![](01icon.jpg) Crowd coming out of opening session
![](02icon.jpg) The winner of the SAGE Outstanding Achievement Award, Celeste Stokely
![](03icon.jpg) Dan Geer making a point
![](04icon.jpg) Co-chair Phil Scarr
![](05icon.jpg) Keynote speaker J. D. "Illiad" Frazer
![](06icon.jpg) Peg Schafer & friends
![](07icon.jpg) Hallway session
![](08icon.jpg) Jon Rochlis
![](09icon.jpg) More hallway talk
![](10icon.jpg) And yet more talk
![](11icon.jpg) Barbara Dijker
![](12icon.jpg) Co-chair Rémy Evard
![](13icon.jpg) Lorette & Bill Cheswick
![](14icon.jpg) maddog & friend
![](15icon.jpg) Gale Berkowitz & Teus Hagen
![](16icon.jpg) Eric Allman in Sendmail booth
![](17icon.jpg) Security Track Panel
![](18icon.jpg) SAGE Candidates' Forum
![](19icon.jpg) Interesting Message
![](20icon.jpg) Hal Burch
![](21icon.jpg) Who is that person? (Somehow we forgot [blush])
![](22icon.jpg) Rob Kolstad chairing the LISA Quiz Show
![](23icon.jpg) Quiz show contestant
![](24icon.jpg) More contestants
![](25icon.jpg) Money!!??
![](26icon.jpg) Yet more contestants
![](27icon.JPG) Welcome to the Reception!
![](28icon.jpg) The Reception:
![](29icon.jpg) free entertainment,
![](30icon.jpg) dancing,
![](31icon.jpg) food,
![](32icon.jpg) drinking,
![](33icon.jpg) and general good times.