Wednesday, May 5
Design Patterns
Filters as a Language Support for Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Scripting Languages
Gustaf Neumann and Uwe Zdun, University of Essen, Germany
Performance Patterns: Automated Scenario-Based ORB Performance Evaluation
S. Nimmagadda and C. Liyanaarachchi, University of Kansas; A. Gopinath, Sprint Corporation; D. Niehaus, University of Kansas; A. Kaushal, Sprint Corporation
Object-Oriented Pattern-Based Parallel Programming with Automatically Generated Frameworks
Steve MacDonald, Duane Szafron, and Jonathan Schaeffer, University of Alberta, Canada
Runtime Issues
Intercepting and Instrumenting COM Applications
Galen C. Hunt, Microsoft Research; Michael L. Scott, University of Rochester
Implementing Causal Logging Using OrbixWeb Interception
Chanathip Namprempre, Jeremy Sussman, and Keith Marzullo, University of California, San Diego
Quality of Service--Aware Distributed Object Systems
Svend Frølund, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories; Jari Koistinen, Commerce One, Inc.
Objects and Databases
Resource Control for Java Database Extensions
Grzegorz Czajkowski, Tobias Mayr, Praveen Seshadri, and Thorsten von Eicken, Cornell University
Address Translation Strategies in the Texas Persistent Store
Sheetal V. Kakkad, Somerset Design Center, Motorola; Paul R. Wilson, University of Texas at Austin
Thursday, May 6
JMAS: A Java-Based Mobile Actor System for Distributed Parallel Computation
Legand L. Burge III, Howard University; K. M. George, Oklahoma State University
Adaptation and Specialization for High Performance Mobile Agents
Dong Zhou and Karsten Schwan, Georgia Institute of Technology
Applying Optimization Principle Patterns to Design Real-Time ORBs
Irfan Pyarali, Carlos O'Ryan, Douglas Schmidt, Nanbor Wang, and Vishal Kachroo, Washington University, St. Louis; Aniruddha Gokhale, Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs
Programming in the Large
The Application of Object-Oriented Design Techniques to the Evolution of the Architecture of a Large Legacy Software System
Jeff Mason and Emil S. Ochotta, Xilinx Inc.
Supporting Automatic Configuration of Component-Based Distributed Systems
Fabio Kon and Roy H. Campbell, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Automating Three Modes of Evolution for Object-Oriented Software Architectures
Lance Tokuda and Don Batory, University of Texas at Austin
Java Internet Measurements
The Design and Implementation of Guaraná
Alexandre Oliva and Luiz Eduardo Buzato, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Tuning Branch Predictors to Support Virtual Method Invocation in Java
N. Vijaykrishnan, Pennsylvania State University; N. Ranganathan, University of Texas at El Paso
Comprehensive Profiling Support in the Java Virtual Machine
Sheng Liang and Deepa Viswanathan, Sun Microsystems Inc.