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Bill Evans, Nortel, Inc.


My name is Bill Evans. I am one of the senior staff people in the Windows NT Computing Services group.

Our group is responsible for supporting the Windows Infrastructure at Nortel. We support servers used for Domain Controllers, WINS, File and Print, and Exchange. We are a Global Group supporting servers in the North America, South America, Asia Pacific and Europe. Our current deployment of Exchange uses the Digital Alpha Servers. We use Digital Alpha and Prioris Servers for Domain, WINS and File and Print services. We currently have over 17,000 Domain users. This number is growing at 100+ users a day. We currently use a number of tools to help us manage these servers. These tools include the Microsoft Resource Kit, Argent's Quota Server, Avalan's Remotely Possible/32, Cheyenne's InocuLAN, Microsoft's SMS Server and Vantage for remote monitoring.

My current responsibilities include the following: Windows NT Infrastructure Architecture, SMS deployment, Security Policies and Procedures and Outage Management and Recovery.

I am hoping that this Conference/Workshop will allow me to meet individuals who are managing NT Infrastructures in Very Large Configurations.


Bill Evans
Sr. Engineer
Windows NT Computing Services
Nortel Inc.