11th Systems Administration Conference (LISA '97)
[Technical Program]
The Cyclic News Filesystem: Getting INN To Do More With LessAbstractWhen Usenet News servers were first implemented, the design principle of storing each Usenet article in a separate file appeared to be sound. However, the number of Usenet News articles posted per day has grown phenomenally in the past decade and shows no sign of abating. To stay ahead of the growth curve, Usenet administrators have been forced to buy faster machines, more RAM, and many more disk drives. Many of the performance limitations are caused by interactions with the underlying OS's filesystem, which is usually a Berkeley Fast Filesystem (FFS) derivative. The Cyclic News Filesystem (CNFS) was designed to avoid most of FFS's major problems when used with INN: synchronous file linking/unlinking and sequential scanning of directory files. Articles are stored within a relative handful of large files, either as regular files on top of a standard filesystem or as block disk devices. Articles are stored sequentially within each file, resuming at the beginning of the file when the end is reached. Disk activity is reduced by an order of magnitude. IntroductionThough Usenet server software packages have changed greatly over the years, almost all have one implementation detail in common: the method used to store articles on disk. The newsgroup hierarchy maps directly onto a filesystem directory hierarchy, and storing articles in individual files fits the paradigm nicely. But Usenet article volumes have grown exponentially for at least ten years. Confirmation can be found by reading [Collyer], [Salz], [Swartz93] (whose exponential forecast in 1993 underestimates current 1997 volumes by a factor of four), and by asking any seasoned Usenet system administrator. If that same administrator were asked, ``Does your Usenet server have sufficient capacity for current article volume?'' the answer would probably be ``No'' or ``Barely.'' Nothing appears to be on the immediate horizon to slow down article growth rates, which means most Usenet servers will have severe performance problems soon, if not already. The ``one file per article'' storage method continues to be used by INN, the most commonly-used Usenet server software in the world today. Most of the operating systems running underneath INN also use a variation of the Berkeley Fast Filesystem (FFS). The FFS, while a significant improvement over its predecessors [McKusick], interacts quite poorly with INN. At today's volumes, an INN server may store thousands to tens of thousands of article files within a single directory. FFS performance degrades quickly when managing large directories, due to sequential directory data scans and synchronous directory updates. One avenue for addressing this pressing problem is to alter or abandon the current method of storing articles. This paper discusses both. The first stores articles in individual files that are named by an MD5 checksum of their Message- IDs. The other stores thousands of articles within a single file, utilizing the file as a huge cyclic buffer. These buffers can be large files on top of a standard filesystem (even FFS-based) or a block disk device, bypassing standard filesystems entirely. A side benefit of this method is that there is no explicit article expiration process: articles are automatically overwritten as new articles arrive. The resulting performance, as measured by article throughput, increases by a factor of three to four; disk I/O is reduced a factor of 10. There are many nontechnical reasons why the cyclic buffer storage method is preferable to the current method. Most of them are expressed in [StSauver]: My throughput is up, my news spool disk I/O bottlenecks have disappeared, I no longer am off-line for longer expiration-related periods, I don't need to screw around with software disk striping utilities, and I don't run out of space in /var/spool/news. It's great, and it's free. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: the next section follows an article through INN's processing and describes how an FFS- based filesystem adds a significant hidden cost to that processing. Then, the INN Improvements section describes previous steps taken to lower that cost. The next two sections describe two of the author's methods to change INN's article storage method to lower or avoid FFS overhead. The Performance section compares the performance of a standard INN server to one utilizing the cyclic storage method. The final sections provide some directions for future INN-related research and some concluding observations. Life As an Article Processed by INNINN has separate software components that process an article during its four phases of existence in an INN server. Each phase has problematic interactions between INN and FFS. They are as follows: Path: news.mr.net!mr.net!visi.com!news-out.visi.com!ix.netcom.com!news From: John Doe <jdoe@no.where> Date: 2 Sep 1997 18:16:52 GMT Newsgroups: misc.jobs.offered,mn.jobs Message-ID: <foo87692.bar85-97@no.where> Subject: French Fry Slicer (Level II) wanted for part-time work Lines: 22Figure 1: Sample headers from a sample Usenet article.
Figure 2: Sample directory sizes for an INN server spool filesystem
An Article Is ReceivedINND is the central daemon process that accepts or refuses articles offered via the NNTP protocol [Kantor], stores the article, keeps a database of articles it has already processed (in history and related DBZ index files history.pag and history.dir), and decides which peer(s) the article should be forwarded to. See Figure 1 for an example article that INND has just accepted. INND consults the active file to assign this article the next available number for "misc.jobs.offered", which could be 9124816, and stores the article in a file with the path misc/jobs/offered/9124816 (relative to the SPOOLDIR directory, e.g., /var/spool/news). When storing the sample article, the open() system call will trigger a behind-the-scenes scan of several directories first. (See Figure 2.) The directory name cache may eliminate the need to fully scan directories 1-6, and the file buffer cache may avoid the need for some or all of the disk I/O. Articles tend to arrive with a fairly random newsgroup distribution, which makes the OS caches less effective without large amounts of RAM to assist them. In the worst case, directories 1-6 must be scanned sequentially to find the inode for directory 7, reading 194KB of directory data; each scan would trigger at least one disk I/O. Once the inode for directory 7 is found, it must be read sequentially to look for an unused space to insert file 9124816's directory entry. If there is no unused space, then the entry is appended to the end of the directory file. A quick analysis by the author suggests that an average of 56% of the final directory must be scanned before insertion is possible. [Note 1] On average, 357KB of directory data is read before finding a suitable insertion point. (Both [Sweeney] and [Rakitzis] illustrate the wastefulness of linear scanning of large directories.) Furthermore, the insertion operation is synchronous: the change must be committed to disk before the open system call can return. As a result of sequential directory scanning and synchronous file linking, the amount of time necessary for INN to write a single article file, regardless of the its size, can vary tremendously. Almost every piece of hardware in the server affects this measurement, though the number of disk drives spanned by the filesystem, the spanning type (e.g., none, RAID 0), the filesystem type, and the overall disk I/O workload of the drives are the largest factors influencing this measurement. It is not unusual to witness write times below 10 ms to over 200ms. INND, which is a single-threaded process, is blocked until open() is finished. It should be noted that the sample article was cross-posted to another newsgroup, mn.jobs. INN will use a hard or symbolic link for mn/jobs/8149 to link to the original article file, misc/ jobs/offered/9124816. The linking process is identical to the file creation process with respect to directory file modification. Again, INND blocks during the link system call. Another task INND performs is the processing of control messages. Article cancellation messages are by far the most frequently encountered control messages. To process a cancel message, INND performs a history database lookup to check if the message to be cancelled has arrived yet. If it has, the article is removed by INND. The amount of time this operation takes can vary from 8 ms to over 250 ms. Unlink() is also performed synchronously under FFS, which yet again halts INND's activity until the directory data is committed to disk. Some Usenet servers are already seeing article volumes at or above 750K articles per day. A server must accept, on average, 8.68 articles/second, or 115 milliseconds/article, just to stay even with traffic flow. The 115 milliseconds includes network latency, server overhead (history database queries are the biggest INND factor here), and storage subsystem overhead. The measurements in Figure 8 and Figure 9 suggest that filesystem overhead and disk latency account for, at a bare minimum, an average of 50ms of overhead per article. The true value is probably closer to 75ms, and that's on a well- configured and otherwise idle server! Continued exponential article growth rates will only make this problem worse, particularly with a single-threaded server application. An Article Is ForwardedINND's newsfeeds file contains the rules for determining whether an article should be forwarded to one or more peer servers. Programs such as INNXMIT, INNFEED, and NNTPLINK are used to perform the actual article transmission. INNXMIT reads a batch file containing the Message-IDs and filenames of articles to be forwarded to a particular Usenet peer server; there is at least one INNXMIT process per feed. [Note 2] INNXMIT processes are run periodically by a shell script called "nntpsend", which is usually run via "cron". Once INNXMIT has made an offer to send an article to a peer and the peer has accepted, INNXMIT's open() of the article triggers another flurry of OS activity. If lucky, the OS need not trigger any disk I/O because all of the required data is stored in-memory in the directory name and filesystem buffer caches, though the kernel CPU time spent searching the latter may be non-trivial. In the worst case, the example will require a linear scan of 830KB of directory data, triggering several disk I/O's to different filesystems. INNXMIT's batch file is written in the same order in which INND received the articles, adding a significant amount of randomness that renders the OS caches less effective. The roles of NNTPLINK and INNFEED will be addressed in a later section. An Article Is Read By Reader ClientsWhen INN was originally written, as with C News and its predecessors, Usenet client software accessed articles by reading the article files directly out of the spool directory. For a client such as "readnews" or "rn" to see what articles were available in "misc.jobs.offered", it simply had to generate a list of files in the misc/jobs/offered subdirectory. Usenet users had accounts on the Usenet server; client software ran on the server. Today most Usenet reader clients use the NNTP protocol to access Usenet articles. INN includes a separate program, NNRPD, to handle communication with NNTP reader clients. Like many other UNIX-based servers, INND will fork() and exec() a child NNRPD process for each simultaneous reader session. NNRPD has the same filesystem-related problems that INNXMIT does, though to a lesser degree. Filesystem buffer and directory name cache hit rates are better because NNRPD is much more likely to access a large number of article files in the same directory, avoiding cache churning. Also, FFS's tendency to group files in the same cylinder group also means that disk heads do not usually travel far to read files in the same subdirectory. Unfortunately, the heads are quickly relocated by other server activity, since most NNTP reader clients are run by humans who ordinarily take more than a few milliseconds to read a typical Usenet article. ``Sucking'' clients and automatic binary decoding utilities are growing in popularity, generating larger bursts of intensive disk operations than purely human-controlled software. Another significant problem is that each article file access triggers an update of that inode's ``last access time'' value, which requires a disk write operation after each file is read. (The update also occurs when INNXMIT, NNTPLINK, or INNFEED reads a file to be forwarded to a peer.) An Article Is RemovedAn article can be removed in several ways:
"Expire"'s list of files to remove is usually sorted, so close locality of reference helps achieve good cache hit rates. However, the final directory search is a sequential one (barring assistance from the directory name cache), requiring significant kernel CPU time to process. Each unlink() operation is synchronous, slowing the operation down much further: unlink() can take anywhere from 8ms to over 300ms to complete. If the article is cross-posted, all corresponding hard or symbolic links must also be removed (each at identical cost). "Expire" is usually run early in the morning, when CPU utilization is lower, fewer articles are being transferred in/out (feeds across timezones can reduce this advantage), and fewer NNRPD processes upset the spool filesystem with additional disk activity. While "expire" is running, however, the disks(s) in the spool filesystem are effectively saturated with I/O requests: additional operation, such as sending/receiving articles, only slows down both the article expiration and the sending/receiving processes even further. Improvements in INN Performance, a.k.a. Previous WorkA number of changes have been made to INN over the years to improve its performance. The following is a partial list of the more important ones:
One innovation, the ``streaming'' extensions to the NNTP protocol, has not been formally defined, though it is widely used. It's primary benefit is reducing network-related latency in the non- streaming ``IHAVE'' lock-step dialog. If a server's disk subsystem is already at or near saturation, reducing network latency will only push drive utilization even higher. INN Solution #1: File Naming by MD5 HashPerhaps first proposed in [Aguirre], this method was suggested to reduce file creation, access, and removal delays by making the INN spool directory ``bushier,'' i.e., putting a limit on subdirectory depth and limiting the number of files in any particular directory. (With a standard INN server, it's common to run into directory depth extremes like those in Figure 2.) Instead of storing an article in a path based on a newsgroup + article number tuple, the Message-ID is hashed using the MD5 cryptographic hash algorithm [Rivest]. The result is converted to an ASCII hexadecimal representation and then modified using this algorithm. (See also Figure 3.)
This method guarantees that any file's path would contain exactly two subdirectories and that each directory has exactly 64 subdirectories. In April 1996, when this method was implemented, Usenet article volume was typically 180,000 articles/day. Subdirectories on a feeder machine storing articles for three days would contain approximately 125-135 files. Each filename was 8 bytes long, making each subdirectory consume about 2KB. The MD5 hashing experiment taught the author a number of valuable lessons:
The MD5 hash version of INN was used in production on the Minnesota Regional Network's (MRNet's) three feeder-only machines for a period of about two months in mid-1996. Though the source code wasn't widely-distributed, it was used by at least one server in the Usenet Top 10 [Top1000] until approximately May of 1997. INN solution #2: Article Storage in Cyclic BuffersFilesystem research is an extremely active field of study. All UNIX filesystem improvements, from small changes in existing implementations to entirely new ones, must include functional characteristics such as the ability to create, modify, and remove files and their associated metadata, manage directory hierarchies, access control, concurrency restrictions, access auditing, and so on. As pointed out in [Templeton96b], most of those characteristics do not apply to Usenet articles. Specifically, articles sizes are known in advance and do not grow during creation. Article text is never modified once committed to disk, simplifying space management policies. In addition, Usenet articles are stored for relatively brief periods of time, usually under two weeks, and large batches of articles, which arrived at similar times, are removed at the same time. If a Usenet administrator must store articles for longer, the number of articles is low enough that the large directories aren't a large problem or the articles are stored using an entirely different method, e.g., [DejaNews]. Cyclic Article Storage MethodThe cyclic buffer article storage method was proposed in [Templeton96a]. When an article is accepted, the server decides which cyclic buffer will store the article. The server may choose between one or more buffers. The decision algorithm might consider the article's size, posted newsgroup(s), the ``From'' address, and/or other criteria. The article is written to the cyclic buffer at the location indicated by the ``free'' pointer. If the article doesn't fit within space pointed to by ``free,'' the ``free'' pointer is reset to the beginning of the buffer before writing the article. After the article was written, the ``free'' pointer advances to a position beyond the end of the newly-written article. In Figure 4, articles A-L were written inside the cyclic buffer. When the server decided to store article M within the buffer, it moved the ``free'' pointer back to the buffer's beginning before continuing. The ``free'' pointer points to the end of article P, the last written into the buffer. Article I is the oldest article still available in the buffer: articles M-O have overwritten A-G, and article P has partially overwritten article H. ![]() Figure 4: An example cyclic buffer An INN Cyclic Buffer ImplementationThe implementation described below is still considered experimental, though it has been in use at MRNet for over a year as well as on a couple dozen servers world-wide. The main design principles were simplicity and minimization of coding time. INN was chosen as a base to work upon, and few additional bells and whistles have been added. Support for NNTP reader clients was originally omitted from the design, though it has since been added. The current source code is full of references to ``raw disk partitions.'' When the author first began development, he naively assumed that ``raw''/character disk devices would be the ideal storage medium, but their synchronous write semantics result in terrible performance. A ``cooked''/block disk device (if the OS supports mmap()'ing block devices) or a large file, e.g., 2GB on top of a standard filesystem, works much better by allowing the OS to delay and consolidate writes. The word ``raw,'' however, will remain until the code is rewritten. Cyclic INN Article ProcessingOnce INND has accepted an article, it consults the article storage rules table. Its external, human-readable version is found in a new configuration file called ``config.rawpart'' (parsed at startup time); see Figure 5, section 3. The first rule matched is used. For the example article in Figure 1, the article will be stored in a ``metarawpart'' called SMALLARTS. A ``metarawpart'' is a collection of one or more ``rawpart,'' or cyclic buffer, components. If a metarawpart has more than one component, the server will choose one of them in round-robin fashion. See Figure 5, section 2 for configuration syntax. Figure 5, section 1 lists three ``rawpart''
buffers. In this example, SD0 resides on an old Seagate Hawk 2GB
drive. SD1 and SD2 reside on newer Seagate Barracuda 2GB drives. All
three are partitioned identically, with one 2GB partition on slice
zero. The assignment of large and heavily-cross-posted articles to a
2GB space and smaller articles into a 4GB space reflects the
administrator's desired article retention policies. Articles written
inside BIGARTS will recycle a couple of times per day, whereas
articles written inside SMALLARTS will not be overwritten for many
days. Cyclic Buffer State InformationINND maintains an array of RAWPART structures that stores the state of each cyclic buffer (see Figure 6). While running, INND periodically converts the rawpart state data to ASCII and writes a RAWPARTEXTERN structure to the beginning of each buffer file to preserve buffer state information in the event of a process or system crash. No special efforts are made to synchronize the in-memory state data with the data on disk. It is therefore possible to lose a small number of articles in a crash: some may be overwritten when INND restarts. Similarly, only one copy of the data is written; there is nothing analogous to a ``backup superblock.'' This lack of redundancy has yet to cause a loss of state data in over a year of use. # Section 1 # Format: "metarawpart" (literally) : name : "I" (literally) : # comma-separated list of "rawpart" buffers metarawpart:BIGARTS:I:SD0 metarawpart:SMALLARTS:I:SD1,SD2 # Section 2 # Format: "rawpart" (literally) : name : path : size (in hex!) rawpart:SD0:/var/spool/dsks/c0t0d0s0:7A000000 rawpart:SD1:/var/spool/dsks/c0t0d0s1:7A000000 rawpart:SD2:/var/spool/dsks/c0t0d0s2:7A000000 # Section 3 # Format: "groups" (literally): rule or wildcard pattern: metarawpart name # Store in BIGARTS if 1st group matches *warez* or *binaries* groups:*warez*:BIGARTS groups:*binaries*:BIGARTS # Store in BIGARTS if article size is greater than 100KB groups:~>100000:BIGARTS # Store in BIGARTS if article is cross-posted to 10 or more groups groups:~G10:BIGARTS # Store all others in SMALLARTS groups:*:SMALLARTSFigure 5: The storage rules section of "config.rawpart" The state data is written to disk in ASCII in a gesture toward platform-independence. This facilitates serving cyclic buffers via NFS to heterogeneous servers and copying buffers between servers. Near the beginning of the buffer, between the RAWPARTEXTERN structure and the start of the actual article storage area, is a bitmap that records which 512-byte blocks within the buffer contain valid RAWARTHEADER structures. The bitmap is mmap()'ed to provide easy pointer access to its contents. The amount of space the bitmap uses, e.g., 512KB for a 2GB file, is small. In return, the bitmap makes it possible to determine if an article has been cancelled without attempting to read and validate its RAWARTHEADER structure. The absence of the bitmap does not adversely affect a feeder-only INN server. Earlier implementations demonstrated that the additional I/O used to attempt to read cancelled article files is not significant. The article's RAWARTHEADER structure is overwritten with the string ``CANCELLED,'' which foils further attempts to read the article. The bitmap's role in the NNTP reader client support, as discussed later, solves an important performance problem. INND gives an article, once it is accepted, a filename for use within other parts of INN. Unlike a standard filename such as misc/jobs/ offered/9124816, the cyclic name looks like "SD1:24da800:1e". Colons separate the ``rawpart'' buffer name, offset within the buffer, and buffer's current cycle number. Together with the information in rawpart.config, this name contains all of the information required to locate the article's text. If the rawpart's current ``free'' offset and cycle number are known, it is trivial to determine if the article has been overwritten by a later article. In this example, the RAWARTHEADER structure would be written at offset 0x24da800, followed immediately by the full text of the article. A compile-time option determines if the article text is stored with the UNIX-style newline convention or stored in ``wire format,'' with CR-LF newlines and periods at the beginning of a line escaped with an additional ``.'' [Kantor]. Storage in wire format eliminates the need to convert newline styles each time the article is transmitted via NNTP, reducing user CPU time utilization in busy servers. NNTP Reader SupportThe original cyclic buffer INN implementation did not support NNTP reader clients: the reader client reliance on article numbers greatly complicates an otherwise straightforward design. However, MRNet's main NNTP reader server, news.mr.net, started to show its article handling capacity limits in early 1997 - and the NNTP reader support was born. /* Main internal data structure */ typedef struct { char magic[RAWMASIZ];/* Magic string RAW_MAGIC */ char name[RAWNASIZ]; /* Symbolic name: 15 bytes */ char path[RAWPASIZ]; /* Path to file: 63 bytes */ RAWPART_OFF_T len; /* Length of writable area, in bytes */ RAWPART_OFF_T free; /* Free offset (relative to byte 0!) */ struct metarawpart *mymeta; /* Pointer to my "parent" metarawpart */ time_t updated; /* Time of last update to header */ int fdrdwr; /* O_RDWR file descriptor, "innd" use only! */ int fdrd; /* O_RDONLY file descriptor for this rawpart */ CYCLENUM_T cyclenum; /* Number of current cycle, 0 = invalid */ int magicver; /* Magic version number */ int articlepending; /* Debug flag: article is pending for write */ caddr_t bitmap; /* Bitmap for article in use */ RAWPART_OFF_T minartoffset; /* The minimum offset for article storage */ } RAWPART; extern RAWPART rawparttab[MAX_RAWPARTS]; /* Main data structures written to disk */ typedef struct { char magic[RAWMASIZ]; char name[RAWNASIZ]; char path[RAWPASIZ]; char lena[RAWLASIZ]; /* ASCII version of len */ char freea[RAWLASIZ]; /* ASCII version of free */ char updateda[RAWLASIZ]; /* ASCII version of updated */ char cyclenuma[RAWLASIZ]; /* ASCII version of cyclenum */ } RAWPARTEXTERN; typedef struct { long zottf; /* This should always be 0x01234 */ long size; /* Article size, converted by htonl() */ char m_id[64]; /* 63 bytes of Message-ID should be enough */ } RAWARTHEADER;Figure 6: Important on-disk and in-memory data structures INND is a busy process, so putting article number support back into INND was the last thing the author wished to do. Unfortunately, INND maintains low- and high-article values for each group inside the active file. Many NNTP reader clients rely on those values to be correct; incorrect values mislead many clients into believing that new articles have not arrived in a newsgroup when, in fact, new ones may be available. A compromise was finally implemented. Most NNTP reader server administrators use "overchan", a program which creates Overview article summaries to eliminate the need for NNTP readers to retrieve the headers of all articles within a group (e.g., for discussion threading). "Overchan" was given the task of assigning article numbers. It also updates the mechanism that maps newsgroup + article number tuples => article storage locations and informs INND of newsgroup high-article value changes so INND can update the active file accordingly. Several databases for the newsgroup + article number tuple => article storage location mechanism, such as GDBM and Berkeley DB, were considered. All were rejected in favor of a simpler mechanism: flat ASCII files with fixed- length lines. Each newsgroup has an Overview file with a name like misc/jobs/offered/.overview (relative to the OVERVIEWDIR directory). A newsgroup + article number => storage location mapping file called name.map is created in that same directory. The example in Figure 7 shows that the first map entry begins at byte 102, the low article number is 817053, the file was last updated on 2 September 1997, and that the group has at most three articles (which may have been cancelled or overwritten). BodyStart 102 LowArt 817053 LastRewrite 873194497 SD1:10a2a000:2a SD2:1b9b2800:18 SD1:11527400:2aFigure 7: A sample "name.map" file for misc.jobs.offered The name.map file format makes additions or changes easy. Each line in the name.map file is exactly 34 bytes long (including newline), making offset calculations for an individual map entry simple. NNRPD, when it receives a ``GROUP'' command, mmap()'s the newsgroup's name.map file for pointer-based access to the file. The file is then read, and the appropriate bitmaps are checked to determine which articles still exist; this replaces the readdir() loop a standard NNRPD process uses to create the "ARTnumbers" array of existing articles. Ordinarily it is sufficient to know only the low- and high-article values for a newsgroup. However, it is necessary in one situation to know exactly which articles have been cancelled: when sending Overview information to the client. If all Overview data between article numbers ``low'' and ``high'' are sent to the client, the client believes that all articles in between are accessible. The user is shown on-screen that a cancelled article is accessible, but an attempt to retrieve the article text will fail. MRNet's users considered this to be a bug, not a feature. Early implementations required reading each RAWARTHEADER structure to determine if an article had been cancelled, which generated an enormous disk I/O burden and caused huge delays in NNRPD's Overview responses. The bitmap was added to each ``rawpart'' buffer to solve this problem. Like the Overview's .overview files, the name.map files require periodic pruning to remove references to articles that have been expired (standard INN), cancelled, or overwritten (cyclic INN). A Perl script called "expire.mapprune" performs this task; like "expireover", it is typically run once per day. To update the file without rewriting it, the ``BodyStart'' line is simply overwritten with a larger value. Performance Observations and EvaluationUntil now, most of the evidence of a cyclic INN server's superior performance has been anecdotal. Examples include:
Most of the observations and measurements in this section are limited to INND's operation because its function is the easiest to measure and to control tightly. The measurements aren't intended to be a rigorous investigation into a cyclic INN's performance; rather, they are a first attempt to quantify how much this implementation lowers disk I/O activity. Experimental Platforms and MethodologyIn an attempt to systematically measure system performance while INND accepted articles, four separate batches of articles were sent to two INN servers. The servers were idle, with the exception of INND's activity: all INNXMIT, INNFEED, NNRPD, and other non-INN- related processes were killed. The history file was truncated to zero bytes, followed by a "makehistory -i -r -s 500000"; a large history DBZ index file can introduce a significant amount of latency which would skew the test results. The reference INND process was run with the ``-L'' flag, and "crosspost" was not used to perform the additional linking work. Each server was monitored for CPU utilization, file buffer and inode cache hit rates, and disk utilization using a custom script based on an example from the SE Performance Toolkit [Cockcroft]. The results of all four batches were averaged and shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9. The reference INN server is a Sun SPARCstation 10 with two 100MHz hyperSPARC CPUs, Solaris 2.5.1, 272MB RAM, a 100Mb/s Ethernet interface, and eight 7200 RPM disks spread across three SCSI controllers. The five disk drives storing the spool filesystem are 4GB Seagate 15150W (``Barracuda 4'' Fast & Wide SCSI) all connected to the third SCSI controller, a Sun Fast/Wide SCSI SBus controller. The cyclic INN server is a Sun SPARCstation 5 clone with a single 85MHz microSPARC II CPU, Solaris 2.5, 128MB RAM, built-in 10Mb/s Ethernet interface, and two 5400 RPM disks on the built-in SCSI controller. A single 2GB Seagate ST32430N (``Hawk 2LP'' Narrow SCSI) stored the server's single cyclic buffer, which is accessed via a block disk device (rather than a file on top of a UFS filesystem).
Figure 8: Batch article transmission results.
Figure 9: Kernel statistics taken during article transmission. The server sending the articles is an Intel PC with a single 200MHz Pentium Pro CPU, FreeBSD, 256MB RAM, a 100Mb/s Ethernet interface, and three 4GB 7200 RPM disks on two SCSI controllers. Two of the drives, Seagate 15150Ns, store three cyclic buffers consisting of 2GB files stored on top of two FFS filesystems. The batches of articles it sent were from 5,300 to 5,800 articles each, posted to approximately 3,000 different newsgroups. Each article was less than 32KB in size in order to emphasize article throughput; the average article size was about 2.6KB. The sending machine was under a relatively heavy load: INN was accepting articles from 95 to 100 NNTP sessions, and three INNFEED processes were feeding articles back to 38 peer servers. INNXMIT was used to transmit each batch in a single streaming NNTP session. The article throughput results in Figure 8 are dramatic. The cyclic INN server accepted articles three to four times faster than a standard INN server, despite the fact that the standard INN server had more CPU, RAM, disk, and network resources available. The data in Figure 9 are even more dramatic. Spool disk activity across the board is reduced by approximately an order of magnitude. When the facts that there is no explicit time- and resource-consuming article expiration process and that disk I/O for article cross-post links was not measured are taken into account, the decrease is more than a factor of 10. The file buffer and directory name cache hit rates for the standard INN server are quite good, which is consistent with it having a large amount of RAM available and with the system performing no other substantive tasks while the measurements were taken. The amount of data the cyclic INN server read from the spool disk is conspicuously high; though article cancellations and reads of the mmap()'ed buffer bitmap play a role, further study is required to find a satisfactory explanation. In a less-tightly controlled test, a transfer of a batch of 20,000 articles, all 4KB in size or less, between two Sun SPARCstation 5s which both use cyclic INN, exhibits sustained transfers of 100-150 articles/second (when the history file is first truncated) and occasionally peaks to 200 articles/second. Though this test was not performed on the reference INN server, the author would not anticipate that the server would exceed 25 articles/second. The code supporting NNTP reader clients is still under development. The addition of an article to a name.map file involves opening the file, reading its first few lines, then appending a single line to the end of the file. The disk I/O for these operations should compare quite favorably to an expensive file linking process. Updates for multiple articles which arrive shortly after the first in the same newsgroup may be consolidated into a single operation. Reading an article by number involves opening the name.map file, reading the first few lines, seeking directly to the corresponding entry, reading a line's worth of data, seeking to an offset within a cyclic buffer, and one (or more) data reads. Access to subsequent articles in the same group does not require re-reading the head of the map file. Article expiration on a cyclic INN server involves rewriting the name.map file, removing unwanted lines in the process. Future WorkBecause the cyclic buffer code is still experimental, a number of changes and additions remain to be done. A partial list, in no particular order, includes the following:
Concluding ObservationsBefore writing this paper, the author had never systematically measured the operating differences between a standard INN server and a cyclic one. The results surprised even him. Though the measurements and analysis presented is not comprehensive, it makes a compelling case for changing INN's article storage model. The implementation should be optimized further, and the NNTP reader client support requires debugging and much more real-world stress testing before this implementation can be considered for general use. As the Internet continues to grow in popularity, the Usenet will certainly grow along with it, and that growth is not likely to drop far below current rates. Any reduction in ``excessively-posted messages'' will be offset by additional people using Usenet. The underlying store-and-forward mechanism does not scale well, ignoring problems with specific implementations: the current model of ``broadcasting'' articles to all Usenet servers is inefficient. Caching NNTP servers, such as [Assange], and automated article cancellation programs, such as [CM], are partial solutions at best. However, techniques such as IP multicast [Lidl], or World Wide Web- like centralized article storage are years away from acceptance. The Usenet will continue to require software optimizations and faster hardware until a better distribution mechanism is widely-implemented. AvailabilityCyclic buffer INN was first used at MRNet in July 1996 and development has proceeded, with fits and starts, since then. By the time this paper is published, the cyclic buffer code may already be merged into the official INN source distribution, albeit in a development branch of the source tree. Until then, the code is available via anonymous FTP under INN's original licensing restrictions (which are quite liberal) at ftp://ftp.mr.net/pub/fritchie/cnfs/. Also available in that directory is the SE script used to monitor the servers' utilization stats and the raw data it generated. A mailing list for CNFS discussion is available by sending ``subscribe cnfs'' to <majordomo@mr.net>. The official INN source distribution is available at ftp://ftp.isc.org/isc/inn/. AcknowledgmentsThis paper and the work it describes would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of MRNet Engineering Department staff, not to mention the typing, which saved a lot of wear and tear on sore hands. This paper would still be only partially-fired synapses if Lee Damon hadn't mentioned that the LISA '97 abstract submission deadline had been extended. Many people have assisted with the cyclic ideas and prototype implementations, from stress-testing to bug-fixing: Jerry Aguirre, Michael Beckmann, Barry Bouwsma, James Brister, Matt Bush, Evan Champion, Mark Delany, Avi Freedman, Darrell Fuhriman, Jeff Garzik, Joe Greco, Dave Hayes, Chris Halverson, John Ladwig, Clayton O'Neill, Alexis Rosen, Rich Salz, Robert ``RS'' Seastrom, Sang-yong Suh, Brad Templeton, Jeff Weisberg, Sven-Ove Westberg, and many others unintentionally omitted. Mike Horwath provided the reference INN server, since MRNet no longer has a standard INN machine. Special thanks to Dave Diehl, Olaf Hall-Holt, Andy Mickel, Joe St. Sauver, Peter Seebach, and John Sellens for their manuscript reviews. A case of Leinenkugel's goes to Nick Christenson for his extraordinary critiques. Finally, to the Norge '96 crowd, Louise Lystig Fritchie in particular, thank you for your support in this continuing madness called Life. Author InformationScott Lystig Fritchie graduated with a degree in mathematics and a concentration in computer sciecne from St. Olaf College, home of Minnesota's first UNIX machine and of ``stolaf,'' the state's one-time gateway to the rest of the Usenet. Scott's other claim to (obscure) fame is implementing one of the world's first World Wide Web interfaces for a library cataloging system; it has since mutated into WebPALS, used by the PALS Across Georgia project and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU). He currently works as senior systems administrator at the Minnesota Regional Network (MRNet) and can be contacted via email at <fritchie@mr.net>. Bibliography[Aguirre] J. Aguirre. Posting to news.software.nntp: ``File by message ID instead of group/number.'' Message-ID <4gl99l$blm@olivea.ATC.Olivetti. Com>, Feb 23, 1996.[Assange] J. Assange and L. Bowker. NNTPcache. ftp://suburbia.net/pub/nntpcache/. [Christenson] N. Christenson, D. Beckemeyer, and T. 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[Rakitzis] B. Rakitzis and A. Watson. ``Accelerated Performance for Large Directories.'' Technical Report 3006, Network Appliance, Inc. [Rivest] R. Rivest, ``MD5 Digest Algorithm.'' RFC 1321, MIT and RSA Data Security, Inc., April 1992. [StSauver] J. St. Sauver. ``The 1996/97 Oregon Christmas USENIX Newsadmin Newsletter.'' https://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~joe/pdf/. [Salz] R. Salz. ``InterNetNews: Usenet Transport for Internet Sites.'' In Proceedings of the USENIX Summer 1992 Technical Conference, San Antonio, TX, June, 1992. [Sedore] C. Sedore and E. Sedore. NNTPRelay Usenet News propagator. ftp://ftp.maxwell.syr.edu/nntprelay/. [Swartz93] K. Swartz. ``Forecasting Disk Resource Requirements for a Usenet Server.'' Proceedings to the Seventh USENIX Systems Administration (LISA VII) Conference, Monterey, CA, November, 1993. [Swartz96] K. Swartz. ``The Brave Little Toaster Meets Usenet.'' Proceedings to the Tenth USENIX Systems Administration (LISA X) Conference, Chicago, IL, September, 1996. [Sweeney] A. Sweeney, D. Doucette, W. Hu, C. Anderson, M. Nishimoto, and G. Peck. ``Scalability in the XFS File System.'' In Proceedings of the USENIX 1996 Annual Technical Conference, San Diego, CA, January, 1996. [Tanenbaum] A. Tanenbaum. Operating Systems: Design and Implementation. Prentice-Hall, 1987. [Templeton96a] B. Templeton. Posting to news.software.nntp: ``How to do a better USENET file system.'' Message-ID <DnCo3D.Cz3@clarinet.com>, Feb 25, 1996. [Templeton96b] B. Templeton. Posting to news.software.nntp: ``Re: How to do a better USENET file system.'' Message-ID <DnFDJM.CMw@clarinet. com>, Feb 27, 1996. [Top1000] Top 1000 Usenet sites survey. https://www.freenix.fr/top1000/. Footnotes: Note 1: An unattributable Net rumor estimated 70%. The author's test sampled the misc/jobs/offered subdirectory every five minutes for a 24 hour period. Note 2: An INN administrator may configure multiple feeds to a single peer, e.g., one feed of articles under 100KB in size and one for articles over 100KB. |
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 11th Systems Administration Conference (LISA '97),
October 26-31, 1997,
San Diego, California, USA
Last changed: 12 April 2002 aw |