Check out the new USENIX Web site.

Jim Houser, NCSC


The King, in his great wisdom, casts forth his omniscient vison to the far reaches of his domain, Unixland. There he beholds, beneath a cloud of greasy orange smoke, a vast horde of unwashed dosridden infidels, the Entees, whose incursions threaten the whole of the civililized computing world. In his magnificent wisdom, he dispatches his bravest, and most expendable, knight to live for a time among the savages to learn their ways so that the kingdom of Light can triumph in the struggle against darkness ...

The plan then is to see how UNIX systems (of many races, creeds and nationalities) can coexist with Windows NT on an intranet and, most importantly, the security implications therein. Additionally, matters of distributed processing in this heterogenous environment need to be investigated.

Jim Houser
405 Aigburth Rd Towson Md 21286