowest bits that represent the value. Thus the type int(g:s:v) uses a total of g + s + v bits. ![]() The type uint(g:s:v) represents an unsigned integer, and it is just a variation of int(g:s:v), with the middle s sign bits always set to zero. The notation int(g:s:v) allows for the separation of the data and storage location type. In most assembly languages, it is possible to use a storage location larger than that required by the data type stored in it. For example, if a byte is stored right-aligned in a (32-bit) word, its associated type is int(24:1:7). This means that an instruction such as xor on least significant byte within 32-bit word will preserve the leftmost 24 bits of the 32-bit word, even though the instruction addresses the memory on 32-bit word boundary. This separation between data and storage location raises the issue of alignment information, i.e., most computer systems require or prefer data to be at a memory address aligned to the data size. For example, 32-bit integers should be aligned on 4-byte boundaries, with the drawback that accessing an unaligned 32-bit integer leads to either a slowdown (due to several aligned memory accesses) or an exception that requires handling in software. Presently, we do not use alignment information as it does not seem to provide a significant covert way of changing the program flow.
Figure 9: Inferred types from Chernobyl/CIH virus code. Figure 9 shows the types for operands in a section of code from the Chernobyl/CIH virus. Table 4 illustrates the type system for Intel IA-32 architecture. There are other IA-32 data types that are not covered in Table 4, including bit strings, byte strings, 64- and 128-bit packed SIMD types, and BCD and packed BCD formats. The IA-32 logical address is a combination of a 16-bit segment selector and a 32-bit segment offset, thus its type is the cross product of a 16-bit unsigned integer and a 32-bit pointer.
Table 4: IA-32 datatypes and their corresponding expression in the type system from Table 3. 6.2 Abstraction PatternsAn abstraction pattern Γ is a 3-tuple (V, O, C), where V is a list of typed variables, O is a sequence of instructions, and C is a boolean expression combining one or more static analysis predicates over program points. Formally, a pattern Γ=(V, O, C) is a 3-tuple defined as follows:
An instruction from the sequence O has a number of arguments (vi)i≥0, where each argument is either a literal value or a free variable xj. We write Γ(x1 : τ1, …, xk : τk) to denote the pattern Γ = (V, O, C) with free variables x1, …, xk. An example of a pattern is shown below. ![]() This pattern represents two instructions that pop a register X off the stack and then add a constant value to it (0x03AF). Note the use of uninterpreted symbol X in the pattern. Use of the uninterpreted symbols in a pattern allows it to match multiple sequences of instructions, e.g., the patterns shown above matches any instantiation of the pattern where X is assigned a specific register. The type int(0:1:31) of X represents an integer with 31 bits of storage and one sign bit. We define a binding B as a set of pairs [variable v, value x]. Formally, a binding B is defined as { [x,v] | x ∈ V, x : τ, v : τ', τ ≤ τ' }. If a pair [x, v] occurs in a binding B, then we write B(x) = v. Two bindings B1 and B2 are said to be compatible if they do not bind the same variable to different values:
Compatible(B1, B2) = ∀ x ∈ V
. ( [x, y1] ∈ B1 ∧ [x,
y2] ∈ B2 ) ⇒ ( y1 =
y2 )
The union of two compatible bindings B1 and B2 includes all the pairs from both bindings. For incompatible bindings, the union operation returns an empty binding. ![]()
When matching an abstraction pattern against a sequence of
instructions, we use unification to bind the free variables of
Γ to actual values. The
function: 6.3 Annotator OperationThe annotator associates a set of matching patterns with each node in the CFG. The annotated CFG of a program procedure P with respect to a set of patterns Σ is denoted by PΣ. Assume that a node n in the CFG corresponds to the program point p and the instruction at p is Ip. The annotator attempts to match the (possibly interprocedural) instruction sequence S(n) = <…, Previous2(Ip), Previous(Ip), Ip> with the patterns in the set Σ = {Γ1, …, Γm}. The CFG node n is then labeled with the list of pairs of patterns and bindings that satisfy the following condition:
Annotation(n) = { [Γ, B] : Γ ∈ {Γ1, …, Γm} ∧ B = Unify( S(n), Γ ) }
If Unify( S(n), Γ ) returns false (because unification is not possible), then the node n is not annotated with [Γ, B]. Note that a pattern Γ might appear several times (albeit with different bindings) in Annotation(n). However, the pair [Γ, B] is unique in the annotation set of a given node. 7 DetectorThe detector takes as its inputs an annotated CFG for an executable program procedure and a malicious code automaton. If the malicious pattern described by the malicious code automaton is also found in the annotated CFG, the detector returns the sequence of instructions exhibiting the pattern. The detector returns no if the malicious pattern cannot be found in the annotated CFG. 7.1 The Malicious-Code AutomatonIntuitively, the malicious code automaton is a generalization of the vanilla virus, i.e., the malicious code automaton also represents obfuscated strains of the virus. Formally, a malicious code automaton (or MCA) A is a 6-tuple (V, Σ, S, δ, S0, F), where
An MCA is a generalization of an ordinary finite-state automaton in which the alphabets are a finite set of patterns defined over a set of typed variables. Given a binding B for the variables V={v1, …, vk }, the finite-state automaton obtained by substituting B(vi) for vi for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k in A is denoted by B(A). Note that B(A) is a "vanilla" finite-state automaton. We explain this using an example. Consider the MCA A shown in Figure 10 with V={A, B, C, D}. The automata obtained from A corresponding to the bindings B1 and B2 are shown in Figure 10. The uninterpreted variables in the MCA were introduced to handle obfuscation transformations based on register reassignment. The malicious code automaton corresponding to the code fragment shown in Figure 6 (from the Chernobyl virus) is depicted in Figure 11.
Figure 10: Malicious code automaton for a Chernobyl virus code fragment, and instantiations with different register assignments, shown with their respective bindings. 7.2 Detector Operation
The detector takes as its inputs the annotated CFG PΣ of a program procedure
P and a malicious code automaton MCA
A=(V, Σ, S,δ, S0,
F). Note that the set of patterns Σ is used both to construct the
annotated CFG and as the alphabet of the malicious code
automaton. Intuitively, the detector determines whether there
exists a malicious pattern that occurs in A and PΣ. We formalize this
intuitive notion. The annotated CFG PΣ is a finite-state
automaton where nodes are states, edges represent transitions,
the node corresponding to the entry point is the initial state,
and every node is a final state. Our detector determines whether
the following language is empty: ![]() In the expression given above, L(PΣ) is the language corresponding to the annotated CFG and BAll is the set of all bindings to the variables in the set V. In other words, the detector determines whether there exists a binding B such that the intersection of the languages PΣ and B(A) is non-empty. Our detection algorithm is very similar to the classic algorithm for determining whether the intersection of two regular languages is non-empty [51]. However, due to the presence of variables, we must perform unification during the algorithm. Our algorithm (Figure 12) combines the classic algorithm for computing the intersection of two regular languages with unification. We have implemented the algorithm as a data-flow analysis.
Figure 12: Algorithm to check a program model against a malicious code specification. 8 Experimental DataThe three major goals of our experiments were to measure the execution time of our tool and find the false positive and negative rates. We constructed ten obfuscated versions of the four viruses. Let Vi, k (for 1 ≤ i ≤ 4 and 1 ≤ k ≤ 10) denote the k-th version of the i-th virus. The obfuscated versions were created by varying the obfuscation parameters, e.g., number of nops and inserted jumps. For the i-th virus, Vi, 1 denoted the "vanilla" or the unobfuscated version of the virus. Let M1, M2, M3 and M4 be the malicious code automata corresponding to the four viruses. 8.1 Testing EnvironmentThe testing environment consisted of a Microsoft Windows 2000 machine. The hardware configuration included an AMD Athlon 1 GHz processor and 1 GB of RAM. We used CodeSurfer version 1.5 patchlevel 0 and IDA Pro version 8.2 Testing on Malicious CodeWe will describe the testing with respect to the first virus. The testing for the other viruses is analogous. First, we ran SAFE on the 10 versions of the first virus V1,1, …, V1,10 with malicious code automaton M1. This experiment gave us the false negative rate, i.e., the pattern corresponding to M1 should be detected in all versions of the virus.
Table 5: SAFE performance when checking obfuscated viruses for false negatives. Next, we executed SAFE on the versions of the viruses Vi,k with the malicious code automaton Mj (where i ≠ j). This helped us find the false positive rate of SAFE. In our experiments, we found that SAFE's false positive and negative rate were 0. We also measured the execution times for each run. Since IDA Pro and CodeSurfer were not implemented by us, we did not measure the execution times for these components. We report the average and standard deviation of the execution times in Tables 5 and 6.
Table 6: SAFE performance when checking obfuscated viruses for false positives against the Chernobyl/CIH virus. 8.3 Testing on Benign CodeWe considered a suite of benign programs (see Section 8.3.1 for descriptions). For each benign program, we executed SAFE on the malicious code automaton corresponding to the four viruses. Our detector reported "negative" in each case, i.e., the false positive rate is 0. The average and variance of the execution times are reported in Table 7. As can be seen from the results, for certain cases the execution times are unacceptably large. We will address performance enhancements to SAFE in the future. 8.3.1 Descriptions of the Benign Executables
Table 7: SAFE performance in seconds when checking clean programs against the Chernobyl/CIH virus. 9 Conclusion and Future WorkWe presented a unique view of malicious code detection as a obfuscation-deobfuscation game. We used this viewpoint to explore obfuscation attacks on commercial virus scanners, and found that three popular virus scanners were susceptible to these attacks. We presented a static analysis framework for detecting malicious code patterns in executables. Based upon our framework, we have implemented SAFE, a static analyzer for executables that detects malicious patterns in executables and is resilient to common obfuscation transformations. For future work, we will investigate the use of theorem provers during the construction of the annotated CFG. For instance, SLAM [41] uses the theorem prover Simplify [49] for predicate abstraction of C programs. Our detection algorithm is context insensitive and does not track the calling context of the executable. We will investigate the use of push-down systems, which would make our algorithm context sensitive. However, the existing PDS formalism does not allow uninterpreted variables, so it will have to be extended to be used in our context.
Acknowledgments Bibliography
Mihai Christodorescu <mihai@cs.wisc.edu> This paper can be found online at http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~mihai/my_work/papers/index.html#11. This paper was converted from LaTeX using bibtex2html 1.57 and LaTeX2HTML 1.67. Last modified: Mon May 12 18:55:12 CDT 2003 |
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Security Symposium,
August 48, 2003,
Washington, DC, USA
Last changed: 27 Aug. 2003 aw |