2nd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies & Systems, 1999
[Technical Program]
Pp. 209–220 of the Proceedings
Exploiting Result Equivalence in Caching Dynamic Web Content
Exploiting Result Equivalence
in Caching Dynamic Web Content
Ben Smith,
Anurag Acharya,
Tao Yang,
Huican Zhu
Department of Computer Science, University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Caching is currently the primary mechanism for reducing the latency as
well as bandwidth requirements for delivering Web content. Numerous techniques
and tools have been proposed, evaluated and successfully used for caching
static content. Recent studies show that requests for dynamic web content
also contain substantial locality for identical requests. In this paper,
we classify locality in dynamic web content into three kinds: identical
requests, equivalent requests, and partially equivalent requests.
Equivalent requests are not identical to previous requests but result
in generation of identical dynamic content. The documents generated for
partially equivalent requests are not identical but can be used
as temporary place holders for each other while the real document is being
generated. We present a new protocol, which we refer to as Dynamic Content
Caching Protocol (DCCP), to allow individual content generating applications
to exploit query semantics and specify how their results should be cached
and/or delivered. We illustrate the usefulness of DCCP for several applications
and evaluate its effectiveness using traces from the Alexandria Digital
Library and NASA Kennedy Center as case studies.
1. Introduction
As many Web sites evolve to provide sophisticated e-commerce and personalized
services, dynamic content generation becomes more popular. Using multi-processor
or cluster-based servers can speedup resource-intensive dynamic content
generation [6,12,24].
If successful, caching can provide significant additional benefit by reducing
server load, end-to-end latency and bandwidth requirement. Numerous techniques
and tools have been proposed, evaluated and deployed for caching static
content. There has been recent interest in caching dynamic Web content
as well [5,7,10,14,16].
Dynamic content has three forms of locality: identical requests,
requests, and partially equivalent requests.
Identical requests: These requests have identical URLs which result
in the generation of the same content. Recent studies [14,16]
have shown that this locality can be successfully exploited for caching.
Equivalent requests: The URLs of these requests are syntactically
but result in generation of identical content. For example, map
servers (e.g. [13,23])
frequently impose a grid on the coordinate space and return the same map
when presented with any location within a given region in the grid. As
another example, news servers may wish to return different front-pages
for requests from users from different regions or different sites. In this
case, requests from all clients in a group are equivalent.
Partially equivalent requests: These requests are syntactically
but result in generation of content which can be used as a temporary
place-holder for each other. For example, documents which are conditionally
distilled to a lower-resolution version by a service (e.g., TranSend [12])
can be used as a place-holder for the originals. As another example, maps(e.g.,
MapQuest [13])
and aerial images (e.g., the TerraServer [17])
with more than a given degree of overlap could be used as placeholders
for each other.
Exploiting similarity between dynamic documents has been shown to be beneficial
for fast Web page delivery based on delta-encoding [4,15,18].
In this paper, we present a new protocol, which we refer to as the
Content Caching Protocol (DCCP), to allow individual content generating
applications (e.g. CGI applications, Java servlets etc) to specify equivalence
between different GET-based requests they serve. This information can be
used by web caches to exploit these additional forms of locality. Identical
requests and equivalent requests can directly fulfilled using previously
cached results. For partially equivalent requests, previously cached content
can be immediately delivered as an approximate solution to the client while
actual content is generated and delivered. This allows clients to browse
partial or related or similar results promptly while waiting for more accurate
We have designed DCCP using the extension mechanism provided in HTTP
1.1 cache control directives [11].
This has several advantages. First, specifying result equivalence information
as an extension of the HTTP header allows DCCP to be deployed incrementally
-- servers, proxies and individual content generating applications can
be upgraded individually. In many cases, existing CGI scripts can be upgraded
to generate these headers simply by using a short Perl or shell script
as a wrapper. Second, since HTTP 1.1 specifies that headers must
be propagated by compliant caches, DCCP directives can be expected to reach
most caches. Finally, a declarative header-based specification of caching
requirements allows value-added proxies such as TranSend [12]
to compose server-provided directives and hints with their own. For example,
the TranSend proxy provides a distillation service for heterogeneous clients.
A distilled version of a web document is a lower-resolution (or a summary)
version of the original and can be returned in response to a request for
the original document. Since this functionality is provided by an intermediate
node, the ability to augment and compose cache control specifications allows
the results of such processing to be effectively cached by web caches closer
to the client.
This paper is organized as follows. We first summarize the related work
and then present a description of DCCP. We illustrate its utility for a
variety of applications including a customizable news service, a location-dependent
weather information service, server-side image maps, and a geographically
indexed digital library. Finally, we discuss our current cache design and
implementation for DCCP and evaluate the effectiveness of DCCP using real
traces from the Alexandria Digital Library and NASA Kennedy Center and
a synthetic trace for a weather forecast application.
2. Related Work
Exploiting similarities between dynamic documents generated by multiple
invocations of the same web application was first proposed in [4,15]
for delta-encoding. This idea was explored further by Mogul et al. [18]
as query clustering. They analyzed web proxy and packet-level traces
to evaluate the extent of similarity between dynamic documents with the
same ``URL prefix'' (usually identifying the generating application) but
different suffixes (usually arguments to the generating application). They
found that there is substantial locality in ``URL prefixes'' - the 100780
distinct dynamic content requests in their proxy trace were based on just
12004 prefixes. They also found that exploiting such similarities in delta-encoding
can offer significant performance advantages. The DRP protocol [21]
uses a checksum algorithm (e.g. MD5) to identify file equivalence and avoid
unnecessary file download if checksum values do not change. These proposals
place the responsibility of creating equivalence (or partial equivalence)
classes on a caching agent and a server, with little or no support from
the applications. DCCP, on the other hand, allows individual web applications
to explicitly specify equivalence between different documents they generate,
which can help delta-encoding in identifying similar documents.
The idea of partial result delivery has been considered by Dingle et
al. [9].
They propose that a caching agent could send previously cached data to
a client so she/he could browse an old version while current data is being
fetched. Optimistically transferring potentially out-of-date data to reduce
end-to-end latency is also considered by Banga et al. [4]
in delta-encoding. In this work, they propose sending the cached version
of a dynamic document to the requesting agent (client or the next level
proxy) while a delta is being fetched. DCCP lets application users explicitly
define partial equivalence between the cached results and a new query and
we can utilize the infrastructure of [9]
or [4]
to achieve partial result delivery in the implementation of a DCCP-aware
caching agent.
Cao et al. [5]
propose that a piece of Java code (a cache-applet) be attached to
each dynamic document. This code is run whenever a request is received
for a cached document. Cache applets can rewrite the cached document, return
the cached document or direct the cache to refetch or regenerate the document.
This approach, referred to as Active Cache, is extremely flexible
and can be used to maintain consistency in an application-specific manner
as well as dynamically modify existing documents. However, the flexibility
of Active Cache comes with a price. It requires starting up a new Java
process (virtual machine or compiled code) for every request. Keeping track
of result equivalence requires creation and maintenance of a pattern-matching
network. Since the cache-applet for each document is independent (for security
reasons), cache-applets used to implement result-equivalence-based caching
would need to save and restore its pattern-matching network to persistent
storage. Depending on the access pattern, this can be a significant performance
limitation. In contrast with the generality of Active Cache, DCCP is more
restrictive. The trade-off is that this design simplifies implementation
and provides opportunities for optimization. The limited scope and the
declarative nature of the DCCP directives alleviates security concerns.
Using a single global pattern-matching network allows processing for related
patterns to be shared. Finally, since the structure and the function of
the pattern-matching network is known to the cache, it can maintain portions
of the network in memory.
Iyengar et al. [16,7]
propose that cache servers export an API that allows individual applications
to explicitly cache and invalidate application-specific content. These
techniques are developed for caching identical requests at original content
providers and may not be feasible for proxy or client caches. These techniques
can be integrated with DCCP when DCCP is deployed at server-sites.
In previous research, we have considered cooperative caching for dynamic
web content on a cluster of servers [14].
The research focus is to study how clustered nodes collaborate with each
other in terms of caching and the Time-To-Live method is used for maintaining
result consistency. However, this work uses complete URLs as names for
documents and has no notion of equivalent or partially equivalent requests.
Douglis et al. [10]
propose that servers should make the structure of a dynamic document available
to caches and that caches should construct the desired document on demand.
The idea is that a dynamic document be specified as a static part, one
or more dynamic parts and a macro-based template that combines them. The
static parts and the template can be cached whereas the dynamic parts are
fetched anew for every request.
3. The Dynamic Content Caching
Protocol (DCCP)
Figure 1: DCCP syntax for specifying equivalence directives.
Field names are those argument names in a GET-based query.
The goal of DCCP is to let web applications exploit query semantics
and specify equivalence or partial-equivalence between the dynamic documents
they generate. DCCP has been defined using the extension mechanism provided
in HTTP 1.1 cache control directives [11].
Figure 1
presents the proposed directives (see Section 4
for examples). Each document can contain one or more equivalence directives.
Each equivalence directive specifies the set of requests that this document
can be used to fulfill. The set of requests is specified using a pattern
over the set of arguments embedded in the URL, client cookies, and the
domain name and IP address of the machine from which the query is originated.
There is no authentication requirement implied in these arguments - caches
implementing DCCP are expected to provide best-effort values for these
The language used to specify the equivalence patterns provides equality
for all arguments and range operators for numeric arguments. For example,
``[0.0,100.0]'' specifies any real number between and including 0 and 100.
Patterns can be composed using logical operators (``&&'' stands
for ``and'' and ``||'' stands for ``or''). The current
version of DCCP also includes regular expressions over alphanumeric and
special characters for string arguments as an experimental feature. We
use Perl syntax [22]
for regular expressions. Note that a directive need not specify values
for all arguments. When a cache agent (e.g. a proxy server) receives a
request, it extracts the application arguments from the URL, and the identity
arguments from request header as well as the identity of the requesting
machine. Note that DCCP has been designed for handling GET-based queries.
Since dynamic documents are generated on demand, they usually have greater
consistency requirements than static documents. HTTP 1.1 provides several
cache control directives to manage consistency. The current version of
DCCP does not propose additional directives for this purpose. We believe
more experience with dynamic documents is needed to determine the set of
commonly used consistency requirements. If necessary, we could add directives
to specify options such as polling periodically. The main problem with
detailed consistency directives is that a proxy may not implement the directives
which can result in incorrect results being delivered to clients. Thus
our current focus is to support the class of applications which can benefit
from DCCP with the existing HTTP 1.1 consistency mechanisms.
4. Applications
In this section, we illustrate how DCCP can be used to specify result equivalence
for a variety of content generating applications.
Alexandria Digital Library: The Alexandria Digital Library (ADL)
provides geo-spatially-referenced access to large classes of distributed
library holdings. Current ADL collections contain more than 7 million entries
of maps, satellite images, aerial photographs, text documents, and scientific
data sets. Each entry has geographical extent represented as a minimum
bounding rectangle in longitude and latitude and is spatially indexed.
Queries used in the current version of ADL look like this:
GET /cgi-bin/draw_map?
ht=75.0&wd=180.0 HTTP/1.1.
Consider the scenario where the ADL server knows that the maps it is
serving have a limited resolution. In that case, it can use the DCCP equivalence
directives to define regions contained in the same map as equivalent. For
example, for the above query, it could reply:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Swala/1.8a Content-type: text/html Cache-control: equivalent_result=``lat=[36,37]&&lon=
The caching agent would associate this pattern with the map. If a subsequent
request is received with arguments that match this pattern, the caching
agent can return that result instead of calling the application and re-executing
the request. We evaluate the impact of using DCCP for ADL dynamic content
requests in Section 6.1.
Server-side image maps: Image maps [19]
are used to provide intuitive and attractive labels for web links. Server-side
image maps consist of images that is embedded in a web page. When a user
clicks on a portion of the image, the browser submits a GET request
to the server and which includes the screen coordinates as parameters.
Client-side image maps can also be used to translate coordinates within
simple image regions into appropriate HTML links. A client-site browser
does such a translation and thus client-site image maps are preferable
in terms of performance. However, server-side image maps are useful in
cases where the image map is too complicated for a client-side image map
or a server needs to process clicked screen coordinates. There are a number
of high volume sites including latimes.com, and washingtonpost.com
use the server-site image maps.
The typical number of regions on an image map is fairly small (e.g.,
from five to fifteen) while the possible number of coordinates is usually
at least two orders of magnitude greater. Specifying result equivalence
for all coordinates using DCCP can significantly improve the performance
of server-side image maps. A cache without equivalence matching would be
required to store all combinations of coordinates to generate a significant
number of cache hits. With DCCP, the equivalent result already present
in a cache can be identified without involving the server. We evaluate
the impact of using DCCP for image maps in Section 6.2.
Weather Service: Weather servers use dynamically generated content
to provide up-to-date weather information for the requested location. Typically
location information, zip code or city name, is encoded in the request
URL. Such requests, however, can be overly precise. Twenty zip codes might
have the same weather information, but since their URLs are different,
a cache with no support for result equivalence would require twenty cache
entries to provide complete coverage. With DCCP, a weather server can specify
that the same page should be returned for all requests in the same region.
Figure 2
provides an illustration for zipcodes in and around the University of California,
Santa Barbara. The request is
GET /cgi-bin/weather.cgi?zip=93101
Figure 2: DCCP directives for a weather application.
Customized news services: There are several forms of customized
news services. The simplest of these customize the content based on the
location of the requesting clients. This is similar to the different editions
that newspapers publish targeting specific regions. For such a scenario,
all requests for a news page from the same geographical region (or Internet
domain) would be equivalent. For example, all clients from .uk
machines would be presented with United Kingdom specific news stories.
The first time the page is accessed, the server must run the application
to generate the customized web page; subsequent requests for the same page
from machines with a .uk domain name can be serviced from the
cache. The DCCP directive for this case is presented in Figure 3.
News services with greater degree of customization could use previously
stored profiles to customize the news contents for individual users. Such
a service can facilitate caching of its documents by marking documents
generated for users with identical profiles as equivalent and documents
generated for users with substantially overlapping profiles as partially-equivalent.
Figure 4
provides an illustration.
5. Design of a DCCP-aware cache prototype
The primary challenge for the design and implementation of a DCCP-aware
caching agent is to be able to efficiently maintain and use information
about equivalence and partial equivalence of cached documents. We have
developed a multi-stage pattern-matching network for this purpose based
on the Swala cooperative web cache [14].
In this section, we describe the structure of this network and how the
insertion and search operations are implemented.
In the DCCP model, each application specifies its result equivalence
independently. As a result, a dynamic document generated by an application
can be specified to be equivalent only to other documents generated by
the same application. Accordingly, our prototype maintains a separate pattern-matching
network for every application. Each application is identified by its net-path-name.
The net-path-name for a URL consists of the longest prefix that contains
no arguments. Our prototype uses a hash table (with net-path-names as keys)
to quickly retrieve the pattern-matching network corresponding to a URL.
We discuss how we can build an efficient pattern matching network for
each application with the same net-path-name as follows. In general a pattern
matching rule can be transformed into a sequence of conjunctive pattern
phrases connected by logical OR. For example,
pattern "map=USA&&lat=[34,37]&&lon=[-119,-117]
||map=USA&&city=foo" contains
two conjunctive phrases. Given a set of conjunctive phrases derived from
the same rule or from different rules, we partition them into a set of
clusters and each cluster has conjunctive phrases with the same argument
names used in their exact match and range match patterns (discussed below).
For example, two pattern phrases
and ``map=USA&&zip=93016'' are in
the same pattern phrase cluster.
We discuss how each pattern cluster arranges its data structure for
result matching. Given conjunctive pattern phrases within each cluster,
we classify patterns into three parts in increasing degrees of complexity
and searching within each cluster contains three stages:
Exact match. All patterns are of form argument=val. These
patterns can be hashed together. Searching within this cluster can start
from the corresponding hash table so that only results satisfy those exact
match patterns are candidates for further searching.
Range match. All patterns are of form argument=[val1, val2].
Searching for a result under these conditions is similar to the problem
of point intersection searching [2]:
given a set of objects specified with multi-dimensional intervals, find
an object that contains a query point. In our current implementation, we
have used the R*tree data structure to group all such range match patterns
Complicated string match. All patterns are of form argument=
regular_expression_pattern. These patterns contain complicated string
matching and so far we have not found a good way to organize a set of such
patterns for efficient searching. Our current solution is to linearly scan
such rules to find one result that matches these string matching patterns.
Thus the first stage of searching within each cluster is to use a hash
table to narrow the searching space, i.e. find potential results which
satisfy all exact match conditions. The second stage of searching is to
use a point intersection data structure to further narrow the searching
scope. The last stage of searching linearly scans all candidate results
after the above two-stage filtering.
Each pattern network for an application with the same net-path-name
consists of a layered graph with a single designated root node. Each child
of this root node is a subgraph corresponding to each pattern cluster.
Each cluster subgraph contains a hash table for exact match patterns and
data structures for range match patterns. The cached dynamic documents
constitute the leaves of this graph. A dynamic document is attached to
a node in the graph if and only if the sequence of tests occurring on the
path from the root to this node successfully satisfies all conditions specified
by the DCCP rule of this document. Note that since each document can have
multiple DCCP directives and since each directive can have multiple conjunctive-phrases,
a cached document can be associated with multiple interior nodes in the
pattern-matching network.
When a new DCCP-annotated dynamic document is inserted into the cache,
the caching agent extracts the DCCP directives and the URL of the request
that generated the document. It parses the URL to extract the
for the request and uses it to find the root of the associated pattern-matching
network. It parses the DCCP directives and transforms them into a set of
conjunctive-phrases and inserts each conjunctive-phrase into the network.
Since cached dynamic documents may become stale and the rule for the same
URL may change, the pattern network needs to be updated periodically.
When a new URL query arrives from a client, the prototype parses the
URL to extract net-path-name for the request and uses it to find
the root of the associated pattern-matching network. It then extracts the
arguments from the URL and the cookies from the header. It also extracts
the IP address of the requesting machine by querying the socket structure
and does a reverse lookup to determine the domain name of the requesting
machine. It then uses these values to perform tests against the pattern-matching
network. Notice only some of query parameters required by the network are
extracted for the matching purpose. If the match is successful, that is,
the match operation reaches the node corresponding to a valid cached document,
the corresponding document is deemed equivalent to the one requested by
the client and is returned in response to the query. Notice that there
may be multiple cache entries matching a new query and the system returns
the first matchable cache entry it finds.
Our above optimization is targeted at rules that mainly use exact match
or range patterns. It is possible that for complex patterns (particularly
those making liberal use of regular expressions), trying to determine result
equivalence could take an inordinately long time. To handle this case,
we suggest that the system should limit the amount of time spent searching
for a single request. Since result equivalence is only a hint, terminating
the search early and fetching a new copy of the document from the server
is safe.
For implementing progressive delivery of partially-equivalent results,
we can use the
multipart/x-mixed-replace MIME type, a mechanism available
in the Netscape browser for providing continuously updatable web pages.
The previous work has used that for delivering stale data [9].
6. Evaluation
To measure the space and time efficiency of equivalence matching, we performed
tests for the following three applications: map delivery with boundary
error tolerance, information retrieval based on server-side image maps,
and providing weather forecast based on zip code. We use real traces for
the first two applications and a synthetic trace for weather forecast.
The goal of our evaluation was to estimate the performance improvement,
if any, for DCCP-aware caching agents. For this, we mainly used two metrics:
cache hit ratio and the volume of communication between the caching agent
and the content provider (if this information is available). These metrics
allow us to run repeatable experiments and to focus on the inherent performance
improvements - independent of the network characteristics. In the ADL experiment,
we also measured the end-to-end performance to demonstrate benefits in
terms of response time reduction.
In these experiments, we ran a DCCP-aware proxy on a 248MHz, 128MB Sun
Ultra-30 with Solaris 2.6. All the code was compiled with gcc -O.
6.1 Alexandria Digital Library web trace
Table 1: Impact of result equivalence on cache performance
when all dynamic requests are considered.
Error tolerance
Number of cache hits
Cache hit percentage
Saved communication
Percent reduction in communication
Ave. response time for a cache hit
4.8 ms
4.5 ms
4.4 ms
Ave. response time for a cache miss
773 ms
852 ms
958 ms
Ave. response time per request
476 ms
368 ms
340 ms
In this experiment, we tried to estimate the performance improvement
that can be achieved by using DCCP for spatial image searching and retrieval
requests in the ADL system [3].
We have used an ADL user access trace for September and October 1997. This
trace contains 69,337 requests and there are 28663 requests involving CGI.
Of those dynamic requests, 21,545 were cgi-bin requests invoking one of
two scripts: draw_map and map-gif. These scripts return
portions of maps, based on the parameters which include central-latitude,
central-longitude, height and width. Of those 21545 map requests, 7026
requests use an identical URL to access an ADL startup image with zero
latitude and longitude and the remaining 14529 requests access maps with
different parameter values. We used DCCP equivalence directives for those
14529 map requests to improve the cache hit ratio. We specified two map
areas to be equivalent if the difference of above four parameters between
two maps is within a specified error tolerance ratio (for example, 5% or
10%). Two requests are identical if the tolerance ratio is 0.
In this experiment, we set up a server at Rutgers University in New
Jersey and ran both clients and the DCCP-enabled proxy at UCSB. The clients
launch requests sequentially based on the trace to the proxy and the proxy
can respond quickly if it has cached data since they are linked with a
local network, or it fetches data from Rutgers. The round-trip latency
between UCSB and Rutgers was around 82 milliseconds, measured by using
``ping''. The server at Rutgers does not have the ADL data installed, and
it emulates the real ADL server at UCSB by executing each CGI request with
processing time and result size same as what the UCSB ADL server would
have. This experiment assumes that the server is fast enough to handle
concurrent requests and it does not consider load impact among simultaneous
requests. The experiment was conducted at midnight when Internet traffic
is relatively stable and the average results are reported by running this
experiment multiple times. There are minor variations among different runs;
however, the deviation is fairly small.
The server processing time for each request was measured in 1997 [14].
At that time, we replayed the log against the ADL server to measure the
response time and response size of each request. Considering today's machines
can be 3-fold faster than the ADL server machine used in 1997, we have
scaled down the request processing time accordingly in this experiment.
The average processing time for all 28663 dynamic requests is about 0.5
seconds. The average processing time for all map requests (21545) is 169
ms while it is 162 ms for those 14529 requests whose results include the
DCCP headers. The reason for the large difference in the average time between
all dynamic requests and all map requests is that there are a certain number
of ADL requests involving time-consuming spatial database searching.
Table 1
shows the benefits of equivalence caching for processing all dynamic ADL
requests in this trace. The table shows that for exact matches, a 38.6%
cache hit is achievable and this is because there are a large number of
repeated requests with identical URLs. If the application can tolerate
a 5% or 10% relative error, the hit percentage increases to 57.1% and 64.5%
respectively. The total size of data shipped in this trace is 115.6MB and
the forth and fifth rows show the server-proxy communication volume saved
due to the deployment of DCCP. The sixth row is the average request response
time (from a client launches a request until it receives a result) for
those requests whose results are fetched from the proxy cache at UCSB.
The seventh row is the average request response time for those requests
whose results are fetched from the Rutgers server due to cache misses.
The eighth row is the average request response time for all dynamic requests.
The results show that DCCP with tolerance 10% is 40% faster than only caching
results of identical requests in terms of the average response time. If
tolerance 5% is used instead, then it is 29.3% faster.
Table 2: Impact of result equivalence on cache performance
for those DCCP-deployed requests.
Error tolerance
Number of cache hits
Cache hit percentage
Saved communication
Percent reduction in communication
Ave. response time per request
346 ms
217 ms
156 ms
Ave. cache search/insert overhead
Memory usage
Table 3: Impact of limited memory for the pattern-matching
Error tolerance
Percent space available
Cache hit ratio
Now we focus on those map requests whose return results use the DCCP
directives and there are 14529 such requests. Table 2
shows the benefits of equivalence caching and cost incurred due to the
use of DCCP in processing those map requests. The table shows that for
exact matches, only a 13.6% cache hit is achievable. If the application
can tolerate a 5% or 10% relative error, the hit percentage increases to
49% and 62% respectively. The total size of data shipped for these requests
is 61.3MB and the forth and fifth rows show the server-proxy communication
volume saved due to the deployment of DCCP. The sixth row is the average
request response time for all those map requests. The average cost for
pattern matching network management and equivalence searching varies from
4.4 to 4.8 milliseconds per request while the memory usage for the entire
pattern-matching network varies from 330KB to 900KB.
The performance improvement achieved by DCCP-aware caching agents comes,
however, at the cost of additional memory to store the pattern-matching
network. Even though the cost may not be large for many applications (e.g.,
see Table 2),
it is conceivable that the memory requirement can grow rapidly if sufficient
locality is not present in the request stream. This situation can be taken
care of by imposing a bound on the amount of space used for the network.
When the caching agent runs out of space for the pattern-matching network,
it purged old entries using an LRU discipline. To understand the impact
of such a restriction, we conducted additional experiments in which we
limited the amount of memory that could be used for holding the pattern-matching
network. Table 3
presents the results. The second row in Table 3
indicates percentage of space available compared to the situation when
there is sufficient space. The third row shows the cache hit ratio under
different space availability and error tolerance ratios. The result shows
that this trace still has very good temporal locality and a high hit percentage
can be maintained even when only half of the required space is available.
6.2 NASA Kennedy Space Center web trace
In this experiment, we tried to estimate the performance improvement that
can be achieved by using DCCP for server-side image maps. For these experiments,
we used a trace from the NASA Kennedy Space Center WWW server in Florida
to quantify the benefit of equivalence matching for image map type workloads.
The trace contains 1,569,898 requests, of which 20,925 are for the image
map countdown69. We removed invalid requests, for a total of 20,774
requests. Image maps transmit the coordinates where the client clicked
back to the server script, which translates the coordinates to a URL or
returns a result. We have plotted the hit pattern in Figure 5.
For each point that was clicked a hollow circle was plotted. The regions
that have solid black areas are where multiple clicks occurred and correspond
to buttons on the image map. Each button maps to the same URL, while points
that do not fall into a button area result in an error message from the
script. The image map
countdown69 has eleven buttons, as can be
seen from the heavy concentration of dots in eleven regions. The scattering
of dots outside of the buttons are clicks which do not correspond to buttons
and result in an error message. We define each button as an equivalent
region, as well as the error message as an equivalent region, resulting
in twelve distinct regions on the image map.
Using standard URL matching results in a cache hit of 15,592 hits, and
a 75.1% hit ratio. Using result equivalence for all points in the same
region, the hit ratio increases to 99.9% or twelve cache misses, one for
each region. The searching time and space cost is insignificant for this
case because there are only twelve unique results and there are only twelve
unique rules one per dynamic document.
It should be noted that for this trace, using client-site imagemaps
can achieve the same goal as DCCP; nevertheless, this experiment demonstrates
the effectiveness of DCCP if server-site images are deployed.
Figure 5: Hit pattern for /cgi-bin/imagemap/countdown69
from the NASA trace. The hollow points correspond to coordinates where
users clicked on the original image map. Boxes correspond to buttons on
the original image.
6.3 Weather forecast based on
zip code
For this experiment, we generated a synthetic trace. We assume that the
total number of zip codes is 99999 and this number is chosen based on the
fact that a zip code in the U.S. has five digits. There are about 3143
counties in USA and for this test we assume that zip codes are randomly
distributed among counties and each county in USA has the same weather
condition within the same time period. In terms of access patterns of our
synthetic trace, we assume a Zipf distribution [25,8].
While we do not have evidence to support this assumption, we believe it
is more realistic than a uniform distribution.
For a randomly generated trace with 500,000 requests, the average searching
and network management cost is 0.12 milliseconds with a hit ratio of 99%.
The reason for small time overhead is that there is a single application
with one argument name (zip code). Hashing effectively indexes all zip
codes, which allows for fast searching. The space usage is 1.6MB for indexing
all 99999 zip codes in the pattern matching network because each rule enumerates
all equivalent zip codes for the corresponding result. Imposing a limit
on space consumption does not degrade the cache hit ratio much because
there are actually only 3143 unique results.
7. Concluding remarks
The primary contribution of this work is the DCCP protocol which allows
a web application to specify result equivalence between the different documents
(and groups of documents) it generates. This information can be used by
proxies and other caching agents to speedup delivery of dynamic web content.
We have illustrated the utility of this protocol for several applications
and preliminary experiments indicate that the protocol is capable for achieving
high cache hit ratios with fairly small space and time overhead.
DCCP can be extended to express more complicated patterns (e.g. inequality)
and a few directives can be further added to the current DCCP for supporting
basic features such as banner rotation and access logs, which are necessary
for commercial Web sites [5].
Still, compared to Active Cache, the functionality of such a declarative
protocol is more restrictive. The trade-off is that the declarative and
lightweight nature of this caching protocol allows simplified security
control and better efficiency.
We have not evaluated benefits of using our protocol for sending partially
equivalent results and this issue needs to be addressed in the future.
Under our current protocol implementation, searching equivalent results
with complicated string matching rules can be time-consuming and caching
may be less effective if imposing a searching time limit. One possibility
is to restrict the use of string matching. Our current DCCP design is targeted
at GET-based queries and there are a large number of dynamic requests which
use POST-based queries. We plan to study the above issues after we gain
more application experience with DCCP.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported in part by NSF CCR-9702640,
IIS-9817432. We would like to thank Fred Douglis and anonymous referees
for their detailed comments and thank K V Ravi Kanth and Ambuj Singh for
providing their R* tree code.
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This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies & Systems,
October 11-14, 1999, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Last changed: 25 Feb 2002 ml