USENIX Technical Program - Abstract - USENIX Annual
Conference, Freenix Session - June 2000
Traffic Data Repository at the WIDE Project
Kenjiro Cho, Sony CSL; Koushirou Mitsuya, Keio University; Akira
Kato, The University of Tokyo
It becomes increasingly important for both network researchers and
operators to know the trend of network traffic and to find anomaly in
their network traffic. This paper describes an on-going effort within
the WIDE project to collect a set of free tools to build a traffic data
repository containing detailed information of our backbone traffic.
Traffic traces are collected by tcpdump and, after removing privacy
information, the traces are made open to the public. We review the
issues on user privacy, and then, the tools used to build the WIDE
traffic repository. We will report the current status and findings in
the early stage of our IPv6 deployment.