A S-Client consists of a pair of processes connected by a Unix domain socketpair. One process in the S-Client, the connection establishment process, is responsible for generating HTTP requests at a certain rate and with a certain request distribution. After a connection is established, the connection establishment process sends a HTTP request to the server, then it passes on the connection to the connection handling process, which handles the HTTP response.
Figure 4: A Scalable Client
The connection establishment process of a S-Client works as follows: The process opens D connections to the server using D sockets in non-blocking mode . These D connection requests are spaced out over T milliseconds. T is required to be larger than the maximal round-trip delay between client and server (remember that an artificial delay may be added at the router).
After the process executes a non-blocking connect() to initiate a connection, it records the current time in a variable associated with the used socket. In a tight loop, the process checks if for any of its D active sockets, the connection is complete, or if T milliseconds have elapsed since a connect() was performed on this socket. In the former case, the process sends a HTTP request on the newly established connection, hands off this connection to the other process of the S-Client through the Unix domain socketpair, closes the socket, and then initiates another connection to the server. In the latter case, the process simply closes the socket and initiates another connection to the server. Notice that closing the socket in both cases does not generate any TCP packets on the network. In effect, it prematurely aborts TCP's connection establishment timeout period. The close merely releases socket resources in the OS.
The connection handling process of a S-Client waits for 1) data to arrive on any of the active connections, or 2) for a new connection to arrive on the Unix domain socket connecting it to the other process. In case of new data on an active socket, it reads this data; if this completes the server's response, it closes the socket. A new connection arriving at the Unix domain socket is simply added to the set of active connections.
The rationale behind the structure of a S-Client is as follows. The two key ideas are to (1) shorten TCP's connection establishment timeout, and (2) to maintain a constant number of unconnected sockets (simulated clients) that are trying to establish new connections. Condition (1) is accomplished by using non-blocking connects and closing the socket if no connection was established after T seconds. The fact that the connection establishment process tries to establish another connection immediately after a connection was established ensures condition (2).
The purpose of (1) is to allow the generation of request rates beyond the capacity of the server with a reasonable number of client sockets. Its effect is that each client socket generates SYN packets at a rate of at least 1/T. Shortening the connection establishment to 500ms by itself would cause the system's request rate to follow the dashed line in Figure 2.
The idea behind (2) is to ensure that the generated request rate is independent of the rate at which the server handles requests. In particular, once the request rate matches the capacity of the server, the additional queuing delays in the server's accept queue no longer reduce the request rate of the simulated clients. Once the server's capacity is reached, adding more sockets (descriptors) increases the request rate at 1/T requests per descriptor, eliminating the flat portion of the graph in Figure 2.
To increase the maximal request generation rate, we can either decrease T or increase D. As mentioned before, T must be larger than the maximal round-trip time between client and server. This is to avoid the case where the client aborts an incomplete connection in the SYN-RCVD state at the server, but whose SYN-ACK from the server (see Figure 1) has not yet reached the client. Given a value of T, the maximum value of D is usually limited by OS-imposed restrictions on the maximum number of open descriptors in a single process. However, depending on the capacity of the client machine, it is possible that one S-Client with a large D may saturate the client machine.
Therefore, as long as the client machine is not saturated, D can be as large as the OS allows. When multiple S-Clients are needed to generate a given rate, the largest allowable value of D should be used, as this keeps the total number of processes low, thus reducing overhead due to context switches and memory contention between the various S-Client processes. How to determine the maximum rate that a single client machine can safely generate without risking distortion of results due to client side bottlenecks is the subject of the next section.