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Geoffrey Noer, Cygnus Solutions


I am the chief engineer of the Cygwin32 API and maintainer of the GNU-Win32 project at Cygnus Solutions.

The GNU-Win32 tools are ports of many of the GNU tools to Windows NT/95 for the x86 processor. Cygnus distributes releases free of charge in source and binary forms. The tools provide a Unix-like environment compatible with the GNU configure mechanism.

Developers can use the releases to write GUI and console programs with access to the Microsoft Win32 API. In addition, they gain access to the Cygwin32 API, Cygnus' Unix-on-Win32 abstraction layer. The Cygwin32 API provides a useful subset of POSIX.1 and other common Unix API calls, including sockets, signals, and process control with a working fork and select. Using the Cygwin32 library, developers can port many Unix applications with only minimal source code modifications.

For more information, please consult the project web page:

Geoffrey Noer
Cygnus Solutions
1325 Chesapeake Terrace, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA