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... Linux1
Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. LifeKeeper is a trademark of SteelEye Technology, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The shared memory segment must be fixed at the same virtual address for all LifeKeeper processes (since it contains internal pointer references) but that address may be varied globally. Therefore, we make all processes read the location of the shared memory segment from a file before start up and alter the value (to 0x5fff000) for Caldera.
... distribution3
This is primarily accepted wisdom, perhaps the best recent example is from the US DOJ vs Microsoft court case[4] where Microsoft argues ...The uniformity of Windows (in contrast to the many different flavors of the UNIX operating system) is one of the primary benefits of the operating system, leading to the availability of a vast range of compatible hardware and software products