Conference on Domain-Specific Languages, 1997
[Technical Program]
Pp. 11–26 of the Proceedings |  |
A Domain Specific Language for Video Device Drivers:
from Design to Implementation
Scott Thibault Renaud Marlet Charles Consel
IRISA / INRIA - Université de Rennes 1
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes cedex, France

Domain-specific languages (DSL) have many potential advantages in terms of
software engineering ranging from increased productivity to the application of
formal methods.
Although they have been used in practice for decades, there has been little
study of methodology or implementation tools for the DSL approach. In this
paper we present our DSL approach and its application to a realistic
application: video display device drivers.
The presentation focuses on the validation of our proposed framework for
domain-specific languages, which provides automatic generation of efficient
implementations of DSL programs. Additionally, we describe an example of a
complete DSL for video display adaptors and the benefits of the DSL approach in
this application. This demonstrates some of the generally claimed benefits
of using
DSLs: increased productivity, higher-level abstraction, and easier
verification. The DSL has been fully implemented with our approach and is
available .
In contrast to a general purpose language (GPL), a
domain-specific language (DSL) is a language that is expressive
uniquely over the specific features of programs in a given problem
domain. It is often small and declarative; it may be textual or
graphic. DSLs have also been called application domain
languages [6], little or
micro-languages [2], and are related to scripting
languages [18].
DSLs have been used in various domains such as financial
products [1],
telephone switching systems [11, 16],
operating systems [19],
and robot
languages [5]. Languages such as SQL, TeX and
shells may also be considered DSLs.
Software architectures based on DSLs primarily aim at achieving faster
development of safer applications. Because constructs in a DSL
abstract key concepts of the domain, the developer (that does not have
to be a skilled programmer) can write more concise and higher
level programs in less time. Programming with a DSL also contributes to safety
because it is less error-prone than with a GPL. Additionally,
high-level constructs translate, in practice, into the reuse of
validated components. Moreover, when the language is small and
specific, it is possible and easier to build automatic validation and
test generation tools. For example, termination properties may be
considered if the language is not Turing-complete.
A DSL may also be seen as a way to parameterize a generic application or
to designate a member of a program family. A {program
family is a set of programs that share enough characteristics that it
is worthwhile to study them as a whole. In fact, designing a DSL
actually involves the same commonality analysis [11] that
is used in the study of a program family: assumptions that are true
for all members of the family and variations among members. This
process should be performed both by domain experts and software
Though actual uses of DSLs record benefits such as productivity,
reliability and flexibility [15], implementing DSLs
is often difficult and costly [7]. There are two main
approaches to language implementation, each with significant disadvantages:
those that are based on compilers (translation from the DSL to a target machine
or GPL) are
not easy to write or to extend, and extensions require skills in
compiler technology that cannot be expected from ``domain
developers''; those that are based on interpreters are easier to write
or to extend but are less
efficient [4].
This issue also impacts
maintainability [21] because
complexity in the compiler defeats the software engineering goals of
using a DSL. Depending on objectives, either one or the other style
of implementation is thus chosen: application generator or
We have proposed a framework for the development of application
generators that reconciles both alternatives [20]. It
relies on partial
evaluation [12, 14], a program
transformation technique that is well suited to automatically transform
interpreters into compilers [13]. Partial evaluation exploits
known information about a program's input to be able to evaluate parts of
a program in advance. Given a program and the known
portion of its input, a partial evaluator produces a specialized program. In
this new semantically equivalent program, computations depending on known
values have already been performed.
Our framework is
structured into two levels. The first level consists of the
definition of an abstract machine, whose operations can be viewed as
generic components that capture important operations of the domain. The
second level is the definition of a micro-language in terms of the
abstract machine operations, thus providing a high level interface to
the abstract machine. The use of partial evaluation in our framework
is twofold, corresponding to each level: it maps an abstract machine
into an efficient implementation, and a micro-program into an abstract
machine program. The development of this framework is supported by
industry partners for realistic applications.
This paper describes a realistic application of our framework for the
automatic generation of video card drivers. This domain naturally
forms a program family, for which DSLs are well suited. We present the
design and definition of a complete DSL for video display adaptors.
Concerning performance, we show how partial evaluation can yield
efficient drivers. Concerning safety, we insure that all generated
drivers can be proven to terminate and define some analyses that can
greatly improve their reliability.
Our contributions can be summarized as follows:
We validate our framework of application generator design on a
realistic example: video card device drivers.
We define a DSL for generating such drivers. This
restricted language allows program verifications.
We provide a flexible implementation of this language that generates efficient
video drivers.
We illustrate the benefits of DSLs as a software architecture.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes our framework for application generator design in further
detail. Section 3 presents the domain of video
card drivers. Section 4 describes the two-level
design: abstract machine and graphics adaptor language.
Section 5 discusses the results of applying this approach
to the domain of video drivers. Section 6
summarizes the results of this experiment
and identifies future work, both for the language and the framework.
Figure 1: Generic program instantiation.
In a previous paper [20] we presented an approach to generic
software design.
In this approach, we consider the implementation of a program family as a
generic program. The parameterization of this generic program corresponds to
variations within the program family and can be represented using a
micro-language. A micro-language is a small restricted DSL which
formally defines the program family (an instance of the program family
is specified by a micro-program) and is restricted to allow analysis.
The generic
program implementing a program family is constructed in two
layers, and automatic instantiation is performed by program specialization
(i.e., partial evaluation), as illustrated in Figure 1.
Together, the two applications of program specialization provide a complete
path from a micro-program to an efficient implementation.
The abstract machine is the definition of the fundamental operations
of the domain that are used to implement members of the program family. The
abstract machine is implemented as a highly parameterized library, whose
parameters represent operational variations within the domain.
Any given abstract machine program provides values for operation parameters
that indicate the desired functionality. A partial evaluator can
eliminate the genericity from the library functions using these known values
to produce an efficient implementation, as shown in the bottom section of
Figure 1.
The micro-language captures the variations within the program family in
terms of what family members do, as opposed to how family
members operate, which is captured by the abstract machine. The micro-language
is implemented by an interpreter, which invokes abstract machine operations
by calling the corresponding library subprograms. The micro-language provides
an interface to the abstract machine, and the interpreter implements a mapping
from a micro-program to the abstract machine. This mapping depends only on
the micro-program such that, given a micro-program, a partial evaluator,
with the micro-program as known input,
eliminates all operations in the interpreter leaving only the remaining calls
to the abstract machine. Thus, a partial evaluator can produce an abstract
machine program from a given micro-program, as shown in the top section of
Figure 1.
For the application of this approach we use a partial evaluation system named
Tempo [8]. Tempo is a fully automatic partial evaluator for C.
Users of Tempo specify inputs to the entry point and global variables as
either known or unknown. In our approach, we insure the successful application
of partial evaluation via the separation of the abstract machine and the
interpreter, each having its on state represented in C by global variables.
The interpreter state is specified as known and the abstract machine state is
specified as unknown. The following simple rules guarantee correct separation
and thus successful automatic partial evaluation.
- Interpreter subprograms may only use variables of the abstract
machine state as actual parameters of a subprogram call.
- Abstract machine subprograms may not contain any references to the
interpreter state.
This section introduces the domain of the experiment: video adaptor device
drivers. A video adaptor (or video card) is a hardware component
of a computer system which
stores and produces images on the display. Video cards consist of a
frame buffer, and a graphics controller. The frame buffer is a bank of
speed memory used to store the display data, including the currently visible
image. The graphics controller consists of two main functionalities:
producing the video signal for the display, and providing access to the
frame buffer to create the display image. Graphics controllers all
provide similar sets of functionalities (e.g., changing the display
Although all adaptors provide similar functionalities, their programming
interface is different from vendor to vendor, and often between
successive models of the same adaptor. This is true of most devices, and
is resolved by the use of device drivers. Device drivers generally consist of
a library of functions that implement a standard API that is fixed for all
devices. Thus the driver's purpose is to translate the standard API
operations into the operations required by a specific device, providing a
uniform interface to the operating system and applications.
Video device drivers provide two main services to the operating system and
applications. The first
is to put the graphics display into different video modes. A video mode
(or graphics mode) is
defined by the horizontal and vertical resolution, the number of colors
per pixel and screen refresh rates. The second service provided by the driver
is to provide access to hardware drawing operations. For example, most
video cards provide line drawing hardware, which draws lines on the display
at a much faster rate than would be possible in software.
We have applied the approach described in section 2 to a family
of device drivers
for video adaptors. We considered an already existing set of device drivers
from the XFree86 X Window server created by The XFree86 Project,
Inc. [23]. The XFree86 SVGA server is a generic X Window
server, written in C, supporting several different cards using a device driver architecture. This
server contains drivers for cards from about 25 different vendors.
Additionally, each driver supports as many as 24 different models from the same
company. This structure alone indicates that there is enough similarities
between models of the same vendor to implement them as a generic program,
but that it is not reasonable to do so for multiple vendors. This may be due
to efficiency, but more likely is due to the lack of a methodology to handle
larger scales of variation.
The remainder of this section details the application of our approach
to the construction of an application generator of video drivers (for
different vendors) for the
X Window server. We first discuss the definition of an
abstract machine for the domain, identified by studying the existing device
drivers. Then we describe a DSL for generating video drivers and
related design issues.
The abstract machine for the video driver domain was designed primarily
by studying the implementation of existing drivers. The abstract
machine was also iteratively refined during the development of a DSL. We
identified three patterns which appeared in the existing drivers that could
be used to guide the definition of abstract machine operations.
The first of these patterns corresponds to
simple atomic operations in the abstract machine. There are two forms in
which this
pattern appears: as repeated fragments of code that differ only by data, and
as fragments which perform the same treatment but have a small number of
variations on how it is performed. In the first case, the fragments are
often already identified
and placed in a library or defined as a macro. These fragments directly
correspond to abstract machine operations.
As an example of the second case, the device drivers are dominated by
occurrences of code fragments which read or write
data from or to the video card. Communication with hardware devices can
be handled in a small number of different ways, and the scheme chosen varies
from vendor to vendor. There were several occurrences of three of these
different schemes of I/O, differing only in certain data (e.g., the I/O
address). These fragments were captured in a single abstract machine operation
defined as follows:
write_port(port_number: integer,
index: integer,
indexed: boolean,
pair: boolean,
pci: boolean)
This instruction is parameterized by flags to specify which scheme to use
(indexed, paired, or PCI), and the data used by the scheme to perform the I/O
(port_number, index).
The second type of pattern recognized
can be identified as expressions or combinations of operations.
This pattern is characterized by expressions or
combinations of operations that have no commonalities between members of
the family. For example, in the device drivers there are sequences
of shifts and logical expressions
which are different for every driver. Although there are no commonalities
in those expressions from one driver to the next, we can identify a sufficient
set of operations to construct any instance.
The selection of these operations depends not
only on the existing samples, but on an understanding of the domain, and
speculation on the future of the domain.
The following code fragment shows an example of this pattern from one of
the existing drivers.
outb(0x3C2, ( inb(0x3CC) & 0xF3) |
((no << 2) & 0x0C));
((( inb(OTI_R_W) & 0xDF ) |
(( no & 4) << 3)) << 8));
This portion of the driver maps the value of no onto the appropriate
registers in order to select the clock.
For a given driver, there may be any number of reads, writes, shifts
and logic operations, but no other operations. Thus, we can implement
any given driver with a sequential composition of a small number of abstract
machine operations.
The last pattern consists of code fragments that share a common
control structure, but contain code fragments matching the combination
of operations
pattern previously discussed. For example, consider a function of the device
driver which is used to save, restore, and set the clock value on the
video card.
This function has the following form:
Bool ClockSelect(int no)
switch (no) {
/* Save the clock value. */
/* Series of I/Os and logic operations. */
/* Restore the saved clock value. */
/* A second series of I/Os and logic operations. */
/* Set the clock value to no. */
/* A third series of I/Os and logic operations. */
The series of I/Os and logic operations in this example follow the
combination of operations
pattern, and can be constructed by sequences of abstract machine
For this pattern, we introduce higher-order abstract machine operations. That
is, abstract machine operations which take
sequences of abstract machine operations as parameters. These parameters
correspond to the contained fragments that follow the combination
of operations pattern.
The example above is captured by the following abstract machine operation:
change_clock(save_clk: instructions,
restore_clk: instructions,
set_clk: instructions)
Using these patterns with existing examples, we were able to define an
machine that could express the behavior of any particular device driver.
Although they were typically easy to recognize, it is important to realize
that it was necessary to abstract from certain details in order to see the
different patterns. E.g., in our
experiment, the examples were mostly written by different people, who had
different styles of programming, and sometimes took different approaches to
the same problem. In this situation, it was necessary to determine if the
same functionality could be implemented with a common structure, which
happened to always be the case.
In this section we present the Graphics Adaptor Language (GAL) for video
device driver specification.
In order to understand where the language comes
from, it is important to know what the essential variations are among video
adaptors. The remainder of the section describes the variations
that exist between cards and the corresponding constructs in GAL that
capture them. A complete example of a GAL specification is described
in Appendix A.
A video adaptor is controlled by setting certain
parameters stored in hardware registers of the card. These registers have
addresses. A single parameter may be stored in multiple registers and
only certain bits of the registers may be used. Thus the layout of the
parameters on the register space is the first major variation between cards.
Access to the registers are provided through various communication schemes.
As mentioned in the previous section, there is a small number of
different schemes that can be used to communicate with a hardware device from
a program. The choice of communication scheme is the second major variation
between cards. We define several concepts to describe these notions of
communication and register layout.
The first concept is the port which is used to define a point
of communication. For example, the declaration
port svga indexed:=0x3d4;
defines a port named svga, which uses an indexed communication scheme
at the I/O address 0x3d4. This is a standard port used by many video cards.
A second concept is provided by the register declaration,
which defines how
to access registers on the card using the defined ports. For example, the
register ChipID:=svga(0x30);
defines a register ChipID, which is accessed through port svga, at index
The next concept is specified with a field declaration. The
field declaration defines where a logical value is stored (in which bits
of what registers) and a mapping from logical values to actual stored values.
For example, the declaration
field LogicalWidth:=
Control2[5..4] # Offset scaled 8;
defines a field LogicalWidth, which is stored in bits 5 and 4 of the
Control2 register and the entire Offset register.
Additionally, the mapping clause (scaled 8) specifies that the value
stored in the register is the actual value.
The mapping is needed because cards often store a value which is some function
of the field's actual value.
Related to the field declaration, the parameter declaration is the
definition of a constant value that is either explicit in the specification or
read from the card during configuration. An example of the former case would
param NoClocks:=4;
Table 1: Predefined fields and params.
The majority of a GAL specification consists of the definition of fields for
standard values
that are used to control the video adaptors and parameters which determine
certain features of the card (e.g., size of the frame buffer).
Table 1 lists some of these predefined
field and parameter names that can be defined in GAL specifications.
A third major variation between different adaptors is the use of clocks. All
adaptors have a clock which controls the frequency at which data is sent to
the display. This frequency needs to be changed for different resolutions,
and there are two approaches to doing this. One is to have a fixed number
of frequencies to choose from, and the other is to have a programmable chip
that can generate many frequencies by changing its parameters. The cards
with a fixed number of clocks vary in the number of clocks and the frequencies
provided, while the cards with a programmable clock vary in how the clock
is programmed and its range of frequencies.
A card that has fixed clocks can be specified by defining a parameter
NoClocks and a field ClockSelect. The NoClocks constant defines the number of clocks available,
and the ClockSelect field defines the field which selects the clock.
For cards that have programmable clocks, a special construct is defined to
specify how to program the clock. For example,
clock f3 is 14318*f3M / (f3N1*f3N2);
defines a clock named f3, which is programmable according to the equation
on the right. The equation defines the frequency generated based on
programmable values, which are defined elsewhere by the three fields
f3M, f3N1, and f3N2. Given the desired clock frequency,
the device driver uses the specified equation to find values of f3M,
f3N1, and f3N2 which approximate this frequency as closely as
The fourth major variation observed among video cards is how the card is
identified. This information is
required for systems which dynamically configure themselves to use whatever
card is
available at that time. Card identification uses a small number of predicates
which test the card and follows a decision tree to decide if the card is
supported by the driver and which one. Thus, we define an appropriate
construct for specifying this type of decision tree in GAL.
The following is an example of this identification construct.
identification begin
1: writable(Segment) => (true=>step 2);
2: Chip_id=>(1=>oti087,others=>step 3);
3: Chip_id2=>(0=>oti037c, 2=>oti067,
end identification;
This example identifies one of four models (oti037c, oti067, oti077, oti087)
of cards that use an OTI graphics controller. The construct defines a series
of steps
numbered 1-3 to the left. At each step, the expression to the
left of the arrow is evaluated
and the result is compared to the list of decisions on the right. If no
decision is matched on the right, then identification fails and indicates
that the driver
does not support the card. Possible decisions are to identify the card or
proceed to another step. Step 2, for example, reads the value of the
register, and if the result is 1, identifies that an oti087 is present,
otherwise proceeds to step 3 for further tests. The stepwise syntax reflects
the way diagnostic procedures are commonly described in manuals.
The final major variation between cards is that many adaptors require
some flags be set under certain operating conditions. These are referred to
as modes of operation in GAL, and are defined with the mode construct.
The mode construct is used to specify a predicate
and a sequence of assignments to fields, which enable or disable the
corresponding mode of operation for the video card.
For example,
mode HighRes:=HTotal>800;
enable HighRes sequence is Control[5]<=1;
This mode declaration defines a mode, HighRes, which indicates
that a '1' must be stored in bit 5 of Control in order to use a video
mode in which the horizontal resolution is greater than 800 pixels. In our
implementation, the predicate HTotal>800 is tested after changing
the video mode; if it is true, the sequence Control[5]<=1 is
In addition to user defined modes, there are also a few built-in modes. The
built-in modes have fixed predicates, but allow the specification of enabling
and disabling sequences.
For example, the built-in mode SVGAMode is true for all graphics modes
and thus the user-defined enabling sequence is executed each time the mode
is changed.
In addition to the variations that exist between cards, there are
variations within a single driver that depend on conditions not known until
run-time (of the driver).
For example, some video adaptors operate differently
depending on the hardware bus utilized (AT, PCI, or VLB). Additionally, if one
to build a single device driver for a number of models from the same
vendor, the variation between those models has to be chosen at run-time. In
GAL, the cases construct is used to describe this type of variation.
As an example, the following statement is used to define the
clocks for different models of S3 cards.
for S3_TRIO32,S3_TRIO64
field ClockSelect:=Miscr[3..2];
for others
field ClockSelect:=Control[3..0];
This example specifies that if the card identified at run-time is a S3_TRIO32
or S3_TRIO64,
then the card has four fixed clocks selected by bits 3 and 2 of the
field. All other cards have sixteen clocks selected by bits 3 down to 0 of the
Control field.
This section discuses some of the many forces that influenced the design
of GAL.
The first two subsections describe two main inputs to the design process:
a definition of variations in the family and knowledge about the domain.
In our case, the domain knowledge came from existing documentation
used by domain engineers. Other important issues are
the level of abstraction, the level of restriction, readability,
maintainability, etc. While the level of abstraction and the level of
restriction are of particular importance for DSLs, issues like readability and
maintainability apply to both DSLs and GPLs
One of the main inputs to the design of a DSL is a description of the
variations that exist among the target set of
applications. The defined variations imply requirements on
the DSL in order to distinguish among instances
of the program family.
In our case, these variations came from a study of the documentation of
existing video cards. In addition to studying
different cards,
inspection of the existing device drivers provided a more detailed
source of variations at the implementation level.
For example, given that there were a small number of ways to communicate,
which varied among cards, there must be some construct in
GAL specifications, which would allow the selection of the correct
scheme. Some of this information can also be extracted from the parameters of
the abstract machine operations.
The other main input to the DSL design process is knowledge of the domain
in terms of the abstract objects or concepts and terminology
used in the domain. This knowledge may come from a domain expert or from
existing natural language specifications, as in our experiment.
This is an important input because it leads to a more abstract user-level
DSL. An appropriate
terminology provides a DSL that is familiar to people of the
domain. The identified abstract objects that are affected by variations in
the program family provide starting points for declarative constructs.
In this experiment,
we looked at several English specifications of video cards to identify the
concepts and terminology used within the domain.
The clocks, ports and registers are examples of concepts in the domain that
we identified. After identifying them, we considered what
attributes of the objects were related to variations within the program family.
Declarative statements were then defined to specify the values for the
attributes that varied. Thus, the abstract objects identified in our
experiment directly translated to declarative
constructs in the DSL. Additionally, the relationship between the objects
translated into a reference relationship in the DSL. For example, registers
are defined by references to port definitions. This may suggest the use
of an object-oriented analysis for DSL design.
One of the most important goals guiding the DSL is to provide a high-level
of abstraction. In particular, we wish to
intentionally focus on raising the level of abstraction from the abstract
machine level. In fact, it may be desirable to include information in the
DSL, which is not even used for implementation, but may be used in
analyses or for documentation.
As an example of abstraction, the abstract machine developed for the
video device drivers includes operations for doing bitwise shifts and logical
operations. However, these types of expressions do not appear in GAL because
we intentionally introduced the idea of fields and parameters to eliminate the
low-level procedural nature of these expressions. This also eliminates
a common source of errors.
After a preliminary design of the language,
the language and abstract machine are revised in an iterative way.
The revision process must satisfy the correspondence constraint between
the language and abstract machine:
it must be feasible to provide a mapping
from the language to the operations of the abstract machine as an interpreter.
During this revision
process the level of abstraction must also be considered.
Although it is possible to move all of the functionality of the language into
the abstract machine, making the mapping essentially one-to-one, there must
be conscious decisions made about where to draw the line between the
interpreter and the abstract machine. The primary consideration here is the
separation of functionality from specification. The abstract machine should
specify how applications in the family are implemented. The interpreter,
on the other hand, should specify how to make the design decisions required
to map a design specification (i.e., DSL program) into an implementation (i.e.,
abstract machine operators).
Another major concern is restricting the language. It is important to
consider what types of analyses might be performed on specifications in the
DSL in order to insure that the language is restricted enough to make the
analyses feasible. For example, in the GAL language we have intentionally
not introduced loops, which insures that all device drivers can be proven
to terminate. Additionally, we perform other analyses to detect common errors
in the specification by providing explicit information that is
difficult or impossible
to extract from general purpose languages. An example of this is checking that
the bits of each register belong at most to one field. This information
could not be retrieved, in general, from a driver implemented in a
language such as C.
In addition to the design goals that are specific to DSLs, there are several
principles of general purpose language design that also apply to DSL
design. General purpose languages can also help DSL design by providing a
standard set of constructs that may be restricted for use in the DSL,
but would still be recognized as a common construct.
On the other hand, the cases construct introduced in GAL is an
interesting example of a construct which possibly has applications in
DSLs in general (when a predefined abstraction may, conditionally,
have one of several definitions), but is not useful for GPLs,
since the behavior is totally described by the program itself and
abstractions are explicitly invoked.
One of the main purposes of introducing a DSL
and an application generator is to embed knowledge about how to implement
certain operations of the domain into the application generator. As a result,
there are often declarative constructs in DSLs that are translated into
executable code by the application generator, which is not generally true of
general purpose languages.
Since these declarations really imply
operations, there is often a need to make choices between the
implied operations that
can only be made at run-time. This leads to the type of dynamic selection
of multiple definitions that
is provided by the cases statement.
Since a main motivation of utilizing a DSL is to raise the level of
abstraction, it will be common for DSLs to have declarative objects
which imply operations and require this dynamic selection. Thus, we suspect
that this construct will be useful in DSLs in general, and in fact have found
it necessary in other DSLs that we have experimented with. This
suggests that there are new constructs and principles that are interesting
and unique to DSLs and warrant study.
In this section we present the results of applying our framework to the
domain of video device drivers. The results are presented in terms of the
advantages we have gained from using our approach for this family of
drivers. There are two aspects of the approach that led to these advantages.
One aspect is the
use of DSLs and application generators in general, and the second is specific
to our framework for application generator design.
The GAL language demonstrates many advantages of using an application
generator with a DSL for the video device driver domain. These benefits
include an increased level of abstraction, the possibility of automated
program analyses, reuse, and productivity.
There are two significant examples of the benefit of a higher level
of abstraction. The first, already discussed in section 4.3.3,
is the use of ports, registers, and fields to abstract from the low-level
bitwise operations that would otherwise have to be used. This eliminates
many common errors, is more readable, and easier to write. A second example
is an
abstraction from implementation. The X Window server can be considered a
framework, where the device driver provides the additional functions. As with
any framework, the device driver needs to be implemented in a certain way
in order to be compatible with the server and requires considerable knowledge
about the framework. Using an application generator, knowledge about the
framework and compatibility issues are coded in the application generator, and
hidden from the designer.
GAL also demonstrates that automatic analyses can be performed on the
DSL, which would not be possible or feasible with a general purpose language.
Example analyses that are performed on GAL specifications include
detecting unused definitions,
checking for exhaustive identification of video cards, identifying overlap in
field definitions, checking for minimum requirements on predefined fields,
and generating a card profile (summary of card characteristics). None of
these analyses would have been
feasible on the existing device drivers implemented in C. Using GAL not only
makes the analyses feasible, but also easy to implement. For example, all of
these analyses for GAL were implemented within a single day.
Figure 2: An extract of generated S3 card profile.
One particularly interesting analysis is the one which generates a card
profile. Generating a card profile is an analysis which, from the GAL
produces a summary of the video modes that are supported by the generated
device driver. Figure 2 shows an extract of the profile
generated for the S3 specification listed in Appendix B.
A profile is generated for each subset of cards in the specification that
have the same profile. The figure shows the profile
for the S3_TRIO64 and S3_TRIO32.
This summary can be compared with vendor specifications to
find mistakes in field definitions and provides automatic documentation of the
Finally, using an application generator provides reuse by capturing design
knowledge. In the domain of video device drivers there are large benefits
of reuse because there is a large growing number of video cards which
could potentially be generated from a single application generator. The amount
of productivity gained depends on the ease of building the application
generator and consequently on the approach to its design. Thus, we discuss
productivity measurements in the next section with respect to our framework.
In addition to the advantages obtained from the DSL approach, there are
several advantages demonstrated by GAL due to our framework of generator
design. The experiment shows that the framework achieves automatic and
predictable generation of efficient video drivers, and a high-level of reuse.
GAL also demonstrates that the benefits of the two-level approach for
analyses and multiple implementations are of practical value.
The abstract machine for X Window device drivers consists of 95 small
C procedures totaling 1200 lines. Implementing the abstract machine has
roughly the same difficulty level as implementing a single driver directly, as
the code is very similar. Since we had existing device driver implementations,
some of the abstract machine code could be reused from those drivers.
The interpreter for GAL consists of 4300 lines of C code and
an automatically generated parser, much of which
concerns building an environment and look-up routines for declarations. Thus,
together the system consists of about 5500 lines of C code. We can compare
this to the size of the existing hand-coded drivers which averaged about
1500 lines. Though the effort required to build an interpreter should be
less than that for building a device driver, we can estimate that the
application generator requires a little more than 3.5 times the effort
of an individual driver (assuming code size proportional to effort).
For the version of the X Window server we used, the
existing drivers together consisted of 35000 lines of code. The GAL
that have been written are at least a factor of 9 smaller than the
corresponding existing C driver . We can then
estimate that these drivers could be generated from less
than 4000 lines of GAL specifications plus the 5500 lines of the generator,
totaling less than 10000 lines. This is an estimated productivity gain
of a factor of
3.5. In practice there would be a higher gain, since GAL specifications are
easier to write then the corresponding C driver. In addition, having an
interpreter for GAL provides a prototyping environment.
Here we consider two measures of efficiency: object code size and execution
speed. Although designing an interpreter is easier than designing a compiler,
there are significant losses in speed and size (compared to compilation).
In terms of speed,
interpreters are typically 10-100 times slower than compiled programs, and in
terms of size, our GAL interpreter is 10 times larger than a typical driver in
object code size. However, a benefit of using partial evaluation is that we
can regain the loss in efficiency.
We used Tempo [8], a partial evaluator for C, as the program
specializer used to
translate GAL specifications to abstract machine programs, and to produce
an efficient implementation of the abstract machine programs.
In order to make a size comparison, we compared the object file sizes
of the generated drivers to that of the hand-coded drivers. On average,
the generated driver is only 30% larger than the hand-coded one.
The speed of most of the
device driver functions are insignificant, as they are only called during
configuration. However, we picked three device driver functions used for
drawing lines and rectangles in hardware to benchmark performance. Since the
interpreter level of our framework is guaranteed to be eliminated
(see section 2), we are
only concerned with the abstract machine layer.
Table 2: Performance results.
For comparison, we prepared three versions of the X Window server for an
S3 TRIO64V+ video card on a Pentium PRO-200. Table 2 shows the
results for the three servers. The S3 XAA server is the X Window server
provided with XFree86 and the included hand-coded S3 device driver. S3 AM
is the
same server with a device driver which directly uses the abstract machine.
Finally, S3 PE is the same server using the abstract machine, but after
partial evaluation.
The table shows the performance of these servers for lines and filled
of size 10 as measured by the standard XBench benchmark
The table also includes a percentage using S3 XAA as a baseline.
The table indicates that there is a loss of about 20% in
performance from the use of the abstract machine. This loss of performance
can be contributed to error checking, interpretation, function call, and data
copying overhead. Data copying is due to the need to communicate across
abstract machine operations. The write operation includes error checking to
insure that if previous operations fail the resulting data is not written
to the card. This is particularly important because the card could otherwise
be damaged. Finally, the I/O operations require some interpretation of their
parameters to determine the type of I/O to perform and which addresses to use.
Although directly using the abstract machine incurs this performance loss, the
results for the S3 PE server show that the program transformations performed
by partial evaluation are able to recapture all of the performance loss.
A majority of the error checking can also be eliminated using Tempo
because often the
operations preceding write operations can not fail, and thus error conditions
do not need to be checked. Finally, the parameters which are interpreted to
select the type of I/O to perform and used for address computation are known
and eliminated by Tempo.
Tempo also performs inlining and copy elimination which eliminates function
call and data copying overhead.
Our framework for application generator design contributes in two ways to
the use of program analyses. The generation process is predictable and can
be analyzed, and the separation of the abstract machine from the interpreter
allows analysis at the abstract machine level.
As an example, the GAL abstract machine includes operations that allocate
and deallocate temporary storage and operations which use the temporary
storage. As long as the operations which use the temporary storage are only
used between a set of allocate and deallocate operations, we can insure there
will be no uninitialized pointer dereferences. The analyses of partial
evaluation are capable of producing a specification of all the programs that
could possibly be generated by the partial evaluation process. From this, we
can obtain a formal description of all possible abstract machine programs
that could be generated, and can check that the operations are always
generated in the correct order.
Thus, for the GAL system we can prove
that uninitialized pointer dereferences will never occur.
This description of the generation
process may also be analyzed for performance properties, for example.
The separation of the abstract machine and the DSL provides an intermediate
level at which analyses can be performed and could allow analysis at run-time.
In fact, this separation corresponds to a standard technique of program
specification, which factors the verification process into two parts
[3]. As an example of analysis at run-time,
we may wish to check that device access within
a video driver is safe (e.g., does not access the disk device). This cannot
be done until run-time because it depends on what devices are present at
run-time. In this case, we might accept video drivers in abstract machine
form and analyze the abstract machine at run-time. Partial evaluation can
be performed at run-time [9], so the efficiency can
still be recaptured.
This kind of analysis is not feasible on machine code or even Java bytecodes
due to their general purpose nature. In proof-carrying code [17],
the burden of proof is put on the programmer and the proof is sent with the
code to be verified (verification being easier), whereas here we make the proof
easier so that it can be done at run-time.
Figure 3: Multiple implementations.
The video device driver family also demonstrates a useful application of
having multiple implementations of interpreters and abstract machines. In this
domain, it would be desirable to have abstract machines for several
architectures and interpreters for different operating systems. For example,
Figure 3 shows the situation where there are implementations
of interpreters for Microsoft Windows 95 and Linux/X11, and implementations of
the abstract machine for the Dec Alpha and Intel based computers. In this
situation, with the equivalent of two application generators
(interpreter/abstract machine pairs), the same GAL specification can be used
to generate four different device drivers. We have implemented the X11/Intel
path of Figure 3.
For prototyping, we have also benefited from having a second implementation
of the abstract machine which simulates the abstract machine operations. The
simulation records the values that would be written to the card by the real
abstract machine. This is an important feature as some video adaptors can be
damaged by writing inappropriate values to the card.
Domain specific languages hold the promise of delivering high payoffs in
terms of software reuse, automatic program analysis, and software engineering.
In this paper we have presented GAL, an example of a complete DSL for a
realistic program family: video device drivers. We also demonstrated the
benefits of DSLs by showing how GAL raises the level of abstraction of
device driver specifications and identifying some analyses that can be
performed on GAL specifications because it is domain specific.
A further contribution of the paper is to validate our framework of
application generator design by applying it to this program family to provide
an implementation of GAL. Since our implementation is based on partial
evaluation, it provides a complete interpreter for prototyping device drivers,
but still automatically generates efficient device drivers. Efficiency is
demonstrated with results comparing hand-coded drivers to automatically
generated device drivers. Generated drivers are roughly one third larger than
hand-code drivers and perform equivalently in terms of speed.
Additionally, we give measures on expected reuse benefits; GAL specifications
are roughly a factor of 9 smaller than a driver hand-coded in C.
Although our framework significantly reduces the development time of
application generators, future work could be done in this direction.
Specifically, this approach would benefit from a generator-specific reuse
method that would allow interpreters and abstract machines to be constructed
from reused composable parts. Additionally, given the nature of DSLs, they
are extended frequently
to adapt to new program requirements, and the ease of extension also needs to
be considered for such language components.
Our implementation
of the static analyses indicates that methods of quickly constructing
static analyses should also be investigated (e.g., composable analyses).
This is more important for DSLs
than GPLs, since static analyses are a major motivation of the approach.
In this work we have presented an application of our approach to a program
family with existing family members. To further validate the approach,
it is also important to study its application to a program family
which is not pre-existing. In this case, the abstract machine and DSL might
be developed from the results of
a domain analysis or a commonality analysis, such as FAST [11].
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Appendix B gives a complete listing of the GAL specification for
several models of S3 video adaptors. In this appendix, we explain some of the
constructs that were not included in the main text.
Although the various registers of video cards are typically accessed using
an addressing scheme, there is sometimes a sequential procedure that must be
followed to access some registers. The serial construct is used to
this kind of procedure (see listing).
The construct consists of a list of sequences of actions
that should be performed on the ports to access the registers. Thus multiple
ports may be accessed during the procedure, as in the example. Each sequence
consists of a port, an operation (<= write, <=> read/write,
=> read), and a sequence of values for writes or registers names
for reads and read/writes. The
actions in the sequence are performed from the first port to the last, from
left to right
in the sequence. The mode (R read, R/W read/write, W write)
to the right of the sequence indicates whether this sequence applies to
reading the registers to writing the registers or both.
The serial construct in the example defines the registers PLL1, and
PLL2. In order to write values to these registers the construct
would be executed as follows. Write 3 to misc[3..2], write the value of
PLL1 to seq(0x12), write the value of PLL2 to
seq(0x13), and finally, write 0, then 1, then 0 to seq(0x15)[5].
The S3 specification also includes an example of a derived field,
is not discussed in the paper. This is a field whose value is derived from
one of the standard fields. In the example, StartFIFO is a derived
field. Its value is set whenever the graphics mode is set, and
is based on the value of HTotal, the horizontal
resolution. The declaration indicates this with the from clause.
The clockmap is used when a card has both fixed and programmable clocks
such as the S3 Trio cards. It indicates which clocks are fixed and which are
programmable. The example for the S3 indicates that clock 0 and 1 are fixed,
clock 2 is not available (NA), and clock 3 is the programmable clock
f3. The parameters MinPClock and MaxPClock are also related
to clocks and specify the minimum and maximum values that can be generated
by the clock (i.e. not all values of f3M, f3N1, and f3N2 are
Finally, the operating mode access is used to lock an unlock registers
on the card.
-- List all cards/models supported by this driver.
chipsets S3_911,S3_924,S3_80x,S3_928,S3_864,S3_964,S3_866,S3_868,
-- Define ports.
port svga indexed:=0x3d4;
port seq indexed:=0x3c4;
port misc := 0x3cc, 0x3c2;
-- Define registers.
register Miscr:=misc;
register Slock:=seq(0x8);
register Offset:=svga(0x13);
register ExtChipID:=svga(0x2e);
register ChipID:=svga(0x30);
register Memory:=svga(0x31);
register State:=svga(0x36);
register Lock1:=svga(0x38);
register Lock2:=svga(0x39);
register StartFIFOr:=svga(0x3B);
register Misc1:=svga(0x3a);
register Control:=svga(0x42);
register Control2:=svga(0x51);
register HOverflow:=svga(0x5D);
register VOverflow:=svga(0x5E);
register Control3:=svga(0x69);
-- Serial registers (see appendix A).
serial begin
misc[3..2]<= (3,- ,-,-,-) W;
seq(0x12)<=> (-,PLL1,-,-,-) R/W;
seq(0x13)<=> (-,PLL2,-,-,-) R/W;
seq(0x15)[5]<=(-,- ,0,1,0) W;
-- Define predefined fields
-- Horizontal resolution fields.
field HTotal := HOverflow[0]#std;
field HEndDisplay := HOverflow[1]#std;
field HStartBlank := HOverflow[2]#std;
field HStartRetrace := HOverflow[4]#std;
-- Vertical resolution fields.
field VTotal := VOverflow[0]#std;
field VEndDisplay := VOverflow[1]#std;
field VStartBlank := VOverflow[2]#std;
field VStartRetrace := VOverflow[4]#std;
-- Virtual screen fields.
field LogicalWidth := Control2[5..4]#Offset scaled 8;
for S3_928,S3_968,S3_TRIO32,S3_TRIO64
field StartAddress := Control2[1..0]#Memory[5..4]#std;
for S3_80x
field StartAddress := Control2[0]#Memory[5..4]#std;
for S3_864,S3_964
field StartAddress := Control3[4..0]#std;
for others
field StartAddress := Memory[5..4]#std;
-- Define derived fields (see appendix A).
field StartFIFO from HTotal := HOverflow[6]#StartFIFOr offset 10 scaled 8;
-- Special S3 flags that must be set for 256 color graphics modes.
enable SVGAMode sequence is Misc1[4]<=1,Memory[3]<=1;
-- Define standard parameters.
param TwoBankRegisters:=false;
param InterlaceDivide := true;
for S3_911,S3_924
param RamSize:=State[5] mapped (0=>1024,1=>512);
for others
param RamSize:=State[7..5] mapped (0=>4096,2=>3072,3=>8192,4=>2048,5=>5120,
-- Define clocks.
for S3_TRIO32,S3_TRIO64
param NoClocks:=4;
field ClockSelect:=Miscr[3..2];
param MinPClock:=135;
param MaxPClock:=270;
field f3M:=PLL2[6..0] offset 2 range 1 to 127;
field f3N1:=PLL1[4..0] offset 2 range 1 to 31;
field f3N2:=PLL1[6..5] mapped (0=>1,1=>2,2=>4,3=>8);
clock f3 is 14318*f3M / f3N1*f3N2;
clockmap is (fixed,fixed,NA,f3);
for others
param NoClocks:=16;
field ClockSelect:=Control[3..0];
-- Identification procedure.
identification begin
1: ChipID[7..4] => (0x8=>step 2, 0x9=>S3_928, 0xA=>S3_80x, 0xB=>S3_928,
0xC=>S3_864, 0xD=>S3_964, 0xE=>step 3);
2: ChipID[1..0] => (0x1=>S3_911,0x2=>S3_924);
3: ExtChipID => (0x10=>S3_TRIO32, 0x11=>S3_TRIO64, 0x80=>S3_866,
0x90=>S3_868, 0xB0=>S3_968);
-- Register locks on S3 chips.
enable access sequence is Lock1<=0x48,Lock2<=0xA5,Slock<=0x6;
disable access sequence is Lock1<=0x00,Lock2<=0x5A,Slock<=0x0;
- ...
- This work has been partly supported by FRANCE TELECOM contract
CNET 96-1B-027 and DARPA contract F19628-95-C-0193.
- ...available
- ...card.
- Video cards have programmable clocks which can be
set to different frequencies to control the video refresh rate.
- One device driver often
supports multiple cards from the same vendor.
- ...utility.
- A small size is used to minimize the effect of the hardware.
A Domain Specific Language for Video Device Drivers:
from Design to Implementation
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