Wednesday, June 9
File Systems
Soft Updates: A Technique for Eliminating Most Synchronous Writes in the Fast
Marshall Kirk McKusick, Author and Consultant; Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie
Mellon University
Design and Implementation of a Transaction-Based Filesystem on
Jason Evans, The Hungry Programmers
The Global File System: A Shared Disk File System for *BSD and Linux (not available)
Kenneth Preslan and Matthew O'Keefe, University of Minnesota; John Lekashman,
Device Drivers
Standalone Device Drivers in Linux
Theodore Ts'o, MIT
Design and Implementation of Firewire Device Driver on FreeBSD
Katsushi Kobayashi, Communication Research Laboratory
newconfig: A Dynamic-Configuration Framework for FreeBSD
Atsushi Furuta, Software Research Associates, Inc.; Jun-ichiro Hagino, Research
Laboratory, Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
File Systems
The Vinum Volume Manager
Greg Lehey, Nan Yang Computer Services Ltd.
Porting the Coda File System to Windows
Peter J. Braam, Carnegie Mellon University; Michael J. Callahan, The Roda Group,
Inc.; M. Satyanarayanan and Marc Schnieder, Carnegie Mellon University
A Network File System over HTTP: Remote Access and Modification of Files
and files
Oleg Kiselyov
Thursday, June 10
A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme
Niels Provos and David Mazières, The OpenBSD Project
Cryptography in OpenBSD: An Overview
Theo de Raadt, Niklas Hallqvist, Artur Grabowski, Angelos D. Keromytis, and
Niels Provos, The OpenBSD Project
Minding Your Own Business: The Platform for Privacy Preferences Project and
Privacy Minder (not available)
Lorrie Faith Cranor, AT&T Labs--Research
Trapeze/IP: TCP/IP at Near-Gigabit Speeds
Andrew Gallatin, Jeff Chase, and Ken Yocum, Duke University
Managing Traffic with ALTQ
Kenjiro Cho, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
Opening the Source Repository with Anonymous CVS
Charles D. Cranor, AT&T Labs--Research; Theo de Raadt, The OpenBSD Project
Open Software in a Commercial Operating System
Wilfredo Sánchez, Apple Computer, Inc.
Business Issues in Free Software Licensing
Donald K. Rosenberg, Stromian Technologies
Doing Well, Doing Good, and Staying Sane: A Hybrid Model for Sustainably
Producing Innovative Open Software (not available)
Nathaniel S. Borenstein, Joseph Hardin, and Marshall Van Alstyne, School of
Information, University of Michigan
Sendmail Evolution: 8.10 and Beyond
Gregory Neil Shapiro and Eric Allman, Sendmail, Inc.
The GNOME Desktop Project (not available)
Miguel de Icaza, Universidad de Mexico
Meta: A Freely Available Scalable MTA (not available)
Assar Westerlund, Swedish Institute of Computer Science; Love
Hörnquist-Åstrand, Dept. of Signals, Sensors, and Systems, KTH; Johan
Danielsson, Center for Parallel Computers, KTH
Porting Kernel Code to Four BSDs and Linux
Craig Metz, ITT Systems and Sciences Corporation
strlcpy and strlcat--Consistent, Safe, String Copy and Concatenation
Todd C. Miller, University of Colorado, Boulder; Theo de Raadt, The OpenBSD
pk: A POSIX Threads Kernel
Frank W. Miller, Cornfed Systems, Inc.
Friday, June 11
Berkeley DB
Michael A. Olson, Keith Bostic, and Margo Seltzer, Sleepycat Software, Inc.
The FreeBSD Ports Collection
Satoshi Asami, The FreeBSD Project
Multilingual vi Clones: Past, Now and the Future
Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino, KAME Project; Yoshitaka Tokugawa, WIDE Project
Improving Application Performance Through Swap Compression
R. Cervera, T. Cortes, and Y. Bercerra, Universitat Politècnica de
New Tricks for an Old Terminal Driver
Eric Fischer, University of Chicago
The Design of the Dents DNS Server
Todd Lewis, MindSpring Enterprises