1998 Abstract
Quality of Service Specification in Distributed Object Systems Design
Svend Frolund and Jari Koistinen
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
Traditional object-oriented design methods deal with the functional
aspects of systems, but they do not address quality of service
(QoS) aspects such as reliability, availability, performance, security,
and timing. However, deciding which QoS properties should be provided by
individual system components is an important part of the design process.
Different decisions are likely to result in different component implementations
and system structures. Thus, decisions about component-level QoS should be
made at design time, before the implementation is begun. Since these decisions
are an important part of the design process, they should be captured
as part of the design. We propose a general Quality-of-Service
specification language, which we call QML. In this paper we show
how QML can be used to capture QoS properties as part of designs.
In addition, we extend UML,
the de-facto standard object-oriented modeling language, to support the
concepts of QML. QML is designed to integrate with object-oriented features,
such as interfaces, classes, and inheritance. In particular, it allows specification
of QoS properties through refinement of existing QoS specifications.
Although we exemplify the use of QML to specify QoS properties within the
categories of reliability and performance, QML can be used for specification
within any QoS category---QoS categories are user-defined types in QML.
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