Check out the new USENIX Web site.

R Lindsay Todd, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Rensselaer provides a wide range of computing services on a network of Unix systems (mainly AIX, Irix, and Solaris). With the proliferation of Wintel systems, we are now investigating the use of Windows NT for many of these services.

One major project is moving Numerically Intensive Computing (NIC) applications to Windows NT. A vital step is to port DQS (the Distributed Queuing Systems) to WNT.

In conjunction with current plans to migrate our AFS environment to DCE/DFS, we will be attempting to also integrate WNT. Our hope is to somehow support single sign-on from all platforms, access to a common file system, and secure access from WNT over insecure networks to all of our current services, such as mail and news.

R. Lindsay Todd
Senior Systems Programmer
Dept. SSS / Bldg. VCC
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180-3590

Phone: 518-276-2605
FAX: 518-276-2809