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Greg Bollella, IBM Corporation


Our group analyses the performance and link utilization of the communication protocols available in our NT communications server (CS/NT) alone and in combination with the other communication protocols available on NT. CS/NT includes APPC, APPN, HPR, and AnyNet. APPC and APPN are the advanced SNA protocols and HPR is High Performance Routing for SNA. HPR includes a rate-based end-to-end congestion control algorithm, RTP, with very light intermediate routing nodes. The AnyNet protocols are Sockets over SNA, which allows socket (TCP/IP) based applications to run transparently on an SNA network, and SNA over IP, which allows SNA applications to run transparently on a TCP/IP network. The AnyNet component of CS/NT includes both the gateways and access nodes for both Sockets over SNA and SNA/IP. The AnyNet Sockets over SNA gateway allows socket based applications running on a TCP/IP network to establish a TCP connection, through the gateway, with a socket based application running on an SNA network. The SNA/IP gateway allows a SNA application running on an SNA network to establish logical links, through the gateway, to an SNA application running on a TCP/IP network.

Our analyses focus on the outbound and inbound paths through the numerous device drivers associated with the protocols and the optimization of the executables. We are also interested in NT performance measurement tools.

Gregory Bollella
Advisory Software Engineer
eNetwork Studies
IBM Corporation
IBM Bldg. 502/D316 Dept. RLAA
4205 S. Miami Blvd.
Research Triangle Park NC 27709
(919) 254-4602