Second Workshop on Real, Large Distributed SystemsPreliminary Abstract
Pp. 1924 of the Proceedings
Supporting Network Coordinates on PlanetLab
Peter Pietzuch, Jonathan Ledlie, and Margo Seltzer, Harvard University
Large-scale distributed applications need latency information
to make network-aware routing decisions. Collecting
these measurements, however, can impose a high
burden. Network coordinates are a scalable and efficient
way to supply nodes with up-to-date latency estimates.
We present our experience of maintaining network coordinates
on PlanetLab. We present two different APIs for accessing
coordinates: a per-application library, which takes
advantage of application-level traffic, and a stand-alone
service, which is shared across applications. Our results
show that statistical filtering of latency samples improves
accuracy and stability and that a small number of neighbors
is sufficient when updating coordinates.
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