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Bytecode Modification

The power of JOIE stems primarily from its ability to modify the bytecode instructions as well as the fields and properties of a class. Given a ClassInfo, the JOIE reflection API allows the transformer to iterate through each Method of the class. Given a Method, the API exports an array of Instruction objects along with ancillary information such as parameters to the method, maximum stack and frame size, exception handling information, etc. The transformer can reorder or replace instructions, insert new instructions, alter the stack depth, reassign values to different frame locations, or modify exception handling by inserting new handlers or modifying the range of instructions protected by a handler. One important use of these features is to splice new code into the existing implementation, changing the behavior of the method without affecting the code that is already there.

Transformers can use JOIE's bytecode modification features for a variety of purposes. For example, transformers may instrument classes by inserting static method calls to global analysis routines, or instructions to increment per-instance counters. Another use is to add exception handling code to allow classes to run in an environment that can produce exceptions not anticipated or handled by the original class author. Such a transformer would contain a list of unsafe operations together with a body of code to deal with exception types that could be raised by those operations. The transformer installs the code as an exception handler in each transformed class, and updates the classfile's table of exception handlers to reflect which regions of code are protected by that handler.

Splicing can be combined with class modification to enable a powerful new way to extend functionality. The transformer can add new generic methods that implement some functionality within the class, then splice in calls to those methods at appropriate points. For example, a transformer that adds persistence methods for moving objects to and from a persistent store could also splice calls to those methods in constructors and finalizers. Section 5 outlines potential applications in more detail, and Section 6 presents a case study of such a transformation.

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Geoff Alex Cohen
Tue Apr 28 14:31:49 EDT 1998