LISA '04 Home
Conference Overview
Important Dates/Contact Info.
Conference Organizers
Conference Themes
Refereed Papers
Invited Talks
Tutorials, Workshops, WIPs, and BOFs
Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities
Call for Papers in PDF Format
Program Chair
Lee Damon, University of Washington
Program Committee
David Blank-Edelman, Northeastern University
Rudi van Drunen, Leiden Pathology and Cytology Labs, Leiden, The Netherlands
Esther Filderman, The OpenAFS Project
Jon Finke, RPI
AEleen Frisch, Exponential Consulting
Michael Gilfix, IBM
David Hoffman, Stanford University
Brendan Murphy, Microsoft Research
Mario Obejas, Raytheon
John Sechrest, Public Electronic Access to Knowledge
Jeff Sheldon, Louisiana State University
Snoopy, Infocopter Entertainment GmbH
Invited Talks
Chair: Deeann Mikula, Consultant
Adam S. Moskowitz, Menlo Computing
Marcus Ranum, Security Consultant
Guru Is In Coordinator
Philip Kizer, Texas A&M University
Workshop Coordinator
Gretchen Phillips
Cat Allman, USENIX
Training Program Coordinator
Daniel V. Klein, USENIX
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