USENIX Technical Program - Abstract - 7th Tcl/Tk Conference - February 2000
Collaborative Client-Server Architectures in Tcl/Tk: A Class Project Experiment and Experience
Franc Brglez, Hemang Lavana, Zhi Fu, Debabrata Ghosh, Lorie I. Moffitt, Steve Nelson, J. Marshall Smith, and Jun Zhou, North Carolina State University
This paper presents a class software project that was part of a
recent experimental graduate course on
Frontiers of Collaborative Computing on the Internet.
We chose Tcl/Tk to facilitate rapid prototyping, testing,
and demonstrating all phases of the project.
The major milestones achieved during this course are:
rapid proficiency in Tcl/Tk that allowed each student
to manipulate
data and widgets, apply socket programming principles, and create
a progression of client/server applications, from textbook
cases to a unique client/server architecture prototype -
driven by and matched to a well-defined collaborative project driver.
universal server that supports any number of
user-configurable clients, each accessible through a Web-browser
on a Mac, Windows, or UNIX platforms. Prototype client configurations
(1) collaborative document composition, (2) collaborative
Tcl/Tk debugging and compilation, (3) collaborative
design workflow.
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