USITS '03 Paper   
[USITS '03 Tech Program Index]
NPS: A Non-interfering Deployable Web Prefetching System
Abstract:We present NPS, a novel non-intrusive web prefetching system that (1) utilizes only spare resources to avoid interference between prefetch and demand requests at the server as well as in the network , and (2) is deployable without any modifications to servers, browsers, network or the HTTP protocol. NPS's self-tuning architecture eliminates the need for traditional ``thresholds'' or magic numbers typically used to limit interference caused by prefetching, thereby allowing applications to improve benefits and reduce the risk of aggressive prefetching. NPS avoids interference with demand requests by monitoring the responsiveness of the server and accordingly throttling the prefetch aggressiveness, and by using TCP-Nice, a congestion control protocol suitable for low priority transfers. NPS avoids the need to modify existing infrastructure by modifying HTML pages to include Javascript code that issues prefetch requests and by wrapping the server infrastructure with several simple external modules that require no knowledge of or no modifications to the internals of existing servers. Our measurements of the prototype under a web trace indicate that NPS is both non-interfering and efficient under different network load and server load conditions. For example, in our experiments with a loaded server with little spare capacity, we observe that a threshold-based prefetching scheme causes response times to increase by a factor of 2 due to interference, whereas prefetching using NPS decreases response times by 25%.
1 IntroductionA number of studies have demonstrated the benefits of web prefetching [12,17,24,25,32,33,42,52]. And the attractiveness of prefetching appears likely to rise in the future as the falling prices of disk storage [14] and network bandwidth [41] make it increasingly attractive to trade increased consumption of these resources to improve response time and availability and thus reduce human wait time [7]. Despite these benefits, prefetching systems have not been widely deployed because of two concerns: interference and deployability. First, if a prefetching system is too aggressive, it may interfere with demand requests to the same service (self-interference) or to other services (cross-interference) and hurt overall system performance. Such interference may occur at the server, in the communication network or at the client. Second, if a system requires modifications to the existing HTTP protocol [19] , it may be impractical to deploy. The large number of deployed clients and networks in the Internet makes it difficult to change clients, and the increasing complexity of servers [23,26,28,46,55] makes it difficult to change servers. What we therefore need is a prefetching system that (a) avoids interference at clients, networks, and servers and (b) does not require changes to the HTTP protocol and the existing infrastructure (client browsers, networks and servers). In this paper, we make three contributions. First, we present NPS, a novel non-interfering prefetching system for the web that - (1) avoids interference by effectively utilizing only spare resources on the servers and the network and (2) is deployable with no modifications to the HTTP protocol and existing infrastructure. To avoid interference at the server, NPS monitors the server load externally and restricts the prefetch load imposed on it accordingly. To avoid interference in the underlying network, NPS uses TCP-Nice for low-priority network transfers [51]. Finally, it uses a set of heuristics to control resource usage at the client. To work with existing infrastructure, NPS modifies HTML pages to include JavaScript code to issue prefetch requests, and wraps the server infrastructure with simple external modules that require no knowledge of, or no modifications to the internals of existing servers. Our measurements of the prototype under real web load trace indicate that NPS is both non-interfering and efficient under different network and server load conditions. For example, in our experiments on a heavily loaded network with little spare capacity, we observe that a threshold-based prefetching scheme causes response times to increase by a factor of 7 due to interference, whereas prefetching using NPS contains this increase to less than 30%.
Second, and on a broader note, we propose a self-tuning architecture
for prefetching that eliminates the need for traditional
``threshold'' magic numbers that are typically used to limit the
interference that prefetching inflicts on demand requests. This
architecture divides prefetching into two separates tasks - (i)
prediction and (ii) resource management. The predictor proposes
prioritized lists of high-valued documents to prefetch.
The resource manager limits the number of documents to
prefetch and schedules the prefetch requests to avoid interference
with demand requests and other applications.
This separation of concerns has three advantages Third, we explore the design space for building a web prefetching system, given the requirement of avoiding or minimizing changes to existing infrastructure. We find that it is straightforward to deploy prefetching that ignores the problem of interference, and it is not much more difficult to augment such a system to avoid server interference. Extending the system to also avoid network interference is more involved, but doing so appears feasible even under the constraint of not modifying current infrastructure. Unfortunately, we were unable to devise a method to completely eliminate prefetching's interference at existing clients: in our system prefetched data may displace more valuable data in a client cache. It appears that a complete solution may eventually require modifications at the client [6,8,44]. For now, we develop simple heuristics that reduce this interference. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the requirements and architecture of a prefetching system. Sections 3, 4 and 5 present the building blocks for reducing interference at servers, networks and clients. Section 6 presents the prefetch mechanisms that we develop to realize the prefetching architecture. Section 7 discusses the details of our prototype and evaluation. Section 8 presents some related work and section 9 concludes.
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An ideal system for avoiding server interference would cause no delay to demand requests in the system and utilize significant amounts of any spare resources on servers for prefetching. Such a system needs to cope with, and take advantage of, changing workload patterns over various time scales. HTTP request traffic arriving at a server often is bursty with the burstiness being observable at several scales of observation [13] and with peak rates exceeding the average rate by factors of 8 to 10 [37]. For example, Figure 2 shows the request load on an IBM server hosting a major sporting event during 1998 averaged over 1-second and 1-minute intervals. It is crucial for the prefetching system to be responsive to such bursts to balance utilization and risk of interference.
There are a variety of ways to prevent prefetch requests from interfering with demand requests at servers.
For many services, however, server scheduling may not be easily deployable for two reasons. First, although several modern operating systems support process schedulers that can provide strict priority scheduling, few provide memory, cache or disk schedulers that isolate prefetch requests from demand requests. Second, even if an operating system provides the needed support, existing servers would have to be modified to differentiate between prefetch and demand requests with scheduling priorities as they are serviced [3]. This second requirement appears particularly challenging given the increasing complexity of servers, in which requests may traverse not only a highly-tuned web server [43,49,54,55] but also a number of other complex modules such as commercial databases, application servers or virtual machines for assembling dynamic content (e.g., Apache tomcat for executing Java Servlets and JavaServer pages), distributed cluster services [2,23], and content delivery networks.
However, separate infrastructure needs extra hardware and hence may not be an economically viable solution for many web sites.
An advantage of end-to-end monitoring is that it requires no modifications to existing servers. Furthermore, it can be used by both one- and two- connection prefetching architectures. The disadvantage of such an approach is that its scheduling precision is likely to be less than that of a local scheduler that has access to the internal state of the server and operating system. Moreover, an end-to-end monitor may not be responsive enough to bursts in load over fine time scales.
In the following subsections, we discuss issues involved in designing an end-to-end monitor in greater detail, present our simple monitor design, and evaluate its efficacy in comparison to server scheduling.
Figure 3 illustrates the architecture of our monitor-controlled prefetching system. The monitor estimates the server's spare capacity and sets a budget of prefetch requests permitted for an interval. The hint server adjusts the load imposed by prefetching on the server by ensuring that the sum across the hint lists returned to clients does not exceed the budget. Our monitor design must adress two issues: (i) budget estimation and (ii) budget distribution across clients.
As probing is an intrusive technique, choosing an appropriate rate of probing is a challenge. A high rate makes the monitor more reactive to load on the server, but also adds extra load on the server. On the other hand, a low rate makes the monitor react slowly, and can potentially lead to interference to the demand requests. Similarly, the exact policy for increasing and decreasing the budget must balance the risk of causing interference against underutilization of spare capacity.
Our prototype uses simple, minimally tuned policies for budget estimation and budget distribution. Future work may improve the performance of our monitor.
The monitor probes the server in epochs, each approximately 100 ms
long. In each epoch, the monitor collects a response time sample for a
representative request. In the interest of being conservative
choosing non-interference even at the potential cost of reduced
we use an additive increase(increase by 1),
multiplicative decrease (reduce by half) policy. AIMD is commonly
used in network congestion control [30] to conservatively
estimate spare capacity in the network and be responsive to
If in five consecutive epochs, the five response time samples lie
below a threshold,
the monitor increases the budget by 1. While taking the five samples,
if any sample exceeds the threshold, the monitor sends another probe
immediately to check if the sample was an outlier. If even the new
sample exceeds the threshold, indicating a loaded server, the monitor
decreases the budget by half and restarts collecting the next five
In our simple prototype, we manually supply the representative objects's threshold response times. However, it is straightforward because of the predictable pattern in which response times vary with load on server systems - a nearly constant value of response time for low load followed by a sharp rise beyond the ``knee'' for high load. As part of our future work, we intend to make the monitor automatically pick thresholds in a self-tuning manner.
The hint server distributes the current budget among client requests
that arrive in that epoch. We choose to set the hint list size to the
size of one document (a document corresponds to a HTML page and all
embedded objects). Our policy lets clients to return quickly for more
hints and thus be more responsive to changing load patterns on the
server. Note that returning larger hint lists would reduce the load on
the hint server, but it would reduce the system's responsiveness and
its ability to avoid interference. We control the number of
simultaneously prefetching clients, and thus the load on the server, by
returning to some clients
a hint list of zero size and a directive to wait until the
next epoch to fetch the next hint list. For example, if denotes
the budget in the current epoch, and
the expected number of
clients in that epoch,
the number of files in a document, and
the epoch length, the hint server accepts a fraction
of requests to
prefetch on part of clients in that epoch and returns hintlists of
zero length for other requests. Note that other designs are
possible. For example, the monitor can integrate with the prefetch
prediction algorithm to favor prefetching by clients for which the
predictor can identify high-probability items and defer prefetching by
clients for which the predictor identifies few high-value targets.
Since the hint server does not a priori know the number of client requests that will come in an epoch, it estimates that value with the number of requests that come in the previous epoch. If more than the estimated number of requests arrive in a epoch, the hint server replies with list of size zero and a directive to retry in the next epoch to those extra requests. If fewer clients arrive, some of the budget can get wasted. However, in the interest of avoiding interference, we choose to allow such wastage of budget.
In the following Section 3.3.1, we evaluate the performance of our prototype with respect to the goals of reducing interference and reaping significant spare bandwidth and compare it with the other resource management alternatives.
In evaluating resource management algorithms, we are mainly concerned with interference that prefetching could cause and less with the benefits obtained. We therefore abstract away prediction policies used by services by prefetching sets of dummy data from arbitrary URLs at the server. The goal of the experiments is to compare the effectiveness of different resource management alternatives in avoiding server interference against the ideal case (when no prefetching is done) with respect to the following metrics: (i) cost: the amount of interference in terms of demand response times and (ii) benefit: the prefetch bandwidth.
We consider the following resource management algorithms for this set of experiments:
For evaluating algorithms 2 and 4, we set up one server serving both demand and prefetch requests. These algorithms are applicable in both one connection and two connection architectures. Our prototype implementation of algorithm 3 requires that the demand and prefetch requests be serviced by different processes and thus is applicable only to the two connection architecture. We use two different servers listening on two ports on the same machine, with one server run at a lower priority using the Linux nice. Note that the general local scheduling approach is equally applicable to the one-connection architecture with more intrusive server modifications.
Our experimental setup includes Apache HTTP server [1] running on a 450MHz Pentium II, with 128MB of memory. To generate the client load, we use httperf [38] running on four different Pentium III 930MHz machines. All machines run the Linux operating system.
We use two workloads in our experiments. Our first workload generates demand requests to the server at a constant rate. The second workload is a one hour subset of the IBM sporting event server trace, whose characteristics are shown in Figure 2. We scale up the trace in time by a factor of two, so that requests are generated at twice the original rate, as the original trace barely loads our server.
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Figure 4 shows the demand response times with varying demand request arrival rate. The graph shows that both Monitor and Scheduler algorithms closely approximate the behavior of No-Prefetching in not affecting the demand response times. Whereas, the No-Avoidance algorithm with fixed pfrate values significantly damages both the demand response times and the maximum demand throughput.
Figure 5 shows the bandwidth achieved by the prefetch requests and their effect on the demand bandwidth. The figure shows that No-Avoidance adversely affects the demand bandwidth. Conversely, both Scheduler and Monitor reap spare bandwidth for prefetching without much decrease in the demand bandwidth. Further, at low demand loads, a fixed pfrate prevents No-Avoidance from utilizing the full available spare bandwidth. The problem of too little prefetching when demand load is low and too much prefetching when demand load is high illustrates the problem with existing threshold strategies. As hoped, the Monitor tunes prefetch aggressiveness of the clients such that essentially all of the spare bandwidth is utilized.
In this set of experiments, we compare the performance of the four algorithms for the IBM server trace. Figure 6 shows the demand response times and prefetch bandwidth in each case. The graph shows that the No-Avoidance case affects the demand response times significantly as pfrate increases. The Scheduler and Monitor cases have less adverse effects on the demand response times.
These experiments show that resource management is an important component of a prefetching system because overly aggressive prefetching can significantly hurt demand response time and throughput while timid prefetching gives up significant bandwidth. They also illustrate a key problem with constant non-adaptive magic numbers in prefetching such as the threshold approach that is commonly proposed. The experiments also provide evidence of the effectiveness of the monitor in tuning prefetch aggressiveness of clients to reap significant spare bandwidth while keeping interference at a minimum.
In particular, we use a transport level solution at the server
TCP-Nice [51]. TCP-Nice is a congestion
control mechanism at the sender that is specifically designed to
support background data transfers like prefetching. Background
using Nice operate by utilizing only spare bandwidth in the network.
They react more sensitively to congestion and backoff when a
possibility of congestion is detected, giving way to foreground
connections. In our previous study [51], we
provably bound the network interference caused by Nice under a simple
network model. Furthermore, our experimental evidence under wide range of
conditions and workloads shows that Nice causes little or no
interference and at the same time reaps a large fraction of the spare
capacity in the network.
Nice is deployable in the two connection context without modifying the internals of servers by configuring systems to use Nice for all connections made to the prefetch server. A prototype of Nice runs on Linux currently, and it should be straight-forward to port Nice to other operating systems. The other way to use Nice in non-Linux environments is to put a Linux machine running Nice in front of the prefetch server and make the Linux machine serve as a reverse proxy or a gateway.
It appears to be more challenging to use Nice in the one connection case. In principle, the Nice implementation allows flipping a connection's congestion control algorithm between standard TCP (when serving demand requests) and Nice (when serving prefetch requests). However, using this approach for prefetching faces a number of challenges: (1) Flipping modes causes packets already queued in the TCP socket buffer to inherit the new mode. Thus, demand packets queued in the socket buffer may be sent at low-priority while prefetch packets may be sent at normal-priority, thus causing network interference. Ensuring that demand and prefetch packets are sent in the appropriate modes would require an extension to Nice and a fine-grained coordination between the application and the congestion control implementation. (2) Nice is designed for long network flows. It is not clear if flipping back and forth between congestion control algorithms will still avoid interference and gain significant spare bandwidth. (3) HTTP/1.1 pipelining requires replies to be sent in the order requests were received, so demand requests may be queued behind prefetch requests, causing demand requests to perceive increased latencies. One way to avoid such interference may be to quash all the prefetch requests queued in front of the demand request. For example, we could send a small error message (eg. HTTP response code 307 - ``Temporary Redirect'' with a redirection to the original URL) as a response to the quashed prefetch requests.
Based on these challenges, it appears simpler to use the two connection architecture when the network is a potential bottleneck. A topic for future work is to explore these challenges and determine if a deployable one connection architecture that avoids network interference can be devised.
As with the interference at the server discussed above, interference between client processes could, in principle, be addressed by modifying the client browser (and, perhaps, the client operating system) to use a local processor scheduler to ensure that processing of prefetch requests never interferes with processing of demand requests. Lacking that option, we resort to a simpler approach: as described in Section 6, we structure our prefetch mechanism to ensure that processing prefetch requests does not begin until after the loading and rendering of the demand page, including all inline images and recursive frames. Although this approach will not help reduce cross-interference with other applications at the client, it may avoid a potentially common case of self-interference of the prefetches triggered by a page delaying the rendering of that page.
Similarly, a number of storage scheduling algorithms exist that balance caching prefetched data against caching demand data [6,8,31,44]. Unfortunately, all of these algorithms require modifications to the cache replacement algorithm.
Because we assume that the client cannot be modified, we resort to two
heuristics to limit cache pollution caused by prefetching. First, in
our system, services place a limit on the ratio of prefetched bytes to
demand bytes sent to a client. Second, services can set the
HTTP header to a value in the relatively near future
(e.g., one day in the future) to encourage clients to evict prefetched
document earlier than they may otherwise have done. These heuristics
have an obvious disadvantage: they resort to magic numbers similar to
those in current use, and they suffer from the same potential
problems: if the magic numbers are too aggressive, prefetching
services will interfere with other services, and if they are too
timid, prefetching services will not gain the benefits they might
otherwise gain. Fortunately, there is reason to hope that performance
will not be too sensitive to this parameter. First, disks are large
and growing larger at about 100% per year [14] and
relatively modest-sized disks are effectively infinite for many client
web cache workloads [52]. So, disk caches may
absorb relatively large amounts of prefetch data with little
interference. Second, hit rates fall relatively slowly as disk
capacities shrink [5,52], which would
suggest that relatively large amounts of polluting prefetch data will
have relatively small effects on demand hit rate.
Figure 7 illustrates the extent to which our heuristics can limit the interference of prefetching on hit rates. We use the 28-day UCB trace of 8000 unique clients from 1996 [22] and simulate the hit rates of 1 MB, 10 MB and 30 MB per-client caches. Note that these cache sizes are small given, for example, Internet Explorer's defaults of using 3% of a disk's capacity (e.g., 300 MB of a 10 GB disk) for web caching. On the x-axis, we vary the number of bytes of dummy prefetch data per byte of demand data that are fetched after each demand request. In this experiment, 20% of services use prefetching at the specified aggressiveness and the remainder do not, and we plot the demand hit rate of the non-prefetching services. Ideally, these hit rates should be unaffected by prefetching. As the graph shows, hit rates fall gradually as prefetching increases, and the effect shrinks as cache sizes get larger. For example, if a client cache is 30 MB and 20% of services prefetch aggressively enough that each prefetches ten times as much prefetch data as the client references demand data, demand hit rates fall from 29.9% to 28.7%.
Figure 8 illustrates the key components of the one and two connection architectures. The one-connection mechanism consists of an unmodified client, a content server that serves both demand and prefetch requests, a munger that modifies content on the content server to activate prefetching and a hint server that gives out hint lists to the client to prefetch. The hint server also includes a monitor that probes the content server and estimates the spare capacity at the server and accordingly controls the number of prefetching clients.
The two-connection prototype, along with the components above, also consists of a prefetch server that is a copy of the demand server (running either on a separate machine or on a different port on the same machine) and a front-end that intercepts certain requests to the demand server and returns appropriate redirection objects as described later, thereby obviating any need to modify the original demand server.
In the following subsections, we describe the prefetching mechanisms for the one and two connection architectures.
function is called. This function
calls getPfList()
, a function defined in pfalways.html
(Figure 10). The file pfalways.html
is loaded
within every augmented HTML document. pfalways.html
cacheable and hence does not need to be fetched everytime a document
gets loaded.
sends a request for pflist.html
to the hint server with
the name of the enclosing document, the name of the previous document
in history (the enclosing document's referer) and TURN=1 as extra
information embedded in the URL.
. Since the client fetches a
for each HTML document (even if the HTML document
is found in the cache), the client provides the hint server with a
history of accesses to aid in predicting hint lists. In
Figure 10, PFCOOKIE contains the present access
) and the last access (prevref
) by the
client. The hint updates the history and predicts a list of
documents to be prefetched by the client based on that client's history and the global access patterns. It puts these predictions into the response pflist.html
such as shown in 11, which it returns to the client.
replaces pfalways.html
on the client. After pflist.html
the preload()
function in its body preloads the documents to be
prefetched from the prefetch server (which is same as the demand
server in the one connection case).
function calls getMore()
replaces the current pflist.html
by fetching
a new version with TURN=TURN
Steps 5 and 6 repeat until the hint server has sent everything it
wants, at which point the hint server returns a pflist.html
with no
call. When there is not enough budget left at the server, the hint server sends a pflist.html
with no files to prefetch and a delay, after which the getMore()
function gets called. The information TURN breaks the
(possibly) long list of prefetch suggestions into a ``chain'' of short
The two-connection prototype employs the same basic mechanism for
prefetching as the one-connection prototype. However, since browsers
identify cached documents using both the server name and document
name, documents fetched from prefetch server are not directly usable
to serve demand requests. In order to fix this problem, we modify step
6 such that before calling getMore()
function (Figure 11) requests a
wrapper (redirection object) from the demand server for the document
that was prefetched.
The prefetch server serves a modified copy of the content on the
demand server. Note that the relative links in a webpage on the demand
server point to pages on demand server. Hence, all relative links in
the prefetch server's content are changed to absolute links, such that
when client clicks on a link in the prefethed web page, the request is
sent to the demand server. Also, all absolute links to inline objects
in the page are changed to be absolute links to the prefetch server,
so that prefetched inline objects are used. Since prefetch and demand
servers are considered as different domains by the client browser,
JavaScript security models [40] prevent scripts in
prefetched documents to access private information of the demand
documents and vice versa. However, to fix this problem, JavaScript
allows us to explicitly set the document.domain
property of each HTML
document to a common suffix of prefetch and demand servers. For
example, for servers
and prefetch.cs.utexas.edu
, all the HTML
documents can set their document.domain
property to cs.utexas.edu
On demand fetch of a prefetched document: (i) a hit results for the wrapper in the cache, (ii) at the loading time, the wrapper replaces itself with the prefetched document from the cache, (iii) inline objects in the prefetched document point to objects from the prefetch server and hence are found in the cache as well, and (iv) links in the prefetched document point to the demand server.
This mechanism has two limitations. First, prefetched objects might get evicted from the cache before their wrappers. In such a case, when the wrapper loads for a demand request, a new request will be sent to the prefetch server. Since sending a request to the prefetch server in response to a demand request could cause undesirable delay, we reduce such occurrences by setting the expiration time of the wrapper to a value smaller than the expiration of the prefetched object itself. Second, but not a significant limitation is that some objects may be fetched twice, once as demand and once as prefetch objects as the browser cache considers them as different objects.
For our experiments, we use prediction by partial matching [11] (PPM-n/w) to generate hint lists for prefetching. The algorithm uses a client's n most recent requests to the server for non-image data to predict URLs that will appear during a subsequent window that ends after the w'th non-image request to the server. Our prototype uses n=2 and w=10.
In general, the hint server can be made to use any prediction algorithm. It can be made to use standard algorithms proposed in the literature [17,18,24,42] or others that utilize more service specific information such as a news site that prefetches stories relating to topics that interest a given user.
As an alternative to using wrappers, we also considered maintaining
state explicitly at the client to store information about whether a
document has already been prefetched. Content could be augmented with
a script to execute on a hyperlink's onClick
event that checks
this state information before requesting a document from the demand
server or prefetch server. Similar augmentation could be done for
inline objects. Tricks to maintain state on the client can be found in
In this section, we evaluate NPS under various setups and evaluate the importance of each component in our system. In all setups, we consider three cases: (1) No-Prefetching, (2) No-Avoidance scheme with fixed pfrate, and (3) NPS (with Monitor and TCP-Nice). In these experiments, the client connects to the server over a wide area network through a commercial cable modem link. On an unloaded network, the round trip time from the client to the server is about 10 ms and the bandwidth is about 1 Mbps.
We use httperf to replay a subset of the IBM server trace. The trace is one hour long and consists of demand accesses made by 42 clients. This workload contains a total of 14044 file accesses of which 7069 are unique; the demand network bandwidth is about 92 Kbps. We modify httperf to simulate the execution of JavaScript as shown in Figures 9, 10 and 11. Also, we modify httperf to implement a large cache per client that never evicts a file that is fetched or prefetched during a run of an experiment. In No-Avoidance case, we set the pfrate to 70, i.e. it gets a list of 70 files to prefetch, fetches them and stops. This pfrate is such that neither the server nor the network becomes a bottleneck even for the No-Avoidance case. For NPS, we assume that each document will consist of ten files (a document is a HTML page along with the embedded objects). Thus the hint server gives out hint lists of size 10 to the requesting clients. Note that many of the files given as hints could be cache hits at the client.
In this experiment, we use the setup explained above. Figure 13(a) shows that when the resources are abundant, both No-Avoidance and NPS cases significantly reduce the average response times by prefetching. The graph also shows the bandwidth achieved by No-Avoidance and Nice.
Several studies have published promising results that suggest that
prefetching (or pushing) content could significantly improve web cache
hit rates by reducing compulsory and consistency
misses [12,17,24,25,32,33,42,52].
However, existing systems either suffer from a lack of deployability
or use threshold-based magic numbers to address the problem of
Several existing commercial client-side prefetching agents that
require new code to be deployed to clients are available
[39,27,53]. At least one system makes use of Java
applets to avoid modifying browsers [20]. It is not clear
however, what, if any, techniques are used by these systems to avoid
self- and cross-interference.
Duchamp [17] proposes a fixed bandwidth limit for
prefetching data. Markatos [36] adopts a
popularity-based approach where servers forward the most popular
documents to clients. Many of these studies
[17,29,52] propose
prefetching an object if the probability of its access before it gets
modified is higher than a threshold. The primary performance metric in
these studies is increase in hit rate. However, the right measures of
performance are end-to-end latency when many clients are actively
prefetching, and interference to other applications.
Davison et. al [16] propose using a connectionless transport
protocol and using low priority datagrams (the infrastructure for
which is assumed) to reduce network interference. Servers
speculatively push documents chunked into datagrams of equal size and
(modified) clients use range requests as defined in HTTP/1.1 for
missing portions of the document. Servers maintain state information
for prefetching clients and use coarse-grained estimates of per-client
bandwidth to limit the rate at which data is pushed to the client.
Their simulation experiments do not explicitly quantify interference
and use lightly loaded servers in which only a small fraction of
clients are prefetching.
Crovella et. al [12] show that a window-based rate controlling
strategy for sending prefetched data leads to less bursty traffic
and smaller queue lengths.
In the context of hardware prefetching, Lin et. al [34] propose issuing prefetch requests only when bus channels are idle and giving them low replacement priorities so as to not degrade the performance of regular memory accesses and avoid cache pollution. Several algorithms for balancing prefetch and demand use of memory and storage system have been proposed [6,8,31,44]. Unfortunately, applying any of these schemes in the context of Web prefetching would require modification of existing clients.
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This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the
4th USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems,
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