USENIX Technical Program - Paper - Proceedings of the 12th Systems Administration Conference (LISA '98)
[Technical Program]
Infrastructure: A Prerequisite for Effective Security
Bill Fithen, Steve Kalinowski, Jeff Carpenter, and Jed
Pickel - CERT Coordination Center
The CERT Coordination Center is building an experimental information
infrastructure management system, SAFARI, capable of supporting a
variety of operating systems and applications. The motivation behind
this prototype is to demonstrate the security benefits of a
systematically managed infrastructure. SAFARI is an attempt to improve
the scalability of managing an infrastructure composed of many hosts,
where there are many more hosts than hosts types. SAFARI is designed
with one overarching principle: it should impact user, developer, and
administrator activities as little as possible. The CERT Coordination
Center is actively seeking partners to further this or alternative
approaches to improving the infrastructural fabric on which Internet
sites operate. SAFARI is currently being used by the CERT/CC to manage
over 900 collections of software on three different versions of UNIX
on three hardware platforms in a repository (/afs/
that is over 20 GB in size.
Since the formation of the Computer Emergency Response Team,
ten years ago, it and nearly a hundred other subsequently formed
incident response teams have been providing assistance to those
involved in computer and network security incidents. The CERT(R)
Coordination Center has participated in the response to well over
10,000 incidents over that period. Throughout that interval, incident
response teams have attempted to convince their constituencies to
apply security patches and countermeasures to hosts on a routine
basis. Over the course of its life, the CERT/CC alone has issued over
160 advisories, 70 vendor-initiated bulletins, and 20 summaries. Most
of these documents urge system administrators to apply a variety of
countermeasures. Yet, on a daily basis the CERT/CC receives incident
reports involving hosts that have been compromised by intruders
exploiting vulnerabilities with publicly available patches or
countermeasures. The overwhelming majority of compromises continue to
be a result of sites running hosts without applying available
countermeasures. In a recent survey we conducted, the most
frequent reasons for continuing to operate hosts without available
countermeasures were:
Insufficient resources
Difficulty in finding and understanding countermeasure information
The inability to administer configuration management across a large
number of hosts.
At many of these sites, the basic computing infrastructure
is an impediment to timely distribution of configuration changes.
These sites operate at a substantially higher level of risk than those
with solid infrastructures. Such sites are not only more likely to be
compromised, but they are also less likely to be able to adequately
detect and recover from compromises. They are often forced to
undertake large efforts to secure their hosts and networks. Often the
required resources are unavailable, preventing administrators from
completely recovering from compromises, usually leading to subsequent
compromises. In this paper, when we refer to an organization's
information infrastructure, we mean:
The organization's installed base of computing and networking
The system and application software operating on that hardware,
The policies and procedures governing the design, implementation,
operation, and maintenance of the software and hardware, and
The people who perform those procedures.
One assumes that, in general, such an infrastructure exists
only to serve some business purpose of the organization. In a very
real sense, an organization's information infrastructure is business
overhead-part of the cost of doing business. An information
infrastructure management system (IIMS) is a system whose purpose is
to automate the maintenance of an information infrastructure.
A site with an adequate information infrastructure finds
itself able to detect and recover from compromises in short order. It
can repair or recreate hosts using automated mechanisms designed to
deal with such demands. It can also protect itself from many types of
attacks through proactive deployment of countermeasures. A site
without such an information infrastructure must spend much greater
effort to detect and recover from compromises or to proactively deploy
countermeasures. This effort is proportional to the number of hosts
being managed. At a small site, this may be acceptable or even ideal,
but tends not to be scalable as the site grows due to resource
constraints. At a site with an effective information
infrastructure management system, the effort to detect and recover
from compromises or to proactively deploy countermeasures is
substantially less. In general, the effort to deploy a change is
proportional to the number of different types of hosts, rather than
the number of hosts. However, the effort to prepare for such a
deployment is higher due to packaging requirements of the IIMS.
Chart 1 shows some simpleminded math to illustrate these ideas.
N[H] be the number of hosts
N[P] be the number of host platforms
E[H] be the effort to make a manual change on one host
E[P] be the effort to prepare a change for automatic deployment
on any host of one platform
E[D] be the effort to deploy a change to one host automatically
E[M] is the total effort to make a manual change on N[H] hosts:
E[M] = E[H] × N[H]
E[A] is the total effort to make a change automatically on N[H] hosts
E[A] = E[P] × N[P] + E[D] × N[H]
The scalability breakeven point is when:
E[M] = E[A]
If one assumes that in a good IIMS, the effort to deploy a change on
one host automatically (E[D]) is negligible, then the breakeven
point is when:
N[H] × E[H] = N[P] × E[P]
Chart 1: Mathematical derivation of fundamentals.
As you can see from this simplified model, at the
breakeven point, the effort to deploy change manually is proportional
to the number of hosts, while the effort to deploy the same change is
proportional to the number of host platforms (types of hosts).
The CERT Coordination Center is currently developing an
experimental IIMS called the Securely Accessible Federated Active
Repository for Infrastructures (SAFARI). Via SAFARI, the CERT/CC
is pursing two primary goals:
Enable sites to effectively, securely, and economically distribute
host-resident software from one or more managed repositories.
Enable sites to manage all software throughout its entire operational
lifecycle focusing on quality, reliability, and integrity.
SAFARI is being designed to meet four primary objectives:
Construct each host in its configured state automatically from an
empty disk with minimal manual intervention.
Reconstruct each host to its configured state after a security
compromise or catastrophic failure automatically with minimal manual
Upgrade each host with new applications, operating systems, patches,
and fixes automatically on a regular basis with no manual
Maintain each host in its configured state automatically with no
manual intervention.
In order to achieve the desired influence in the system
administration community, three additional secondary objectives must
be met:
It should be engineered for an extremely high host-to-administrator
It should facilitate the sharing of software among multiple, not
necessarily mutually trusting, administrative domains.
It should follow a policy-based model that works with a wide range of
organization sizes.
Whatever compromises are necessary throughout the evolution
of SAFARI, the following constraints must not be relaxed:
Guarantee that software is distributed onto authorized hosts only.
Guarantee that software is delivered with integrity to each host and
that it is installed correctly.
The design should be guided by the following overarching
It should support user, developer, and administrator activities in a
manner that most closely parallels those same activities before
Design Assumptions
This work differs from related projects in some ways. While
there have been many projects relating to large scale host
administration or software distribution, this project is motivated
primarily by scalable security. As a result, we have made certain
design assumptions that run counter to prior published work. We
don't consider disk space conservation to be a significant design
motivator. Our most recent acquisitions of reasonably inexpensive 18
GB disks supports our assumption. Therefore, a number of space
conservation techniques can be immediately discarded. For example, the
process of preparing software for distribution via SAFARI is complex
enough without an extensive set of space saving rules to follow.
Therefore, we decided not to have such rules. Unlike systems that
divide a software package between platform-independent and platform-specific [20], we decided that minimal impacts on the build and
installation process would easily pay for the additional disk space.
Another impact of this assumption is that everything that goes into
building a unit of deployable software is important and should be
preserved. This includes files produced during intermediate steps of a
build and install procedure. Such intermediate files can be useful
during testing and debugging a deployed unit. We consider
individual host performance to be more important than local disk
space. We decided to take the default position, that unless otherwise
directed, it is the host administrator's intention to install all
distributed software locally. We realize though that it might be
necessary to locate certain parts of a local host filesystem on a
fileserver. We believe that software maintenance and distribution
should be as automated as possible. As a result, we have decided that
every available function within SAFARI must be available via a shell
command; no GUI only capabilities are allowed. At the appropriate
time, we will introduce GUI capabilities to reduce the complexity of
the system, but not before a reasonably complete set of functions are
already available. We believe that end-to-end repeatability is of
great importance. Repeatability and security are very closely
related; security cannot be maintained without repeatability.
Therefore, we decided to define the SAFARI model to include package
construction activities in SAFARI; this increases the probability of
being able to either repeat a build process or to audit it--tracing
binaries back to source. SAFARI, like virtually all similar
systems, is focused on the management of small, cohesive, largely
independent software units (SU). Unlike other systems, SAFARI
manages four types of SU's, each useful for a different phase of the
software operational lifecycle. All of these SU's are stored in a
relocatable structured filesystem tree, called the SAFARI
Repository. The matrix in Table 1 shows how the various types of
SU's relate to one another.
| Source Software Units | Deployable Software Units
| Development of Independent Software Units
| Collection | Package
| Configuration or Integration of Software Units
| Cluster | Image
| Table 1: Relationships between
software units.
SAFARI is designed to manage software targeted for multiple
platforms in a single repository. Both packages and images are labeled
with a platform label. Neither collections nor clusters are platform
specific. We will examine each of these in more detail. As an
aside, the current implementation of SAFARI depends heavily on
Transarc AFS [8] for a variety of administrative functions. This has
two significant consequences (in the genre of good news/bad news):
The fundamental architecture of SAFARI is greatly enhanced by basic
AFS capabilities (e.g., network authentication, integrity, and
security). Consequentially, a wide variety of SAFARI administrative
tasks (e.g., space allocation, quotas, access control) are greatly
facilitated by the use of AFS administrative capabilities. The
capabilities provided by AFS were considered a required architectural
foundation for a system on which every host at a site may depend. Any
other environment that provides similar functions would be acceptable
(e.g., DFS).
The current implementation of SAFARI is tightly integrated with and
dependent on AFS and is therefore useless to sites unwilling or unable
to run AFS. Note, however, that SAFARI does not require that a site
use AFS for anything other than housing the SAFARI repository.
Being a multi-platform information infrastructure management
system, SAFARI must define and manage the concept of a
platform. Attempting to be as flexible as possible, SAFARI
makes few assumptions regarding characteristics of platforms or the
relationships among platforms. In SAFARI, platforms are assigned
arbitrary labels by SAFARI administrators as they are needed. SAFARI
platform names are composed of any combination of mixed case
alphanumeric characters plus dash and underscore, starting with an
alphabetic character; they match the regular expression: /^[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/. SAFARI assigns no meaning to the contents of
the name; SAFARI administrators are free to choose any platform naming
convention they like. Each SAFARI host must be assigned a
platform name. Typically, a host platform name refers to a specific
combination of hardware and system software. For example, Sun Solaris
2.5.1 running on a Sun Ultra 2 model 2170 is a platform that one
SAFARI site may assign the label sparc-4u-sunos-5.5.1; another
may assign solaris-2.5.1_sparc4u, and a third may choose
sun4u_251. Each SAFARI deployable software unit (package
or image) is also assigned a platform name. Deployable software unit
(DSU) platform names are typically more abstract than host platform
names. For example, a PERL script might easily be written so as to run
on Solaris 2.5.1 on SPARC and Red Hat Linux 5.1 on Intel. In which
case, one might choose to assign to the package containing the PERL
script a platform name such as unix. Choosing an appropriate
platform name for a DSU can sometimes be challenging. Continuing this
example, suppose that the PERL script did not work on AIX 4.3 on
PowerPC. What platform name would be appropriate then? All
platform names are recorded in the SAFARI repository database. In
addition, the repository contains a mapping between each host platform
name and the platform names of DSU's that are allowed to run on hosts
of that platform. That is, it documents which DSU's can be run on
which hosts by platform name. For example, the repository might
declare that a host platform named sparc-4m-sunos-5.5.1 can run
packages or images tagged with platform names sparc-4m-sunos-5.5.1, sparc-sunos-5.5.1, sparc-sunos-5,
sunos-5, sunos, unix. All SAFARI tools that
deal with platform names require that platforms be recorded in the
SAFARI repository database.
The SAFARI package is the easiest class of SAFARI
software unit to understand. SAFARI packages are logically equivalent
to the installable units in many other software management systems:
packages in Sun Solaris [1] and UNIX System V [2],
packages in Red Hat Linux [3], packages in IBM AIX [4],
and many others. In fact, the design for SAFARI packages was taken
almost directly from CMU Depot [5] (an ancestor of SAFARI,
Alex, developed at the University of Pittsburgh [6] actually
uses depot internally). A SAFARI package is a sparse
relocatable filesystem tree. It has exactly the same internal
directory structure as a host at which it is targeted for
installation. That is, if a given package is intended to install the
files /etc/hosts and /usr/bin/cp, then one would
find within the package filesystem tree the files etc/hosts
an usr/bin/cp. There is currently no canonical transportable
format for a SAFARI package (such as tar or RPM).
Within each package is a special directory which contains meta-information about the package and is not intended to be installed on
the target system. This directory is currently named depot
(more ancestral evidence). It contains a manifest of the package's
contents and a certificate of authenticity, digitally signed by the
person who produced the package. SAFARI currently uses PGP 2.6 [10]
for digital signatures and MD5 [11] for message digests of files
described by the manifest. It may be obvious from the above
description, but SAFARI packages are Each package is labeled as being
applicable to (installable on) a particular platform. SAFARI
provides tools to aid both the SAFARI administrator and the SAFARI
collection manager in the creation, population, release, integration,
testing, deployment, deprecation, withdrawal, and destruction of
packages in a repository and on client hosts. In most software
management systems, package-like entities come from outside the
software management system. In SAFARI, a package is derived from
another software unit, a SAFARI collection.
The easiest way to understand SAFARI collections is
to think of them as package sources. One set of sources targeted at
n platforms requires one SAFARI collection from which n
SAFARI packages are produced. SAFARI collections are structured as
filesystem trees, similar to packages, but in contrast to packages,
have minimal mandatory internal structure. This flexibility is
required to support the wide structural variety of open source
systems. There are three generic areas (subdirectories) within a
build. This area is used to house collection source code,
makefiles, etc. There is no preferred structure within this area.
Collection managers are free to establish their own conventions for
structure in this area. For example, in our repository, it is typical
that a tar.gz file for sources resides in the build
directory with the expanded tar.gz file in lower directories. The
extensive use of RCS [12] or SCCS [13] is strongly encouraged, but
remains a collection manager choice.
OBJ. This area is used to house compiled preinstallation
binaries (e.g., *.o, *.a) for each platform. The
OBJ tree is expected to be managed by a SAFARI tool named
pf (described below), but may be used as the collection manager
sees fit. The pf command establishes a parallel tree of symbolic links
for each platform rooted in the second level of the OBJ tree
that mirrors the build tree. Those familiar with the use of
the lndir command in the X11 distribution [7] to accomplish multi-platform builds can imagine how pf works.
META. This area is used by SAFARI to hold meta-information
about the collection. For example, the mapping between build platforms
(the platform on which the build is performed) and installation
platforms (the platform on which the package is expected to run) is
contained in META/
In addition, for the sake of convenience to the collection
manager, any existing unreleased packages are available under the
following area within a collection.
DEST. This area contains one directory for each existing
unreleased package for the collection. Technically, these directories
are not part of the collection. They are AFS volumes mounted here to
make the build process easier for the collection manager by allowing
the installation destination to be specified using short relative (and
therefore relocatable) paths in makefiles.
Of course, many packages are only available in binary,
platform-specific form. For such packages, SAFARI provides tools that
can create a package from a delta of a manual installation host. This
idea came from the WinINSTALL [9] tool which does the same thing for
Microsoft Windows operating systems. It takes a snapshot of an
existing host before some software is installed. After the
installation, the tool compares the before and after states of the
host to produce a SAFARI package that when deployed via SAFARI results
in the same host changes as the software installation steps. This
approach can be used for any arbitrary modifications, but is better
left for situations where software must be installed via an
installation procedure that cannot easily be reverse engineered. For
some platforms (i.e., Sun SunOS 4), this may be the easiest way to
capture patches for distribution to other hosts via SAFARI.
Repeatability using such a tool capturing manual steps is poor.
Fortunately, this tool is rarely needed since most software
installation procedures allow for one to install wherever one wants.
Clusters and Images
In cases where a collection and its packages do not depend
on other packages or local configuration conventions to operate
properly when installed, SAFARI host managers can select which
packages they wish to use with little difficulty. An example of such a
collection might be GNU CC. GNU CC really only depends on having the
proper operating system in place to function properly. Any host
manager who was interested in GNU CC could safely just select a GNU CC
package appropriate for the host's platform and be highly certain that
it will deploy and operate properly. However, relatively few
collections depend so little on other collections and have no
dependence on local configuration conventions. For example, the
collection that contains the SAFARI software itself, being written in
C++ and PERL, depends on a variety of other collections being
available to be able to operate properly. The process of selecting,
ordering, integrating, configuring, and testing a set of
interdependent packages can be complex. In addition, it occasionally
happens that combining particular packages requires significant
configuration to get them to work correctly. Facilitating this
process is the purpose of SAFARI clusters and images. A
SAFARI cluster is structured and managed exactly like a collection;
images are produced from clusters exactly like packages are produced
from collections. Like collections, clusters are not tagged with a
platform name; like packages, images are tagged with a platform name.
The principle distinction between collections (and their packages)
and clusters (and their images) is that clusters produce images that
reflect local configuration conventions, while collections produce
packages that are intended to be deployable on any host in the world.
The normal progression is to build one or more packages from
collections with no local assumptions about deployment hosts and then
build a cluster which integrates and configures the packages according
to local conventions to be deployable on local hosts. Others not
following those conventions can build clusters in the same or a
different repository according to their conventions using the same
packages, thereby, reusing the existing packages. A cluster can
be thought of as a set of collections, integrated together, and its
images can be thought of as the set of packages from those collections
integrated together. The primary purposes of clusters and images is to
reduce the effort expended by host managers trying to integrate
packages together. An image is a pre-configured set (including a set
of one) of packages that can be selected as a single unit for
deployment. Two reasons for this approach of separation based on
configuration information are:
Technical: This separation facilitates the construction of
collections/packages that can be readily used at multiple sites. That
is, the collections and packages thus created can be easily shared
between SAFARI repositories by concentrating configuration
information, which is typically very local, in clusters and images.
Thus collaborating sites can easily share packages without extensive
human interaction. The clusters, presumably, reflect local
configuration conventions and must be reengineered from one repository
(domain of local configuration conventions) to another.
Organizational: Some persons are better at building packages
one at a time and others are better at integrating a group of packages
together. This approach allows staff to be applied more effectively to
the tasks to which they are better suited. Explicitly separating the
integration and configuration step from the development step allows
the developer to concentrate on producing a higher quality package
faster. Developers focus on the internals of a package; integrators
focus on the world around a package.
The Repository
The SAFARI repository houses:
Collections and their packages
Clusters and their images
Meta-information about collections, packages, clusters, and images
Policy settings
Database meta-information
The SAFARI repository is a relocatable filesystem tree. For
current SAFARI commands, its location is specified by the REPO_ROOT
environment variable. Future versions of SAFARI will incorporate
inter-repository capabilities.
Collections, Packages, Clusters, and Images
Each different class of SAFARI software unit has its own
area in a repository.
collection. The collection directory is the parent directory
of all collections. Each collection is housed in a separate
subdirectory. As described above, each collection holds four internal
areas (META, build, OBJ, and
DEST). As an example, the source to the SAFARI version 1.0
collection might, depending on collection names chosen, be found
somewhere in collection/ The
SAFARI administrator safari collection create subcommand
creates the appropriate AFS volumes (for each area), creates the
appropriate AFS protection groups, mounts the volumes in the
collection directory tree, sets access controls and quotas, and
transfers subsequent control of the collection to the collection's
managers to manage the build, release, and test steps.
package. The package directory is the parent directory for
all released packages. Unreleased packages are AFS volumes mounted
under the collection's DEST area only. After completing the
build and DEST area installation steps, the
collection manager uses the safari package prepare and
safari package seal subcommands to collect meta-information
about the package and certify the contents of the package as suitable
for release (at least in the mind of the collection manager). The
SAFARI administrator then uses the safari package release
subcommand to transform the package into the correct form for
deployment (e.g., set owners and groups according to policy) and mount
it in the appropriate place below the package directory.
Released packages are housed in directories below package with naming
conventions that parallel the collection directory. For
example, revision 10 of the SAFARI version 1.0 package for platform
sparc-sunos-5 can be found under package/
cluster. The cluster directory is the parent directory of
all clusters. The structure below cluster is exactly the same as that
below collection. The safari cluster subcommands parallel
the safari collection subcommands.
image. The image directory is the parent directory
of all images. The structure below image is exactly the same
as that below package. The safari image subcommands parallel
the safari package subcommands.
Each collection and each cluster has a unique name (i.e.,
collections and clusters have separate name spaces and can therefore
have the same name). Packages and images inherit their name from the
collection or cluster from which they were derived. Clusters and
collections are named using the same syntactic and semantic
conventions. A cluster or collection name is composed of three parts
separated by forward slashes:
Authority. The authority is the organization or person who is
officially responsible for the files found in the cluster's or
collection's build area. For example, the officially
responsible organization for GNU Emacs is the Free Software
Foundation. For the Red Hat Package Manager, it is Red Hat, Inc. The
authority is encoded as the closest possible representation of the
organization or person as an appropriate Domain Name Service Start of
Authority record name. This means that the syntactical requirements
for the authority part are exactly the same as those for a domain name
[17]. In the preceding two examples, Free Software Foundation would be
encoded as and Red Hat, Inc. would be encoded as, since RPM developers have registered an
organizational name just for that software. The rationale for
including an authority in a collection or cluster name rather than
making it an internal attribute of the cluster or collection was to
avoid naming wars. Sometimes there are multiple possible authoritative
sources for Internet free software; including the authority in the
name avoids the problem of requiring a SAFARI administrator to
arbitrate which source is more authoritative.
Common name. The common name is the name by which the
collection or cluster is commonly known. It is typically exactly the
same name as that assigned by the authority. The only restrictions on
this part of the collection or cluster name is that it comply with the
POSIX requirements for a file name (a single component of a path)
[18]. For example, GNU Emacs might be reasonably assigned the common
name ``emacs'' or ``gnu-emacs.''
Version. The version is the version string by which the
collection or cluster is commonly known. It is typically exactly the
same version string as that assigned by the authority. The only
restrictions on this part of the collection or cluster name is that it
comply with the POSIX requirements for a file name [18]. For example,
GNU Emacs version 19.34 would likely be assigned the version
``19.14,', while Samba version 1.1.18p12 would likely be assigned the
version ``1.1.18p12.''
Thus the full name of the GNU Emacs 19.34 collection might
Meta-Information about Collections, Packages, Clusters, and
The SAFARI repository database is a directory of ordinary
UNIX files, formatted so that the SAFARI administrator can make manual
changes in emergency situations. As such, the database is neither
highly parallel nor impervious to failed transactions. The database is
protected against concurrent access via a simple lock file mechanism.
All of the meta-information and policy files are under RCS control to
provide assistance during a manual recovery as well as extensive
historical information. For reference, our db/packages
database is at RCS revision 1.3729 as of 8/24/1998 having started at
revision 1.1 on 1/27/1997 (yes, 3,728 revisions). The repository
database is located in ${REPO_ROOT}/db.
db/collections. The collections database contains
the mapping between each collection name and its sequence number.
Sequence numbers, which can never be safely reused, are used to form
AFS volume names. The presence of a record in this database implies
that the collection filesystem tree is present in the repository for
that collection (the safari repository check subcommand reports
differences between the collections database and collection
filesystem). The use of sequence numbers is intended to deal with
severe name length restrictions in AFS volume names (and potentially
other underlying technologies that might be supported by SAFARI in the
future). Through this indirection, SAFARI supports long collection
names that greatly increase understanding in casual SAFARI users
(e.g., single-host host managers). Even SAFARI aficionados can benefit
from long clear collection names. Our repository currently has over
900 collections; clear naming really is a requirement. When
collections are destroyed, their sequence record is moved to the
collections.destroyed database for historical reference. The content
of this database is managed by the safari collection
db/collections-families. The database of collection-families is used to determine the precedence among a set of
collections implementing different major versions of the same
software. Each record defines a family of collections from the
collections database. The purpose of this database is to deal with
collections whose name changes in unpredictable ways as they evolve.
In particular, it is rarely the case that the next version number of a
given piece of software can be predicted from the current one. The
Linux kernel [15] version numbering scheme is a good example: how
should the following version numbers be ordered: 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.10,
2.0.100, 2.0.9? Because we know the convention, we know that the
proper order is: 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.9, 2.0.10, 2.0.100. But we have all
seen numbering schemes more unpredictable that this. Each collection
family explicitly defines the ordering among a set of collections. The
package deployment selection mechanism (see parcel below) will
automatically choose the latest collection with an appropriate
platform and status for the given host.
db/packages. The packages database contains one
record for each existing package. Each package is named for the
collection with which it is associated. In addition, each package is
assigned a monotonically increasing (for each collection) revision
number and a platform name. The first package created from a
collection is assigned revision number 1. It is expected that two
packages of the same collection with the same revision number (but
different platform names) implement the same functionality when
deployed. This revision synchronization convention makes it easier for
a host manager who is managing multiple hosts of different platforms
to configure them to provide the same functions to their users.
Lastly, each package is assigned a status tag. Status tags are fully
described in db/lifecycles under Policies below.
db/clusters. The clusters database contains the
mapping between cluster names and sequence numbers. The clusters
database has the same format as the collection database and
serves the same purpose for clusters as the collections
database has for collections.
db/clusters-families. The cluster-families database
is used to determine the precedence among a set of clusters
configuring different major versions of the same software. It has the
same format as the collection-families database and serves
the same function for clusters that collection-families
serves for collections.
db/images. The images database contains one record
for each existing image. It has the same format as the
packages database and serves the same function for images
that packages serves for packages.
A variety of functional policies have been externalized from
code into policy specification files. Future versions of SAFARI will
expand the use of external policy specifications. There were two
purposes behind this decision. First, we thought it likely that many
of these policies might vary between sites. Configuration files are
easier to change than code. Second, we were ourselves not sure what
our polices should be. Moving these policies from code into
configuration files has allowed us to easily experiment with
alternative policies and to evolve policy over time.
| Creation Mount Point (below ${REPO_ROO)
| Released Mount Point (below ${REPO_ROOT})
| collection build volume
| collection/collection/build |
| collection OBJ volume
| collection/collection/OBJ |
| package volume
| collection/collection/DEST/platform |
| cluster build volume
| cluster/cluster/build |
| cluster OBJ volume
| cluster/cluster/OBJ |
| image volume
| cluster/cluster/DEST/platform |
package/collection/ revision/platform
| | Table 2: Mount points.
Status Label | Status of Package or Image
| alpha | Is being tested in operation on a real machine by
its manager; no other hosts should try to run it.
| beta | Is being tested by end-users on a small set of beta
test hosts.
| gamma | Is production quality and can be run anywhere the
function it provides is useful.
| deprecated | Is being withdrawn for some reason (typically
because it is being superseded).
| obsolete | Has been withdrawn and no host is allowed to use
it anywhere.
| destroyed | Has been destroyed (deleted).
| Table 3: Status labels.
db/allocation. The allocation configuration file sets the
policy for how AFS volumes are named and where they are allocated and
replicated. There are currently six types of AFS volumes managed by
SAFARI, which are initially mounted at the mount points shown in Table
The allocation policy allows one to select AFS volume naming
conventions using printf-like ``%'' syntax to conform to local AFS
volume naming conventions. It also allows one to define AFS
fileservers and partitions that are to be considered as candidates for
holding each type of volume. One can also specify which volumes, if
any, are to have read-only replicants and where they can be located.
The safari command uses this policy to guide its creation of AFS
volumes. The server selection portion of this policy is only enforced
at creation time; volumes can be moved after allocation however a site
db/lifecycles. The lifecycle configuration file
sets the policy for lifecycle phases through which packages and images
can pass. The policy defines each phase by assigning it a label called
the status. Each status label is an opaque string that SAFARI
uses for tracking the lifecycle of packages and images. The special
status label unreleased is built-in and is automatically
assigned to packages and images when they are created. When a package
or image is released by the safari package release or safari
image release subcommand respectively, the SAFARI administrator must
provide a status label to be assigned to the newly released package or
image as the last step of the release process. The status labels are
recorded in the db/packages and db/images databases
for each package and image respectively. The lifecycle policy governs
which lifecycle phase transitions are allowed by means of a transition
matrix. The matrix is composed of cells that contain permit/deny
indicators for each possible starting and ending status label. Using
this mechanism, a site can define a complex lifecycle through which
packages and images must progress from creation to destruction. For
example, in the CERT repository, we have defined a series of status
labels as shown in Table 3.
Figure 1: Platform Taxonomy.
We define our lifecycle transition matrix to force packages and
images to evolve from alpha toward destroyed; we do not
allow transitions in the other direction. We do, however, allow phases
to be skipped (e.g., alpha to gamma, beta to
obsolete, unreleased to beta).
db/platforms. The platforms configuration file sets
the policy for naming platforms. Every platform supported by a
repository must be defined in this configuration file. Packages and
images are labeled with platform names to indicate on which hosts they
were intended to be deployed. For any given collection or cluster,
packages or images with the same revision number and differing
platform names are expected to implement the same functionality. Each
platform defined in the platform policy is assigned a unique (across
all platforms) small integer to be used in naming AFS volumes. This
number is used in a way similar to the collection and cluster sequence
number--to reduce the length of the AFS volume name without loss of
information. Once a platform is assigned a number, the number can
never be reused again (unless one can somehow guarantee that there are
not now and never were any AFS volumes created using it).
db/platform-families. The platform-families
configuration files sets the policy for how platforms, defined in
db/platforms, relate to one another. Each platform family is,
in effect, a sequence of synonyms. The first platform in each
sequence is used as a key and serves as the name of the family. It is
expected that the platform name assigned to every host is also the
name of a platform family. The deployment mechanism (see parcel
below) uses the host platform name as a key to locate the sequence of
synonyms for that platform name from the platform family policy. The
deployment mechanism then considers any package (or image) that has
been labeled with any of the synonyms as a candidate for deployment to
the host. Ambiguities are resolved by selecting the first candidate
encountered in the order of the synonyms in the sequence.
the platforms policy and the platform families policy, one can create
a taxonomy of platform names. Consider Figure 1 as a platform
taxonomy. The leaf nodes would then be defined as platform
families and the synonym sequence would be all nodes encountered along
a directed path from the leaf to the root. Then the platform family
sparc-4m-sunos-5.5.1 would be defined as the platform sequence:
[sparc-4m-sunos-5.5.1, sparc-sunos-5, sunos-5,
unix, generic]. Therefore, when the deployment
mechanism was activated on a sparc-4m-sunos-5.5.1 host, it
would search for sparc-4m-sunos-5.5.1 packages (or images)
first, followed by sparc-sunos-5, sunos-5, unix,
and generic.
db/protections. The protections configuration file
sets the access control policy for released packages and images. It
controls file and directory ownerships, UNIX modes, and AFS access
controls lists. It does not control local file system access control
lists. This configuration file sets the global policy that governs all
packages and images. In addition, each package and image can supply
its own policy, overriding the global policy, in
depot/protections in the package or image. The protections
policy provides a default value for AFS access control lists, file
ownership, file group, and positive and negative mode masks. Owners
and groups can be specified as names or IDs, but names are preferred
(being less platform dependent). The positive mode mask is a mask of
mode bits that are unconditionally OR'ed on at release time. The
negative mode mask is a mask of mode bits that are unconditionally
AND'ed off at release time. Not all mode bits need to be included in
either of these masks. If these masks overlap (affect the same bits)
the result is undefined.
It is not typically the case that a
package or image will override the protection defaults from the global
policy, although that is permitted. More often, the package or image
protections policy will specify particular paths for which ownerships,
modes, or ACL's should differ from the default. This approach is
required since collection managers are not typically AFS
administrators and as such do not have the privilege necessary to
actually set file ownerships or groups. The package or image
protection policy is used to convey the collection manager's intent
regarding protections to the SAFARI administrator for the safari
package release or safari image release process. Currently,
collection managers can request any protection policy they want; it is
up to the SAFARI administrator to recognize that a particular release
request ought to be rejected due to a suspicious protections policy
(e.g., making /bin/sh set-UID root).
db/pubring.pgp. The pubring.pgp configuration file
contains the PGP 2.6 public keys of all persons that can digitally
sign something in SAFARI. This is typically collection and cluster
managers as well as SAFARI administrators.
db/relations. The relations configuration file sets
the experimental policy regarding relationships between and among
collections, packages, clusters, and images. As of this writing, this
policy is still being defined. The intention of this policy is to
specify the following relationships:
Conflict resolution is necessary when two packages or images
both wish to deploy the same path. The current deployment mechanism
has an implicit conflict resolution policy, but it is considered
inadequate for large complex configurations. The depot [16] conflict
resolution mechanism is also regarded as too weak.
Deployment dependence occurs when the deployment of a package
depends on the prior deployment of some other package. This is
typically only the case when SAFARI related packages are deployed.
Operational dependence occurs when a package depends on the
concurrent deployment of another package in order be able to function.
The deployment mechanism must be able to follow these dependencies and
either automatically add missing dependencies or produce diagnostics
regarding missing dependencies.
Construction dependence occurs when a collection depends on the
prior deployment of another package in order to be built (to produce a
package). This is mostly a documentation issue for collection and
cluster managers, but plays a role in version and revision tracking.
Once in a while it happens that it is necessary to restore a destroyed
collection and rebuild it for some reason. To be able to get back to a
known state, one must know not only what the state of the collection
in question was at that point in history, but one must also know the
state of all of the packages that the collection depended on during
the build process. We have several times found ourselves in the state
where we knew for certain that a given package was built from a
particular set of sources, but we could not reconstruct what packages
that collection depended on during its build process. This typically
happens when the build process of one collection uses a
lib*.a file provided by another package.
Mutual exclusion occurs when the deployment of one package or
image degrades or destroys the ability of another concurrently
deployed package or image. The deployment mechanism must be able to
detect and avoid this situation.
Experimentation with representation of relationships has
been underway without a clear resolution for almost a year. This turns
out to be a hard problem.
db/roles. The roles configuration file sets the
policy regarding who can do what. It defines a set of roles using UNIX
or AFS groups. That is, rather than using UNIX or AFS groups
throughout SAFARI to authorize operations, SAFARI uses a set of roles
for authorization and determines who is in each role once at program
initialization time. This allows a site to define the set of UNIX or
AFS groups they wish to use to authorize SAFARI operations.
There are no predefined roles. A site may define as many or as few
roles as their organizational structure justifies. For each SAFARI
operation, the roles policy defines which roles can perform that
operation. Each operation also defines who (in the form of an email
address) should be notified about each operation.
db/structure. The structure configuration files
sets the experimental policy regarding file system structure for
release validation. To reduce the possibility of totally invalid file
system structures being deployed, even in testing, and destroying a
machine, the release process must be expanded to perform a variety of
conformance tests on release candidates. For example, if some package
accidentally provided a file named /usr/lib most hosts would
cease to function shortly after that file was deployed. The structure
policy is the first of several policies aimed at release conformance
Database Meta-Information
db/databases. The databases configuration file
specifies the actual location of all of the above databases. The paths
shown above are the ones defined in the CERT SAFARI repository, but
any of these databases can be renamed or relocated. In the current
implementation, we don't recommend this as it has not been tested. It
is possible that some lingering path names may be embedded in code
db/hashes. The hashes configuration file contains
the official MD5 hashes of every database defined in
db/database as of the end of the last database update
transaction. These hashes are used as a high performance mechanism for
database consistency checking by the deployment mechanism (since it
cannot actually lock the database).
SAFARI includes a number of programs and scripts. Some are
provided for repository administrators, some for collection managers,
and others for host managers. Even though end-users should be
completely unaware of the existence of SAFARI, one tool is provided
that may be useful to them.
The safari command is the principle tool for
repository administrators. Nearly all of its functions are aimed at
administration and maintenance of a SAFARI repository. The
safari command presents a simple object-oriented view of the
repository. The repository is divided into several classes of objects
and a set of operations that apply to each class. Each class and its
applicable operations are presented below.
safari {collection | cluster} create name \
-manager principal... [-quota blocks]
This subcommand creates a new SU, either a collection or a
cluster, assigning it a unique new name and one or more principals as
managers for the SU. Assignment of multiple managers is not
discouraged, but neither is it facilitated in any way by SAFARI.
Multiple managers must coordinate their activities regarding the SU.
It is common to assign two managers for each SU, one as primary and
one as backup. The primary manager has the responsibility to keep the
backup manager informed enough so that the backup manager can act in
absence of the primary manager (usually this means fixing a bug and
releasing a new DSU).
safari {package | image} create name -platform name \
[-revision integer] [-quota blocks]
This subcommand creates a new DSU, either a package or an image,
which is targeted at a particular platform. When managing multiple
platforms at different times, it is sometimes impossible for
safari to correctly choose a revision number since
safari cannot know what the manager intends the DSU to contain.
Therefore, an explicit revision number can be specified.
safari {collection | cluster} list regexp
This subcommand lists SU's by matching a (PERL) regular expression
against the names of all known SU's.
safari {package | image} list [name] [-platform name] \
[-status tag] [-managers] [-sizes]
This subcommand lists DSU's by matching a regular expression against
the names of all known DSU's, by target platform, by status, or some
combination of the above.
Preparation for Release
safari {package | image} prepare name -platform name
This subcommand produces the DSU's depot/MANIFEST file,
listing the complete contents of the DSU. Cryptographic hashes (MD5)
are used to describe the contents of all files. The manifest does not
describe itself. The manifest is constructed in such a way as to
include the intended modes and ownerships of files and directories,
rather than their current modes and ownerships. The manifest is used
in the release process (below) to actually change the modes and
ownerships before releasing the DSU. This allows non-privileged
managers to ask for modes and ownerships they would not normally be
allowed to set themselves.
safari {package | image} seal name -platform name \
[-user pgpuser]
This subcommand produces the DSU's depot/AUTHORITY file,
which is a certificate of authenticity for the DSU. The certificate
includes a cryptographic hash (MD5) of the manifest, as well as other
meta-information, and is digitally signed. In this way, the entire DSU
is sealed under the authority of the manager and cannot be altered
from the configuration specified in the manifest file without
detection. All prospective users of the DSU can see who certified the
DSU's contents and decide for themselves what level of trust to accord
safari {package | image} check name -platform name \
[-revision integer]
This subcommand validates the content of a DSU. It checks the
digital signature on the DSU certificate (depot/AUTHORITY),
uses the certificate to check the contents of the manifest
(depot/MANIFEST), and uses the manifest to check the contents
of the DSU. All checks must match exactly for validation to succeed.
Any deviation is reported.
safari {package | image} release name -platform name \
-status tag
This subcommand transforms an unreleased DSU into its released
form, mounts the AFS volume in its correct location, and updates the
repository database regarding the status change for that DSU. The
transformation process includes validation of the contents of the DSU
(except for modes and ownerships), alteration of modes and ownerships
to match the manifest, and alteration of AFS ACL's according to the
protection policy in effect for the DSU (global policy + DSU policy).
It is expected that the status assigned to a newly released DSU
represents semantics of minimal trust. For example, we use status
`alpha' to indicate that no one except the SU manager should trust the
DSU's contents. This prevents accidental deployment of newly released
DSU's onto production quality hosts.
Lifecycle Management
safari {package | image} setstatus name -platform name \
-revision integer -status tag
This subcommand changes the status label associated with an
already released DSU. This is the mechanism that a manager uses to
signal his intent that others can begin to trust the contents of the
DSU. Multiple levels of trust may be appropriate at a given site. In
our repository, we use status beta to mean that a DSU can be deployed
onto certain hosts which have been designated for end user functional
testing. This deployment automatically occurs, announcements are sent
out, and users try out the newly released software on the beta hosts.
After the manager receives feedback, he can decide to promote the DSU
into full production use (status gamma in our repository) or
out of service (status deprecated in our repository) to be
replaced by a new revision.
Repository Management
safari repository lock
safari repository unlock
These subcommand can be used to manage the reservation of the
repository database for extended periods of time. The typical use of
this function is to perform several related actions that should be
seen by repository users all together, such as releasing multiple
interdependent packages at one time. If a host in the process of being
constructed were to select some, but not all of the interdependent set
of packages for deployment, a variety of inconsistency-related
failures may occur (e.g., shared library skew).
safari repository check
This subcommand is a maintenance function, typically run regularly
by a SAFARI administrator to ensure that the repository database is
syntactically correct and that the database actually reflects what is
installed in the repository, and vice versa. In addition to detecting
several different kinds of inconsistencies, this subcommand can
propose (for certain kinds of inconsistencies) corrective actions to
be taken by the administrator. Inconsistencies between the repository
and the repository database almost always occur as a result of AFS
administrative failures of some sort, lost AFS volumes being the most
safari repository addkey
safari repository listkey
These subcommands are used to manage PGP public keys stored in the
repository database. Every administrator and manager must have a PGP
public key stored in the database.
safari repository showpolicy
This subcommand can be used to print human readable forms of a
variety of repository policies (described above).
The pf command is designed to help the collection
manager build binaries for multiple platforms from one set of sources
with minimal impact on uni-platform build procedures. The pf
command is an abbreviation for platform; it is so short because it is
used often enough that brevity is valuable. The first and foremost
task of pf is to determine the name of the target platform for
the build process. If pf is invoked with no arguments, it
simply prints the target platform name on stdout. This is sometimes
useful in scripts and makefiles. Since it requires the file in the collection's or cluster's
META area to determine the build target platform from the
actual platform of the build host, it does not function outside of a
collection or cluster. Pf provides multi-platform build
assistance in two ways: platform-specific parallel trees of symbolic
links and shell command wrapping. The parallel trees of symbolic links
are managed by two command line options: --update and
--clean, typically used together. The pf command
also provides multi-platform installation assistance hiding the
installation location from the collection manager. This is
accomplished via the --install and --purge options.
The basic syntax of the pf command is:
pf [--clean][--update] [--purge][--install] \
[shell-command [shell-args]...]
The --clean and --update options are concerned with
maintaining the platform specific trees of symbolic links in the
cluster's or collection's OBJ area.
--clean or -c: The --clean option specifies
that any dangling symbolic links in the symbolic links tree are to be
removed. Any empty directories are also removed.
--update or -u: The --update option
specifies that before executing any shell command specified (see
below), the platform specific tree of symbolic links located in the
collection's or cluster's OBJ tree should be updated to match
the current directory and all of its subdirectories. Any missing or
incorrect symbolic links in the symbolic link tree are corrected to
point to their corresponding file in the build tree. Any
missing directories are also created.
When --clean and --update are both specified,
cleaning occurs before updating. The --purge and
--install options are concerned with constructing the
platform specific packages or images mounted in the cluster's or
collection's DEST area.
The pf command is also used to execute every command
in the build procedure. After processing the above options, if there
is a shell command and optional arguments remaining on the command
line, pf will change directory to the parallel directory in the
symbolic link tree in the OBJ area and the execute the
specified command via execve(2) [20]. This is easier to see by
example. The following example assumes a normal autoconf managed piece
of software named
$ cd $REPO_ROOT/collection/
$ pf -cu ./configure --prefix='$(DESTDIR)/usr/local'
$ pf gmake
$ pf -Pi gmake install
Using this exact same set of commands, one can build this
collection for every platform one wishes (assuming the software was
written to support the target platforms). As one can see, this is a
minimal alteration from the normal uni-platform build procedure.
The ft (short for filetree) command is also aimed at
simplifying the life of the collection manager. While building
Internet-available software from source is desirable, little
commercial software is delivered in source form. The ft command
is designed to help in dealing with software delivered in binary-only
form. In particular, it is helpful when such software comes with an
obscure installation procedure that is difficult or impossible to
coerce into installing properly into the DEST area of a
collection. The theory of operation of the ft command is
simple. First, record the state of a given host's filesystems.
Second, install the software in question on that host using its
documented installation procedure. Third, compare the before and after
installation states of the host's filesystems and create a package
that when deployed via SAFARI will result in the same changes to the
host that the software's installation procedure made.
The parcel command is responsible for deployment of
DSU's onto individual hosts. A special SAFARI configuration cluster
is created for each host. The manager of a host cluster is the host
manager. A host cluster defines the complete configuration of the
host. It includes any files that uniquely identify the host (e.g.,
/etc/hostname.le0 on Solaris) as well as a software
configuration that specifies what DSU's are to be deployed onto the
host. The parcel command uses the list of DSU's to
construct a virtual configuration of the host and then takes whatever
steps are necessary to make the host comply with that configuration.
Parcel supports a variety of mechanisms for abstractly
selecting DSU's without having to precisely name each one. Examples
include, selection by platform, by status, by revision number, by
package family, and by image family. The goal of these mechanisms is
to maximize the lifetime of a particular configuration specification.
This means that once a host manager has expressed his intentions for
the host, parcel will automatically keep that host synchronized
with the DSU's in the repository. For example, once a host
manager has said ``I want the latest revision of GNU Emacs that is
certified as production quality,'' parcel will automatically
make sure that when a new revision of GNU Emacs appears with the
correct status, it will be deployed to the host, without the host
manager having to say that he wants the new revision. The host
image from the host cluster is not really special in any way, other
than it being the first image that parcel processes.
Parcel also offers the capability to choose whether DSU files
to be deployed into host directories are copied locally or referenced
in the repository via symbolic links. The ability to reference files
in DSU's in the repository allows the host manager to effectively
multiply the size of his local disk to accommodate host configurations
that would normally require more disk space that is available. This
can also be a very powerful tool for SU managers (who are typically
host managers for their own desktop workstations). Deploying an
alpha status DSU for testing via symbolic links is extremely
fast, and reduces the develop-deploy-test cycle time. Parcel
can even be instructed to deploy an unreleased DSU for pre-alpha
testing by the SU manager. Parcel is designed to be able
to build a host from an effectively empty disk. For example, when we
build Solaris hosts, we boot the host via the network, format,
partition, and mount the local disk, and then run parcel to
install the software. Everything installed on the host comes from the
repository. This means that recovery from catastrophic failure is the
same as initial installation. Parcel can be run as often
as desired to update a host from its repository. Since extensive
changes to the host may result, it is typically wise to run
parcel only at shutdown or boot time. Parcel can also
simulate an update so that the host manager can decide if an update is
required and if he wishes to risk updating an operating host.
Cooperating Repositories
We have thus far engaged in considerable speculation
regarding the practicality of multiple cooperating repositories. These
speculations include:
Demonstrating to vendors the value of a canonical distribution
Sharing of technical talent between repositories (e.g., operating
systems are hard to put into a repository, but only one repository
needs to contribute an operating system; then all other repositories
can use it).
Open source software can be packaged once by its developers or
delegated builders and everyone can choose to use it or not based on
their trust of the developers or builders.
Local repositories can be used to cache DSU's from around the world,
making a network of high performance deployment servers.
We don't propose that SAFARI is the canonical deployment
vehicle. We only seek to show the benefits from having such a world-wide mechanism.
The CERT Coordination Center offers a web site,, that describes the project in more detail
and provides access to the available software components.
Future Work
Future work includes:
Canonical seekable transportable format for packages and images.
Managing dependencies between and among collections, packages,
clusters, and images.
Better cryptographic and message digest technology.
General purpose configuration file delta processor, a la patch [14].
Local file system access control lists support.
Release conformance validation (structure and protections).
Client-server administration.
Taking snapshots of build and OBJ areas at
package/image release time.
Support for multiple collaborating repositories.
Support for OSF's DCE/DFS.
Supporting Windows NT 5 and CIFS, both as a server, to house a
repository, and as a client.
SAFARI is built upon ideas that emerged from eight years of
work at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.
Between those two institutions, over 1,000 hosts are being managed by
the precursors of SAFARI. The number of people who have significantly
contributed to this work, directly and indirectly, is simply too great
to enumerate here.
Author Information
Bill Fithen is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at the
Software Engineering Institute, currently working in the Networked
Survivable Systems program which operates the CERT Coordination
Center. Bill is the principal architect for several development
projects, including SAFARI. Bill previously worked as the Manager of
the University Data Network at the University of Pittsburgh. Bill
earned a BS in Applied Physics and a MS in Computer Science, both from
Louisiana Tech University. Reach him at
Steve Kalinowski is a Member of the Technical Staff at the
Software Engineering Institute, currently working in the Networked
Survivable Systems program which operates the CERT Coordination
Center. Steve is the leader of the team providing computing
infrastructure services within the program. Steve previously worked on
distributed computing environments as the UNIX Services Coordinator at
the University of Pittsburgh, on the Electra electronics
troubleshooting product at Applied Diagnostics, and on computer-integrated manufacturing systems at Cimflex Teknowledge, all in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Steve earned a BS in Computer Science
from the University of Pittsburgh. Reach him at <>.
Jeff Carpenter is a Member of the Technical Staff at the Software
Engineering Institute, currently working in the Networked Survivable
Systems program which operates the CERT Coordination Center. Jeff
spends most of his time leading a team that provides technical
assistance to Internet sites that have computer security issues or
have experienced a security compromise. Before joining CERT, Jeff was
a systems analyst at the University of Pittsburgh working in the
computer center designing the university's distributed UNIX
environment. Jeff earned a BS in Computer Science from the University
of Pittsburgh. Reach him at <>.
Jed Pickel is a Member of the Technical Staff at the Software
Engineering Institute, currently working in the Networked Survivable
Systems program which operates the CERT Coordination Center. Jed is a
member of the team that provides technical assistance to Internet
sites that have experienced a security compromise and is also a member
of the team that coordinates responses, including CERT Advisories, to
vulnerability reports. Jed earned a BS in Electrical Engineering from
the University of California, San Diego. Reach him at
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