Fifth Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop, 1997
InvenTcl: Interpretive 3D graphics using Open Inventor and Tcl/[incr Tcl]
Sidney Fels, Silvio Esser, Armin Bruderlin and Kenji Mase
ATR MI&C Research Laboratories
Kyoto, JAPAN
Open Inventor is an object oriented 3D graphics toolkit written in C++.
Because Open Inventor is written in C++, typical user code development
consistsof a program/compile/debug iteration cycle. This paper
introduces InvenTcl which is an interpretive version of Open
Inventor using Tcl/Tk[4] and [incr Tcl][3]. The advantages of InvenTcl
include: script-able and direct manipulation of 3D objects in an Open
Inventor scene, easyprototyping of 3D graphics and animation, and
low-bandwidth communication of 3D scenes and animations (using scripts).