Message from the Program Chair
Sunday, April 11, 1999
Analysis and Large Networks
Analysis Techniques for Detecting Coordinated Attacks and Probes
John Green and David Marchette, Naval Surface Warfare Center; Stephen Northcutt, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization; Bill Ralph, ATR Corporation
Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention on a Large Network: A Case Study
Tom Dunigan and Greg Hinkel, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
An Eye on Network Intruder-Administrator Shootouts
Luc Girardin, UBS, Ubilab
Software and Processes
On Preventing Intrusions by Process Behavior Monitoring
R. Sekar, Iowa State University; T. Bowen and M. Segal, Bellcore
Intrusion Detection Through Dynamic Software Measurement
Sebastian Elbaum and John C. Munson, University of Idaho
Learning Program Behavior Profiles for Intrusion Detection
Anup K. Ghosh, Aaron Schwartzbard, and Michael Schatz, Reliable Software Technologies Corp.
Monday, April 12, 1999
IDS Systems
Automated Intrusion Detection Using NFR: Methods and Experiences
Wenke Lee, Christopher T. Park, and Salvatore J. Stolfo, Columbia University
Experience with EMERALD to Date
Peter G. Neumann and Phillip A. Porras, SRI International
Defending Against the Wily Surfer—Web-based Attacks and Defenses
Daniel V. Klein, Cybertainment, Inc.
Network Data Processing and Storage
Preprocessor Algorithm for Network Management Codebook
Minaxi Gupta and Mani Subramanian, Georgia Institute of Technology
The Packet Vault: Secure Storage of Network Data
C. J. Antonelli, M. Undy, and P. Honeyman, University of Michigan
Real-time Intrusion Detection and Suppression in ATM Networks
R. Bettati, W. Zhao, and D. Teodor, Texas A&M University
Statistics and Anomalies
A Statistical Method for Profiling Network Traffic
David Marchette, Naval Surface Warfare Center B10
Transaction-based Anomaly Detection
Roland Büschkes and Mark Borning, Aachen University of Technology; Dogan Kesdogan, communications GmbH & Co.