I am planning to research and develop a file server system.
Window NT will be used as a sample system to be analyzed. Specifically, the OS architecture and techniques to write a device driver are my major interests.
I am also planning to develop several communication applications including "software rent system" which provides users with a service to use a software on usage-basis without purchasing it. Window NT will be used as a server for those applications, and I would like to know about Window NT network programming, database programming, development tools and Internet Information Server.
Changyun Park
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
ChungAng University
Email: cypark@net1.cse.cau.ac.kr
Dept. of Computer Sci. & Eng.
ChungAng University
Donjak-Gu Huksuk-Dong 221
Seoul, Korea, 156-756
Phone: 82-2-820-5309
Fax: 82-2-820-5301
URL: https://www.cse.cau.ac.kr/~cypark/