USENIX '04 Paper
[USENIX '04 Technical Program]
Dynamic Instrumentation of
Production Systems
Bryan M. Cantrill, Michael W. Shapiro and Adam H. Leventhal
Solaris Kernel Development
Sun Microsystems
{bmc, mws, ahl}
This paper presents
DTrace, a new
facility for dynamic instrumentation of
production systems. DTrace features the ability to dynamically
instrument both user-level and kernel-level software in a unified
and absolutely safe fashion. When not explicitly enabled, DTrace
has zero probe effect - the system operates exactly as if DTrace
were not present at all.
DTrace allows for many tens of thousands of instrumentation points,
with even the smallest of systems offering on the order of 30,000
such points in the kernel alone.
We have developed a
C-like high-level control language to describe the predicates and
actions at a given point of instrumentation. The language features
user-defined variables, including thread-local variables and
associative arrays.
To eliminate the need for most postprocessing,
the facility features a scalable mechanism for aggregating data and a
mechanism for speculative tracing.
DTrace has been integrated
into the Solaris operating system and has been used to find serious
systemic performance problems on production systems - problems
that could not be found using preexisting facilities.
1 Introduction
As systems grow larger and more complicated, performance analysis is
increasingly performed by the system integrator in production
rather than by the developer in development.
Trends towards componentization and application consolidation
accelerate this change: system integrators increasingly combine off-the-shelf
components in ways that the original developers
did not anticipate.
Performance analysis infrastructure has generally not kept
pace with the shift to in-production performance analysis:
the analysis infrastructure is still focussed
on the developer, on development systems, or both. And where
performance analysis
infrastructure is designed for
production use, it is almost always process-centric - and
therefore of little help in understanding systemic problems.
To be acceptable for use on production systems, performance analysis
infrastructure must have zero probe effect when disabled,
and must be absolutely safe when enabled. That is, its mere presence
must not make the system any slower, and there must be
no way to accidentally induce system failure through misuse.
To have systemic scope, the entire system must be instrumentable,
and there must exist ways to easily coalesce data to highlight
systemic trends.
We have developed a facility for systemic dynamic instrumentation that
can gather and coalesce arbitrary data on production systems.
This facility - DTrace - has been integrated into Solaris and
is publicly available[12]. DTrace features:
- Dynamic instrumentation. Static instrumentation always induces
some disabled probe effect; to achieve the zero disabled probe
effect required for production use, DTrace uses only dynamic
instrumentation. When DTrace is not in use, the system is just
as if DTrace were not present at all.
- Unified instrumentation.
DTrace can dynamically
instrument both user and kernel-level software, and
can do so in a unified manner whereby both data and
control flow can be followed across the user/kernel boundary.
- Arbitrary-context kernel instrumentation. DTrace can
instrument virtually all of the kernel, including
delicate subsystems like the scheduler and synchronization facilities.
- Data integrity. DTrace always reports any errors that prevent
trace data from being recorded. In the absence of such errors,
DTrace guarantees data integrity:
there are no windows in which
recorded data can be silently corrupted or lost.
- Arbitrary actions. The actions taken at a given point of
instrumentation are not defined or limited a priori - the user
can enable any
probe with an arbitrary set of actions. Moreover, DTrace guarantees
absolute safety of user-defined actions: run-time errors such as illegal memory
accesses are caught and reported.
- Predicates. A logical predicate mechanism allows actions to be
taken only when user-specified conditions are met, thereby pruning unwanted
data at the source. DTrace thus avoids
retaining, copying and storing data that will
ultimately be discarded.
- A high-level control language. Predicates and actions are
described in a C-like language - dubbed "D" -
that supports all ANSI C operators and allows access to the kernel's variables
and native types. D offers user-defined variables, including global
variables, thread-local variables, and associative arrays. D also supports
pointer dereferencing; coupled with the run-time safety mechanisms of
DTrace, structure chains can be safely traversed in a predicate or action.
- A scalable mechanism for aggregating data. DTrace allows data to be
aggregated based on an arbitrary tuple of D expressions. The mechanism
coalesces data as it is generated, reducing the amount of data that percolates
through the framework by a factor of the number of data points.
By allowing aggregation based on D expressions, DTrace permits users
to aggregate by virtually anything.
- Speculative tracing.
DTrace has a mechanism for speculatively tracing data, deferring the decision
to commit or discard the data to a later time. This feature eliminates the
need for most post-processing when exploring sporadic aberrant behavior.
- Heterogeneous instrumentation.
Tracing frameworks have historically been designed around a single
instrumentation methodology.
In DTrace, the instrumentation providers are formally separated from
the probe processing framework by a well-specified API, allowing
novel dynamic instrumentation technologies to plug into and exploit the
common framework.
- Scalable architecture. DTrace allows for many tens of thousands
of instrumentation points (even the smallest systems typically have on
the order of 30,000 such points) and provides primitives for subsets of
probes to be efficiently selected and enabled.
- Virtualized consumers.
Everything about DTrace is virtualized per consumer: multiple consumers can
enable the same probe in different ways, and a single consumer can enable a
single probe in different ways. There is no limit on the number of concurrent
DTrace consumers.
The remainder of this paper describes DTrace in detail.
In Section 2, we discuss
related work in the area of dynamic instrumentation.
Section 3 provides an overview of the DTrace architecture.
Section 4 describes some of the instrumentation providers
we have implemented for DTrace.
Section 5 describes the D language.
Section 6 describes the DTrace facility for aggregating data.
Section 7 describes the user-level instrumentation provided
by DTrace.
Section 8 describes the DTrace facility for speculative
Section 9 describes in detail a production performance
problem that was root-caused using DTrace.
Finally, Section 10 discusses future work and
Section 11 provides our conclusions.
2 Related work
The notion of safely augmenting operating system execution with
user-specified code has been explored in extensible
systems like VINO[10] and SPIN[2].
More generally, the notion of augmenting execution with code has
been explored in aspect-oriented programming systems like
these systems were designed to allow the user to extend the
system or application where DTrace is designed to allow the user to simply
understand it. So where the extensible systems allow much more
general purpose
augmentation, they have many fewer (if any) primitives for
understanding system behavior.
Systems like ATOM[11] and Purify[3] instrument
programs for purposes of understanding them, but these systems
fundamentally differ from
DTrace in that they are static - they operate by instrumenting
the binary off-line and running the instrumented binary in lieu
of the original binary. Moreover, these static instrumentation
systems don't provide systemic insight:
they cannot integrate instrumentation from disjoint applications, and they
are generally unable to instrument the operating system whatsoever.
Even in the confines of their domain of single application instrumentation,
these systems are inappropriate for production environments: in
these environments, application restart
represents an unacceptable lapse in service.
There is a large body of work dedicated to systemic and
dynamic instrumentation. Some
features of DTrace, like predicates, were directly inspired by other
work[8]. Some other features, like the idea of a
higher-level language for system monitoring, exist
elsewhere[1,4,9] - but
DTrace has made important new contributions like thread-local variables and
associative arrays.
Other features, like
aggregations, exist only in rudimentary form
elsewhere[1,4]; DTrace has
advanced these ideas significantly.
And some features, like speculative tracing,
don't seem to exist in any form in any of the prior work.
2.1 Linux Trace Toolkit
The Linux Trace Toolkit (LTT)
is designed around
a traditional static instrumentation methodology that induces a
non-zero (but small) probe effect for each instrumentation
To keep the
overall disabled probe effect reasonably low, LTT defines only a limited
number of instrumentation points - comprising approximately 45 events.
LTT cannot take arbitrary actions (each statically-defined event
defines an event-specific "detail"), and lacks any sort of
higher-level language to describe such actions.
LTT has a coarse mechanism for pruning data, whereby traced events
may be limited only to those pertaining to a given PID, process group, GID
or UID, but no other predicates are possible.
As LTT has few mechanisms for reducing the data flow via
pruning or coalescing,
substantial effort has naturally gone into optimizing the path of trace
data from the kernel to user-level[17].
2.2 DProbes
DProbes is a facility originally designed for OS/2 that was ported
to Linux and subsequently expanded[9].
Superficially, DProbes and
DTrace have some similar attributes:
both are based on dynamic instrumentation (and thus both have zero probe effect
when not enabled) and both define a language for arbitrary actions
as well as a
simple virtual machine to implement them.
However, there are significant differences.
While DProbes uses dynamic instrumentation, it uses a technique
that is
lossy when a probe is hit
simultaneously on different CPUs.
While DProbes has user-defined variables, it lacks thread-local variables and
associative arrays. Further, it lacks any mechanism for data aggregation, and
has no predicate support.
And while DProbes has made some safety considerations
(for example, invalid loads are handled through an exception mechanism),
it was not designed with absolute safety as a constraint; misuse of DProbes
can result in a system crash.1
K42 is a research kernel that has its own static instrumentation
framework[14]. K42's instrumentation has many of LTT's
limitations (statically defined actions, no facilities for data reduction,
etc.), but - as in DTrace - thought has been given in K42 to
instrumentation scalability. Like DTrace, K42 has lock-free, per-CPU
buffering - but K42 implements it in a way that sacrifices the integrity of
traced data.2
Recently, the scalable tracing techniques from K42 have been integrated
into LTT,
presumably rectifying LTT's serious scalability problems
(albeit at the expense of data integrity).
2.4 Kerninst
Kerninst is a dynamic instrumentation framework that is designed
for use on commodity operating system kernels[13].
achieves zero
probe effect when disabled, and allows instrumentation of virtually
any text in the kernel.
However, Kerninst is highly aggressive in its instrumentation;
users can erroneously
induce a fatal error by accidentally instrumenting routines that are
not actually safe to instrument.3
Kerninst allows for some coalesence of
data, but data may not be aggregated based on arbitrary tuples.
Kerninst has some predicate support, but it
does not allow for arbitrary predicates and has no support for
arbitrary actions.
3 DTrace Architecture
The core of DTrace - including all instrumentation, probe
processing and buffering - resides in the kernel. Processes become
DTrace consumers by initiating communication with the in-kernel DTrace
component via the DTrace library. While any program may be a DTrace
consumer, dtrace(1M) is the canonical DTrace consumer: it allows
generalized access to all DTrace facilities.
3.1 Providers and Probes
The DTrace framework itself performs no instrumentation of the system;
that task is
delegated to
instrumentation providers.
Providers are loadable kernel modules that communicate with the
DTrace kernel module using a well-defined API.
When they are instructed to do so by the DTrace framework,
instrumentation providers determine points that they can
potentially instrument.
For every point of instrumentation, providers call back into the
DTrace framework to create a probe. To create a probe the provider
specifies the module name and function name of the instrumentation point,
plus a semantic name for the probe. Each probe is thus uniquely identified by a
< provider, module, function, name >
Probe creation does not instrument the system: it simply
identifies a potential for instrumentation to the DTrace framework. When
a provider creates a probe, DTrace returns a probe identifier to the
Probes are advertised to consumers, who can enable them by specifying any
(or all) elements of the 4-tuple.
When a probe is enabled, an
enabling control block (ECB) is created
and associated with the probe. If there are no other ECBs associated with
the probe (that is, if the probe is disabled), the DTrace framework calls
the probe's provider to enable the probe. The
provider dynamically instruments the system
in such a way that when the probe fires, control is transferred to an
entry point in the DTrace framework with
the probe's identifier specified as the first argument.
A key attribute of DTrace is that there are no constraints as to the context
of a firing
probe: the DTrace framework itself is non-blocking and makes no explicit
or implicit calls into the kernel at-large.
When a probe fires and control is transferred to the DTrace framework,
interrupts are disabled on the current CPU, and DTrace
performs the activities specified by
each ECB on the probe's ECB chain.
Interrupts are then reenabled and control returns to the provider.
The provider itself need not handle any multiplexing of consumers
on a single probe - all multiplexing is handled by the framework's ECB
3.2 Actions and Predicates
Each ECB may have an optional predicate associated with it. If an ECB
has a predicate and the
condition specified by the predicate is not satisfied, processing
advances to the next ECB. Every ECB has a list of actions;
if the predicate is satisfied, the ECB is processed by iterating over
its actions. If an action indicates data to
be recorded, the data is stored in the per-CPU buffer associated with the
consumer that created the ECB; see Section 3.3.
Actions may also update D variable state; user variables are
described in more detail in Section 5.
Actions may not store to kernel memory, modify registers, or
make otherwise arbitrary changes to system
3.3 Buffers
Each DTrace consumer has a set of in-kernel per-CPU buffers allocated
on its behalf and referred to by its consumer state. The
consumer state is in turn referred to by each of the consumer's ECBs;
when an ECB action indicates data to be recorded, it is recorded in the
ECB consumer's per-CPU buffer.
The amount of data recorded by a given ECB is always constant.
That is, different ECBs may record different amounts of data, but
a given ECB always records the same quantity of data.
Before processing an ECB, the per-CPU buffer is checked for sufficient space;
if there is not sufficient space for the ECB's data recording actions,
a per-buffer drop count is incremented and processing advances
to the next ECB.
It is up to consumers to minimize drop counts by
reading buffers periodically.5
Buffers are read out of the kernel using a mechanism that both
maintains data integrity and assures that probe processing remains
This is done by having two per-CPU buffers: an active buffer and an
inactive buffer. When a DTrace consumer wishes to read the buffer for a
specified CPU, a cross-call is made to the CPU. The cross-call,
which executes on the specified CPU, disables
interrupts on the CPU,
switches the active buffer with the inactive buffer, reenables
interrupts and returns. Because interrupts are disabled in both probe
processing and buffer switching (and because buffer switching always
occurs on the CPU to be switched), an ordering is assured: buffer
switching and probe processing cannot
possibly interleave on the same CPU.
Once the active and inactive buffers have been switched, the
inactive buffer is copied out to the consumer.
The data record layout in the per-CPU buffer is an
enabled probe identifier (EPID)
followed by some amount of data. An EPID has a one-to-one mapping
with an ECB, and can be used to query the kernel for the size and layout
of the data stored by the corresponding ECB. Because the data layout
for a given
ECB is guaranteed to be constant over the lifetime of the ECB, the
ECB metadata can be cached at user-level.
This design separates the metadata stream from the data stream, simplifying
run-time analysis tools considerably.
Actions and predicates are specified in a virtual machine
instruction set that is emulated in the kernel at probe firing time.
The instruction set, "D Intermediate Format" or DIF, is a small RISC
instruction set
designed for simple emulation and on-the-fly code generation. It
features 64-bit registers, 64-bit arithmetic and logical instructions,
comparison and branch instructions,
1-, 2-, 4- and 8-byte memory loads from kernel and user space, and
special instructions to access variables and strings.
DIF is designed for simplicity of emulation.
For example, there is only one addressing mode and most instructions
operate only on register operands.
3.5 DIF Safety
As DIF is emulated in the context of a firing probe, it is a design
constraint that DIF
emulation be absolutely safe.
To assure basic sanity,
opcodes, reserved bits, registers, string references and variable
references are checked for validity as the DIF is loaded into the kernel.
To prevent DIF from inducing an infinite loop in probe context,
only forward branches are permitted. This safety provision
may seem draconian - it eliminates loops altogether - but
in practice we have not discovered it to present a serious
Run-time errors
like illegal loads or division by zero
cannot be detected statically; these errors are handled by
the DIF virtual machine.
Misaligned loads and division by zero are easily handled - the emulator
simply refuses to perform such operations.
(Any attempt to perform such
an operation aborts processing of the current ECB and results in a
run-time error
that is propagated back to the DTrace consumer.)
Similarly, loads from memory-mapped
I/O devices (where loads may have undesirable or dangerous side effects)
are prevented by checking
that the address of a DIF-directed load
does not fall within the virtual address
range that the kernel reserves for memory-mapped
device registers.
Loads from unmapped memory are more
complicated to prevent, however, because it is
not possible to probe VM data structures from probe firing context.
When the emulation engine attempts to perform such a load,
a hardware fault will occur. The kernel's page fault handler has been modified
to check if the load is DIF-directed; if it is, the fault handler
sets a per-CPU bit to indicate that
a fault has occurred, and increments the instruction pointer past
the faulting load. After emulating each load, the DIF emulation engine
checks for the presence of the faulted bit; if it is set, processing of
the current ECB is aborted
and the error is reported to the user. This mechanism adds some
processing cost to the kernel's page fault path, but the cost is so
small relative to the total
processing cost of a page fault that the effect on system performance is nil.
4 Providers
By formally separating instrumentation providers from the core
framework, DTrace is able to accommodate heterogeneous
instrumentation methodologies. Further, as future instrumentation
methodologies are developed, they can be easily plugged in to the DTrace
framework. We have implemented twelve different instrumentation providers
that between them
offer observability into many aspects of the system.
While the providers employ different instrumentation methodologies,
all of the
DTrace providers
have no observable probe effect when disabled.
Some of the providers
are introduced below, but the details of their
methodologies are largely beyond the scope of this paper.
4.1 Function Boundary Tracing
The Function Boundary Tracing (FBT) provider
makes available a probe upon entry to and return from
nearly every function in the kernel.
As there are many functions in the kernel,
FBT provides many probes - even on the smallest
systems, FBT will provide more than 25,000 probes.
As with other DTrace providers, FBT has zero probe effect when it is not
explicitly enabled, and when enabled only induces a probe effect in probed
functions. While the mechanism used for the implementation of FBT is highly
specific to the instruction set architecture, FBT has been implemented on both
SPARC and x86.
On SPARC, FBT works by replacing an instruction with an unconditional
annulled branch-always
(ba,a) instruction. The branch redirects control flow into an
FBT-controlled trampoline,
which prepares arguments and transfers control into DTrace. Upon return
from DTrace, the replaced
instruction is executed in the trampoline before transferring control back
to the instrumented code path.
This is a similar
mechanism to that used by Kerninst[13] - but it is at
once less general (it
instruments only function entry and return) and completely safe (it will
never erroneously instrument code executed at TL > 0).
On x86, FBT uses a trap-based mechanism that replaces one of the instructions
in the sequence that establishes a stack frame (or one of the instructions
in the sequence that dismantles a
stack frame) with an instruction to transfer control
to the interrupt descriptor table (IDT). The IDT handler uses the
trapping instruction pointer to look up the FBT probe and transfers
control into DTrace. Upon return from DTrace, the replaced instruction
is emulated from the trap handler by manipulating the trap stack.
The use of emulation (instead of instruction rewriting and reexecution)
assures that FBT does not
suffer from the potential lossiness of the DProbes mechanism.
4.2 Statically-defined Tracing
While FBT allows for comprehensive probe coverage,
one must be familiar with the kernel
implementation to use it effectively.
To have probes with semantic meaning, one must allow probes to be statically
declared in the implementation. The mechanism for
implementing this is typically a macro that expands to a
conditional call into a tracing framework if tracing is
enabled[16]. While the probe effect of this
mechanism is small, it is observable: even when disabled, the expanded
macro induces a load, a compare and a taken branch.
In keeping with our philosophy of zero probe effect when disabled, we
have implemented a statically-defined tracing (SDT) provider by
defining a C macro that expands to a call to a non-existent function
with a well-defined prefix ("__dtrace_probe_"). When the
kernel linker sees a relocation against a function with this prefix,
it replaces the call instruction with a no-operation and records the
full name of the bogus function along with the location of the call
site. When the SDT provider loads, it queries this auxiliary
structure and creates a probe with a name specified by the function
name. When an SDT probe is enabled, the no-operation at the call site
is patched to be a call into an SDT-controlled trampoline that
transfers control into DTrace.
In principle, this provider induces a disabled probe effect: while the
call site is replaced with a no-operation, the compiler must
treat the call site as a transfer of control into an unknown function.
As a result, this mechanism can induce disabled probe effect by
artificial register pressure. However, by carefully placing
SDT probes near extant calls to functions, this disabled probe effect
can be made so small as to be unobservable.
we have added over 150 such sites to the Solaris kernel, and have
been unable to measure any performance difference - even on
microbenchmarks designed to highlight any disabled probe effect.
4.3 Lock Tracing
The lockstat provider makes available probes that can be used to
understand virtually any aspect of kernel synchronization behavior.
lockstat provider works by dynamically rewriting the kernel
functions that manipulate synchronization
primitives. As with all other DTrace providers, this instrumentation
only occurs as probes are explicitly enabled; the
lockstat provider
induces zero probe effect when not enabled.
The lockstat provider's instrumentation methodology has existed
in Solaris
for quite some time - it has historically been the basis for the
lockstat(1M) command.
As such, the lockstat provider is particularly useful for understanding
kernel resource contention.
As part of the DTrace work,
the in-kernel component was augmented to become the lockstat provider,
the lockstat command was reimplemented as a DTrace consumer, and
the legacy custom-built, single-purpose data-processing framework
was discarded.
4.4 System Call Tracing
The syscall provider makes available a probe at the entry to and
return from each system call in the system. As system calls are the
primary interface between user-level applications and the operating system
kernel, the syscall provider can offer tremendous insight into
application behavior with respect to the system. The syscall
provider works by dynamically rewriting the corresponding entry in the
system call table when a probe is enabled.
4.5 Profiling
The providers described above provide probes that are anchored to specific
points in text. However, DTrace also allows for
unanchored probes - probes
that are not associated with any particular point of execution but rather
with some asynchronous event source. Among these is the profile
provider, for which the event source is a time-based interrupt of
specified interval. These probes can be used to sample some aspect
of system state every specified unit of time, and the samples can then be used
to infer system behavior. Given the arbitrary actions that DTrace supports,
the profile provider can be used to sample practically any datum
in the system. For example, one could sample the state of the current
thread, the state of the CPU, the current stack trace, or the
current machine instruction.
5 D Language
DTrace users can specify arbitrary predicates and actions using the high-level
D programming language. D is a C-like language that supports all ANSI C
operators and allows access to the kernel's native types and global variables.
D includes support for several kinds of user-defined variables, including
global, clause-local, and thread-local variables and associative arrays.
D programs
are compiled into DIF by a compiler implemented in the DTrace library; the DIF
is then bundled into an in-memory object file representation and sent to the
in-kernel DTrace framework for validation and probe enabling. The
dtrace(1M) command provides a generic front-end to the D compiler and DTrace,
but other layered tools can be built on top of the compiler library as well,
such as the new implementation of lockstat(1M) described earlier.
5.1 Program Structure
A D program consists of one or more clauses that describe the
instrumentation to be enabled by DTrace. Each probe clause has the form:
Probe descriptions are specified using the form provider:module:
function:name. Omitted fields match any value, and sh(1)
globbing syntax is supported. The predicate and action statements may each be
optionally omitted.
D uses a program structure similar to awk(1) because tracing programs
resemble pattern matching programs in that execution order does not follow
traditional function-oriented program structure; instead, execution order is
defined by a set of external inputs and the tracing program "reacts" by
executing the predefined matching clauses. During internal testing, the
meaning of this program form was immediately obvious to UNIX developers and
permitted rapid adoption of the language.
5.2 Types, Operators and Expressions
As C is the language of UNIX, D is designed to form a companion language to C
for use in dynamic tracing. D predicates and actions are written identically
to C language statements, and all of the ANSI C operators can be used and
follow identical precedence rules. D also supports all of the intrinsic C
data types, typedef, and the ability to define struct,
union, and enum types. Users are also permitted to define and
manipulate their own variables, described shortly, and access a set of
predefined functions and variables provided by DTrace.
The D compiler also makes use of C source type and symbol information provided
by a special kernel service, allowing D programmers to access
C types and global variables defined in kernel source code without declaring
them. The FBT provider exports the input arguments and return values of kernel
functions to DTrace when its probes fire, and the C type service also
allows the D compiler to automatically associate these arguments with their
corresponding C data types in a D program clause that matches an FBT probe.
Unlike a traditional C source file, a D source file may access types and
symbols from a variety of separate scopes, including the core kernel, multiple
loadable kernel modules, and any type and variable definitions provided in the
D program itself. To manage access to external namespaces, the backquote
(`) character can be inserted in symbol and type identifiers to
reference the namespace denoted by the identifier preceding the backquote.
For example, the type struct foo`bar
would name the C type struct bar
in a kernel module named foo, and the identifier `rootvp would
match the kernel global variable rootvp and would have the type
vnode_t * automatically assigned to it by the D compiler.
5.3 User Variables
D variables can be declared using C declaration syntax in the
outer scope of the program, or they can be implicitly defined by assignment
statements. When variables are defined by assignment, the left-hand
identifier is defined and assigned the
type of the right-hand expression for the remainder of the program. Our
experience showed that D programs were rapidly developed and edited and
often written directly on the dtrace(1M) command-line, so users
benefited from the ability to omit declarations for simple programs.
5.4 Variable Scopes
In addition to global variables, D programs can create clause-local and
thread-local variables of any type. Variables from these two scopes are
accessed using the reserved prefixes this-> and self->
respectively. The prefixes serve to both separate the variable namespaces and
to facilitate their use in assignment statements without the need for prior
declaration. Clause-local variables access storage that is re-used across
the execution of D program clauses, and are used like C automatic variables.
Thread-local variables associate a single variable name with separate storage
for each operating system thread, including interrupt threads.
self->t = timestamp;
printf("%d/%d spent %d nsecs in read\n",
pid, tid, timestamp - self->t);
Figure 1:
A script that uses a thread-local variable to output the
amount of time that a thread spends in
a read(2) system call.
The thread-local variable self->t is instantiated on-demand when any
thread fires the syscall::read:entry probe and is assigned the value
of the built-in timestamp variable; the program then computes the time
difference when the system call returns. As with recorded data, DTrace reports
any failure to allocate a dynamic variable so data is never silently lost.
Thread-local variables are used frequently in D to associate data with a
thread performing some activity of interest. As an
example, Figure 1
contains a script that uses thread-local variables to output the
amount of time that a thread spends in
a read(2) system call.
5.5 Associative Arrays
D programs can also create associative array variables where each array
element is indexed by a tuple of expression values and
data elements are created on-demand. For example, the D program statement
a[123, "hello"] = 456
defines an associative array a with tuple signature [int, string]
where each element is an int, and then assigns the value 456 to the
element indexed by tuple [123, "hello"]. D supports both global and
thread-local associative arrays. As in other languages such as Perl,
associative arrays permit D programmers to easily create and manage complex
dictionary data structures without requiring them to manage memory and write
lookup routines.
5.6 Strings
D provides a built-in string type to resolve the ambiguity of the C
char* type, which can be used to represent an arbitrary address, the
address of a single character, or the address of a NUL-terminated string.
The D string type acts like the C type char [n] where n is
a fixed string limit that can be adjusted at compile-time. The string limit
is also enforced by the DTrace in-kernel component, so that it can provide
built-in functions such as strlen() and ensure finite running time when
an invalid string address is specified. D permits strings to be copied using
the operator and compared using the relational operators. D
implicitly promotes char* and char[]
to string appropriately.
6 Aggregating Data
When instrumenting the system to answer performance-related questions, it is
often useful to think not in terms of data gathered by individual probes, but
rather how that data can be aggregated to answer a specific question. For
example, if one wished to know the number of system calls by user ID, one
would not necessarily care about the datum collected at each system
call -
one simply wants to see a table of user IDs and system calls. Historically,
this question has been answered by gathering data at each system call, and
postprocessing the data using a tool like awk(1) or perl(1).
However, in DTrace the aggregating of data is a
first-class operation, performed at the source.
6.1 Aggregating Functions
We define an aggregating function to be one that has the following
f(f(x0) ∪ f(x1) ∪
f(xn)) = f(x0 ∪ x1
∪ ... ∪ xn)
where xn is a set of arbitrary data. That is, applying an aggregating
function to subsets of the whole and then applying it again to the set of
gives the same result as applying it to the whole itself.
Many common functions for understanding a set of data are
aggregating functions, including counting the number of elements in
the set, computing the maximum value
of the set, and summing all elements in the set.
Not all functions are aggregating functions, however; computing the mode
and computing the median are two examples of non-aggregating functions.
Applying aggregating functions to data in situ has a number of
- The entire data set need not be stored. Whenever a new element is to be
added to the set, the aggregating function is calculated given the set
consisting of the current intermediate result and the new element. After
the new result is calculated, the new element may be discarded. This
reduces the amount of storage required by a factor of the number of data
points - which is often quite large.
A scalable implementation is allowed. One does not wish for data
collection to induce pathological scalability problems. Aggregating
functions allow for intermediate results to be kept per-CPU
instead of in
a shared data structure. When a system-wide result is desired, the
aggregating function may then be applied to the set consisting of the
per-CPU intermediate results.
6.2 Aggregations
DTrace implements aggregating functions as aggregations. An
aggregation is
a named structure indexed by an n-tuple that stores the result of an
function. In D, the syntax for an aggregation is:
[keys] = aggfunc(args);
where identifier is an optional name of the aggregation,
keys is a comma-separated list of D expressions,
aggfunc is one of the DTrace aggregating functions
args is a comma-separated list of arguments to the aggregating function.
(Most aggregating functions take just a single argument that represents
the new datum.)
For example, the following DTrace script counts write(2) system
calls by application name:
@counts[execname] = count();
By default, aggregation results are displayed when dtrace(1M)
terminates. (This behavior may be changed by explicitly controlling
aggregation output with the printa function.)
Assuming the above were named "write.d", running it
might yield:
# dtrace -s write.d
dtrace: script 'write.d' matched 1 probe
dtrace 1
cat 4
sed 9
head 9
grep 14
find 15
tail 25
mountd 28
expr 72
sh 291
tee 814
sshd 1996
make.bin 2010
In the above output, one might perhaps be interested in understanding
more about the write system calls from the processes named
For example, to get a feel for the distribution of write sizes
per file descriptor,
one could aggregate on arg0 (the file descriptor
argument to the write system call), specifying the
"quantize()" aggregating function (which generates a power-of-two
distribution) with an argument of arg2 (the size argument
to the write system call):
/execname == "sshd"/
@[arg0] = quantize(arg2);
Running the above yields a frequency distribution for each file
descriptor. For example:
value --------- Distribution --------- count
16 | 0
32 | 1
64 | 0
128 | 0
256 |@@ 13
512 |@@ 13
1024 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 199
2048 | 0
The above output would indicate that for file descriptor five, 199
writes were between 1024 and 2047 bytes. If one wanted to understand
the origin of writes to this file descriptor, one could (for example) add
to the predicate that arg0 be five, and
aggregate on the application's stack trace by using the ustack function:
/execname == "sshd" && arg0 == 5/
@[ustack()] = quantize(arg2);
7 User-level Instrumentation
DTrace provides instrumentation of user-level program text through
the pid provider, which
instrument arbitrary instructions in a specified process. The
pid provider is
slightly different from other providers in that it actually
defines a class of providers - each process can
potentially have an associated pid provider. The process
identifier is appended to the name of each pid provider.
For example, the probe corresponds to the function
entry of malloc(3C) in process 1203.
In keeping with the DTrace philosophy of dynamic instrumentation,
target processes need not be restarted to be instrumented and, as
with other providers, there is no pid provider probe effect
when the probes are not enabled.
The techniques used by the pid provider are ISA-specific, but
they all involve a mechanism that rewrites the instrumented instruction
to induce a trap into
the operating system.
The trap-based mechanism has a higher enabled probe effect than
branch-based mechanisms used elsewhere[15],
but it completely unifies
kernel- and user-level instrumentation: any DTrace mechanism that
may be used with kernel-level probes may also be used with user-level
As an example, Figure 2 contains a script that
uses a thread-local D variable to follow
all activity - user-level and kernel-level - from a
specified user-level function; Figure 3 contains
example output of this script.
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option flowindent
self->trace = 1;
pid$1:::entry, pid$1:::return, fbt:::
printf("%s", curlwpsinfo->pr_syscall ?
"K" : "U");
self->trace = 0;
Figure 2: Script to follow
all activity - user-level and kernel-level - from a
specified user-level function.
This script uses the D macro argument variables "$1"
and "$2" to allow the target process identifier and the
user-level function to
be specified as arguments to the script.
# ./all.d `pgrep xclock` XEventsQueued
dtrace: script './all.d' matched 52377 probes
0 -> XEventsQueued U
0 -> _XEventsQueued U
0 -> _X11TransBytesReadable U
0 <- _X11TransBytesReadable U
0 -> _X11TransSocketBytesReadable U
0 <- _X11TransSocketBytesReadable U
0 -> ioctl U
0 -> ioctl K
0 -> getf K
0 -> set_active_fd K
0 <- set_active_fd K
0 <- getf K
0 -> get_udatamodel K
0 <- get_udatamodel K
0 -> releasef K
0 -> clear_active_fd K
0 <- clear_active_fd K
0 -> cv_broadcast K
0 <- cv_broadcast K
0 <- releasef K
0 <- ioctl K
0 <- ioctl U
0 <- _XEventsQueued U
0 <- XEventsQueued U
Figure 3: Example output of the script from Figure 2,
assuming that the script were named "all.d."
Note the crossings of the user/kernel boundary after the
first "ioctl" and before the last "ioctl," above: while
other instrumentation frameworks allow for some unified tracing,
this is perhaps the clearest display of control flow
across the user/kernel boundary.
DTrace also allows for tracing of data from user processes.
The copyin() and copyinstr() subroutines can be used to access
data from the current process. For example, the following script
aggregates on the name (arg0) passed to the open(2) system call:
@files[copyinstr(arg0)] = count();
By tracing events in both the kernel and user processes, and combining
data from both sources, DTrace provides the complete view of the system
required to understand systemic problems that span the user/kernel
#pragma D option flowindent
/pid != $pid/
self->spec = speculation();
printf("%s: %d", execname, errno);
/self->spec && errno != 0/
self->spec = 0;
/self->spec && errno == 0/
self->spec = 0;
Figure 4:
A script to speculatively trace all functions called from
ioctl(2) system calls that return failure.
The speculation function returns an identifier for a new speculative
tracing buffer; the speculate function indicates that subsequent
data-recording expressions in the clause are to be recorded to the
specified speculative buffer.
This script uses the "$pid" variable to avoid tracing
any failing ioctl calls made by dtrace itself.
# dtrace -s ./ioctl.d
dtrace: script './ioctl.d' matched 27778 probes
0 -> ioctl dhcpagent: 0
0 -> getf dhcpagent: 0
0 -> set_active_fd dhcpagent: 0
0 <- set_active_fd dhcpagent: 0
0 <- getf dhcpagent: 0
0 -> fop_ioctl dhcpagent: 0
0 -> ufs_ioctl dhcpagent: 0
0 <- ufs_ioctl dhcpagent: 0
0 <- fop_ioctl dhcpagent: 0
0 -> releasef dhcpagent: 0
0 -> clear_active_fd dhcpagent: 0
0 <- clear_active_fd dhcpagent: 0
0 -> cv_broadcast dhcpagent: 0
0 <- cv_broadcast dhcpagent: 0
0 <- releasef dhcpagent: 0
0 -> set_errno dhcpagent: 0
0 <- set_errno dhcpagent: 25
0 <- ioctl dhcpagent: 25
Figure 5: Example output from
running the script from Figure 4.
The output includes the full function trace from only the failing
calls to ioctl - which in this case is an ioctl
from the DHCP client daemon, dhcpagent(1M),
failing with ENOTTY (25).
8 Speculative Tracing
In a tracing framework that offers coverage as comprehensive as that of
DTrace, the challenge for the user quickly becomes figuring out what
not to
trace. In DTrace, the primary mechanism for filtering out uninteresting
events is the predicate mechanism discussed in Section 3.2.
are useful when it is known at the time that a probe fires whether or not the
probe event is interesting. For example, if one is only interested in
activity associated with a certain process or a certain file descriptor, one
can know when the probe fires if it associated with the process or file
of interest. However, there are some situations in which one may not know
whether or not a given probe event is interesting until some time
after the probe fires.
For example, if a system call is failing sporadically with a common error
code (e.g. EIO or EINVAL), one may wish to better understand
the code path that is leading to the error condition. To capture the code
path, one could enable every probe - but only if the failing call can be
isolated in such a way that a meaningful predicate can be constructed. If
the failures were sporadic or nondeterministic, one would be forced to
record all events that might be interesting, and later postprocess
the data to filter out the ones that were not associated with the failing
code path. In this case, even though the number of interesting events may
be reasonably small, the number of events that must be recorded is very
large - making postprocessing difficult if not impossible.
To address this and similar situations, DTrace has a facility for
speculative tracing. Using this facility, one may tentatively record
data; later, one may decide that the recorded data is interesting and
commit it to the principal buffer, or one may decide that the recorded
data is uninteresting, and discard it. As an example,
Figure 4
contains a script that uses speculative tracing to capture
details of only those ioctl(2) system calls that return failure;
Figure 5 contains example ouput of this script.
9 Experience
DTrace has been used extensively inside Sun to understand system
behavior in both development and production environments. One
production environment in which DTrace has been
especially useful is a SunRay server in Broomfield, Colorado.
The server - which is run by Sun's IT organization and has
10 CPUs, 32 gigabytes of memory, and
approximately 170 SunRay users -
was routinely exhibiting sluggish performance. DTrace was
used to
resolve many performance problems on this production system;
the following is the detailed description of the resolution of
one such problem.
By looking at the output of mpstat(1M), a traditional Solaris
monitoring tool, it was noted that the number of cross-calls per CPU
per second was quite high. (A cross-call is a function call directed to
be performed by a specified CPU.)
This led to the natural question: who (or
what) was inducing the cross-calls? Traditionally, there is no way
to answer this question concisely.
The DTrace "sysinfo" provider,
however, is an SDT-derived provider that
can dynamically instrument every increment of
the counters consumed by mpstat.
So by using DTrace and sysinfo's "xcalls" probe,
this question can be easily answered:
@[execname] = count();
Running the above gives a table of application names and the number
of cross-calls that each induced; running it on the server in question
revealed that virtually all
application-induced cross calls were due to the
"Xsun" application,
the Sun X server. This wasn't too surprising - as there is
an X server for each SunRay user, one would expect them to do much
of the machine's work. Still,
the high number of cross-calls merited further investigation: what
were the X servers doing to
induce the cross-calls? To answer this question, the following script was
/execname == "Xsun"/
self->sys = probefunc;
/execname == "Xsun"/
@[self->sys != NULL ?
self->sys : "<none>"] = count();
/self->sys != NULL/
self->sys = NULL;
This script uses a thread-local variable to keep track of the current
system call name; when the xcalls probe fires, it aggregates on
the system call that induced the cross-call.
In this case, the script revealed that nearly all cross-calls
from "Xsun"
were being induced by the munmap(2) system call. The fact that
munmap activity induces cross-calls is not surprising (memory demapping
induces a cross call as part of TLB invalidation), but the fact that
there was so much munmap activity (thousands of munmap
calls per second, system wide) was unexpected.
Given that ongoing munmap activity must coexist with ongoing
mmap(2) activity, the next question was
what were the X servers mmap'ing? And were there some X servers
that were mmap'ing more than others? Both of these
questions can be answered at once:
/execname == "Xsun"/
@[pid, arg4] = count();
printf("%9s %13s %16s\n",
"PID", "FD", "COUNT");
printa("%9d %13d %16@d\n", @);
This script aggregates on both process identifier and mmap's file
descriptor argument
to yield a table of
process identifiers and mmap'ed file
descriptors. It uses the special DTrace END probe and the
printa function to precisely control the output.
Here is the tail of the output
from running the above D
script on the production SunRay server:
... .. ...
26744 4 50
2219 4 56
64907 4 65
23468 4 65
45317 4 68
11077 4 1684
63574 4 1780
8477 4 1826
55758 4 1850
38710 4 1907
9973 4 1948
As labelled above, the first column is the process identifier, the second
column is the file
descriptor, and the third column is the count. (dtrace(1M) always
sorts its aggregation output by aggregation value.)
The data revealed two things:
first, that all of the mmap activity for each of the X servers
originated from file descriptor 4 in each.
And second, that six of the 170 X servers
on the machine were responsible for most of the mmap activity.
Using traditional process-centric tools (e.g., pfiles(1))
revealed that in each X server file descriptor 4 corresponded to
the file "/dev/zero," the zero(7D) device present
in most UNIX variants. mmap'ing /dev/zero is a technique
for allocating memory, but why were the X servers
allocating (and deallocating) so much memory so frequently?
To answer this, we wrote a script to aggregate on the user stack trace
of the X servers
when they called mmap:
/execname == "Xsun"/
@[ustack()] = count();
Running this yields a table of stack traces and counts. In this case,
all Xsun mmap stack traces were identical:`mmap+0xc`cfb32CreatePixmap+0x74`newt32CreatePixmap+0x20
The stack trace indicated why the X servers were allocating (and deallocating)
they were creating (and destroying) Pixmaps.
This answered the immediate question, and raised a new one:
what applications were ordering their X servers to create
and destroy Pixmaps? Answering this required a somewhat more sophisticated
/execname == "Xsun"/
self->interested = 0;
/execname == "Xsun"/
self->interested = 1;
@[args[1]->pr_fname] = count();
This script exploits some implementation knowledge of the X server.
An X server works by
calling poll(2) on its connections to wait for requests; when a
request arrives, the X server (a single-threaded process) processes the
request and sends the response. Sending the response causes the
X server to awaken the blocking client, after which the X server again polls
on its connections. To determine for whom the X servers were creating
Pixmaps, we set a thread-local variable ("interested") when
the X server called mmap.
We then enabled the "wakeup" probe in the "sched" provider.
The sched provider is an SDT-derived provider that makes available
probes related to CPU scheduling; the wakeup probe fires when
one thread wakes another.7
If the X server woke another thread
and interested was set, we
aggregated on the process that we were waking. The core assumption was
that the process that the X server awakened immediately after having
performed an mmap was the process for whom that mmap was
Running the above on the production SunRay server produced the following
(trimmed) output:
gedit 25
soffice.bin 26
netscape-bin 44
gnome-terminal 81
dsdm 487
gnome-smproxy 490
metacity 546
gnome-panel 549
gtik2_applet2 6399
This output was the smoking gun - it immediately focussed all attention
on the application "gtik2_applet2," a stock ticker applet for the
GNOME desktop. A further DTrace script that aggregated on user stack
revealed the source of the problem: gtik2_applet2 was
creating (and destroying) an X graphics context (GC)
every 10 milliseconds.8
As any X programmer knows, GC's are expensive server-side
objects - they are not to be created with reckless
While there were only six instances of gtik2_applet2
running on the
SunRay server, each was inducing this expensive operation from their
X servers (and subsequently from the operating system) one hundred times
per second; taken together, they were having a substantial effect on
system performance.
Indeed, stopping the six gtik2_applet2 processes dramatically
improved the system's performance:
cross-calls dropped by 64 percent, involuntary context switches dropped
by 35 percent,
system time went down 27 percent, user time went down 37 percent and idle time
went up by 15 percent.
This was a serious (and in retrospect, glaring) performance
problem. But it was practically impossible to debug with traditional
tools because it was a systemic problem: the gtik2_applet2
processes were doing very little work themselves - they were inducing
work on their behalf from other components of the system.
To root-cause the problem, we made extensive use of aggregations and
and thread-local variables, two features
unique to DTrace.
10 Future Work
DTrace provides a stable and extensible foundation for future work to enhance
our ability to observe production systems. We are actively developing
extensions to DTrace, including:
- Performance counters. Modern microprocessors such as SPARC and x86 export
performance counter registers that can be programmed to count branch
mispredicts, cache misses, and other processor events. We plan to implement a
DTrace provider that exports performance counter information and allows it to
be accessed in D from a probe action.
- Helper actions. Complex middleware may wish to assist DTrace with
actions that require knowledge specific to the middleware. We have
developed a prototype of such a helper action
that permits applications to provide assistance for DTrace in
obtaining a user-level stack trace. We have implemented the
helper action in the Java Virtual Machine, allowing for ustack
to obtain a user-level stack trace that contains both Java and C/C++
stack frames.
- User lock analysis. The pid provider can instrument any
function in a user process, including user-level synchronization facilities.
We have developed a prototype user-level equivalent to the kernel
lockstat(1M) utility, dubbed plockstat, that can perform dynamic
lock-contention analysis of multi-threaded user processes.
11 Conclusions
We have described DTrace, a new facility for dynamic instrumentation
of both user-level and kernel-level software in production systems. We
have described the principal features of DTrace,
including the details of D, its high-level control language.
Although there remain other important features of DTrace
for which space did not permit a
detailed description
postmortem tracing, boot-time tracing)
we have highlighted the major advances in DTrace over prior work in dynamic
thread-local variables, associative arrays,
data aggregation, seamlessly unified user-/kernel-level tracing,
and speculative tracing.
We have demonstrated the use of DTrace in
root-causing an actual, serious performance problem on a production system -
a problem that could not have been root-caused in a production
environment prior to this work.
Many people at Sun were invaluable in the development of DTrace.
We are especially grateful to Bart Smaalders, Gavin Maltby,
Jon Haslam, Jonathan Adams, and Bill Moore; their experience, ideas, and
tireless advocacy were integral to the success of DTrace.
Further, we are grateful to
Jarod Jenson of Aeysis, Inc., who agreed to be the Alpha customer
for DTrace;
it has been singularly rewarding to see Jarod using DTrace to find
previously undiagnosable system performance problems.
Many people at Sun reviewed drafts of this paper;
in particular, it was much improved by the
detailed comments of Val Henson, Gavin
Maltby, Eric Lowe, Jon Haslam, and Glenn Skinner.
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1Examples of such misuse
include erroneously specifying a non-instruction boundary to
instrument or specifying an action that incorrectly changes register values.
2For example, rescheduling during data recording can
silently corrupt the data buffer.
3In particular, Kerninst on SPARC
makes no attempt to recognize text as being executed at TL=1 or TL > 1 -
two highly constrained contexts in the SPARC V9 architecture.
Instrumenting such text with Kerninst induces an operating
system panic. This has been communicated to Miller
et al.; a solution is likely forthcoming[7].
4There do exist some actions that change the state of the
system, but they change state only in a well-defined way (e.g.
stopping the current process, or inducing a kernel breakpoint).
These destructive actions are only permitted to users with sufficient
privilege, and can be disabled entirely.
5Consumers may also reduce
drops by increasing the size of in-kernel buffers.
6DProbes addressed this problem by allowing loops
but introducing a
user-tunable, "jmpmax," as an upper-bound on the number of
jumps that a probe handler may make.
7In the absence of the sched
provider, we would have enabled the FBT probe in the kernel's routine to
awaken another thread, "sleepq_unlink()" - but using the
well-defined sched provider[12] requires no kernel
implementation knowledge.
8See for details.