Accepted Posters
The following posters will be presented during a happy hour on Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m., in Back Bay A/B/C.
Kemari: Virtual Machine Synchronization for Fault Tolerance
Yoshiaki Tamura, Koji Sato, Seiji Kihara, and Satoshi Moriai, NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation
The Distributed Signature Scheme Establishment Based on RSA
Tamara Pazynyuk, George S. Oreku, and JianZhong Li, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
KStruct: An Adaptive Kernel Inspection Framework
Alexander Schmidt, Martin von Löwis, and Andreas Polze, University of Potsdam
InetBoot and VMSeed; Trusted Internet Bootloader for Hypervisor and Guest OS
Kuniyasu Suzaki, Kengo Iijima, Toshiki Yagi, and Nguyen Anh Quynh, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
CORRAL: Stackable Copy-on-Write Versioning Device using Linux Device-Mapper
Julian Monteiro and Olivier Dalle, Mascotte Project—CNRS/I3S/INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Trace Driven Analysis of an Internet-Scale Cloud Computing Platform
Harrison Duong and Boon Thau Loo, University of Pennsylania;
Godfrey Tan, Intel Corporation
A Shim6-based Dynamic Path-Selecting Mechanism for Multi-homing
Shi Liu, Jun Bi, and Yangyang Wang, Tsinghua University
SCIMITAR: A Scalable I/O and Memory Pinning and Translation Architecture
Muli Ben-Yehuda, Zorik Machulsky, Leah Shalev, Julian Satran, Ben-Ami Yassour, Orit Wasserman, and Michael Vasiliev, IBM Haifa Research Lab;
Yaron Weinsberg, Microsoft Corporation;
Danny Dolev and Emil Elazar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Seamlessly Retaining Both High Performance and Full Consistency by Adapting the File System to Exploit Non-volatile RAM
Yangwook Kang, Hongik University;
Jongmoo Choi, Dankook University;
Donghee Lee, University of Seoul;
Sam H. Noh, Hongik University
Executable Software Watermarks
Thomas Probert, Software Sentinel
Cloud Computing Made Agile: Parallel VM Forking for Bursty High-Performance Applications
H. Andres Lagar-Cavilla, Joseph Whitney, Adin Scannell, Stephen Rumble, Eyal de Lara, and Michael Brudno, University of Toronto;
M. Satyanarayanan, Carnegie Mellon University
First-Aid: Providing Emergency Treatments to Memory Bugs in Software during Production Runs
Qi Gao, Wenbin Zhang, Yan Tang, and Feng Qin, Ohio State University
XenLoop: A Transparent High Performance Inter-VM Network Loopback
Jian Wang, Binghamton University;
Kwame-Lante Wright, The Cooper Union;
Kartik Gopalan, Binghamton University
A Relocatable Storage I/O Mechanism for Live-Migration of Virtual Machines over WAN
Takahiro Hirofuchi, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
A TCP-layer Name Service for TCP Ports Also a Short Paper
Sérgio Freire, PT Inovação/IEETA/University of Aveiro;
André Zúquete, IEETA/IT/University of Aveiro
Automatic Optimization of Parallel Dataflow Programs Also a Short Paper
Christopher Olston,
Benjamin Reed,
Adam Silberstein, and
Utkarsh Srivastava, Yahoo! Research