2nd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies & Systems, 1999
[Technical Program]
Pp. 25–36 of the Proceedings
Organization-Based Analysis of Web-Object Sharing and Caching
Organization-Based Analysis of Web-Object Sharing and Caching
Alec Wolman, Geoff Voelker, Nitin Sharma, Neal Cardwell, Molly Brown,
Tashana Landray, Denise Pinnel, Anna Karlin, Henry Levy
Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Washington
Performance-enhancing mechanisms in the World Wide Web primarily
exploit repeated requests to Web documents by multiple clients.
However, little is known about patterns of shared document access,
particularly from diverse client populations. The principal goal of
this paper is to examine the sharing of Web documents from an organizational point of view. An organizational analysis of sharing
is important, because caching is often performed on an organizational
basis; i.e., proxies are typically placed in front of large and small
companies, universities, departments, and so on. Unfortunately,
simultaneous multi-organizational traces do not currently exist and
are difficult to obtain in practice.
The goal of this paper is to explore the extent of document sharing
(1) among clients within single organizations, and (2) among clients
across different organizations. To perform the study, we use a large
university as a model of a diverse collection of organizations.
Within our university, we have traced all external Web requests and
responses, anonymizing the data but preserving organizational
membership information. This permits us to analyze both inter- and
intra-organization document sharing and to test whether organization
membership is significant. As well, we characterize a number of
parameters of our data, including basic object characteristics, object
cacheability, and server distributions.
The need to understand Web behavior and performance has led to a large
number of studies, aimed in particular at classifying Web document characteristics [11,12,13,16,21]. In
contrast, the principal goal of this study is to evaluate document sharing behavior on the Web, both within organizations and between organizations. By document sharing, we mean access to the same Web
documents by different clients. Sharing behavior has obvious implications
for performance, particularly with respect to the effectiveness of proxy
caching (e.g.,
Proxy caches are often located at organizational boundaries and improve
performance only if many documents are shared by many clients. Therefore, an
understanding of sharing gives us added insight into potential
performance-enhancing mechanisms and alternative caching structures.
An analysis of document sharing within an organization is straightforward
and can help predict the benefits of an organizational proxy
cache [13]. Studying sharing across multiple
organizations is much more difficult, however. Tracing of the entire Web is
obviously not achievable, but even simultaneous traces of multiple
organizations do not currently exist. In addition, the requirement of most
organizations for anonymization of URLs and IP addresses, along with the
different dates of data capture, makes correlation of separate traces
challenging, if not impossible.
In this study, we use The University of Washington (UW) as a basis for
modeling intra- and inter-organizational Web-object sharing. The UW is the
largest university in the northwest part of the U.S., with a population of
over 50,000 people, including 35,000 students, 10,000 full-time
staff, and 5,000 faculty. The university has a large communications
infrastructure, consisting of thousands of computers connected via both
high-speed networks and modems. Together, this community generates a
workload of about 17,400 university-external Web requests per minute
at peak periods.
As with other universities, UW is organized into many colleges, departments,
and programs, each with its own disparate administrative, academic, or
research focus. For example, the UW includes museums of art and natural
history, medical and dental schools, libraries, administrative organizations,
and of course academic departments, such as music, Scandinavian languages,
and computer science. What do such diverse organizations have in common
with respect to their Web access requests? To answer this question, we have
traced all UW-external Web requests; we anonymize the data in such a way as
to identify requests (and associated responses) with the 170 or so
independent organizations from which they were issued. This permits us to
study organization-specific document access and sharing behavior. We have
collected a number of traces during the period from October 1998 through the
present. In general, all of our traces show the same basic patterns. The
results in this paper are based on a representative one-week trace taken in
mid-May 1999, and therefore show the very latest characteristics of
modern Web traffic.
The paper is organized as follows. The next section provides a brief
description of related work. In Section 3 we describe our
trace-capture methodology. Section 4 contains a high-level
description of the workload we traced. Section 5 focuses on
organization-based statistics and also provides inter- and
intra-organization sharing analysis. In Section 6 we discuss
cacheability of documents, and reasons why documents are not cacheable.
Finally, Section 7 summarizes our study and its results.
Previous Work
Numerous recent studies of Web traffic have been performed. These studies
include analyses of Web access traces from the perspective of
browsers [11,21],
proxies [2,4,6,10,12,15,18,19,24], and
servers [1,3,23]. The earlier tracing
studies were rather limited in request rate, number of requests, and
diversity of population. The most recent tracing studies have been larger
and generally more diverse. In addition to static analysis, some studies
have also used trace-driven cache simulation to characterize the locality
and sharing properties of these very large
traces [2,5,13,15,16,19],
and to study the effects of cookies, aborted connections, and persistent
connections on the performance of proxy caching [5,15].
In this paper, we expand on these previous research efforts. Our focus is
on sharing and cacheability; however we can also compare our current HTTP
traffic characteristics to earlier studies, showing how the Web workload has
changed. Our work is based on the most recent data from a large diverse
population. More important, we preserve enough information so that we can
analyze requests with respect to inter-organization and intra-organization
document sharing.
Measurement Methodology
We use passive network monitoring to collect our traces of Web traffic
traveling between the University of Washington and the rest of the Internet.
UW connects to its Internet Service Providers via two border routers; one
router handles primarily outbound traffic and the other inbound traffic.
These two routers are fully connected to four 100-megabit Ethernet switches
distributed across the campus. Each switch has a monitoring port that is
used to send copies of the incoming and outgoing packets to our monitoring
host, which analyzes the packets and produces a trace.
We designed and implemented the tracing software used to produce that
data in this study. Our user-level tracing software runs on a 500 MHz
Digital Alpha 21164 workstation running Digital Unix V4.0.
This software installs a kernel packet filter [22]
to deliver all TCP packets from the network interfaces to the user-level
monitoring process, which analyzes the packets and produces a trace.
The user-level process consists of three layers: TCP segment analysis, HTTP
header processing, and logging. The TCP segment analysis layer classifies
individual TCP packets into TCP connections and identifies the first data
segments in each connection. The first data segment is used to decide
whether or not the connection is an HTTP connection. This technique allows
us to see all HTTP traffic (not just port 80). Once a connection has
been classified as an HTTP connection, we monitor further segments on
that connection so that we can locate all the relevant HTTP headers
when persistent connections are in use. The HTTP header processing
layer is responsible for parsing the HTTP headers extracted from TCP
data segments in the HTTP connection. Once the headers have been parsed,
we extract the fields to be saved and anonymize those fields that contain
sensitive information. We also anonymize the IP addresses here, and then
pass that information to the logging layer. The logging layer takes the
information from the HTTP parser, converts it to a compact binary
representation, compresses it, and writes it to disk. We maintain
packet loss counters on the monitoring host at the device driver level,
at the packet filter level, and at user level. During the May trace,
we measured the packet loss at .0007%. It is also possible for the
switches to drop packets, and we cannot detect packet loss at the
these switches, but the UW network administrators who manage the switches
tell us that they have significant excess capacity.
We use an anonymization approach that protects privacy but preserves some
address locality information. For internal addresses, we classify the IP
address based on its ``organization'' membership. An organization is a set
of university IP addresses that forms an administrative entity; an
organization may include multiple subnets. For instance, all machines in
the Computer Science Department are in a single organization, machines in
the Department of Dentistry are in another, and machines connected to the
campus Museum of Natural History are in yet another. We constructed the
mapping from subnets to organization identifiers based on information
obtained from the campus network administrators. Once the organization
identifiers are assigned, both the IP address and the organization
identifier are anonymized. Furthermore, some bits of information in the IP
address are destroyed before anonymization to make the anonymization
more secure. If the hash function or key is compromised, no transaction
can be associated with a client address with absolute certainty.
Figure 1:
Histogram of the top 15 content types by count and size.
For external addresses, we anonymize each octet of the server IP address
separately. For our purposes, two servers are near each other if they share
most or all of the Internet path between them and the university.
We consider two servers to be on the same subnet when the first three
octets of their IP addresses match. Given the use of classless routing
in the Internet, this scheme will not provide 100% accuracy, but for
large organizations we expect that this assumption will be overly
conservative rather than overly aggressive.
Although our tracing software records all HTTP requests and responses
flowing both in and out of UW, the data presented in this paper is filtered
to only look at HTTP requests generated by clients inside UW, and the
corresponding HTTP responses generated by servers outside of UW. All of our
results are based on the entire trace collected from Friday May 7th through
Friday May 14th, 1999, except for the organization-based sharing results in
Section 5, which are from a single day (Tuesday) of our trace (the
limitation is due to the memory requirements of the sharing analysis).
High-Level Data Characteristics
Table 1 shows the basic data characteristics. As the table
shows, our trace software saw the transfer of 677 gigabytes of data in
response packets, requested from about 23,000 client addresses, and returned
from 244,000 servers. It is interesting that, compared to the commonly-used
1996 DEC trace (analyzed, e.g., in [13]), which had a similar
client population, we saw four times as many requests in one week as DEC
saw in 3 weeks. These requests and corresponding response and close events
follow the typical diurnal cycle, with a minimum of 460 requests per
minute (at 5 AM) and a peak of 17,400 requests per minute (at 3 PM).
Figures 1a and 1b present a histogram of
the top content types by object count and bytes transmitted, respectively.
By count, the top four are image/gif, text/html, No Content Type, and
image/jpeg, with all the rest of the content types at significantly lower
numbers. The No Content Type traffic, which accounts for 18% of the
responses, consists primarily of short control messages. The largest
percentage of bytes transferred is accounted for by text/html with 25%,
though the sum of the image/gif (19%) and image/jpeg (21%) types accounts
for 40% of the bytes transferred. The remaining content types account for
decreasing numbers of bytes with a heavy-tailed distribution.
Table 1:
Overall statistics for the one-week trace.
HTTP Transactions (Requests)
82.8 million
18.4 million
Total Bytes
677 GB
Average requests/minute
Peak requests/minute
Figure 2:
Requests broken down into initial, duplicate, and cacheable duplicate requests over time.
Another type that accounts for significant traffic, which is not readily
apparent from the table, is multimedia content (audio and video). The sum
of all 59 different audio and video content types that we observed during
the May trace adds up to 14% of all bytes transferred. In addition, there
is a significant amount of streaming multimedia content that is delivered
through an out-of-band channel between the audio/video player and the
In a preliminary attempt to view some of this out-of-band multimedia
traffic, we extended our tracing software to analyze connections made by the
Real Networks audio/video player, examining port 7070 traffic. Newer
versions of the Real Networks player use the RTSP protocol, which we do not
handle. The Real Networks player sets up a TCP control connection on port
7070, and then transfers the data on UDP port 7070. Our trace software only
collects TCP segments, so we analyze the control connection to determine how
much data is being transferred. When the control connection is shut down, a
``statistics'' packet is transmitted that contains the average bandwidth
delivered (in bits per second) as measured by the client for the completed
connection. We take that that bit-rate and multiply it by the connection
duration time to estimate the size of the content transferred. Some of the
control connections do not transmit the statistics packet, in which case we
cannot make an estimate.
During the week of the May trace, we observed 55000 connections, of which
approximately 40% had statistics packets. For those 40%, we calculated
that 28 GB of Real-Audio and Real-Video data were transferred (which would
scale to 10% of the amount of HTTP data transferred if the other 60% of
connections have similar characteristics). Furthermore, the Real-Audio
and Real-Video objects themselves are quite large, with an average size of
just under a megabyte. When we sum up all the different kinds of multimedia
content, we see that from 18% to 24% of Web related traffic coming in
to the University is multimedia content, and this is a lower bound since
we know that we're missing RTSP traffic at the very least. We believe
that the large quantity of audio and video is signaling a new trend;
e.g., in the data collected for studies reported in [12] and
[16], audio traffic does not appear.
We also examined the distribution of object sizes for HTTP objects
transmitted. We observe here once again the usual heavy-tailed
phenomenon that has been observed for object size distributions in all
previous studies. In our trace, we found a mean object size of X.X
KB, with a median of less than X KB. These numbers are fairly consistent
with those measured in earlier traces, e.g., [21,16].
We were also curious about the HTTP protocol versions currently
in use. The majority of requests in our trace (53%) are made using
HTTP 1.0, but the majority of responses use HTTP 1.1 (69%). In
terms of bytes transferred, the majority of bytes (75%) are returned
from HTTP 1.1 servers.
These statistics simply serve to provide some background about the
general nature of the trace data, in order to set the context for the
analysis in the next two sections.
Analysis of Document Sharing
This section presents and analyzes our trace data, focusing on
document sharing. As previously stated, our intention is to use the
university organizations as a simple model of independent
organizations in the Internet. Our goal is to answer several key
questions with respect to Web-document sharing, for example:
How much object sharing occurs between different organizations?
What types of objects are shared?
How are objects shared in time?
Is membership in an organization a predictor of sharing behavior?
Are members of organizations more similar to each other than to
members of different organizations, or do all clients behave more-or-less
identically in their request behavior?
Figure 2 plots total Web requests per 5 minute period over
the one-week trace period. The shading of the graph divides the
curve into three areas: the darkest portion shows the fraction of
requests that are initial (first) requests to objects, while the
medium grey portion shows the subset that are duplicate (repeated)
requests to documents. A request is considered a duplicate
if it is to a document previously requested in the trace by
any client. The lightest grey color shows those requests that are both
duplicate and cacheable, as we will discuss later.
Overall, the data shows that about 75% of requests are to objects
previously requested in the trace. This matches fairly closely the results
of Duska et al. on several large organizational traces [13]. The
percentage of shared requests rises very slowly over time, as one might
expect. From our one-week trace, we cannot yet see the peak; however, this
analysis does not consider document timeouts or replacements, therefore the
75% is optimistic if used as a basis for prediction of cache behavior.
Furthermore, we cannot tell from the figure how many of the requests to a
shared object were duplicate requests from the same client; overall, we
found that about 60% of the requests to shared documents were first
requests by a client to those documents; 40% were repeated requests by
the same client.
A key component of our data is the encoding of the organization number,
which allows us to identify each client as belonging to one of the 170
active university organizations. These organizations include academic and
administrative departments and programs, dormitories, and the
university-wide modem pool. Figures 3a
and 3b show the organization size, the request rate, and
number of objects accessed by each organization. There are several very
large organizations, with most somewhat smaller. The largest organization
has 919 ``anonymized'' clients, the second largest organization is the modem
pool with 759 clients, and the third largest organization has 626
clients.1 The top 20
organizations all have more than 100 clients, as shown by the labels in
Figure 5. Because of the way that client IP addresses
are anonymized, we cannot uniquely identify an individual client, i.e., each
anonymized client address could correspond to up to 4 separate clients. For
this trace the ratio of ``real'' clients to ``anonymized'' clients measured
by the low levels of our trace software is 1.67; therefore, our 13,701
anonymized clients represent 22,984 true clients.
Using the organization data, we can analyze the amount of object
sharing that occurs both within and between organizations.
Figure 3:
Distribution of clients, objects, and requests in organizations. The object and request graph is sorted by the number of objects in an organization. Note that the y-axis of (b) uses a log scale.
Figure 4:
The left graph shows the fraction of objects and requests accessed by the organization that are shared by more than one client within the organization. The right graph shows the fraction of objects and requests accessed by the organization that are shared with at least one other organization.
Figure 4a shows intra-organization (local)
sharing from the perspective of both objects and requests. The black
line shows the percentage of all objects accessed by each organization
that are locally-shared objects, i.e., accessed by more than one
organization member. The light grey line shows the percentage of all
organization requests that are to these locally-shared objects.
The organizations are ordered by decreasing locally-shared object
percentage. From our data on intra-organization sharing we can make the
following observations:
Only a small percentage (4.8% on average) of the objects
accessed within an organization are shared by multiple members of
the organization (the smooth black line).
However, a much larger percentage of requests (16.4% on
average) are to locally-shared objects (the light grey line).
dogroups -multi=shared_reqs_per_obj
The average number of requests per locally-shared object is 4.0
- higher than the minimal 2 requests required for an object to be
considered shared.
dogroups -multi=true_shared_reqs_per_obj
Each locally-shared object is requested by two clients on
average in each organization.
On average, 9.0% of requests are first requests to an object
within an organization.
Most local sharing is between two clients. The number of true
requests to an object corresponds to the number of clients that
access that object, and the number of true requests per
locally-shared object is 2.0 on average in each organization.
Figure 5:
Breakdown of objects (a) and requests (b) into the different categories of sharing, for the 20 largest organizations. The labels on the x-axis show the number of clients in each organization shown.
Figure 4b shows the inter-organization (global) sharing activity. Here the black line shows the percentage
of all objects accessed by each organization that were also accessed
by at least one other organization; we call such objects globally-shared objects. Similarly, the light grey line shows the
percentage of all requests by an organization to globally-shared
objects. The organizations are ordered by decreasing globally-shared
object percentage. From our data on inter-organization sharing we
can make the following observations:
There is more sharing with other organizations than within the
organization; the fraction of globally-shared objects and requests
in Figure 4b is much higher than the
locally-shared objects and requests in Figure 4a.
This is not surprising, because the combined client population of
all of the organizations is significantly larger than any one
organization alone. As a result, there is a much greater
opportunity for the clients in one organization to share with
clients from any of the other organizations.
dogroups -multi=global_shared_objs_frac
For 65% of the organizations, more than half of the objects
referenced are globally-shared objects (the smooth black line).
dogroups -multi=global_shared_reqs_frac
For 94% of the organizations, more than half of the requests
are to globally-shared objects, and for 10% of the organizations
75% of the requests are to globally-shared objects (the light grey
dogroups -multi=global_shared_reqs_per_obj
However, globally-shared objects are not requested frequently by
each organization. On average, each organization makes 1.5 requests
to a globally-shared object.
dogroups -multi=global_true_shared_reqs_per_obj
On average, a globally-shared object is accessed by only one
client in each organization.
dogroups -multi=global_true_shared_reqs_per_obj
Very few clients within each organization access globally-shared
objects. The faction of true shared requests per globally-shared
object is 1.0.
A key question raised by these figures is whether the objects shared within
an organization are the same set of objects that are shared across
organizations. Figure 5a shows, for the 20 largest
organizations, a breakdown of organization-accessed objects into various
sharing categories: local only, global only, local and global, and not
shared. Figure 5b shows the same breakdown by request.
The graphs are ordered in decreasing organization size, with the
organization size shown on the x-axis.
From Figure 5b, we see that the fraction of requests to
shared objects is fairly flat across these organization sizes. As we would
expect, the fraction that are shared globally-only rises somewhat with
decreased organization size, while the fraction that are locally-shared
decreases with decreasing organization size. That is, in general, the
smaller the organization, the less organization-internal sharing, and the
more global sharing. Looking at the white section of the bars in both
figures, we see that the small percentage of objects that account for both
local and global sharing are very hot, and account for a much greater
fraction of the requests than the objects they represent. In contrast, the
percentage of requests to objects shared locally-only is very small for
these organizations.
To aid in the understanding of the degree of object sharing,
Figure 6 plots the number of objects (on the y-axis)
that were shared by exactly x organizations. Most objects are
accessed by only one organization, as shown by the steepness of the
curve at x=1. We also found that there were more than 1000 objects
accessed by 20 organizations and more than 100 objects accessed by 45
Figure 6:
The number of objects accessed by a given number of organizations.
Note that the y-axis uses a log scale.
A key question with respect to our sharing data is whether
organization membership is significant. To answer this question, we
randomly assigned clients to organizations, and compared the inter-
and intra-organization sharing in the random assignments with the
sharing seen in our trace analysis presented above. (The
random organizations had the same sizes as the actual
organizations.) Figure 7a plots the fraction of
requests to locally-shared objects of the trace organizations and
three randomly-assigned organizations. From the figure, we see that
over all of the organizations sharing is higher in the real
organizations than in the randomly-assigned organizations. In other
words, there is locality of references in organization membership.
Figure 7b plots the fraction of requests to
globally-shared objects for the trace and for the three random
organizations. As expected, there is no significant difference
in the amount of global sharing between the real trace and the
randomized organization assignment.
Figure 7:
Fraction of requests in the organization that are shared within this organization (a) and shared with at least one other organization (b), compared with three random client-to-organization assignments.
The organization-oriented data show that there is, in fact,
significance to organization membership. Members of an organization
are more likely to request the same documents than a set of clients of
the same size chosen at random. However, the vast majority of the
requests made are to objects that are globally shared. In
addition, objects that are shared both locally within an organization
and globally with other organizations are more likely to be requested
by an organization member. This suggests that the most requested
objects are universally popular.
For another aspect of sharing patterns we examine the
servers that are being accessed and server proximity (i.e.,
which servers are close to each other in the network).
Figure 8 shows the cumulative distribution functions
of both server popularity and server subnet popularity, where popularity is
measured by the request-count. The byte-count curves for server popularity
and server subnet popularity are effectively identical to the request-count
curves shown in the graph. The data indicates that 50% of the objects
accessed and bytes transferred come from roughly the top 850 servers (out of
a total of 244,211 servers accessed). A server subnet is a set of
servers that share the same first 24 bits of their IP addresses. Such
groups of servers are typically mirrors of each other, or at least
sit in a single server farm owned by a single company. We see that 50% of
the objects come from about the top 200 server subnets; 18% come from the
top 20 subnets.
Figure 8:
The cumulative distributions of server and server subnet popularity.
Document Cacheability
This section examines cacheability of documents, giving us insight
into the potential effectiveness of proxy caches in our environment.
Web proxy caches are a key performance component of the WWW
infrastructure; their objective is to improve
performance through caching of documents requested more than once.
Proxies typically live at the boundaries of an organization, caching
documents for all clients within that organization.
In Figure 2 we saw a time-series graph of the percentage of
duplicate requests (i.e., requests to a previously-accessed document) and
cacheable requests in our trace. The cacheable requests are those made to
documents that would be cached by a standard proxy cache, such as
Squid [25]. We found that, in steady state,
approximately 45% of the requests are duplicate and cacheable, placing an
upper bound on the hit rate. The wide difference between the duplicate line
and the cacheable line indicates that only about half of the duplicate
requests (which could benefit from caching) are to objects that are
Figure 9:
Reasons for uncacheability of HTTP transactions.
Our cacheability analysis is based on the implementation of the Squid
proxy cache. We examined the policies implemented
by both Squid version 1 and Squid version 2. There are several reasons
why a Squid proxy may consider a document uncacheable.
CGI - The document was created by a CGI script or program
and is not cached, because it is produced dynamically.
Cookie - The response contains a set-cookie header.
Squid version 1 does not allow these responses to be cached,
but Squid version 2 does allow them to be cached.
Query - The request is a query, i.e., the object name
includes a question mark (``?'').
Pragma - The response is explicitly marked uncacheable
with a ``Pragma: no-cache'' header.
Cache-Control - The response is explicitly marked uncacheable
with the HTTP 1.1 Cache-Control header.
Method - The request method is not ``GET'' or ``HEAD''.
Response-Status - The server response code does not allow
the proxy to cache the response. For example, response code 302 (Moved
Temporarily) cannot be cached when there is no explicit expiration date
Push-Content - The content type ``multipart/x-mixed-replace''
is used by some servers to specify dynamic content.
Auth - Requests that specify an Authorization header.
Vary - Responses that specify a Vary header.
Figure 10:
Breakdown by content-type of the uncacheable HTTP transactions.
Figure 9 shows a breakdown of all HTTP requests, detailing
the percentage that are uncacheable for each of the reasons listed above.
As the figure shows in the bar labeled ``Overall_Uncache'', 40% of the
requests are uncacheable for one or more of the itemized reasons. Queries
and Response Status are the two major reasons for uncacheability. Adding up
the percentages for each reason sums to an amount greater than the overall
uncacheability rate, showing that many documents are uncacheable for more
than one reason. The figure also shows, for each itemized reason, the
percentage of HTTP requests that are uncacheable only due to that reason.
Finally, the figure shows that 16% of Web requests are uncacheable for two
or more reasons. Figure 10 shows the most common
content types for the uncacheable documents.
Figure 11:
The left graph shows the fraction of cacheable objects and
cacheable requests accessed by each organization. The right graph shows the
fraction of objects and requests that are both cacheable and shared by more
than one organization.
Our intent in analyzing the cacheability of documents is to show which
requests a deployed proxy cache would be allowed to store if it were given
the request stream from our trace. However, one should not infer from
our analysis that all of the uncacheable requests are truly dynamic content.
Web content providers may choose to mark documents uncacheable for other
reasons, such as the desire to track the behavior of individual users.
Figure 10 shows that more than 12% of all the
uncacheable documents have the image/gif content type, and we suspect
that very few of these images are truly dynamic content.
Figure 11a shows, for each organization, the percentage
of objects (black line) requested by the organization that are potentially
cacheable. The light grey line shows, for each organization, the percentage
of requests whose responses are cacheable. The figure shows that the percentage
of cacheable objects is somewhat lower than the percentage of
cacheable requests. The percentage of cacheable requests gives an upper
bound on the hit rate each organization could see with an organization-local
proxy cache.
Figure 11b shows, for each organization, the
percentage of cacheable shared objects (the black line), and the
percentage of cacheable shared requests in two categories. The medium
grey line shows those first requests by an organization to globally
shared objects. The light grey line shows the total number of
requests by an organization to globally shared objects. The
difference between these two lines represents the duplicate requests
by an organization to globally shared objects. If each organization
has its own cache, then the local cache can handle all duplicate
requests whether or not there is a global cache. If there is a global
cache in addition to the local caches, then the global cache will miss
on the first request by any of the organizations, but will hit on all
the first requests by other organizations that follow. One can
conclude from this graph that there is significant sharing among
organizations (as shown by the light grey line), but that a large
fraction of that sharing is captured just with organizational caches
(as shown by the difference between light and medium grey lines).
Therefore, a global cache in addition to the local caches will help,
but not nearly to the degree indicated by the amount of sharing among
organizations. Another interesting question is whether a single
global cache would be better than using local caches. We explore this
question in a related paper [26].
A last factor that can affect the performance of caching is object
expiration time. We found overall that only 9.2% of requests had an
expiration specified. Most of these requests are to objects that
expire quickly; 47% are to objects that expire in less than 2
hours. Interestingly, of those that did have an expiration
specified, 26% had a missing or invalid date and 29% had an
expiration time that had already passed.
Finally, we have not presented detailed cache simulations here; our
objective is simply to analyze cacheability of documents in the most recent
data. From our data, it appears that the trends with respect to
cacheability of documents are getting worse. For example, our measurement
that 40% of all document accesses are uncacheable is significantly higher
than the 7% reported for client traces at Berkeley in
1997 [16]. Without widespread deployment of special mechanisms
to deal with caching, such as caching systems that handle dynamic
content [7,8], the benefits of proxy caching are
not likely to improve.
In this paper, we have collected and analyzed a large recent
trace taken in a university setting.
Our study has focused on sharing of Web documents
within and among a diverse set of organizations within a large
We can reach the following conclusions from our data:
Organization membership appears to be significant: members of
an organization are more likely to request the same documents than a
set of clients of the same size chosen at random from all the clients in
the population. However, the vast majority of the requests made
(and the objects requested) are to objects that are shared among
multiple organizations.
Objects that are simultaneously shared locally by an organization and
globally with other organizations are more likely to be requested by an
organization member than objects that are just shared locally or just
shared globally. This suggests that the most-requested objects by an
organization are globally and universally popular.
The trace shows mostly minor differences relative to earlier
traces in terms of many of the basic characteristics. However, we
see two important differences compared to previous traces. The
first is that the percentage of requests to uncacheable documents is
significantly higher. The second is that a significant amount of
audio/video content appears in our trace.
When analyzing these conclusions, one must keep in mind that we do not
know how similar our university organizations are to typical commercial
organizations that connect to the Internet, but we hope to investigate
this question in future work. We have only begun to analyze the data
we have collected. Other future work includes a more detailed
statistical analysis of various aspects of the data already collected as
well as a study of the evolution of WWW traffic characteristics over time.
Towards this end, we plan to repeatedly trace and examine Web traffic at
the University of Washington.
We would particularly like to thank Steve Corbato, Art Dong, Corey Satten,
and the other members of the Computing and Communications organization at
UW, who supported our effort. We also wish to thank Geoff Kuenning for his
diligent shepherding that added greatly to the clarity of the paper. This
research was supported in part by DARPA Grant F30602-97-2-0226, National
Science Foundation grant EIA-9870740, US-Israel Binational Science
Foundation grant 96-00247, and an IBM Graduate Research Fellowship.
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This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies & Systems,
October 11-14, 1999, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Last changed: 25 Feb 2002 ml