USENIX 1996 Annual Technical Conference
January 22-26, 1996
San Diego, CA
Original Program with Tutorial Descriptions
Program Committee
External Reviewers
Hard-copy proceedings ordering information
Wednesday, January 24
- Keynote Address: Nature and Nurture: The Interplay
of UNIX and Networking
- Van Jacobson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Chair: John Ousterhout, Sun Microsystems Laboratories
- Scalability in the XFS File System
- Adam Sweeney, Silicon Graphics
- A Comparison of FFS Disk Allocation
- Keith A. Smith and Margo Seltzer, Harvard University
- AFRAID--A Frequently Redundant Array of
Independent Disks
- Stefan Savage, University of Washington;
John Wilkes, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
- Invited Talk: Linux: Architecture, Experiences,
and Future
- Linus Torvalds, University of Helsinki
Chair: Darrell Long, University of California, Santa Cruz
- A Comparison of OS Extension Technologies
- Christopher Small and Margo Seltzer, Harvard University
- An Extensible Protocol Architecture for Application-Specific
- Marc E. Fiuczynski and Brian N. Bershad, University of Washington
- Linux Device Driver Emulation in Mach
- Shantanu Goel and Dan Duchamp, Columbia University
- Invited Talk Panel Discussion:
Opinions on Recent Legal Decisions
- Moderator: Ed Gould, Digital Equipment Corporation
Panelists: Dan Appelman, Partner, Heller, Ehrman,
White, and McAuliffe; Mitch Dembin, Assistant U.S. Attorney--Chief,
Financial Fraud Section; Mike Godwin, Staff Counsel,
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Chair: Brent Welch, Sun Microsystems Laboratories
- Calliope: A Distributed, Scalable
Multimedia Server
- Andrew Heybey, Mark Sullivan, and Paul England, Bellcore
- Simple Continuous Media Storage Server
on Real-Time Mach
- Hiroshi Tezuka and Tatsuo Nakajima, Japan Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology
- Invited Talk: Cryptography in the 21st Century
- Bruce Schneier, Counterpane Systems
Thursday, January 25
Chair: John Kohl, Atria Software
- Eliminating Receive Livelock in an
Interrupt-driven Kernel
- Jeffrey Mogul, Digital Equipment Corp., Western Research Laboratory;
K. K. Ramakrishnan, AT&T Bell Laboratories
- Implementation of IPv6 in 4.4 BSD
- Randall Atkinson, Daniel McDonald, and Bao Phan, Naval Research
Laboratory; Craig Metz, Kaman Sciences Corporation; Kenneth Chin,
Naval Research Laboratory
- Supporting Mobility in MosquitoNet
- Mary Baker, Xinhua Zhao, Stuart Cheshire, and Jonathan Stone,
Stanford University
- Invited Talk: Why Threads Are A Bad Idea
(for most purposes)
- John Ousterhout, Sun Microsystems Laboratories
Chair: Christopher Small, Harvard University
- World Wide Web Cache Consistency
- James Gwertzman and Margo Seltzer, Harvard University
- A Hierarchical Internet Object Cache
- Anawat Chankhunthod, Peter Danzig, and Chuck Neerdaels, University
of Southern California; Michael F. Schwartz and Kurt J. Worrell,
University of Colorado, Boulder
- Tracking and Viewing Changes on the Web
- Fred Douglis and Thomas Ball, AT&T Bell Laboratories
- Invited Talk Track: Vmalloc: The Search Ends?
- Kiem-Phong Vo, AT&T Bell Laboratories
- Invited Talk Track: Forming a More Perfect
Net Governance
- Carey Eugene Heckman, Adjunct Professor of Law, Stanford Law
School and Co-Director, Stanford Law and Technology Policy Center
Chair: David Black, Open Software Foundation Research Institute
- Implementation of a Reliable Remote
Memory Pager
- Evangelos P. Markatos and George Dramitinos, Institute of Computer
Science, FORTH, Crete
- Solaris MC: A Multi Computer OS
- Yousef A. Khalidi, Jose M. Bernabeu, Vlada Matena, Ken Shirriff, and
Moti Thadani, Sun Microsystems Laboratories
- A New Approach to Distributed Memory
Management in the Mach Microkernel
- Stephan Zeisset, Stefan Tritscher, and Martin Mairandres, Intel
- Fault Tolerance in a Distributed CHORUS/MiX
- Sunil Kittur, Online Media; Francois Armand, Chorus Systemes;
Douglas Steel, ICL High Performance Systems; Jim Lipkis, Chorus
- Invited Talk Panel Discussion: Selling Stuff
that's Free: the Commercial Side of Free Software
- Moderator: Mary Baker, Stanford University
Panelists: Bob Bruce, Walnut Creek CD-ROM;
William H. Davidow, Mohr, Davidow Ventures; Michael Tiemann,
Cygnus Support; Linus Torvalds, University of Helsinki
Friday, January 26
Chair: Jonathan Smith, University of Pennsylvania
- FLIPC: A Low Latency Messaging System for
Distributed Real Time Environments
- David L. Black, Randall D. Smith, Steven J. Sears, and Randall W.
Dean, Open Software Foundation Research Insititute
- An Analysis of Process and Memory Models
to Support High-Speed Networking in a UNIX Environment
- B. Murphy, University of Cambridge; S. Zeadally and C. J. Adams,
University of Buckingham
- Zero-Copy TCP in Solaris
- H. K. Jerry Chu, SunSoft, Inc.
- Invited Talk: Highlights from 1995 USENIX
Chair: Miche Baker-Harvey, Digital Equipment Corporation
- A Performance Comparison of UNIX Operating
Systems on the Pentium
- Kevin Lai and Mary Baker, Stanford University
- lmbench: Portable Tools for Performance
- Larry McVoy, Silicon Graphics; Carl Staelin, Hewlett-Packard
- Process Labeled Kernel Profiling:
A New Facility to Profile System Activities
- Shingo Nishioka, Atsuo Kawaguchi, and Hiroshi Motoda, Hitachi
Advanced Research Laboratory
- Invited Talk Track: CitySpace: Come Build It
Yourself--A User-Extensible Virtual Environment for Real-time Play
- Coco Conn and Zane Vella, Digital Circus Productions
Chair: Matt Blaze, AT&T Bell Laboratories
- Cut-and-Paste File-Systems: Integrating
Simulators and File-Systems
- Peter Bosch and Sape J. Mullender, Universiteit Twente
- Predicting Future File-System Actions
From Prior Events
- Tom M. Kroeger and Darrell D. E. Long, University of California,
Santa Cruz
- Transparent Fault Tolerance for Parallel
Applications on Networks of Workstations
- Daniel J. Scales, Digital Equipment Corporation Western Research
Laboratory; Monica S. Lam, Stanford University
- Why Use a Fishing Line When you Have
a Net? An Adaptive Multicast Data Distribution Protocol
- Steve Kotsopoulos and Jeremy Cooperstock, University of Toronto
- Invited Talk Panel Discussion: Technical
Executive Summary: 90 Minutes, 8 Talks, No Regrets
- Moderator: Keith Bostic, Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
Joint Closing Session