Technical Sessions
Wed., June 21 |
Thurs., June 22 |
Fri., June 23 | All in one file | FREENIX only
All Technical Sessions will be held in the
San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina.
JUNE 23, 2000
9:00 am - 10:30
Run-Time Tools and
Session Chair: Christopher Small, Osprey Partners LLC
DITools: Application-Level Support for Dynamic Extension and Flexible
Albert Serra, Nacho Navarro, and Toni Cortes, Universitat Politècnica
de Catalunya
Portable Multithreading--The Signal Stack Trick for User-Space Thread
Ralf S. Engelschall, Technische Universität München (TUM)
Transparent Run-Time Defense Against Stack-Smashing Attacks
Arash Baratloo and Navjot Singh, Bell Labs Research, Lucent
Technologies; Timothy Tsai, Reliable Software Technologies
TALKS Marriott Hall 1-3
An Introduction to
Quantum Computation and Communication
Rob Pike, Lucent Technologies--Bell Labs
Quantum computation is more than just the use of very small things to compute.
It exploits the fundamentally odd properties of quantum-mechanical interaction
to achieve profound parallelism, zero-energy calculations, and other
technological marvels. I will discuss how the quantum world makes these things
possible, the design of quantum hardware and software, proposals for practical
quantum devices, and the prospects for quantum computation and communication in
our lifetimes.
FREENIX Marriott Hall 5 & 6
Session Chair: Niels Provos, University of Michigan
Implementing Internet Key Exchange, IKE
Niklas Hallqvist, Applitron Datasystem AB; Angelos D. Keromytis, University of Pennsylvania
Transparent Network Security Policy Enforcement
Angelos D. Keromytis, University of Pennsylvania; Jason L. Wright,
Network Security Technologies, Inc. (NETSEC)
Safety Checking of Kernel Extensions
Craig Metz, University of Virginia
10:30 am - 11:00
am Break
11:00 am - 12:30
Measurement and
Session Chair: Fred Douglis, AT&T Labs--Research
Towards Availability Benchmarks: A Case Study of Software RAID Systems
Aaron Brown and David A. Patterson, University of California at Berkeley
Performing Replacement in Modem Pools
Yannis Smaragdakis, Georgia Institute of Technology; Paul Wilson, University of Texas at
Auto-Diagnosis of Field Problems in an Appliance Operating System
Gaurav Banga, Network Appliance, Inc.
TALKS Marriott Hall 1-3
Providing Future
Web Services
Andy Poggio, Sun Labs
This presentation will begin by describing the day when desktop PCs will no
longer dominate as networked devices. In this new era, network appliances will
be the most common devices. It will discuss Web services for commerce,
education, and entertainment: how they'll change, and what new Web services will
proliferate. Finally, it will describe in detail the computer system
architecture and network infrastructure that will be needed to provide these
services, including the roles that InfiniBand, IPv6, and other new technologies
will play.
FREENIX Marriott Hall 5 & 6
Cool Stuff
Session Chair: Clem Cole, Compaq
An Operating System in Java for the Lego Mindstorms RCX Microcontroller
Pekka Nikander, Helsinki University of Technology
LAP: A Little Language for OS Emulation
Donn M. Seeley, Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
Traffic Data Repository at the WIDE Project
Kenjiro Cho, Sony CSL; Koushirou Mitsuya,
Keio University; Akira Kato, University of Tokyo
12:30 pm - 2:00
pm Lunch (on your own)
2:00 pm - 3:30
Servers: Load
Balancing and Scheduling
Session Chair: Yoonho Park, IBM Research
Dynamic Function Placement for Data-Intensive Cluster Computing
Khalil Amiri, David Petrou, Gregory R. Ganger, and Garth A. Gibson, CS, Carnegie Mellon University
Scalable Content-Aware Request Distribution in Cluster-Based Network
Mohit Aron, Darren Sanders, Peter Druschel, and Willy Zwaenepoel, Rice
Isolation with Flexibility: A Resource Management Framework for Central
David G. Sullivan and Margo I. Seltzer, Harvard University
TALKS Marriott Hall 1-3
Miguel de Icaza
The GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNOME) project aims at providing a
framework for UNIX application development. Lack of infrastructure has made UNIX
systems lag in some areas. GNOME provides a component model that encourages code
reuse and tool replacement by making applications adhere to a set of
GNOME-standardized CORBA interfaces. A name server and an object-launching
facility are used to make GNOME tools integrate in the desktop. GNOME graphical
applications are written using the GTK+ toolkit, and they use the GNOME
foundation libraries to simplify programming and encourage a standardized
graphical user environment. The GNOME printing subsystem provides programmers
with a portable and powerful printing subsystem.
FREENIX Marriott Hall 5 & 6
Short Topics
Session Chair: Stephen C. Tweedie, Red Hat, Inc.
JEmacs--The Java/Scheme-Based Emacs
Per Bothner
A New Rendering Model for X
Keith Packard, SuSE, Inc.
UBC: An Efficient Unified I/O and Memory Caching Subsystem for NetBSD
Chuck Silvers, The NetBSD Project
Mbuf Issues in 4.4BSD IPv6 Support--Experiences from the KAME IPv6/IPsec Implementation
Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino, Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
Malloc() Performance in a Multithreaded Linux Environment
Chuck Lever and David Boreham, Sun-Netscape Alliance
3:30 pm - 4:00
pm Break
4:00 pm - 5:30
New Horizons for Music on the Internet
Thomas Dolby Robertson, Beatnik, Inc.
The dynamics of creating and experiencing Web content are continually evolving.
The integration of music and interactive audio into the fabric of computer and
Internet technologies have enhanced the overall Web experience, moving it from a
silent environment to a multi-sensory one. Come see what Thomas Dolby Robertson
and his company, Beatnik, Inc., have contributed to the world of the Internet
using sound and audio technologies. Mr. Robertson will show that everyone, from
composers and musicians to Web homesteaders and professional Web designers, can
benefit from these evolving technologies. Case studies presented will also
illustrate how the emergence of new applications is making the Web a stage for
true musical interaction. |