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FAST '04, March 31–April 2, 2004, San Francisco, CA, USA

The formatting instructions have been condensed into this convenient checklist. Verify each one against your final copy and check it off. If an assistant is doing your printing or your mailing for you, please give that person a copy of this checklist.

Send your files, compressed, to the USENIX Production Director, Jane-Ellen Long, at

PDF Version

[__]2-column format[__]single-spaced text
[__]NO running heads or running feet[__]NO page numbers
[__]no dedicated title page[__]title: 14 point bold
[__]author name: 12 point roman[__]author affiliation: 12 point italic
[__]text: 10 point, single-spaced[__]gutter between columns: .25 inch
[__]text block: 6.5 inches wide x 9 inches deep[__]every special character prints correctly
[__]all fonts embedded[__]maximum 14 pages

HTML Version

[__]single-column format
[__]all illustrations included, in png, jpg, or gif format

Remember to mail or fax your consent form(s) to the USENIX Association, Attn: Production Editor.

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Last changed: 6 Nov. 2003 jel
FAST '04

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