Technical Sessions
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Opening Remarks, Awards, Keynote
Network systems researchers have generated a host of ideas for
distributed services that spread across the Internet, following the emergence of CDNs and P2P file sharing, but have had only limited means to try them out. PlanetLab builds upon a confluence of several maturing technologies, including remote cluster management, virtual machines, overlay routing, and resource containers, to provide a wide-area testlab for deployment and instrumentation of novel services. Services are deployed as a "slice" of distributed virtual machines. Intel Research seeded the initial phase of 101 nodes at 42 sites across 7 countries. The community is progressively redefining the architecture as a set of distributed services as it grows towards thousands of nodes.
10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Session Chair: Mike Dahlin, University of Texas at Austin
Why Do Internet Services Fail, and What Can Be Done About It?
David Oppenheimer, Archana Ganapathi, and David A. Patterson, University of California, Berkeley
Using Fault Injection and Modeling to Evaluate the Performability of Cluster-Based Services
Kiran Nagaraja, Xiaoyan Li, Ricardo Bianchini, Richard P. Martin, and Thu D. Nguyen, Rutgers University
Mayday: Distributed Filtering for Internet Services
David G. Andersen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
12:30 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Symposium Luncheon
2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
Resource Management and Scheduling
Session Chair: Armando Fox, Stanford University
Adaptive Overload Control for Busy Internet Servers
Matt Welsh and David Culler, University of California, Berkeley, and Intel Research
Model-Based Resource Provisioning in a Web Service Utility
Ronald P. Doyle, IBM; Jeffrey S. Chase, Omer M. Asad, Wei Jin, and Amin M. Vahdat, Duke University
Conflict-Aware Scheduling for Dynamic Content Applications
Cristiana Amza, Alan L. Cox, Rice University; Willy Zwaenepoel, EPFL
4:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Break
4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Web Servers and CDNs
Session Chair: Vivek Pai, Princeton University
FastReplica: Efficient Large File Distribution Within Content Delivery Networks
Ludmila Cherkasova, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, and Jangwon Lee, University of Texas at Austin
Energy Conservation Policies for Web Servers
Mootaz Elnozahy, Michael Kistler, and Ramakrishnan Rajamony, IBM
Thursday, March 27, 2003
9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
Invited Talk
Fast, Reliable Data Transport
Michael Luby, CTO of Digital Fountain, Inc.
Digital Fountain has developed a reliable transport that provides the
fastest, most predictable global data delivery solutions available. The
reliability of these solutions is based on fountain codes, a new class of
erasure codes designed for high-speed software implementations that can be
applied to any size data. Traditionally, transport reliability is provided
by sending small pieces of the original data in packets and using
retransmissions of lost packets triggered by ACKS/NACKS to ensure
reliability. Using fountain codes, packets are generated on-the-fly from the
original data, and a receiver only needs to wait for the minimal number of
packets to arrive to recreate a perfect copy of the original data,
independently of which packets are lost and without feedback to the sender.
Flow and congestion control can be provided completely independently of
reliability, e.g., packets can be sent at a fixed rate or according to a
congestion control protocol that operates independently of the reliability
10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m.–12:00
DHTs and Overlays
Session Chair: Geoff Voelker, University of California, San Diego
Awarded Best Paper!
SkipNet: A Scalable Overlay Network with Practical Locality Properties
Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Microsoft Research and University of Washington; Michael B. Jones, Microsoft Research; Stefan Saroiu, University of Washington; Marvin Theimer and Alec Wolman, Microsoft Research
Symphony: Distributed Hashing in a Small World
Gurmeet Singh Manku and Mayank Bawa, Stanford University; Prabhakar Raghavan, Verity, Inc.
A Study of the Performance Potential of DHT-based Overlays
Sushant Jain, Ratul Mahajan, and David Wetherall, University of Washington
12:00 noon—2:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own)
2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
Work-in-Progress Reports
Session Chair: Peter Honeyman, CITI, University of Michigan
Short, pithy, and fun, Work-in-Progress reports introduce interesting new or ongoing work, and the USITS '03 audience provides valuable discussion and feedback.
A schedule of presentations is posted near the registration area. |
3:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Break
4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Novel Web Architectures
Session Chair: Amin M. Vahdat, Duke University
Moving Edge-Side Includes to the Real Edge—the Clients
Michael Rabinovich and Zhen Xiao, AT&T Labs—Research; Fred Douglis, IBM Research; Chuck Kalmanek, AT&T Labs—Research
A Flexible and Efficient Application Programming Interface (API)
for a Customizable Proxy Cache
Vivek S. Pai, Alan L. Cox, Vijay S. Pai, and Willy Zwaenepoel, iMimic Networking, Inc.
NPS: A Non-Interfering Deployable Web Prefetching System
Ravi Kokku, Praveen Yalagandula, Arun Venkataramani, and Mike Dahlin, University of Texas at Austin
6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Symposium Reception
Friday, March 28, 2003
9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
Transport and Session Layer
Session Chair: Srinivasan Seshan, Carnegie Mellon University
Anypoint: Extensible Transport Switching on the Edge
Kenneth G. Yocum, Darrell C. Anderson, Jeffrey S. Chase, and Amin M. Vahdat, Duke University
TESLA: A Transparent, Extensible Session-Layer Architecture for End-to-end Network Services
Jon Salz and Hari Balakrishnan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Alex Snoeren, University of California, San Diego
10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m.–12:00
Distributed Systems and Services
Session Chair: Dan Wallach, Rice University
Awarded Best Student Paper!
Scriptroute: A Public Internet Measurement Facility
Neil Spring, David Wetherall, and Tom Anderson, University of Washington
Network-Sensitive Service Discovery
An-Cheng Huang and Peter Steenkiste, Carnegie Mellon University
Using Random Subsets to Build Scalable Network Services
Dejan Kostic, Adolfo Rodriguez, Jeannie Albrecht, Abhijeet Bhirud, and Amin M. Vahdat, Duke University
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