USENIX Technical Program - 2nd USENIX Windows NT Symposium
2nd USENIX Windows NT Symposium, 1998
August 3-4, 1998
Seattle, Washington, USA
Monday, August 3
Session Chair: Ed Lazowska, University of Washington
- A Performance Study of Sequential I/O on Windows NT(TM) 4
- Erik Riedel, Carnegie Mellon University; Catharine van Ingen, and Jim Gray, Microsoft Reseach
- Scalability of the Microsoft Cluster Service
- Werner Vogels, Dan Dumitriu, Ashutosh Agrawal, Teck Chia, and Katherine Guo, Cornell University
Presentation slides
- Evaluating the Importance of User-Specific Profiling
- Zheng Wang, Harvard University; Norm Rubin, Digital Equipment Corporation
Presentation slides
From UNIX to NT to UNIX
Session Chair: Stephen Walli, Softway Systems, Inc.
- Cygwin32: A Free Win32 Porting Layer for UNIXreg. Applications
- Geoffrey J. Noer, Cygnus Solutions
Presentation slides
- Win32 API Emulation on UNIX for Software DSM
- Sven M. Paas, Thomas Bemmerl, and Karsten Scholtyssik, RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl für Betriebssysteme
Presentation slides
- NT-SwiFT: Software Implemented Fault Tolerance on Windows NT
- Yennun Huang, P. Emerald Chung, and Chandra Kintala, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies; Chung-Yih Wang and De-Ron Liang, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
Presentation slides
Session Chair: Rumi Zahir, Intel Corporation
- A Thread Performance Comparison: Windows NT and Solaris on a Symmetric Multiprocessor
- Fabian Zabatta and Kevin Ying, Brooklyn College and CUNY Graduate School
Presentation slides
- A System for Structured High-Performance Multithreaded Programming in Windows NT
- John Thornley, K. Mani Chandy, and Hiroshi Ishii, California Institute of Technology
Presentation slides
- A Transparent Checkpoint Facility On NT
- Johny Srouji, Paul Schuster, Maury Bach, and Yulik Kuzmin, Intel Corporation
Presentation slides
Tuesday, August 4
Mixing UNIX and NT
Session Chair: David Korn, AT&T Labs - Research
- Merging NT and UNIX Filesystem Permissions
- Dave Hitz, Bridget Allison, Andrea Borr, Rob Hawley, and Mark Muhlestein, Network Appliance
- Pluggable Authentication Modules for Windows NT
- Naomaru Itoi and Peter Honeyman, University of Michigan
Presentation slides
- Montage - An ActiveX Container for Dynamic Interfaces
- Gordon Woodhull and Stephen C. North, AT&T Laboratories-Research
Networking and Distributed Systems
Session Chair: Werner Vogels, Cornell University
- SecureShare: Safe UNIX/Windows File Sharing through Multiprotocol Locking
- Andrea J. Borr
- Harnessing User-Level Networking Architectures for Distributed Object Computing Over High-Speed Networks
- Rajesh S. Madukkarumukumana, Intel Corporation; Calton Pu, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology; Hemal V. Shah, Intel Corporation
- Implementing IPv6 for Windows NT
- Richard P. Draves, Microsoft Research; Allison Mankin, University of Southern California; Brian D. Zill, Microsoft Research
Presentation slides
Real Time Scheduling
Session Chair: Jane Liu, University of Illinois
- A Soft Real-time Scheduling Server on the Windows NT
- Chih-han Lin, Hao-hua Chu, and Klara Nahrstedt, University of Illinois
- Vassal: Loadable Scheduler Support for Multi-Policy Scheduling
- George M. Candea, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Michael B. Jones, Microsoft Research
Presentation slides
Session Chair: John Bennett, Rice University
- RACC: An Approach to Cluster-Based Web Servers HTML - PDF
- Xiaolan Zhang, Ravi Shanmugan, Michael Barreintos, and J. Bradley Chen, Harvard University
- The Sombrero Distributed Single Address Space Operating System Project HTML - PDF
- Alan Skousen and Donald Miller, Arizona State University
- Extending NT Virtual Memory by SCI-based Hardware DSM HTML
- Martin Schulz and Hermann Hellwagner, Technische Universität München
- Chime: A Windows NT based parallel processing system HTML - PDF
- Shantanu Sardesai, Tandem Computers Inc.; Partha Dasgupta, Arizona State University
- Distributed Preemptive Scheduling on Windows NT HTML - PDF
- Donald McLaughlin and Partha Dasgupta, Arizona State University
- SWiFT: A Feedback Control and Dynamic Reconfiguration Toolkit HTML - PDF
- Ashvin Goel, David Steere, Calton Pu, and Jonathan Walpole, Oregon Graduate Institute
- COM on a Multicast Transport HTML - PDF
- P. Emerald Chung and Yennun Huang, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies; Yi-Min Wang, Microsoft Research