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Nicholas Bowen, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center


We have active projects in both video servers and network servers on NT.

We're conducting research on using NT based systems as video servers. Using our experience in high-end video servers, we're looking to extend the technology and APIs to NT based systems. This involves implementing of real-time data streaming and a full-function control environment on NT. The goal of the implementation is to use native NT facilities as much as possible, and to port / write new functions only to the degree necessary. We have ongoing research in load balancing within heterogeneous clusters, based on work distribution done by an NT server. The load distribution is for Internet protocols, like web serving, or other servers which use TCP/IP. Part of the research involves developing balancing algorithms based on work distributed and feedback. The facility is transparent to the servers, so they need not be changed in any way. The heterogeneous server cluster can contain NT servers.

Nick Bowen
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 704
Yorktown Heights, N.Y. 10598
bowenn @