Next: Experimental Setup
Up: Virtualizing I/O Devices on
Previous: Sending and Receiving via
Virtual Machine Networking Performance
Figure 5:
Microseconds spent along the path in the Host and VMM worlds
processing an OUT instruction issued by the guest OS to a virtual AMD
Lance NIC that initiates a physical network packet transmission on a
733 MHz CPU machine.
\end{figure*}](img8.png) |
A hosted virtualization strategy for I/O devices offers excellent
flexibility and portability but at a potential tradeoff in performance
for high throughput devices. Due to its nature, the hosted
architecture incurs the following overheads: i) a world switch from
the VMM to the host is required whenever the virtual machine needs to
access real hardware, ii) I/O interrupt handling potentially involves
the VMM, host OS, and guest OS interrupt handlers, iii) a packet
transmission by the guest OS involves two device drivers - one in the
guest and one on the host, and iv) there is an extra copy from the
guest OS's physical memory to the host OS's kernel buffers on a packet
transmit. Since these overheads consume CPU cycles, a system that is
natively capable of saturating a high performance Ethernet link might
instead become CPU bound when run within a virtual machine.
This section analyzes the overheads of sustained TCP transmits from a
virtual machine. Experimental results of sustained TCP receives yield
similar results and conclusions, and are not presented here due to
space constraints. An analysis of these workloads exposes the major
sources of virtualization overhead on a hosted architecture. Frequent
switches between the host and VMM worlds is the most significant
overhead. A set of optimizations targeted at these overheads improves
the virtual networking subsystem substantially. The experimental
results show that a set of three optimizations doubles sustained TCP
transmit throughput on a slower machine that is CPU bound, and reduces
CPU utilization significantly on a faster machine that is I/O bound.
Next: Experimental Setup
Up: Virtualizing I/O Devices on
Previous: Sending and Receiving via
Beng-Hong Lim