2nd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies & Systems, 1999
[Technical Program]
Pp. 93–104 of the Proceedings
Secondary Storage Management for Web Proxies
Secondary Storage Management for Web Proxies
Evangelos P. Markatos Manolis G.H. Katevenis
Dionisis Pnevmatikatos Michail Flouris1
Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems Division Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH) P.O.Box 1385,
Heraklio, Crete, GR-711-10 GREECE https://archvlsi.ics.forth.gr
World-Wide Web proxies are being increasingly used
to provide Internet access to users behind a firewall and
to reduce wide-area network traffic.
Recent results suggest that disk I/O is increasingly
becoming the limiting factor for the performance of web proxies.
In this paper we study the overheads associated with disk I/O for web proxies,
and propose secondary storage management alternatives that improve performance.
We use a combination of experimental evaluation and simulation
based on traces from busy web proxies. We show that web proxies
experience significant overheads due to disk I/O.
We propose several file management methods
that reduce the disk I/O overhead
overhead by a factor of 25 overall, resulting in a single-disk service rate
that exceeds 500 (URL-get) operations per second.
World-Wide Web proxies are being increasingly used
to provide Internet access to users behind a firewall and
to reduce wide-area network traffic.
Recent results suggest that disk I/O overhead is becoming an increasingly
important bottleneck for the performance of web proxies.
For example, Rousskov and Soloviev [33] observed that disk delays
contribute about 30% toward total hit response time.
Mogul states that their observations
of the web proxy at Digital Palo Alto firewall
suggest the disk I/O overhead of caching turns out to
be much higher than the latency improvement from cache hits [27].
Thus, to save the disk I/O overhead
the server is typically run in its non-caching mode.
In this paper we study the overheads associated with disk I/O for web proxies,
and propose secondary storage management alternatives that improve performance.
We show that
the single most important source of overhead is associated
with storing each URL in a separate file. File system operations
(like a file creation followed by a file deletion)
may easily take up to 50 milliseconds (aggregate),
even on modern hardware. Given that the median size of a cached file is
3KBytes [33], and that for each URL typical web proxies
create one file (to store the contents of the URL) and
delete another file (to free space),
then the rate at which a web proxy can store data to disk
is 3KBytes every 50 msec, or roughly 60 KBytes/sec, a rate of execution
that is orders of magnitude lower than the data transfer
rates that current disks can sustain.
This data rate is even lower than most Internet connections.
To alleviate this file management overhead
we propose a storage management method called BUDDY
that stores several URLs per file.
BUDDY identifies URLs of similar sizes (``buddies'')
and stores them in the same file.
BUDDY reduces file management overhead by storing several URLs per file
and reduces fragmentation by storing similar-sized URLs in each file.
Once we reduce file management overhead using BUDDY, we show that the
next largest source of overhead is associated with disk head movements due to
file write requests which write data in widely scattered places
over the disk space.
To improve write throughput,
we propose a file space allocation algorithm (called STREAM)
inspired from log-structured file systems [32].
STREAM stores all URLs in a single file contiguously
(if possible). STREAM reduces disk seek and rotational
overheads and manages to perform write operations
at maximum speed. Once write operations proceed at maximum
speed, URL read operations emerge as the next largest source of overhead.
To reduce the disk read overhead we propose
algorithms that cluster several read operations together
(in order to reduce the disk head seek time), and
organize the layout of the URLs on the file so that URLs accessed
together are stored in nearby file locations (locality buffers).
To evaluate the performance of our approach we use a mix of
trace-driven simulation and experimental evaluation.
Traces from the DEC's web proxy
are fed into a 512-Mbyte main memory LRU cache simulator [7].
URLs that miss the main memory cache are fed into
a 2-Gbyte disk LRU cache simulator. URLs that miss this second-level cache
are assumed to be fetched from the Internet. These misses generate
URL-write requests, because once they fetch the URL from the Internet
they save it on the disk. Second-level URL hits generate URL-read
requests, since they read the contents of the URL from the disk.
To make space for the newly arrived URLs, the LRU replacement policy
deletes non-recently accessed URLs resulting in URL-delete requests.
All URL-write, URL-read, and URL-delete requests
are fed into a file space simulator which maps URLs into files
(or blocks within files) and sends the appropriate calls to the file
system. Our results suggest that
BUDDY achieves an order of magnitude improvement over traditional web proxy
approaches, STREAM achieves a factor of 2-3 improvement over BUDDY,
and locality buffers achieves a 20%-150% improvement over STREAM.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 surveys previous work.
Section 3 presents our algorithms, and evaluates their performance.
Section 4 summarizes and concludes the paper.
Previous Work
Caching is being extensively used on the web.
Most web browsers cache documents in main memory or in local disk.
Although this is the most widely used form of web caching,
it is the least effective, since it rarely results in large
hit rates [1].
To improve cache hit rates, caching proxies are used
Proxies employ large caches which they use to serve
stream of requests coming from a large number of users.
Since even large caches may eventually fill up,
cache replacement policies have been the subject of
recent research [1,7,20,23,31,34,40,41].
Sophisticated caching mechanisms usually improve the
observed user latency and reduce network traffic.
Some caches may even employ intelligent
prefetching methods to improve the hit rate even further
Recently, it was realized that web proxies spend a significant percentage
of their time doing disk I/O.
Rousskov and Soloviev observed that disk delays contribute 30% towards
total hit response time [33].
Mogul suggests that disk I/O overhead of disk caching
turns out to be much higher than the latency improvement from
cache hits [27].
To reduce disk I/O overhead Soloviev and Yahin suggest that
proxies should have several disks,
and that each disk should have several partitions.
Using sophisticated write distribution policies
Soloviev and Yahin
are able to spread requests over several disks and to cluster
requests on the same partition to avoid long seek delays
Scott Fritchie found that USENET News servers spend a significant
amount of time storing articles in files ``one file per article''
To reduce this overhead he proposes to store
several articles per file and to manage each file as
a cyclic buffer. His implementation shows that
storing several URLs per file results in
significant performance improvement.
Maltzahn, Richardson and Grunwald [21]
measured the performance of
web proxies. With regard to disk I/O they measured that
several disk accesses are needed for each URL request (in the average).
This implies that the disk subsystem is required to perform
a large number of requests for each URL accessed
and thus it can easily become the bottleneck.
In their subsequent work, they propose
two methods to reduce disk I/O for web proxies [22]:
they preserve locality of the http reference stream
by storing files of the same web server in the same
proxy directory (SQUIDL) and
they use a single file to store all objects less
than 8K in size (SQUIDM).
It seems that both the authors of this paper
as well as Maltzahn, Richardson and Grunwald
have independently discovered
similar key ideas that reduce the disk overhead of a web proxy.
For example,
SQUIDL and SQUIDM of [22]
use similar locality and file management principles
to our algorithms (MULTIPLE-DIRS and BUDDY respectively).
These common ideas reduce the file management (meta-data) overhead
associated with storing URLs in a file system.
However, our work also presents
a clear contribution towards improving
data (not meta-data) access overhead:
We propose and evaluate STREAM and STREAM-PACK,
two file-space management algorithms
that (much like log-structured file systems) optimize write
performance by writing data contiguously on the disk.
We propose and evaluate LAZY-READS and LAZY-READS-LOC,
two methods that reduce disk seek overhead associated with
read (URL hit) operations.
As a result our algorithms improve on the performance of
SQUID by a factor more than 25, while [22]
reports performance improvements of a factor close to 5.
Most web proxies have been implemented as user-level
processes on top of commodity (albeit state-of-the-art)
file-systems. Some other web proxies were built on top of
custom-made file systems or operating systems.
NetCache was build on top of WAFL, a file system
that improves the performance of write operations [16].
Inktomi's traffic server uses UNIX raw devices [18].
CacheFlow has developed CacheOS, a special-purpose operating system
for proxies [17].
Unfortunately very little information has been published about
the details and performance of such custom-made
web proxies, and thus a direct
quantitative comparison
between our approach and theirs is very difficult.
Although custom-made operating systems and file-systems
can result in the best performance, we chose to explore the
approach of running a web proxy as a user-application on top of
a commodity operating system. Our approach will result
in higher portability and more widespread use of web proxies.
The main contributions of our work in the area
of disk I/O of web proxies are:
We identify as the single largest source of overhead the storage of
each URL in a separate file. We show the extend of this overhead, and propose
a novel file management algorithm (BUDDY) to reduce it by an order of
We identify as the next single largest source of overhead the cost
associated with file write operations. We propose a file space
management approach (inspired by log-structured file systems)
called STREAM that groups several independent
write requests into long sequential writes that minimize disk head movement.
Once write operations proceed at maximum speed (with the use of STREAM-based
algorithms), read operations (although fewer in number) represent
the next single largest source of overhead. We propose
novel methods (LAZY-READS and LAZY-READS-LOC) that reduce the disk head movements
associated with disk read operations.
Figure 1: Simulation Methodology. Traces from the DEC's web proxy
are fed into a 512-Mbyte main memory LRU cache simulator.
URLs that miss the main memory cache are fed into
a 2-Gbyte disk LRU cache simulator. URLs that miss this second-level cache
are assumed to be fetched from the Internet. These misses generate
URL-write requests because once they fetch the URL from the Internet
they save it on the disk. Second-level URL hits generate URL-read
requests, since they read the contents of the URL from the disk.
To make space for the newly arrived URLs, the LRU replacement policy
deletes non-recently accessed URLs resulting in URL-delete requests.
All URL-write, URL-read, and URL-delete requests
are fed into a file space simulator which maps URLs into files
(or blocks within files) and sends the appropriate calls to the file
To evaluate the disk I/O performance of web proxies we use a combination
of simulation and experimental evaluation as shown in Figure 1.
We use traces from a SQUID web proxy used at Digital Equipment Corporation
(ftp://ftp.digital.com/pub/DEC /traces/proxy/webtraces.html).
We feed these traces to a first-level
main memory cache simulator [7].
The simulated main-memory is 512 Mbytes large and replaces URLs using the
Least-Recently Used (LRU) replacement policy. 2
URL requests that miss the main memory cache are fed into a second-level
cache simulator that simulates the magnetic disk cache.
Second-level hits read the contents of the URL from the disk
and generate a URL-read request.
Second-level misses are assumed to be sent
to the appropriate web server over the Internet, and the server's response
is saved in the disk generating a URL-write request. When the disk runs
out of space, an LRU replacement algorithm is invoked, which may delete
old files generating a URL-delete request. URL-delete
requests are also generated when new versions of cached files are requested.
The generated URL-read, URL-delete, and URL-write requests
are sent to a file-space management
simulator which forwards them to a
Solaris UFS file system which reads, deletes,
and writes URLs as requested.
In all our experiments we report the total time (completion time)
to serve the first million URL-read/URL-write/URL-delete operations. 3
The completion time reported in our experiments is
inversely proportional to the throughput (operations per second)
of the system and thus is a direct measure of it.
If for example, the completion time reported is
2000 seconds, then the throughput of the system
is 1058206/2000=529 URL-get requests per second.
It is possible to argue however, that, besides throughput,
latency is also an important metric, especially
for the end user.
However, latency (by itself)
can be a misleading performance metric
for our work. For example,
suppose that proxy server
A has a 15 msec average operation response latency
and manages to sustain 50 operations per second, while server
B has a 30 msec average operation response latency
and manages to sustain 100 operations per second.
Although latency may favor server A, most implementations
will probably prefer to use server B, since
it achieves higher throughput and its increase in latency
is not noticeable by most humans.
For this reason,
our performance results focus on server
throughput while making sure that
our policies do not increase latency noticeably.
This happens in most cases without particular
effort because our policies interact with disks
that operate in the millisecond range,
while the typical world-wide web latency is
in the second range (3-4 seconds per request
in the average when lightly loaded,
and more than 10 seconds per request when heavily loaded
Our experimental environment consists of an ULTRA-1 workstation
running Solaris 5.6, equipped with a Seagate ST15150WC
4Gbyte disk with 9 ms average latency, 7200 rotations per minute,
on which we measured a maximum of 4.7 Mbytes per second write throughput.
In this first set of experiments we will demonstrate
that the traffic sent to the disk subsystem of a web proxy
is dominated by write requests.
Figure 2 plots the
number of URL-read and URL-write operations that are sent to the
file system of the proxy server (for 5 million URL-get requests).
The number of URL-write operations is around 3 million,
and decreases slowly with disk size (since larger disks
imply fewer URL misses).
The number of URL-read requests is less than
half a million and increases with disk size
(since larger disks imply more URL hits). 4
Figure 2 suggests that
the number of URL-read operations is significantly
smaller than the number of URL-write operations. This is because
URL-write operations correspond to second-level URL misses which
can be quite large,
while URL-read operations correspond to
URLs that miss the first-level cache but hit in the second-level cache,
which are usually a small percentage.
Figure 2: File System Operations.
The figure displays the amount of URL operations
(read/write) during the
execution of a web proxy for various disk sizes.
In all cases, write operations outnumber read operations.
Figure 3: File management Overhead.
The figure displays the cost of file creation and file deletion as measured
by the HBENCH-OS (latfs).
The benchmark creates 64 files and then deletes them in the order of creation.
The same process is repeated for files of varying sizes.
We see that the time to create a file is more than 20 msec.
The time to delete a file is between 10 and 20 msec.
The time to create and delete a 4-Kbyte file is close to 50 msec,
which implies that this file system can create no more than 20 such files per
In this set of experiments we will demonstrate
that the single most important overhead associated with
the disk I/O of web proxies is the result
of storing each URL in a separate file.
To measure this file system overhead
we use the HBENCH-OS benchmark [6] that creates 64
files in a directory and then deletes them in reverse-of-creation order.
After the benchmark is repeated a number of times, the average time
to do file operation, as well as its standard deviation are reported.
In all but two cases the standard deviation was less than 1% away
of the average time, and in the two remaining cases
it was less than 10%.
Figure 3 plots the results.
We see that the time to create a file is more than 20 milliseconds -
even when the file is empty. The time to create a 10-Kbyte-large file
is close to 40 milliseconds. The time to delete a file is more than 20
milliseconds (for non-zero-sized files).
If we use a benchmark that creates/deletes more than 64 files, these
times will go up since the traditional UNIX directory
lookup takes time linear in the directory length.
Published research results using similar benchmarks
agree with our measurements [26].
For each URL fetched from a web server, a typical web proxy needs to
create a file to store the contents of the URL. When the disk
subsystem runs out of space, for each new file created (in the average)
an old file will have to be deleted (to make free space).
Thus, for each URL fetched from a web server,
one file is created and one file is deleted.
Figure 3 suggests that the cost of
a file creation and a file deletion is about 50 msec,
which implies that a web proxy that
incurs such a file creation/deletion cost
can fetch from the network (and store in the
local disk) no more than 20 URLs per second.
Given that the median size of a cached file is
only about 3 Kbytes long [33], then the web proxy
can serve data at a rate of 3 Kbytes every 50 msec, or about
60 Kbytes per second, a throughput that is two orders of magnitude
smaller than most modern magnetic disks provide. This
throughput is even smaller than most Internet connections.
Thus, it is obvious why researchers observe that
`` the disk I/O overhead of caching turns out to
be much higher than the latency improvement from cache hits'' [27].
Most publicly available
popular web proxies (including Squid [39], Harvest [8],
and CERN) store each URL on a separate file.
These files are stored in a shallow
directory hierarchy (like Squid) or in a deep directory hierarchy
(like CERN and Harvest).
We believe that file management can be the largest
limiting factor in the performance of a web proxy.
To alleviate this performance bottleneck we propose a novel
file-grouping method called BUDDY. The main idea behind BUDDY
is that each file may store several URLs.
URLs that need one block of disk space (512 bytes) are all
stored in the same file.
URLs that need two blocks of disk space are stored in another file, etc.
Each file essentially is composed of same-sized slots.
Each new URL is stored is the first free slot of the
appropriate file.
BUDDY behaves as follows:
BUDDY creates one file to store all URLs that are smaller than one block,
another file to store all URLs that are larger than a block, but smaller than two,
another file to store all URLs that are larger than two blocks,
but smaller than three,
and so on, up to a predetermined number of blocks (THRESHOLD). URLs larger
than this number are stored in separate files - one URL per file.
On a file-write request for a given size, BUDDY finds the
first free slot on the appropriate file, and stores the contents of the
new URL there. If the size of the contents of the URL is above
a certain threshold (128 Kbytes in most of
our experiments), BUDDY creates a new file to store this specific
URL only. 5
On a file-delete request, BUDDY marks the
corresponding slot in the appropriate file as free. This slot will
be reused at a later time by another URL of the given size.
On a file-read request, BUDDY finds the slot in the appropriate file
and reads the content of the requested URL.
The main advantage of BUDDY is that it practically eliminates
the overhead of file creation/deletion operations. 6
The URLs that occupy a whole file of their own,
represent a tiny percentage of the total number of URLs, so that
their file creation/deletion overhead is not noticeable overall.
One more advantage of BUDDY is that by placing same-sized URLs
on the same file, it eliminates file space fragmentation; that is,
a URL always occupies consecutive bytes within a file. This
simplifies the mapping between URLs and the positions within files where
they reside.
Figure 4: File Management Overhead for Web Proxies.
The figure displays the overhead of doing 300,000
second-level cache file system operations on a 1-Gbyte disk.
We see that both methods that create one file for each URL
they need to store perform very bad.
BUDDY, which stores several URLs per file takes roughly less than
9 msec per file operation.
To evaluate the performance advantages of BUDDY we compared it against
three traditional approaches:
SIMPLE: this approach stores each URL in a separate file.
All files reside in the same directory.
SQUID: this approach, used by the SQUID proxy server,
creates a two-level directory structure.
The first level contains 16 directories (named 0..F),
while the second level contains 256 directories (named 00..FF)
for each first-level directory.
Files are written in the directories in a round robin manner:
the first file is written at 0/00, the next at 0/01,
... then at 0/FF, then at 1/00, etc.
MULTIPLE-DIRS: this approach creates one file for each URL.
All files that correspond to URLs from the same server
are stored in the same directory. Files that correspond to URLs from
different servers are stored in different directories.
All directories are in the same level.
Figure 4 shows the completion time
of a stream of 300,000 file-system requests
(URL-read, URL-write, URL-delete), which were generated by
398034 URL-get requests as a function of
the management algorithm used.
We see that SIMPLE has the worst performance,
serving about 14 URL-get operations per second.
SQUID performs better - it achieves
20 URL-get operations per second; independent published performance results
also suggest that SQUID achieves 20-25 URL-get operations per second
on a single-disk system [9].
MULTIPLE-DIRS performs a little better, achieving
23 URL-get operations per second.
BUDDY improves performance almost by an order of magnitude,
since it achieves close to 133 URL-get operations per second.
This is because BUDDY neither creates nor deletes files
for most of the URLs it serves.
The careful reader however, will notice that SIMPLE, SQUID, and MULTIPLE-DIRS
appear to be more robust than BUDDY in a case of system crash.
If the system crashes,
SIMPLE, SQUID, and MULTIPLE-DIRS will probably recover a large percentage of their
metadata, while BUDDY
will probably lose some portions of its metadata
(i.e. where is each URL stored). We believe that this is not a significant
problem for the following reasons:
BUDDY can periodically (i.e. every few minutes) write its metadata information
on safe storage, so that in the case of crash it will lose only the
work of the last few minutes.
Alternatively, BUDDY can store along with each URL, its name and size.
In case of a crash, after the system reboots, the disk can be scanned,
and the information about which URLs exist on the disk can be recovered.
Even if few
cached documents are lost due to a crash, they can be easily retrieved
from the web server where they permanently reside.
Thus, a system crash does not lose information permanently;
it just loses the local copy of some data
(i.e. a few minutes worth) which can be easily retrieved from the web again.
There exists a significant amount of recent work
that speeds-up synchronous disk write-operations
(and thus metadata updates)
by using for example
Non-volatile RAM [42],
transactions [14],
replication [30], or soft-updates
In BUDDY, URLs that are larger than a threshold are stored in
a separate file each - one URL per file. All
other URLs are ``buddied'' together in appropriate files.
The next experiment sets out to explore how large
this threshold should be. Figure 5 plots the
completion time of the BUDDY as a function of the threshold.
We see that as the threshold increases, the completion time of
BUDDY improves fast. This is because an increasing number of URLs
are stored in the same file, eliminating
a significant number of file create/delete operations.
As the threshold increases above 10 (disk blocks),
the completion time improves, but not as fast. When the threshold reaches
256 blocks (i.e. 128 Kbytes), we get (almost) the best performance.
Our results suggest that URLs larger than 128 Kbytes should be given a
file of their own. Such URLs are rare and large, so that the file
creation/deletion overhead is not noticeable.
Figure 5: Overhead of BUDDY as a function of the THRESHOLD.
The figure displays the cost of serving 400,000 file system operations
as a function of the threshold used by BUDDY. The experiment
suggests that URLs smaller then 128 Kbytes should be
``buddied'' together.
URLs larger than 128 Kbytes can be safely given a file of their
own (one URL per file) - they will not result in any
noticeable overhead.
Once we reduce the file management overhead we noticed
that the next single largest source of overhead is due to disk latencies
incurred by writing data scattered all over the disk.
Although it reduces file management overhead, BUDDY makes no effort
to layout data on disk in such as way as to improve
write (and/or read) performance.
Given that a web proxy's disk workload is write-dominated
(as shown in figure 2), the performance
of write operations can be improved if writes to the disk happen in a
log-structured fashion. Thus, instead of writing new data in some
free space on the disk, we continually append data to the disk
until the disk runs out of space, in which case write operations
continue from the beginning of the disk. This method has been widely used
in log-structured file systems [5,15,28,35].
In this paper we use a log-based approach in user-space management to
see if the effectiveness of log-structured file system
can be achieved by a user program (the web proxy) without the need
of a specialized file system.
Towards this end we develop a file-space management algorithm
(called STREAM) that (much-like log-structured file systems)
streams write operations to the disk:
The web proxy stores all URLs in a single file organized in slots
of 512 bytes long. Each URL occupies an integer number of such slots.
URL-delete operations mark the appropriate space on the file as free.
URL-read operations read the appropriate portions of the file
that correspond to the given URL.
URL write operations continue appending data to the file until the file
runs out of space (i.e. they reach the end of file).
In this case, new URL write operations continue from the
beginning of the file writing on free slots, until they reach the end
of file, etc.
STREAM has the potential of making long sequential write operations.
The length of these sequential write operations depends
on the distribution of the free space on the file,
which in turn depends on the amount of scratch space that is
available to the file.
For example, if there is no scratch space, then there will always
be only one free slot in the file, which
will tend to move non-sequentially in
the file, and STREAM will have little opportunity to make long sequential
writes. The whole purpose behind STREAM (and log-structured file systems)
is that disks should be operated at much less than 100%
of their utilization, so that there is always enough
free space on the disk. This free space will be used to write new files/data
in long sequential write operations.
When we first evaluated the performance of STREAM we noticed that
even when there was always free space and even in
the absence of read operations,
STREAM did not write to disk at maximum throughput.
We traced the problem and found that we were experiencing
a small-write performance problem: writing a small amount of data
to the file system, usually resulted in a disk-read and a
disk-write operation.
The reason is the following: if a process writes a small
amount of data (e.g. the first block of a page) in a
page that is not in the main memory cache,
the operating system
will read the page from the disk,
make all updates in main memory, and then write the page to the disk.
To reduce these small-write effects
we developed a packetized version of STREAM: STREAM-PACKETIZER that works
just like STREAM with the following exception:
There exists a packetizer buffer that is one page long
and aligned to a page boundary.
URL-write operations are not being forwarded to the file system - instead
they are being accumulated into a packetizer as long as they are
stored contiguously to the previous URL-write request. Once the packetizer
fills up, or if the current request is not contiguous to the previous one,
the packetizer is sent to the file system for writing to the disk.
Figure 6 plots the performance of BUDDY, STREAM, and
STREAM-PACKETIZER as a function of disk utilization.
When disk utilization is high
(around 95%), STREAM and STREAM-PACKETIZER perform comparable to
BUDDY. This is because, at 95% utilization there do not exist long
sequential portions of free space, and thus STREAM and STREAM-PACKETIZER
can not perform long sequential write operations. On the contrary,
when disk utilization is less than 72%, STREAM performs two times better than
BUDDY, and STREAM-PACKETIZER performs 2.5 times better than
BUDDY. Actually, STREAM-PACKETIZER manages to
achieve more than 350 URL-get operations per second.
To deliver their high performance,
STREAM and STREAM-PACKETIZER need about 30% more disk space
than the actual size of the URLs they need to store.
Fortunately, the cost of disk space decreases
rapidly (by a factor of two) every year [10].
Recent measurements suggest that most file systems
are about half-full on the average [11],
and thus, log-structured approaches for file management
may be more attractive than ever.
Figure 6: Overhead of file management algorithms
as a function of disk (space) utilization.
The figure displays the time it took to serve 1,000,000 file system operations
as a function of disk utilization.
The performance of STREAM and STREAM-PACKETIZER improves as disk utilization
decreases. When disk utilization is around 70%
both STREAM and STREAM-PACKETIZER outperform
BUDDY by 2-3 times.
Thanks to the STREAM and STREAM-PACKETIZER algorithms,
URL-write operations suffer little (if any at all)
seek and rotational overhead.
However, URL-read operations still suffer from disk seek and
rotational overhead, because the disk head must
move from the point it was writing
data to disk to the point it must read data. To make matters worse,
once the read operation is completed, the head must move back
to continue streaming its data onto the disk. Thus, each read operation
(which necessarily happens within a stream of write operations)
induces two head movements.
To reduce this overhead we have developed a LAZY-READ approach which
is much like STREAM-PACKETIZER with the following difference:
Once a URL read operation is issued, it is being sent into an
intermediate buffer. When the buffer fills up with read requests
it forwards them to the file system, sorted according to the
position (in the file) of the data they want to read.
Figure 7 shows that LAZY-READS
improves the performance of STREAM-PACKETIZER by 10%.
It is true that we expected a larger performance improvement.
We traced the operating system actions and found that even if
LAZY-READS sends read operations to the file system ten-at-a-time,
the file system does not preserve this clustering
and sent 3-5 clustered read operations to the disk in the average.
Nevertheless, clustering read operations has potential and
should be further explored. 7
Figure 7: Performance of LAZY-READS.
The figure displays the cost of serving 1,000,000 file system operations
as a function of 2-Gbyte disk utilization.
LAZY-READS gathers reads requests ten-at-a-time and issues them all
at the same time to the disk reducing the disk head movements between
the write stream and the data read. The figure shows that LAZY-READS
improves the performance of STREAM-PACKETIZER by 10%.
Figure 8: Performance of LAZY-READS-LOC.
The figure displays the cost of serving 1,000,000 file system operations
as a function of disk utilization.
LAZY-READS-LOC attempts to put URLs from the same server
in nearby disk locations by clustering them in locality buffers
before sending them to the disk.
We see that even as few as eight buffers improve
performance over LAZY-READS.
Table 1: Comparison of the improvement of LAZY-READS,
and locality buffers on the STREAM-PACKETIZER algorithm.
We see that the single largest performance improvement (28%)
comes from the use of locality buffers
and the next improvement (10%) comes from LAZY-READS.
The URL requests that arrive in a web proxy contain a significant
amount of locality.
For example, consider the case of an HTML page
that has several embedded images. Every time a user requests that
HTML page, (s)he will probably request all the embedded images as well.
Thus, it may be worthwhile to store the HTML page and its embedded images
in nearby disk locations so that future accesses to the HTML page and its
embedded images will proceed at top speed. Unfortunately,
current proxy servers tend to destroy such locality because they
receive (and interleave) requests from several web clients. Thus,
contiguous requests from a single web client may be received by the proxy
server interleaved with tens of requests from other clients.
Therefore, URLs that correspond
to contiguous requests from a single client may be stored
in the magnetic disk hundreds of Kbytes away from each other.
To remedy this problem we have augmented the LAZY-READS policy
with a number of locality buffers (LAZY-READS-LOC) that work as follows:
There exist a set of locality buffers whose purpose is to accumulate
URL-write operations that correspond to URLs
from a single web server.
When the proxy wants to store a URL fetched from some web server,
it searches for a buffer that accumulates
URLs from the same server and adds the data to the buffer. If no such buffer
is found, one victim buffer is selected, its contents are written to the disk,
and the new URL is written in the buffer.
This policy gathers URLs from the same server into the same locality
buffer, so that URLs from the same server requested within a short
time interval will probably be written
in contiguous file locations.
We have evaluated the performance of this policy
(for 8-128 locality buffers) against the performance of LAZY-READS
Figure 8 plots the results.
We see that the existence of even eight locality buffers
(LAZY-READS-LOC-8) improves performance over LAZY-READS
significantly. The most spectacular improvements
happen at medium to large disk utilization.
For example, at 76% disk utilization LAZY-READS-LOC-128
performs 2.5 times better than LAZY-READS.
In all cases, however, LAZY-READS-LOC-128 is at least
30% better than LAZY-READS. In the best case
LAZY-READS-LOC achieves around 500 URL-get operations
per second.
In our final experiment we will explore
what is the contribution of each factor
(read-clustering/LAZY-READS and locality buffers/LOC)
to the performance of
presents the completion time of policies
STREAM-PACKETIZER augmented with locality buffers (128 of them),
and finally, STREAM-PACKETIZER augmented with both LAZY-READS and locality buffers
at 71% disk utilization.
It also shows the (percentage) improvement of
every method on top of STREAM-PACKETIZER.
We see that LAZY-READS improve 10% on STREAM-PACKETIZER,
locality buffers improve 28% on STREAM-PACKETIZER,
and both methods improve 37% on STREAM-PACKETIZER.
Summarizing, table 2 shows the (best)
performance of the various algorithms studied.
Table 2: Comparative performance (in terms of URL-get operations
per second) of various file space management algorithms.
per second)
In this paper we study the disk I/O overhead of
world-wide web proxy servers.
Using a combination of experimental evaluation and simulation
based on traces from busy web proxies we show that web proxies
experience significant overheads due to disk I/O.
We propose several file management methods (like BUDDY, STREAM, LAZY-READS,
STREAM-PACKETIZER, and locality buffers) which reduce the disk management
overhead by more than a factor of 25 overall (from SQUID to LAZY-READS-LOC).
Based on our experiments we conclude:
The single largest source of overhead in traditional web proxies
is the file creation and file deletion overhead associated
with storing each URL on a separate file.
Storing several URLs per file improves performance by an order of magnitude.
Disk accesses of web proxies are dominated by write requests.
Streaming these write operations to disk
(much like log-structured file systems do)
improves performance by a factor of 2-3.
Web clients display a locality of reference in their accesses.
Web proxies tend to destroy it by
interleaving requests from several clients.
Preserving this locality of reference results in better
layout of URLs on the disk, which improves performance by
User-level file management policies improve performance
(over traditional web proxies like SQUID) by a factor of 25
overall, leaving little space for improvement
by specialized kernel-level implementations.
We believe that our results are significant today and they will
be even more significant in the future. As disk
bandwidth improves at a much higher rate than disk latency
[10], methods that reduce disk head
movements and stream data to
disk will result in increasingly larger performance
This work was
supported in part by
the Institute of Computer Science of Foundation for Research and
Technology -Hellas,
in part by the University of Crete
through project ``File Systems for Web servers'' (1200),
and in part by EPET II project ``E-Commerce''
funded through the General Secretariat for Research and Development.
We deeply appreciate this financial support.
Panos Tsirigotis was a source of inspiration
and of many useful comments.
Manolis Marazakis and George Dramitinos
gave us useful comments in earlier versions of this paper.
Katia Obraczka (our shepherd) provided useful comments
in the final version of the paper.
P. Cao provided one of the simulators used.
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The file space management simulator is fed with 1058206 URL-get requests
that generate one million URL-read/URL-write/URL-delete operations.
These 1058206 URL-get requests result in
338081 (32%) main memory hits,
42085 (4%) secondary memory hits, and
678040 (64%) misses,
which result in
678040 URL-write operations,
42085 URL-read operations,
and 279875 URL-delete operations.
Note that the sum of URL-read and URL-write requests is
in all cases 3.4 million and not 5 million as one might expect.
This because the 512-Mbyte first level cache is able to achieve a
32% URL hit rate, which leaves 3.4 million URL requests for the second
level cache.
may also be used to reduce internal fragmentation and
improve hit ratio by storing more data on a given disk.
Current architecture trends suggest that disk block size should
increase. This implies that small files, which occupy at least
one disk block, in the future will
probably occupy significantly more space than needed.
On the contrary, when storing several URLs per file, as BUDDY does,
internal fragmentation will be reduced, more data will
fit into the disk, and higher hit rates will be possible.
The careful reader will
notice however, that LAZY-READS may increase operation
latency. Our trace measurements show that
is able to serve 10-20 read requests per second (in addition)
to the write requests. Thus LAZY-READS will
delay the average read operation only by a fraction
of the second. Given that the average web server latency
is several seconds long [2], LAZY-READS
impose an unoticeable overhead.
To make sure that no user ever waits an unbounded
amount of time to read a URL from the disk
even in an unloaded system, LAZY-READS
can also be augmented with a time out period.
If the time out elapses then all the outstanding read operations
are sent to disk.
Evangelos Markatos 1999-08-11
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies & Systems,
October 11-14, 1999, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Last changed: 25 Feb 2002 ml