The 8th USENIX Security Symposium
August 23-26, 1999
Washington, D.C., USA
Thursday, August 26, 1999
Introduction 15:30
Greg Rose, Session Chair
USENIX Student Benefits 15:33
Peter Honeyman, USENIX Association Scholastic Committee
An update on the Advanced Encryption Standard selection process 15:36
Elaine Barker, NIST.
Distributed Firewalls 15:51
Steven Bellovin, AT&T Labs Research
T-Class SOBER stream ciphers 15:57
Greg Rose & Philip Hawkes, QUALCOMM Australia
Security Risk Management (SRM) Program Effectiveness 16:03
Andrew G Kotulic, York College of Pennsylvania
PK-no-I 16:09
Peter Honeyman, University of Michigan
Intermediate Protocol Enforcement 16:12
Craig Metz, University of Virginia
The History and Future of Computer Attack Taxonomies 16:18
Daniel L. Lough, Nathaniel J. Davis IV, and Randy C. Marchany, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Trust Management and Unix Security 16:24
Matt Blaze, AT&T Labs Research
SENSS Bruce - A networked tool to aid host integrity checking. 16:30
Alec Muffett, Sun Professional Services
Internet Mapping 16:36
Bill Cheswick, Lucent Bell Labs
Secure Remote Access 16:42
Avi Rubin, AT&T Labs Research
Cool Smartcard Hacks 16:48
Peter Honeyman and Jim Rees, University of Michigan
GSM A5/2 Source code and cryptanalysis 16:54
Nikita Borisov, University of California, Berkeley
Due to error on the session chair's part, the following talk should have appeared in the session but did not:
LOMAC — Low Water-Mark Mandatory Access Control for Linux, Tim Fraser, NAI Labs.