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We wish to thank the entire Cilk project team at MIT. Led by Professor Charles E. Leiserson, this team includes or has included Matteo Frigo, Michael Halbherr now of the Boston Consulting Group, Chris Joerg now of DEC's Cambridge Research Lab, Bradley Kuszmaul now of Yale University, Howard Lu, Rob Miller now of Carnegie Mellon University, David Park now of McKinsey and Associates, Keith Randall, and Yuli Zhou now of AT&T Labs Research. Of particular note in this group, we wish to extend an extra note of gratitude to David Park, who helped conceive and write the very first Cilk-NOW prototype (back then we called the system "Phish") and especially to Charles Leiserson. From its conception, Charles has supported this project with a generous allocation of resources, both human and machine, and with his enthusiasm, ideas, and sense of humor.

Other current and former members of MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science who we wish to thank include Arvind, Scott Blomquist, Eric Brewer now of the University of California at Berkeley, Frans Kaashoek, Larry Rudolph, and Sivan Toledo now of IBM.

Finally, we wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their many helpful comments and our "shepherd," Fred Douglis, for his patience and guidance in helping us address the reviewers' comments.

Robert D. Blumofe
Wed Nov 13 10:25:03 CST 1996