Pp. 173–184 of the Proceedings | ![]() |
Paul W. Schermerhorn
Robert J. Minerick
Peter W. Rijks
Vincent W. Freeh
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
An extensible file system raises the level of file abstraction which provides benefits to both the end-user and programmer. The Modify-on-Access file system provides safe and simple user-defined extensibility through transformations, which are modular operations on input and output streams. A user inserts transformations into input and output streams, which modify the data accessed. Untrusted transformations execute in user space for safety. Performance of user-level transformations, although much slower than that of in-kernel transformations, is comparable to other user-level approaches, such as pipes.
This paper presents several interesting user-level transformations. For example, the command transformation executes a shell script whose input and output are routed from/to the file system. A file guarded by the ftp transformation is a ``mount'' point to an FTP server. The php transformation creates dynamic documents from PHP source when read. A file written to a sound device that is guarded by the mp3 transformation is decoded on the fly, in the file system, before reaching the sound device.
Mona is a novel approach to file system extensibility that provides heretofore unseen flexibility. Mona is fine-grained: a user defines actions on a per-file basis. It is modular: transformations can be stacked upon one another. Mona supports two classes of transformations: kernel-resident and user-level.
Unix-like operating systems have commonly used the file system to provide hardware abstractions for applications programmers. For example, Linux provides the devices /dev/audio and /dev/dsp (among others) to provide easy access to sound devices. Placing these abstractions in the file system allows programmers to simply write to a file rather than have to go through the difficult process of passing data to a kernel module. This is one of the tasks of an operating system--to facilitate commonly-performed operations. However, the semantic function of the file system has changed little over the years. File systems can do more than provide generic access to hardware devices. Raising the semantic level of the file system provides benefits to both the end-user and the programmer.
Performing common tasks at the file system level allows applications to be written at a higher level. For example, a file system that can decode an MP3 audio file is able to provide a decoder file to which an application writes a raw MP3 file, rather than decoding and writing it to a device file. This relieves application programmers of the responsibility to implement widely shared functionality. Furthermore, portability will be enhanced if the programmer does not have to rewrite these common operations for every target platform. End-users benefit by having more stable software (because upgrades to common operations can be achieved more easily at a single common point) and greater functionality (because applications will leverage common operations more readily). The Modify-on-Access (Mona) file system provides safe and simple extensibility, allowing file system extensions to provide much of the functionality common to many applications.
Mona is an extensible file system based on Linux's ext2 file system [9]. Mona has recently been ported to the 2.4 series of the kernel from the 2.2 series. Mona allows users to associate actions, called transformations, with the input and output streams of files. These transformations operate on the data before it is passed on to the user process accessing the file. This technique of pushing operations out of the application and into the file system extends the capabilities of traditional file systems. Furthermore, transformations may be stacked upon one another to create complex functionality out of simpler components.
The Mona file system supports both kernel and user-level extensions. Many existing schemes to extend file system functionality focus solely on kernel extensions. While there are many cases in which kernel extensions are the most appropriate mechanism, for many operations user-level extensibility is the better choice. We enumerate several reasons below.
This paper describes user-level extensibility in the Mona file system [9,10]. Untrusted user-defined transformations execute safely outside the kernel, modifying data as it is read and written. Users associate zero or more transformations the with input and output streams of a file, which specialize the file system for a particular application or use. Although executing transformations in user-space is less efficient than executing in the kernel, user-level transformations are efficient. Read and write operations are approximately five times slower when guarded by user-level transformations than when guarded by kernel transformations. This overhead is not noticeable for interactive operations, and is comparable to the performance of Unix pipes.
Additionally, this paper describes several interesting user-level file transformations, illustrating the possible uses of a higher-level file system. For example, the ftp transformation provides transparent access to files on a remote FTP server. On a file access, the ftp transformation issues an FTP request to the designated remote site, waits, and fills local buffers with the returned data. The php transformation reads a raw PHP file from disk. It parses the contents of the file and creates data for the file buffers dynamically. Further, the mp3 transformation decodes MP3 files on the fly. Thus, an application can simply write a raw MP3 file to a special file. The file system takes care of decoding. Lastly, the command transformation executes a program--often a simple shell script. The command transformation redirects the I/O of the program from/to the file system. As a result, extending the Mona file system is as simple as writing a shell script.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of the Mona file system. Section 3 describes several transformations. Section 4 discusses the export transformation that safely executes user-level transformations in user space. Section 5 presents measurements of the Mona file system and the export transformation. Section 6 discusses related work. The last section presents our conclusions.
Mona provides file system extensions as transformations, which modify streaming data [9]. A typical transformation acts as a filter, reading input, then pushing modified data downstream. Mona supports two types of transformations: kernel and user-level. Common kernel transformation code is downloaded into the kernel at the time the Mona kernel module is inserted. Less frequently used kernel transformations may also be added (and removed) dynamically. User-level transformations are executed in a user-level process that communicates with the file system via the export kernel transformation, as described in Section 4.
The Mona file system creates virtual files, whose contents exist only in the file system while the virtual file is open. There are two mechanisms for creating virtual files: persistent and transient. A persistent transformation link, which is similar to a symbolic link, creates an access point in the file system. Any program can access a transformation link exactly as it would access an ordinary file. A persistent transformation link exists until it is explicitly removed.
The lnx utility creates persistent transformation links--it is similar to ln. In the example below, the lnx utility is used to create a persistent link to the file /dev/audio with the fail transformation on the input (read) and the mp3 transformation on the output (write).
lnx /dev/audio mp3 -r fail_xform \ -w mp3_xformWhen a program writes to the virtual file, mp3, the MP3 data that the program writes is decoded and written directly to the audio device /dev/audio. In this case, there is no reason to read the virtual file, and so the fail transformation guards the input stream. In this persistent case, the virtual file exists for all programs to use until the user explicitly deletes it.
Conversely, a transient transformation exists only as long as the virtual file is open. A user creates a transient data view by manipulating transformations at runtime. A user pushes and pops transformations on the data streams of an open file using the ioctl system call. The example below pushes the fail transformation on the input stream and the mp3 transformation on the output stream.
ioctl(fd, PUSH_INPUT, "fail_xform /dev/audio"); ioctl(fd, PUSH_OUTPUT, "mp3_xform /dev/audio");This creates a virtual file identical to the persistent transformation example above. However, the virtual file is only accessible through the file descriptor, and is destroyed when the file is closed.
Mona adds new functionality to the file system without sacrificing backwards compatibility. Because Mona is compatible with ext2, either file system may be used to read and write media based on the other (of course, ext2 does not support the added functionality of Mona). The Mona file system is a Linux kernel module, which can be loaded and unloaded as needed.
In addition to maintaining compatibility with the ext2 file system, we have also demonstrated that the overhead of using the Mona file system is negligible. When using Mona as a traditional file system, i.e. without utilizing its enhanced capabilities, an overhead of less than 1% is incurred on read, write, and open system calls. Additionally, tests have shown that Mona performs similarly to ext2 for the PostMark suite of benchmarks, the Andrew benchmark, and for kernel compilation. When utilizing user-level transformations we have found that little performance is sacrificed relative to what we believe is a large gain in functionality. In cases where a network of transformations is used, we have found that Mona can perform better than current models. Preliminary experiments have shown this to be true for emulating the functionality of Unix pipes, where we have shown a clear performance advantage [8].
This section first presents a number of user-level transformations that we have implemented to address real-world problems. These transformations allow existing mechanisms to be applied more broadly via the file system, allowing users to solve new problems or to solve existing problems more easily. After demonstrating some uses of user-level transformations, a brief tutorial on constructing user-level transformations is presented. Finally, the section concludes with a short discussion of the benefits of user-level file system extensions.
An active file system raises the level of the file system abstraction. The higher level of abstraction provides significant benefit to both developers and end-users.
Mona user-level transformations give programmers a novel interface for code reuse. One example of this is the mp3 transformation, which decodes MP3 audio files on the fly. Suppose a virtual file guards the audio device with the mp3 transformation. Any program can now write an MP3 encoded file to the virtual file. The mp3 transformation decodes the data in the file system, which is given to the device. Not only do programmers avoid the need to implement their own MP3 decoders, but having the code at a centralized point makes updates easier. Moreover, the code is associated with the device, not the applications.
Some user-level transformations provide new ways of using existing resources. The ftp transformation creates a common interface to local and remote files, allowing users to navigate a remote FTP site as if it were part of the local file system. A user executes ordinary Unix executables (e.g., cd, ls, cp, etc.) to manipulate remote files, eliminating the need for explicit file transfer requests. A virtual file named foo.remote can be a link to a file foo on a remote FTP site. When the user reads the virtual file, the ftp transformation automatically negotiates with the remote host and transfers foo to the user's local machine. Except for the latency of the file transfer, the user may never know that the base file exists only on a remote server. For public FTP access, a user can use the generic ftp transformation. If a user wants to access private data via FTP, she can recompile the transformation to contain her username and password and place the new shared library in her personal transformation directory.
A variety of archive transformations allow access to the content of various archival formats, including tar, rpm, deb, zoo, and zip files without unpacking the archive. These transformations allow users read and write access to the various archives without the need to manually extract and re-archive those files. The similar gzip and bzip2 transformations allow the same type of manipulation on files in compressed form. The ftp, archive, and compression user-level transformations all demonstrate Mona's flexibility and usefulness in providing new views and interfaces to existing resources.
User-level transformations can make use of existing tools. The php transformation is an example of this. PHP is a server-side, cross-platform, HTML embedded scripting language. It allows developers to create scripts that dynamically generate web pages. PHP is the most popular module for the Apache web server, and is employed in creating dynamic content for a large number of commercial web sites. The Mona php transformation combines the power of PHP with the flexibility of the Mona programming model. By moving PHP into a Mona user-level transformation, we allow the creation and delivery of dynamic content via any transport method (e.g. FTP, text editor, web browser, etc.).
Many web sites use PHP to parse a database file and generate the day's or week's events on the fly. Using the Mona PHP transformation, one can create a similar utility that does not depend on server processing. Consider guarding a user's .plan file with the php transformation. The raw data in the .plan is a PHP script that parses a database file. When any user reads this .plan, the php transformation dynamically generates a user's plan from a database file that is specific to the current date. This is an example of Mona's ability to extend the usefulness of an existing tool: e.g., serverless PHP.
The command transformation makes programming file system extensions even easier. Comparable in some ways to a traditional Unix command-line pipeline, this transformation allows the user to execute arbitrary executables or shell scripts on input and output streams. Text processing tools such as grep, sed, and gawk can be placed on streams to automatically filter out unwanted data. For example, if a user wants to print out only the first field of each line, a transformation link bar.first can be created pointing to a file bar.raw with the below transformation on the input stream.
command /usr/bin/gawk '{print \$1}'The file bar.first appears as a normal file containing just the first field of the records in the file bar.raw.
There are many other potential uses of the command transformation. For example, a simple script could guard an HTML file, which forces a reload of a browser whenever the base HTML changes. In this way, users edit HTML files with their favorite editor, but can view up-to-date renderings of the files in web browsers. In another example, version control could be automated using the rcs utility. Finally, if a user wishes to be notified when a file is read or modified, the command transformation can send mail automatically. In short, any program can be associated with a data stream using the Mona file system. This illustrates the flexibility that the Mona system affords the user. Just as the export transformation is a kernel-resident transformation built to allow transformations to be executed in user space, the command transformation is a standard user-level transformation built to allow executables to be associated with data streams.
This section describes the construction of simple user-level transformations. The implementation is primarily a matter of creating a filter that conforms to a well-defined function-call interface. A transformation has the following calling interface:
int decompress_xform( XformInfoPtr xf_ptr, int input_bytes, char *buffer, int *state);The transformation info pointer, xf_ptr, uniquely identifies each instance of a transformation. In particular, it contains information about data in the transformation network and a pointer to memory that may be utilized by the user to store data private to the current instance of the transformation. The parameter input_bytes provides the size of the data passed to the transformation via the character pointer buffer. The last of the arguments passed to a transformation is state, an integer pointer to the ``global'' transformation state variable. Each transformation returns the total number of bytes placed in the buffer to be sent downstream to the next transformation in the network, if one exists. Additionally, it sets state, indicating whether all input has been consumed.
Figure 1 lists the source code of a simple decompression transformation. It takes an input buffer and passes it to a decompression routine. The decompression routine is responsible for managing the space required for the new data, using the pointer passed by the transformation to allocate memory. If the private_data element of the structure xf_ptr is NULL, then a new block of data has been sent. In that case, some initialization tasks are performed, along with the decompression itself. If there is more data than can fit in one block, one block is sent along, and state is set to XF_CURRENT_HAS_DATA. This ensures that the current transformation will be called again before more data from the source file is passed in the buffer, allowing decompress_xform to continue sending the decompressed data until it has been consumed. Once the remaining decompressed data is smaller than the block size, it can be sent, cleanup can be performed, and state can be set to XF_READY, indicating that the transformation is ready for new data.
To make use of this transformation, the user must compile it as a shared library and put the shared library where Mona can find it:
gcc decompress_xform.c -shared \ -o decompress.so mv decompress.so ~/.mona
Mona user-level transformations are implemented as functions. When size is conserved, the programmer does not have to be concerned about setting flags or computing return values. More complex transformations require the programmer to maintain buffers, set state variables, and compute return values. These additional programming tasks are minor in comparison to the added work of creating more complex transformations. When complete, the function is compiled into a shared library and is ready to use.
The Mona API makes transformation development easy for the programmer. While kernel transformations in Mona share the same interface as user-level transformations, there are important advantages to programming user-level transformations. User-level transformations offer the programmer access to the libraries of code that have become a part of every programmer's tool box. Common debugging tools can also be used on user-level transformations. Additionally, since kernel transformations run in kernel mode, they are not preempted. This means that kernel transformations must be explicitly scheduled by the programmer. Because user-level transformations are scheduled like any other user-level process, they do not suffer from these complications. These three advantages of user-level transformations together with Mona's interface make user-level transformations an easy target for any developer.
In addition to the advantages discussed above, user-level transformations are also much safer than kernel transformations. Since user-level transformations run in user space, they cannot access internal kernel data structures and therefore cannot compromise the integrity of the kernel. This means that any user can write and test a user-level transformation without the intervention of a system administrator.
Mona user-level transformations provide users with a virtually unlimited number of ways to extend the file system. The ability to use existing code (and even existing applications) greatly reduces implementation time even for complex extensions. Mona's fine-grained per-file approach makes it more useful than many previous approaches to file system extension.
In order
to realize the advantages of executing in user space Mona needs a mechanism for
exporting transformations.
The export
kernel transformation safely executes untrusted or computationally
expensive transformations outside the kernel in user space.
For example, consider
executing three consecutive transformations, ,
, and
, where
are kernel-resident transformations and
is a user
transformation. Mona inserts the export transformation between
, as shown in Figure 2. The
export transformation passes its input data across the
kernel/user space boundary to a user-level transformation
When transformation
completes, it returns output data to the
export transformation which then passes it on to
The export transformation executes user transformations in user-level processes for two reasons. First, processes allow the Mona implementation to easily support transformation concurrency. Second, the setuid system call provides control over the access permissions of a process (and any transformations within it).
The Mona implementation uses a daemon to
supervise all transformations that execute outside of the kernel.
When the file system instantiates an export transformation
during an open system call, the daemon forks a child process
to handle accesses to the file. Any subsequent read or write to
the file passes data up to the child process, which transforms the data
and returns it to the export transformation, as shown in
Figure 3. This figure provides an in-depth
look at the example first introduced in Figure 2.
Transformations and
reside within the kernel, but
exported to user space. Any data that streams through the network
passes up through the export transformation to user space,
, the transformation in the child process, and back to
the kernel.
The export transformation requires three extensions to the Mona file system. First, we extend the ioctl system call to enable communication between the kernel and user-space I/O streams. The MONA_IOC_K2U_MASTER option to the ioctl call allows the Mona daemon to detect when the file system instantiates a new export transformation. Two other ioctl options, MONA_IOC_K2U_SLAVE and MONA_IOC_U2K, allow children of the daemon to request and submit transformation data. Both request ioctl options block their calling processes until data is available. As a result, there is a clean, well-defined interface between the export transformation and the Mona daemon.
Second, Mona implements an initialization queue, which is a queue of transformations that are waiting to be pushed into user space. The Mona options for the ioctl system call give the Mona daemon access to this queue. The daemon blocks on the MONA_IOC_K2U_MASTER ioctl call until the file system places a transformation in the initialization queue. When this occurs the daemon awakens and performs the following actions to initialize the transformation in the queue. The daemon reads a key from the kernel that uniquely identifies the transformation. Then it forks a child process and sets the UID and GID (user and group ID) of the child to that of the owner of the transformation, in order to preserve file permissions. (Section 4.3 discusses the security issues in detail.) The child process services subsequent requests, as described below.
The final extension required is an execution queue of initialized transformations that are awaiting execution. The file system moves a transformation from the initialization queue to the execution queue after the Mona daemon forks a child process for the transformation. The child process blocks in the queue until there is data on which it can execute. Included with the transformation data are the names of the shared library and the function to be called. Each child then opens the shared library file using the Linux dlopen call and loads the appropriate function with the dlsym call. Transformation data on the execution queue is uniquely identified by transformation identification keys. A child of the daemon uses its identification key, which was provided by the Mona daemon, as an argument to the ioctl MONA_IOC_K2U_SLAVE system call in order to request data from the execution queue. After the child transforms its data, it sends a reply back to the kernel through another ioctl call using the MONA_IOC_U2K option. This process repeats until the file access completes and the child terminates.
For the exported transformation to be safe, it must execute with proper permissions and maintain the integrity of the kernel. Before a child of the Mona daemon executes a transformation, it changes its UID and GID to a safe permission level. There are three obvious choices for a UID and GID in this situation, the owner of the base file, the owner of the virtual file, or the user accessing the virtual file. However, two of these are unsafe. If a transformation ran under the permissions of the user accessing a file, the transformation creator would have access to the user's files. Setting a transformation's permissions to that of the owner of the base file is also unsafe. For example, a user could point a transformation link to a file owned by root and have the transformation generate a shell which has root permissions. Therefore, the Mona daemon uses the setuid system call to change the effective user id of the child process to that of the user who created the virtual file and specified the code to be executed [17]. Consequently, a transformation will not perform actions that the owner of the virtual file is not allowed to perform.
The export transformation does not compromise the integrity of the kernel even though data originating in user space flows into the kernel. First, the mechanism for passing data across the kernel-user boundary truncates the kernel buffer if the child process, which is executing a user transformation, attempts to exceed the space allocated for the kernel buffer. Second, data that passes through a transformation is never executed, it is only appended to an I/O stream on a read or write.
Furthermore, the Mona file system enforces proper use of the ioctl
extensions. The MONA_IOC_K2U_MASTER option
restricts accesses to processes owned by root and exits with an error
message for any other user. The other new options,
allow any user to request and submit transformation data.
However, each call requires a valid transformation identification key
before the kernel accepts the call. It is conceivable that a user could
randomly guess keys and attempt to insert or remove data from another
user's I/O stream. However, with a large enough key the probability
of successfully guessing a random key is essentially zero.
In summary, the export transformation overcomes the three difficulties of kernel-resident transformations. First, the Mona daemon allows an unprivileged user to extend file system capabilities in a secure manner. Second, transformation code that executes for extended periods of time runs in user space, where it is time shared along with all other processes to maintain fair scheduling of resources. However, when performance is paramount, one can implement a kernel-resident transformation. Finally, user-level transformations are much easier to implement than kernel-resident transformations due to the availability of user-space tools such as libraries and debuggers.
Mona provides greater functionality through file system extensions. As such, the focus of the project has not been quantitative (i.e., user-level transformations do not focus on increasing system performance). Using Mona transformations will provide performance wins in some cases, but the purpose of Mona is to provide ways to make systems more useful to users. However, if the cost of a user-level transformation is large, its benefits could be outweighed. For this reason, we performed several tests to measure the overhead that Mona adds to a system.
To determine the baseline overhead associated with using Mona instead of ext2, we compare system call execution times for files in ext2 and unguarded (i.e., no transformations) files in Mona. The results indicate that the overhead added to these system calls is less than 1%. This overhead applies only to the open, read, and write system calls. To find out the effect using Mona has on aggregate system performance, we also performed tests using several file system benchmark suites. Our tests have shown that the PostMark suite had the largest overhead at 2%, whereas the Andrew and kernel compile tests were both below 1%. This amount of overhead on unguarded files is small, and the added functionality provided by the Mona file system outweighs the performance penalty [8].
Mona's ability to allow unprivileged users to extend the file system is one
of its key novel aspects.
The overhead of using a Mona user transformation under the Linux 2.2 kernel
is approximately s.
This cost is quickly amortized as file size increases, and is negligible
for large files.
The same principle applies for transformations of increasing complexity.
For a transformation that is computationally non-trivial, the latency
contributed by this overhead will be considered acceptable by the user.
In many cases the added functionality is similar to that of standard Unix pipes. To compare our performance to that of pipes, we ran several tests implementing the same computation as both processes communicating via pipes and as Mona transformations. This test sends input data through two transformations using a Unix pipe and the Mona file system. Figure 4 shows that Mona transformations compare favorably with Unix pipes. Due to the overhead of instantiating the new process, user transformation performance is worse than that of pipes until the file size approaches 128K, although only by a little over a tenth of a second in the worst case. For file sizes over 128K, Mona user-level transformations perform better than their pipe counterparts by as much as 65%. The two Mona user-level transformations operate in the same user process. Consequently there is no overhead from switching processes. Mona incurs no overhead from buffer copying because it passes a pointer to a buffer between transformations. Mona's performance advantage increases when several operations are stacked upon one another.
An adaptive I/O subsystem was implemented in Streams [16,2,13] and is a component of several System V variants. A stream is a connection between a device driver and a user process. The ioctl system call pushes stream modules (similar to Mona transformations) into the stream. When data flows through the stream and reaches a module, code from the module executes on the data before passing modified data downstream. Like Mona, the Streams system enables dynamic extensibility. However, there are some differences between the systems. First, all Stream modules execute with full permissions in the kernel. Consequently, only privileged and expert users can create new extensions. In addition, a Stream module is inherently duplex and adds a stage in both the input and output pipeline. This works well for operations that have natural inverses, such as compression/decompression. However, if an operation does not have or require an inverse operation (such as PHP) for data traveling the opposite direction, the technique wastes resources and adds an extra pipeline stage.
The watchdog system provides extended file semantics by guarding file accesses with special processes [3]. Each watchdog process is a user-level program associated with either a file or directory. When a guarded file opens, the kernel negotiates with the watchdog guarding the file to determine how to handle accesses. Like user-space transformations, watchdog processes provide a simple mechanism to add user-defined extensibility to a file system. However, creating a new process for each open guarded file is expensive in system resources and interprocess communication. Managing an entire process is excessive overhead for simple transformations, such as lock. The watchdog system cannot push common operations into the kernel where they can execute quickly. The flexibility of the Mona system allows the user to decide the best execution environment for any particular operation.
BSD Portals extend the file system by exporting certain open system calls to a user-space daemon [12]. A portal daemon is mounted as a standard file system. When the kernel resolves a pathname that leads through the portal daemon mount, the remainder of the path is sent to the daemon. Depending on the type of daemon that is mounted, some type of open occurs, and a file descriptor is returned. This allows for arbitrary code to be executed on opens, but this functionality is specific to the open system call. Translators provided by GNU/Hurd [14] are very similar to Mona user-level transformations. A translator is a program inserted between the content of a file and the user process. Translators are user programs, and as such can be installed and modified by regular users. Translators provide the file system interface for Hurd programs.
Stackable file systems derive functionality from preexisting file systems [6,11]. By stacking a file system on top of another in a file system hierarchy, the operations provided by the lower level are inherited by the higher. A stackable file system is most effective when a handful of operations are required for a large set of files and the operations change infrequently. However, because a system administrator must implement all stacking, the benefit to ordinary users will be somewhat limited. Furthermore, the layering structure (and thus the functionality) of stackable file systems cannot be modified dynamically. Stackable file systems use mount points rather than files as targets for extensibility, and as such are a much more coarse-grained approach than Watchdogs or Mona, where users define their own operations and implement them on a per-file basis. Apollo's DOMAIN file system [15] is quite similar to stackable file systems. It allows users to define new file types and associate associate user defined procedures with these new types. However, extensible code resides in user processes.
Stackable templates alleviate the usability difficulties of stackable file systems by abstracting complex kernel code into templates [20]. Consequently, Wrapfs, a stackable template file system, provides a much simpler (and more usable) interface than previous stackable file systems by hiding details of the operating system internals. Wrapfs extends the vnode interface to enable stacking, as originally proposed by Rosenthal [18]. As a result, Wrapfs supports unmodified native file systems while providing users an extended vnode interface. This approach contrasts the Mona file system, which is implemented as a peer to other native file systems within an unmodified virtual file system interface, and maintains full compatibility with the ext2 file system. Furthermore, unlike Mona, Wrapfs does not allow streams to change size at runtime.
A simulation of Active Disks uses transformation-like disklets to operate on data streams entering and exiting intelligent disk drives [1]. The Active Disk architecture integrates processors and large amounts of memory onto a disk drive. An analysis of several algorithms on this architecture found that an Active Disk using application-specific disklets outperforms conventional disk drives. Additionally, Active Disks scale considerably better than traditional disk architectures. Active Disks and Mona demonstrate the potential of modular, stream-oriented processing.
The userfs package implements customizable file systems as user processes [5]. Unlike the stackable systems discussed above, mounting a user file system does not require privileged access. As a result, unprivileged users can customize their environments without the assistance of a system administrator. This system thus allows simple file system extensibility, but is more coarse-grained than Mona. Entire hierarchies are mounted with the userfs, whereas the flexibility of the Mona file system allows actions to be associated with individual files or hierarchies.
There are many projects whose goal is to provide general kernel extensibility, including file system extensibility [4,7,19]. These systems address the safety issues associated with downloading untrusted code into the kernel. The Mona file system provides only a subset of the extensibility offered by general kernel extensibility projects (i.e., the subset that relates to the file system). Mona only allows trusted code in the kernel and concentrates on user-space extensibility for untrusted code.
Through the use of traditional Unix tools like filter programs and pipes, we can achieve a series of stacked operations on a data stream, but to use these, we need to either explicitly create the pipes in a process, or use the pipe functionalities of a shell. The former requires significant modification to applications, while the latter allows us to only operate on standard input or output, not arbitrary files. Shell associations perform actions (e.g., launching an application) based on the type of the underlying file. This could be similar to Mona's functionality in some cases, but does not, for example, allow dynamic insertion and deletion of functionality at runtime. Another Unix mechanism that can be used is the LD_PRELOAD functionality of dynamic libraries. Library preloading can be used to intercept file system calls and perform operations on the data between the user program and the operating system. However, when using library preloading, all calls that are intercepted will have to go through the filter code. Mona allows filters to be specified for files on an individual basis.
This paper describes how to raise the level of abstraction provided by a file system. It presents the Modify-on-Access (Mona) file system, which supports safe and simple user-defined extensions called transformations, which are modular, stream-oriented operations that are inserted into an I/O stream during a file access. This paper presents several examples in which extending the structure and semantics of a file simplifies applications and benefits both the application programmer and the end user.
The Mona file system provides a novel combination of granularity, modularity, and usability. Mona supports transformations on a fine-grained per-file basis. In addition, transformations are modular and can compose larger operations. Finally, Mona can execute a transformation within the kernel or in a user-space process. As a result, a user has the ability to choose appropriate levels of performance, safety, and ease of use. The flexibility in all three areas distinguishes Mona from previous extensible file systems.
This paper presents several lessons. First, although transformations are a limited form of computation, there are many useful operations that fit the form. Moreover, it shows that the model (and our implementation) are ideally suited for extensions. The export transformation is a kernel transformation that enables user-level transformations. Similarly, the command transformation is a user-level transformation that enables shell script transformations.
This paper examines the cost of user-level transformations.
We show that the cost is comparable to pipes, and in some cases
The cost of user-level transformations is negligible when a
transformation involves a latency-dependent operation, like the
ftp transformation.
Additionally, as the complexity of a transformation increases, the
relative cost of a user-level transformation decreases.
Even in the worst case-a trivial transformation-the absolute cost of
invoking a user-lever transformation is low enough (approximately s) that there is not a noticeable additional delay for interactive
Finally, this paper shows a simple but effective technique for maintaining security with user-level extensions. Our technique sets the UID and GID of the child helper processes such that code executes with permissions that are allowable by the system. Consequently, Mona ensures that the use of user-level transformations will never compromise security.
We would like to thank our reviewers for their comments, and especially Alan Nemeth for his help in shepherding us through the review and submission process.
We would also like to thank Richard Kendall for his foundational contributions to the Mona project.
Mona is available as open source in conformance with the Open Source Initiative's Open Source Definition. Mona is available at https://www.cse.nd.edu/~ssr/projects/mona.
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the FREENIX Track: 2001 USENIX Annual Technical Conference,
June 25-30, 2001, Boston, Masssachusetts, USA
Last changed: 21 June 2001 bleu |