Security '04 Paper
[Security '04 Technical Program]
Fixing Races for Fun and Profit: How to use access(2)
Drew Dean1
Computer Science Laboratory, SRI
International -
Alan J. Hu2
Dept. of Computer Science,
University of British Columbia
It is well known that it is insecure to use the access(2) system call
in a setuid program to test for the ability of the program's executor
to access a file before opening said file. Although the access(2) call
appears to have been designed exactly for this use, such use is
vulnerable to a race condition. This race condition is a classic example of
a time-of-check-to-time-of-use (TOCTTOU) problem. We prove
the ``folk theorem'' that no portable, deterministic solution exists without
changes to the system call interface, we present a probabilistic
solution, and we examine the effect of increasing CPU speeds on the
exploitability of the attack.
Since the 1988 Morris worm, and particularly the 1996 tutorial on
stack smashing in Phrack [1], the buffer overflow has
been the attacker's weapon of choice for subverting system security.
Many techniques for preventing or mitigating the effects of the lack
of memory safety have appeared in the
literature [9,14,12,13,3].
Prior to the popularization of stack smashing, various race conditions
were commonly utilized as the key step in privilege escalation
attacks, i.e., gaining superuser privileges on a machine to which one
has access via an ordinary account. While not quite as catastrophic
as a buffer overflow in a network server that hands out superuser
privileges to anyone who knows the magic packet to send, local
privilege escalation attacks remain a serious threat. This is
particularly true as another security vulnerability may give the
attacker the ability to execute code of their choice as an
unprivileged user. Given the wide range of privilege escalation
attacks on many common operating systems, it is very difficult to
prevent an attacker from ``owning'' a machine once they can get the
first machine instruction of their choice executed. Hence, one is
wise to expend great effort to make sure that the attacker cannot
execute the first instruction of an attack. If we could prevent
privilege escalation, we would have more confidence in the ability of
lower-level operating system primitives to contain the damage of
security vulnerabilities exposed to the network. We make one of many
required steps towards that goal in this paper.
One particular race condition is especially infamous among developers
of security-critical software, particularly setuid programs, on Unix
and Unix-like systems: the one between an appearance of the
access(2) system call, and a subsequent open(2) call.
Although this paradigm appears to have been the intended use of
access(2), which first appeared in V7 Unix in 1979, it has
always been subject to this race condition. Recall that individual
Unix system calls are atomic, but sequences of system calls offer no
guarantees as to atomicity. This is a long standing problem: a 1993
CERT advisory [7] documents this exact race condition in
xterm, and earlier exploits based on this problem are
believed to exist. However, there is no generally available, highly
portable, correct solution for providing the functionality of
access(2). This paper remedies this unfortunate situation. It
is commonly accepted that fixing this problem requires a kernel
change. While this is true for a deterministic solution, we present a
highly portable probabilistic solution that works under the existing
system call interface. The technique used is reminiscent of
hardness amplification as found in the cryptology
literature [16], but applied to system calls, rather than
cryptologic primitives.
We first survey the problem, its history, partial solutions, and
related work. We then prove the ``folk theorem'' that there is no
(deterministic) solution to the problem short of a kernel
modification. We present our probabilistic solution, and experimental
data showing the exploitability of the problem across several
generations of machines. Final thoughts are presented in the
We first describe the problem that we are solving, explain why some
known partial solutions are not optimal, and describe related work on
this problem.
One of Unix's patented innovations was the introduction of the setuid
bit on program files, to indicate that a program should execute with
the privileges of its owner, rather than the user that invoked the
program, as is the normal case. As more sophisticated programs were
developed using the setuid facility, there was desire to have the
ability to do access control checks based on the invoker of the
program (i.e., the real user id of the program, as opposed to the
effective user id of the program). The kernel is clearly the proper
place to perform these checks, as pathname parsing and traversal is
tricky, particularly since the introduction of symbolic links in
4.2 BSD [2]. This need was addressed with the addition
of the access(2) system call to V7 Unix in 1979. It appears that the
intention was for the following code fragment:
if(access(pathname, R_OK) == 0)
if((fd = open(pathname, O_RDONLY))
== 0) ...
to work in the obvious way - that is, to check whether
pathname is readable, and if so, open the file for reading on
file descriptor fd.
Unfortunately, there is a classic time-of-check-to-time-of-use
(TOCTTOU) [11] problem lurking here: the pair of
access(2) and open(2) system calls is not a
single, atomic operation. Hence, a clever attacker can change the
file system in between the two system calls, to trick a setuid program
into opening a file that it should not. Apple (MacOS X 10.3) and
FreeBSD (4.7) are very succinct in their manual pages for access(2):
``Access() is a potential security hole and should never be used.''
For naïve uses of access(2), this is true; however, we shall see
that the real situation is more complicated.
2.2 Partial Solutions
We will show that the Unix system call interface, as defined, offers
no completely portable, deterministic solution to the problem. The
definitive solution to this problem is a kernel change, of which there
are many possibilities, all of which can be made to work correctly.
The simplest change would appear to be the addition of an
O_RUID option to be passed to open(2), specifying that
open(2) should use the real user id of the process, rather than its
effective user id, for access control decisions. Without a kernel
modification, two other solutions partially fix the problem.
Since the advent of saved user ids in 4.2BSD, through one mechanism or
another, modern Unixes have had a way to temporarily drop privileges
gained from a program being setuid and then later regain those
privileges. Unfortunately, the setuid family of system calls is its
own rats nest. On different Unix and Unix-like systems,
system calls of the same name and arguments can have different
semantics, including the possibility of silent failure [8].
Hence, a solution depending on user id juggling can be made to work, but
is generally not portable.
A somewhat improved approach is to fork off a child process, have that
process permanently drop all extra privileges, and then attempt to
open the file. If successful, the child process can pass the
open file descriptor across a Unix-domain socket and
exit.3 The user id
handling is greatly simplified, although some of the caveats above
still apply. The major drawback is that fork(2) is a relatively
expensive system call, even with copy-on-write optimizations.
The standard paper on this subject is the 1996 work of Bishop and
Dilger [6]. They provide a very comprehensive
description of the problem, dissecting a 1993 CERT advisory of a real
life instance of this problem. Bishop and Dilger then go on to
discuss static analysis techniques for finding the problem in C
programs. Rather surprisingly, Bishop's well known 1987 paper, ``How
to Write a Setuid Program'' [4] does not
mention this pitfall. Bishop's book [5] also discusses
the problem and its workarounds. We have tried to find the first
description of this problem in the literature, but so far have come up
empty.4 The first author recalls
this problem being part of the folklore in the late
Cowan, et al., [10] cover a very similar problem, a race
condition between the use of stat(2) and open(2), with
their RaceGuard technology. They changed the kernel to maintain a
small per-process cache of files that have been stat'd and found not
to exist. If a subsequent open(2) finds an existing file, the open
fails. This race condition is primarily found in the creation of
temporary files. While it is essentially equivalent to the
access(2)/open(2) race we consider in this paper, the solution is
entirely different: they modify the kernel, we do not. Tsyrklevich
and Yee [15] take a similar approach to RaceGuard, in that
their solution involves a kernel modification. However, they have a
richer policy language to express what race conditions they will
intercept, and they suspend the putative attacker process (a process
that interfered with another process' race prone call sequence) rather
than causing an open(2) call to fail. Again, Tsyrklevich and
Yee modify the kernel, to fix existing vulnerable applications,
whereas we are proposing a user level technique to solve the problem.
Given the difficulties and overheads of existing solutions to the
access(2)/open(2) race, it's tempting to try to imagine a
solution that doesn't require kernel changes, juggling user ids,
forking processes, or dropping privileges. Fundamentally, the problem
arises because permissions to a file are a property of a path (being
dependent on the relevant execute permission along all directories on
the path and the relevant permissions for the filename), and the
mapping of paths to files is mutable. However, the inode (and device number, and generation number if available) for
a file is not a mutable mapping; it's the ground truth. Perhaps a
clever combination of system calls and redundant checks, verifying
that the path-to-inode mapping did not change, could be made to work,
analogous to mutual exclusion protocols that don't need atomic
test-and-set instructions.
A widely held belief is that such a solution isn't possible, but to
our knowledge this has never been precisely stated nor proven.
Here, we state and prove this theorem. Furthermore, the assumptions
needed to prove the theorem will suggest an alternative solution.
Theorem 1
Under the following assumptions:
- the only way for a setuid program to determine whether the
real user id should have access to a file is via the
access(2) system call or other mechanisms based on the
pathname (e.g., parsing the
pathname and traversing the directory structures)
rather than the file descriptor,
- none of the system calls for checking access permission
also atomically provide a file descriptor or other unchangeable
identifier of the file,
- an attacker can win all races against the setuid program,
then there is no way to write a setuid program that is secure
against the access(2)/open(2) race.
The first assumption means that the theorem ignores solutions based on
juggling user ids and giving up privilege, which we rule out because of
portability and efficiency concerns. The first two assumptions also
imply ignoring various solutions based on kernel changes: for example,
an faccess(2) call that determines access permissions given a
file descriptor violates the first assumption, whereas an
O_RUID option to open(2), as discussed in
Section 2.2, violates the second assumption.
Note that although fstat(2) at first glance appears to violate
the first assumption, it actually doesn't, since the stat buffer
contains permission information for the file only, but doesn't
consider the permissions through all directories on the file's path.
In general, the theorem applies to any combination of the typical
accessors of the file system state: access(2), open(2),
stat(2), fstat(2), lstat(2), read(2),
getdents(2), etc. The third assumption is standard when
analyzing security against race conditions.
Any attempted solution will perform a sequence of system calls.
We can model this sequence as a string over the
alphabet , where represents a call to an access-checking
function, and represents any other call, e.g., open(2).
(If the attempted solution
has multiple control flow paths making different sequences of calls,
we can model this as a finite set of strings, one for each path through
the program, and the attacker can attack each of these strings separately.)
Similarly, we can model the attacker's execution as a string over
the alphabet , where represents swapping in a good file
(one for which the real user id has permission) for the file whose access
is being checked, and represents swapping in a bad file
(one for which the real user id doesn't have permission).
An attempted attack is an interleaving of the strings
and .
The assumption that the attacker can win races against the setuid program
means that the attacker can control what interleaving occurs (at least
some fraction of the time -- we only need one success for a successful
attack). Suppose the attempted solution contains instances
of . The attack can then consist of the string , and the
attacker can make the interleaving such that each call is immediately
bracketed before by and after by . Therefore, every access-checking
call checks the good file and grants permission, whereas all other
operations will see the same bad file, and hence there will be no
inconsistencies that can be detected. Therefore, under the assumptions,
there is no secure solution.
The above theorem actually generalizes to other TOCTTOU problem instances
that satisfy similar assumptions.
If there is no way to check something and acquire it
in a single atomic operation, and
if we assume the attacker can win races, then the attacker
can always swap in the good thing before each check and swap
in the bad thing before any other operations.
Notice how strongly the proof of the theorem relies on the
assumption that the attacker can win races whenever needed.
This assumption is reasonable and prudent when considering
the security of ad hoc races that occurred by oversight,
since a determined attacker can employ various means to
increase the likelihood of winning races and can repeat the
attack millions of times. However, is this assumption still
reasonable if we carefully design an obstacle course of races
that the attacker needs to win? By analogy to cryptology,
an attacker that can guess bits of a key can break any cryptosystem,
but with enough key bits, the probability of guessing them all
correctly is acceptably small. This insight leads to our probabilistic
4 A Probabilistic Solution
Our probabilistic solution relies on weakening the assumption that
the attacker can win all races whenever needed. Instead, we will
assume the more realistic assumption that, for each race,
the attacker has some probability of winning.
This probability will vary depending
on the details of the code, the OS, the CPU speed, the disks, etc.,
which we will discuss in Section 5,
but the fundamental idea is to treat races as probabilistic events.
The other major assumption needed for our solution is that the
calls to access(2) and open(2) must be idempotent and
have no undesirable side effects.
For typical usages of opening files for reading or writing, this
assumption is reasonable. However, one must be careful with certain
usages of open(2). In particular, some common flag combinations,
like (O_CREAT | O_EXCL) , are not idempotent and
will not work with our solution.
Similarly, calling open(2) on some devices may cause undesirable
side effects (like rewinding a tape), which our solution will not prevent.
The probabilistic solution starts with the standard calls to access(2)
followed by open(2). However, these two calls are then
followed by strengthening rounds, where is a
configurable strengthening parameter. Each strengthening
round consists of an additional call to access(2) followed
by open(2), and then a check to verify that the file that
was opened was the same as had been opened previously (by comparing
inodes, etc.).
When , our solution degenerates into the standard, race-vulnerable
access(2)/open(2) sequence.
Figure 1 shows the code for our
Figure 1:
Probabilistic access(2)/open(2) Solution.
For clarity, error checking and reporting code has been removed.
The probabilistic solution adds some overhead over the simple, insecure
access(2)/open(2) sequence. In particular, the runtime
will grow linearly in . How much improvement in security do we
get for this cost in runtime?
Theorem 2
The attacker must win at least  races against the setuid program
to break the security of our solution, where  is the strengthening
Returning to the notation from the previous proof, our proposed
solution is a string consisting of repeated times (once
for the normal insecure solution, followed by rounds of strengthening).
Every call to access(2) must be with a good file, or else
access(2) will deny permission. Similarly, every call
to open(2)
must be to the same bad file, or else the verification check that
all open(2) calls are for the same file will fail. Therefore,
between every pair of adjacent characters in , the attacker
must win at least one race to swap in the needed file. Since
is characters long, there are places in between characters,
each requiring the attacker to win at least one race.
If we assume that each race is an independent random event with
probability , then the attacker succeeds with probability
approximately . (This analysis ignores the attacks
that win more than one race between characters in ,
because these will be much smaller terms for reasonable values
of .) Hence, the attacker must work exponentially harder
as we increase linearly. This is the same trade-off behind
modern cryptology.
We note that our solution should generalize to other TOCTTOU
situations, provided the access check and use are side-effect free.
The assumption that each race is an independent,
identically-distributed random variable is obviously not realistic.
Some amount of variation or dependences in the winnability of each
race does not fundamentally change our analysis: the probability of a
successful attack will still be the product of probabilities of
winning individual races. The greatest threat is that an attacker
might manage to synchronize exactly to the setuid program, so that it
knows exactly when to insert its actions to win each race, making
. A simple way to foil this threat is to add randomness
to the delays before the access(2) and open(2) calls. We
can add calls to a cryptographically strong random number generator
and insert random delays into our code before each access(2) and
open(2) call.
The attacker would thereby have no way of knowing for sure
when to win each race.
On systems lacking the proc(5) file system,
these delays can be calls to
nanosleep(2).6 With the proc(5)
file system, the attacker can quickly check whether the victim is
running or sleeping, so the victim must always be seen to be running,
even if it is only a delay loop. We note that applications
implemented with user-level threads can execute code in another thread
to accomplish useful work (if available) rather than simply spinning
in a delay loop.
Note that the stat(2) family of system
calls returns time values with 1 second granularity, too coarse to be
useful for the attacker. Nevertheless, despite our analysis, the only way to be
certain how our solution performs in reality is to implement it and
measure the results.
5 Experimental Results
We performed our experiments on the following machine configurations,
where ``Ultra-60'' is a dual-processor Sun Ultra-60, and
``SS2'' is a Sun SPARCstation 2.
CPU/Clock Speed |
OS |
Compiler |
Pentium III/500 MHz |
Linux 2.4.18 |
GCC 2.95.3 |
Pentium III/500 MHz |
FreeBSD 4.7 |
GCC 2.95.4 |
Ultra-60/2 300 Mhz |
Solaris 8 |
GCC 3.2 |
SS2/40 MHz |
SunOS 4.1.4 |
Sun /bin/cc |
For convenience, we will refer to the machines by operating system
name, as these are unique. We will use the traditional terminology,
where SunOS means SunOS 4.1.4, and Solaris means Solaris 8 (aka SunOS
We developed an attack program that repeatedly forks off a copy of
a victim setuid program using our strengthening, and then attempts
the attack with races. Figure 2 shows the
core code of our attack program.
Figure 2:
Attack Program Used to Measure Success Rates.
We are showing only the core code, and omitting the bookkeeping
and statistics-gathering. Running on the Suns required moving the
DELAY1 loop to the child side of the fork.
As a basis for comparison, our first task was to measure how
hard the classic access(2)/open(2) race is to win, in the absence of
strengthening. Running on Linux and FreeBSD uniprocessors,
and attacking files on the local disk, we were surprised by
how hard the attack is to win. In fact, we did not observe
any successful attacks in our initial experiments.7
Eventually, after careful tuning to match the attacker's delays to
the victim as best as we could, and after extended experiments, we
were able to observe some successful attacks against the
unstrengthened access(2)/open(2) race: 14 successes out of one million
trials on the 500Mhz FreeBSD box ( 13hrs real time),
1 success out of 500,000 trials
on the 500Mhz Linux box, and subsequently 0 successes out of an
additional one million trials on the 500Mhz Linux box ( 22hrs).
Some reflection suggested a possible explanation. The typical
scheduling quantum on mainstream operating systems has not changed
much over the past decades: on the order of tens of milliseconds.
Barring any other events that cause a process to yield the CPU,
a process on a uniprocessor will execute for that long quasi-atomically.
However, processor speeds have increased by a few orders of magnitude
over the same period, so the number of instructions that execute
during a scheduling quantum from a single process has gone up accordingly.
This implies that code on a uniprocessor should behave far more ``atomically''
than before and that race conditions should be far harder to win.
Conversely, during the 1980s, when the access(2)/open(2) race entered the folklore,
it was likely much easier to win.
To test this hypothesis, we obtained the oldest Unix-running machine
we were able to resurrect sufficiently to run our experiments,
a Sun SPARCstation 2 from the early 1990s. Other than conversion
of function prototypes to Kernighan and Ritchie C, the code compiled
and ran unmodified.
On an experiment of one million attempts ( 56hrs),
we observed 1316 successful attacks.
The good news, then, is that on a modern uniprocessor, even the
unstrengthened access(2)/open(2) race is extremely hard to win.
Given the low success rate and the difficulty of tuning the attacker
for , we were never able to observe a successful attack with .
Uniprocessor Baseline Results Summary |
Machine |
Attempts |
Successes |
Linux |
0 |
1,500,000 |
1 |
FreeBSD |
0 |
1,000,000 |
14 |
SunOS |
0 |
1,000,000 |
1,316 |
The scheduling quantum argument does not apply, of course, to
multiprocessors, so the access(2)/open(2) race should be as easy to win
as ever on a multiprocessor. To test this hypothesis, we experimented
with our dual-processor Solaris machine.
Against the classic access(2)/open(2) race, we observed 117573 successful
attacks out of one million attempts.
Clearly, the access(2)/open(2) race is still a major threat for multiprocessors.
With the widespread introduction of multi-/hyper-threaded CPUs, this
risk may exist even on ``uniprocessor'' machines.
Even with the 10% success rate with , we did not feel we were
able to tune the attacker for accurately. Intuitively, the difficulty
is that we derive information for adjusting the DELAY2 and
DELAY3 constants in the attacker (Figure 2)
only in the cases when the attack would have succeeded, so little
data is available for tuning. This data is swamped by other
interleavings that produce indistinguishable behavior by
the victim program. Out of hundreds of thousands of attempts with
presumably imperfect delay tunings, there were no successful attacks with .
Multiprocessor Baseline Results Summary |
Machine |
Attempts |
Successes |
Solaris |
0 |
1,000,000 |
117,573 |
So far, we have seen that without strengthening, the
access(2)/open(2) race is very hard to win on a modern
uniprocessor, but easy to win on a multiprocessor. However, in either
case, with even one round of strengthening, the attack success rate
(observed to be 0%) is too low for us to make meaningful statements.
To measure the effect of the strengthening, therefore, we need a more
sensitive experiment, in which races are easier to win.
Returning to our Linux and FreeBSD uniprocessors, we inserted calls to
nanosleep(2), specifying a delay of 1ns, into the setuid
program. These calls have the effect of yielding the CPU at that
point in the program, making the races easily winnable.
As a sanity check, we first inserted a single nanosleep(2) call
after each access(2) and open(2) call in the
setuid program. We then tuned
the attacker with nanosleep(2) calls as well, and observed
that we could attain near 100% success rates even for moderately
large values of . This corresponds to the case where an attacker
is able to synchronize perfectly to the victim, making the probability
of winning races .
Next, we randomized the delays, as described in Section 4,
by changing the delay code to the following:
if (random() & 01)
Note that we are using a less randomized delay than recommended
in Section 4: we always have at least one
nanosleep, to ensure that every race is winnable on our uniprocessors.
The table below summarizes the results
for these experiments,
and Figure 3 plots
the data versus the theoretical model.
Strengthening with Randomized Nanosleeps |
Machine |
Attempts |
Successes |
Linux |
0 |
100,000 |
99,992 |
Linux |
1 |
100,000 |
43,479 |
Linux |
2 |
100,000 |
16,479 |
Linux |
3 |
100,000 |
5,931 |
Linux |
4 |
100,000 |
1,773 |
Linux |
5 |
100,000 |
550 |
FreeBSD |
0 |
100,000 |
99,962 |
FreeBSD |
1 |
100,000 |
43,495 |
FreeBSD |
2 |
100,000 |
16,766 |
FreeBSD |
3 |
100,000 |
5,598 |
FreeBSD |
4 |
100,000 |
1,786 |
FreeBSD |
5 |
100,000 |
548 |
Figure 3:
Strengthening with Randomized Nanosleeps. The theoretical
curve has been refined from to , with ,
because the attacker in these experiments can almost always win the first race.
Several features immediately stand out from the data.
First, the almost identical numbers from Linux versus FreeBSD show
that our modified code has made the probability of winning races
dependent on the randomized delays, rather than on details
of the respective operating systems and machines.
Second, the numbers show that the first race is almost
100% winnable. This is because our randomized delay is at least one
nanosleep long, so the attacker knows it can wait one nanosleep
and always win the first race (except for rare instances when the two
processes start up extremely out of sync). Finally, as grows,
the ratio of successive success rates is dropping slightly. This
occurs because the attacker was tuned for smaller values of , and
as grows, the attacker gradually slips out of phase from the victim.
As we can see, even in this extreme case, where the unstrengthened
access(2)/open(2) race is almost 100% insecure and all races
are constructed to be easy-to-win, each successive round of
strengthening provides a multiplicative improvement in security, as
predicted by the theoretical model.
From a practical perspective, with realistic victim programs (that
don't go to sleep to wait for attackers), we have observed to be
on the order of to . This suggests that for ,
the probability of a successful attack should be below .
Given that running one million attacks takes on the order of tens of
hours, a successful attack probability of should provide
adequate security in most situations. As there are 8760 hours in a
year, it is unlikely that even a cluster of 100 machines would remain
running long enough to expect to see a successful attack. We note
that the speed of this attack appears to be scaling with disk speed,
rather than CPU speed.8 The relatively long duration of a trial,
especially as compared to the evaluation of a hash function or block
cipher, mean that we can allow a somewhat higher probability of attack
than would be acceptable in other settings.
Implementation details, as always, are critical to the security of a
system using our algorithm. So far, we have presented a highly
portable design. If one is willing to trade off portability for
stronger security, a number of improvements can be made. These
improvements will generally serve to decrease the possible number of
context switches that could occur in the critical section, thereby
decreasing worst case (real) execution time, and thereby narrowing the
attacker's window.
We will discuss these
optimizations from most portable to least portable.
First, if the setuid program (victim) is running as root, it should
raise its scheduling priority with a nice(2) or
setpriority(2) call with a negative argument. This
optimization appears to be completely portable.
Second, the virtual memory page(s) containing the code to implement
our algorithm should be pinned into real memory. The mlock(2)
call is a portable way of accomplishing this across all the operating
systems discussed in this paper, although one needs to be careful to
balance mlock(2) and munlock(2) calls correctly, as
different operating systems have different semantics for nested calls.
This optimization will prevent a page fault from occurring and giving
the attacker's process a chance to run.
Third, on Linux and other systems that implement POSIX process
scheduling, one can use the sched_setscheduler(2) call to
elevate the process priority above what can be accomplished with
nice(2) or setpriority(2). If the setuid program is
running as root, it can use SCHED_FIFO with an appropriate
priority to make sure that it will run whenever it is runnable.
These optimizations further reduce the probability of attack
by making it harder for an attacker to win races.
While the first and third optimizations would be redundant, using one
of them depending on portability considerations is highly recommended.
The second optimization is fairly portable, and is recommended wherever
it applies.
In general, and for multiprocessor machines in particular, the
probabilistic security we have achieved appears to be all that is
possible: another CPU can alter the file system concurrently with the
victim program's actions. However, on a uniprocessor system, we are
aware of only five ways for a process to yield the CPU on most
Unix-like operating systems:
- Be traced (either with ptrace(2) or through the
proc(5) file system)
- Perform I/O
- Have the timer interrupt go off
- Take a page fault
- Receive a signal
We address these in order. Our discussion here is limited to the
context of a setuid program running concurrently with a non-setuid
program attempting to exploit the access(2)/open(2) race. This
analysis explicates some of the details that are hidden by the
probabilistic abstraction we have used so far.
Either the ptrace(2) system call or the proc(5) file
system provide a means to trace a process, typically for debugging
purposes. One cannot trace a setuid process, as this would lead to
obvious security vulnerabilities.9 Hence, we need not consider tracing any further.
A process yields the CPU when it needs to perform I/O operations,
e.g., disk reads or writes that miss in the file system buffer cache.
While the victim program is making many access(2) and
open(2) calls, because of the file system buffer cache, it will
be very difficult, if not impossible, for other processes to cause the
inodes traversed in the access(2) call to be flushed from the buffer
cache before they are traversed again by the open(2) call. In order for
this to happen, another process would have to be doing I/O, which
would imply that said process itself is put to sleep. One could
perhaps imagine enough cooperating attack processes allocating and
using lots of memory, while also all doing I/O at the same time in
order to make the race condition be winnable more than once, but this
would appear to be a rather difficult attack to pull off. Basically,
we expect (with very high probability) that the open(2) call
will never go to disk, because everything was loaded into the buffer
cache by the previous access(2) call. We observe that many
modern systems (e.g., FreeBSD) have unified their file system buffer
caches with their virtual memory allocation. In such systems, we
observe that it would be most useful to have a guaranteed minimum file
system buffer cache size, so that directory entries and inodes won't
be discarded from the cache to satisfy user processes' requests for
memory. While many systems provide limits for number of processes per
user and memory use per process, these controls are typically too
coarse to be effective for bounding memory use.
Unix-like operating systems generally implement preemptive
multitasking via a timer interrupt. The frequency of the timer
interrupt is generally in the range of 50-1000Hz. This frequency has
not changed dramatically as CPU clock speeds have increased. We
believe that this is due to the fact that human perception hasn't
changed, either: if the human users are satisfied with the system's
interactive latencies, it makes sense to reduce the overhead as much
as possible by keeping the frequency of the timer interrupt low.
The prototypical victim program that we experimented with has 15
instructions in user mode between the actual system calls (i.e.,
int 0x80s) that implement access(2) and
open(2), when using GCC 2.95.3 and glibc 2.2.5. The time
required to execute the 15 user mode instructions has, of course,
decreased dramatically as CPU speeds have increased. This helps
prevent the exploitation of the race in two ways: first, it gives the
timer interrupt an ever shrinking window of time to occur in, and
second, the victim program will be able to run at least one round of
the strengthening protocol without interference from the timer
If we assume that our algorithm
is running as the superuser (e.g., a setuid root program), then the
program can call mlock(2) to pin the page containing the code
into memory, so it will never take a page fault. Processes not
running as root cannot take advantage of page pinning on systems the
authors are familiar with.
The last way of causing a process to yield the CPU is to have a signal
delivered to it. Again, on all the Unix-like operating systems the
authors are familiar with, signal delivery is handled at the point
that the operating system is about to return to user mode, either from
a system call, or an interrupt, such as the timer interrupt.
We note that on Linux 2.4.18, the code for posting a signal to a
process includes logic that dequeues a pending SIGCONT (and
equivalents) if a SIGSTOP (or equivalent) signal is being delivered,
and vice versa. This implies that the attacker cannot use signals to
single-step the victim through system calls. The attacker can stop
and restart the victim program at most once due to the length of
scheduling quanta. A similar result is true of the timer interrupt:
given the size of the scheduling quantum, all of the code will execute
as part of at most 2 scheduling quanta. So again, the attacker gets 1
chance to change the file system around, but they need at least 3
changes to the file system to succeed against 1 round of
In summary, it appears that Linux 2.4.18, when running on modern
uniprocessor machines, and with the victim program having superuser
privileges, can provide more security than one would assume from the
model and experiments presented above. That is, with one round of
strengthening, the attacker must make three sets of modifications to
the file system to succeed with an attack, but the timer interrupt
will only give the attacker one chance to run. Linux's signal
handling behavior prevents the attacker from single-stepping the
victim at system call granularity.
This analysis appears to support a conjecture that on Linux 2.4.18, running
as root (and therefore able to use SCHED_FIFO and mlock(2),
uniprocessor machines achieve deterministic security with only one
round of strengthening. While this analysis is intellectually
interesting, we strongly urge that it not be used, as it
depends on code never being run on a multiprocessor (very difficult to
ensure as systems evolve over time), and undocumented behavior of a
particular kernel version, which is always subject to change.
The race condition preventing the intended use of the access(2)
system call has existed since 1979. To date, the only real advice on
the matter has been ``don't use access.'' This is unfortunate, as it
provides useful functionality. We have presented an algorithm that
gains exponential advantage against the attacker while doing only
linear work. This is the same sort of security as modern cryptology
gives, although we use arguably simpler assumptions. We note that
either a probabilistic solution as presented in this paper or dropping
privilege via setuid(2) are fundamentally the only viable
solutions if one is unwilling or unable to alter the kernel. The way
Linux handles pending SIGSTOP and SIGCONT signals provides additional
security against TOCTTOU attacks. Other kernels should investigate
adding similar code to their signal posting routines, although this is
not a completely general solution - multiprocessor machines
inherently can achieve only a probabilistic guarantee. With
appropriate parameter choices, this algorithm, within its limitations
regarding side effects, restores the access(2) system call to
the toolbox available to the developer of setuid Unix programs.
We wish to thank Whitfield Diffie for access to old Sun hardware. The
staff (and stock) of Weird Stuff
Electronics10 was very helpful as
well. We thank Steven Bellovin, Brian Kernighan, Nancy Mintz, Dennis Ritchie,
and Jonathan Shapiro for historical information about the
access(2)/open(2) race. We thank the anonymous referees for helpful
feedback on an earlier draft of this paper. Drew Dean wishes to
acknowledge a conversation with Dirk Balfanz, Ed Felten, and Dan
Wallach on the beach at SOSP '99 that firmly planted this problem in
his mind, though the solution presented in this paper was still years
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- 6
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Computing Systems, 9(2):131-152, Spring 1996.
- 7
CERT Coordination Center.
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CERT Advisory CA-1993-17, October 1995.
- 8
Hao Chen, David Wagner, and Drew Dean.
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In Proceedings of the Eleventh Usenix Security Symposium, San
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- ... Dean1
- Work supported by the Office of Naval
Research under contract N00014-02-1-0109. Any opinions, findings,
and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Office of Naval Research.
- ... Hu2
- Work done mostly while a Visiting Fellow at SRI.
Supported in part by a grant from the Natural Science and Engineering
Research Council of Canada.
- ...
- This idea was communicated to the first author by
Michael Plass of PARC.
- ...
- We would greatly appreciate any citation between 1979
and 1992 being brought to our attention.
- ...
- Messrs. Bellovin, Kernighan, Ritchie, Shapiro and
Ms. Mintz concur with this recollection in private communication,
January 2004.
- ...nanosleep(2).6
- For our purposes, nanosleep(2) can
be implemented (on systems where it is not natively available) by
calling select(2) with the smallest, non-zero timeout, and
empty sets of file descriptors to watch.
- ... experiments.7
We did run some limited experiments attacking files across NFS
and observed substantial numbers of successes. We chose not to
continue these experiments, however, because NFS-accessed files
are usually not the most security-critical, root privileges typically
don't extend across NFS, the data displayed enormous variance depending
on network and fileserver load, and both authors felt that continuously
attacking their respective fileservers for days on end would be considered
anti-social by our colleagues.
- ... speed.8
- We heard disk drives grinding away
during our experiments.
- ... vulnerabilities.9
- At least in theory.
Various vulnerabilities in this area have been found over the years in
different kernels. However, such kernel vulnerabilities directly lead
to machine compromise regardless of the access(2)/open(2)
- ...
Drew Dean