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David Li, University of Southern California


I am currently involved with a research in USC. First, MITRA, a scalable strorage manager for video on demend server (

MITRA Introduction

Mitra is a scalable storage manager that supports the display of continuous media data types, e.g., audio and video clips. It is a software based system that employs off-the-shelf hardware components. Its present hardware platform is a cluster of multi-disk workstations, connected using an ATM switch. Mitra supports the display of a mix of media types. To reduce the cost of storage, it supports a hierarchical organization of storage devices and stages the frequently accessed objects on the magnetic disks. For the number of displays to scale as a function of additional disks, Mitra employs staggered striping. It implements three strategies to maximize the number of simultaneous displays supported by each disk. First, the EVEREST file system allows different files (corresponding to objects of different media types) to be retrieved at different block size granularities. Second, the FIXB algorithm recognizes the different zones of a disk and guarantees a continuous display while harnessing the average disk transfer rate. Third, Mitra implements the Grouped Sweeping Scheme (GSS) to minimize the impact of disk seeks on the available disk bandwidth.

Current implementation of MITRA is based on a cluster of HP-PA
workstation running HP/UX. We first like to port the system to Windows
NT. A list of potential research questions in this porting is:

1. The NT scheduling: MITRA is based on Staggered Stripping which
requires near-realtime scheduling support from the OS.

2. File system. MITRA is based on Everest, a file system developed here
in USC. We are evaluating the possibility of writting the Everest file
system for NT.

David Li (