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Wilson Hsieh, University of Utah


I am considering using Windows NT for two research projects. In both of these projects, I am planning to do the research in a Java environment, and to run Java on top of x86 boxes. I may use Windows NT as the underlying OS, if it gives me sufficiently flexible control over the underlying hardware resources of a PC.

First, I am working on dynamic optimization in the context of the SPIN operating system. SPIN allows user applications to download new functionality into the kernel. We are using compiler techniques to dynamically reoptimize the kernel after user code is downloaded, so as to reduce the overhead of extensibility. We plan on looking at similar mechanisms for Java.

Second, I am working on resource management in extensible systems. We have been considering mechanisms to control resource usage in the SPIN operating system. We plan to develop resource management mechanisms and policies for Java, so that the system can control the resource usage of applets.

Wilson Hsieh
Department of Computer Science
3190 MEB
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112