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Briand Sanderson, NCSA


I am the Technical Program Manager for the NT Clusters group at NCSA. Symbio, which is currently the primary product of this group, is an easy to use, parallel computing environment built on top of a cluster of Windows NT machines. The system is built upon the Distributed Component Object Model, and the environment is object oriented. Symbio can also be used to scavenge unused CPU cycles on machines which are distributed across an NT Domain. Complete information is available on our web site. We are looking for users who would like to make use of Symbio and help steer the development of our system. A Developer Preview version of Symbio is in limited distribution. Please contact me for information on obtaining the software.

Briand Sanderson
Technical Program Manager, NT Clusters
NCSA, Information Technologies Division
University of Illinois
605 E. Springfield Ave
152 Computing Applications Building
Champaign, IL 61820
voice: 217-244-7404
fax: 217-333-5973