Check out the new USENIX Web site.

Michel Miqueu, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales


1. Back in 1990, CNES redefined its general IT security (ITsec) policy. As a result of this, network access policies issues were put in place to address organisational liability issues, architecture and technical requirements (including formal procedures to "accredit" systems, depending on information internal classification and network accessibility (up to Internet access)). This was done mainly for UNIX systems, an Novell based LAN's. CNES is evaluating the migration of LAN's to Windows-NT, and, as a consequence is following the same approach as was done for both UNIX and Novell.

2. NT areas of interest

My areas of interest have to do mainly with security through :
- "in depth" administration understanding (I'll attend the Large
Scale System Administration of Windows NT)
- NT security vulnerabilities and "countermeasures"
- NT configuration to comply with security policy
- NT "accreditation"

- employed by CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales - French Space Agency
- in charge of IT security