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David S. Brown, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Abstract of LLNL NT Integration Projects

LLNL has not been an early adopter of Windows technology. Most of its scientific computing is done on UNIX computers, while day to day office tasks have in the past occurred on Apple Macintosh computers; this is changing. The NT OS is becoming a larger and larger part of the Labs computing resources, and it is left to the Unix system administrators to puzzle out its integration with existing resources. DCSP, the Unix administration team at LLNL has taken on this responsibility. Its task is to create a seamless interface between the two technologies and take scientific computing into the next generation. The Unix team has done this as only Unix administrators would, by requiring NT and its applications to use open computing standards wherever possible. We have standardized on TCP/IP, eschewing proprietary and noisy protocols, we integrate NFS as well as SMB into our file sharing schemes, and prefer web interfaces whenever possible to reduce the amount of windowing client support overhead. The representatives to this years conference look forward to discovering new ways furthering these goals and sharing what they have already learned.

David S. Brown,
Team Leader, DCSP/Unix
The Distributed Computing Support Program of the
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)