Check out the new USENIX Web site.

Mark Aitken, Intel Corporation


We are migrating our architecture development and chip design efforts to NT. Our group (a small group of SW types) piloted NT in the design environment and has been responsible for evaluation of numerous products, has ported numerous internal (and external) tools to NT and has written a batch exectution facility. We currently have about 500 Pentium Pro processors running NT on our project (this includes both interactive and batch usage) and that is expected to double in the near future. We currently have a mixed NT and Unix environment and expect to remain that way for a substantial time. This brings up the standard problems of data sharing, uniform name spaces, remote access, etc. which we deal with as best we can. (We currently use Samba for file access, a variety of X servers, Cygnus for our Unix lookalike environment and a hand-rolled version of Perl.)

Mark Aitken
Intel Corporation
2111 NE 25th
Hillsboro, OR 97125