USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, 1997   
[Technical Program]
Pp. 1322 of the Proceedings | |
Exploring the Bounds of Web Latency Reduction from
Caching and Prefetching
Thomas M. Kroeger
Department of Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz
Darrell D. E. Long
Department of Computer Science
University of California, Santa Cruz
Jeffrey C. Mogul
Digital Equipment Corporation
Western Research Laboratory
Prefetching and caching are techniques commonly used in I/O
systems to reduce latency. Many researchers have advocated the
use of caching and prefetching to reduce latency in the Web. We
derive several bounds on the performance improvements seen from
these techniques, and then use traces of Web proxy activity taken
at Digital Equipment Corporation to quantify these bounds.
We found that for these traces, local proxy caching could reduce
latency by at best 26%, prefetching could reduce latency by at
best 57%, and a combined caching and prefetching proxy could
provide at best a 60% latency reduction. Furthermore, we found
that how far in advance a prefetching algorithm was able to
prefetch an object was a significant factor in its ability to
reduce latency. We note that the latency reduction from caching
is significantly limited by the rapid changes of objects in the
Web. We conclude that for the workload studied caching offers
moderate assistance in reducing latency. Prefetching can offer
more than twice the improvement of caching but is still limited in
its ability to reduce latency.
The growth of the Web over the past few years has inspired researchers
to investigate prefetching and caching as techniques to reduce
latency [1,12,15]. While such
techniques have seen significant success reducing latency in storage
systems [7,8,9,14] and in processor memory
hierarchies [13], it remains to be seen how effective such
techniques can be within the World Wide Web.
We classify caching and prefetching into four different methods and
then derive bounds on these methods. Using traces taken over a three
week period at Digital Equipment Corporation, we quantify these
We assume the use of a proxy server as an intermediary
between the client (browser) and the web server. This
proxy server accepts requests from clients and satisfies them
using data that has been prefetched, cached or retrieved directly
from an appropriate web server. This
configuration is quite common in the Web today.
Whether a proxy is used or not, this
model serves to partition the latency of Web retrievals into two
components: external latency, caused by network and web server
latencies that are external to an organization, and internal
latency, caused by networks and computers within the bounds of an
organization. Figure 1 illustrates a
common configuration.
Because the proxies are normally located on the organization's network,
the communication between the client and proxy is normally a small
portion of the overall latency. On the other side, the proxy-server
communication normally accounts for a significant majority of the
total event latency. The primary goal of proxy-based caching and
prefetching is to reduce the amount of time the client waits for data
by reducing or removing external latency. In our traces, external
latency accounts for 77% of the latency seen in our entire trace set
and 88% of the latency seen by subset of clients geographically close to the
Figure 1:
Typical proxy configuration
With this potential for such a significant performance gain, the best
improvement we saw from caching and prefetching reduced total latency
by 60%. Additionally, we saw that the prefetching lead time, the
amount of time between when prefetching begins and when the object is
needed, significantly affects the amount of latency reduction. We
found that when we limited our simulator to providing only a
three-minute warning, the latency reduction dropped to 43%. Additionally,
we observe that the latency reduction from caching was half of what it
would have been for a data set with data objects that did not change.
This observation agrees with several studies that show a high rate of
change for objects in the
web [11,6,3]. Comparing our
results with the external latency we observe that, for the workload
examined, Web latency consists of 23% internal latency, 20% external
latency that cannot be cached or prefetched and 57% external latency
that can be removed through prefetching and caching. The key point
that we take from these results is that while caching and prefetching
are helpful, under the current conditions there is a limit to their
ability to reduce latency.
The rest of this article is organized as follows: section 2 categorizes caching and prefetching and
presents four methods for using these techniques. We then
present bounds for each method. In §3
we discuss the methodology used to quantify these bounds. In §4 we present the results of our simulations. Related
work is then addressed in §5, and we
present our conclusions in §6.
Our goal is to determine an upper bound on the effectiveness of
proxy-based caching and prefetching for reducing latency in the Web.
We classify caching and prefetching algorithms into different
categories. We then construct models for bounding the performance of
each category of algorithm. In order to ensure that our bounds are
widely applicable, we do not present any specific algorithms and
attempt to keep our analysis as general as possible.
We distinguish between caching algorithms based on whether a cache
will remain passive, taking action only as a result of requests
or if it is active, prefetching data in anticipation of
future requests. We distinguish between prefetching algorithms based
on where the information used to determine what to prefetch originates.
Traditionally, caching is thought of as a system that only reacts to
requests. We define a passive cache as one that only loads
a data object as a result of a client's request to access that object.
In contrast, we use the term active cache to refer to caches
that employ some mechanism to prefetch data.
We note that passive caching systems also serve to
reduce network traffic. However, for this work we focus on the use of
passive caching for latency reduction.
We categorize prefetching into two categories, local and
server-hint, based on where the information for determining which
objects to prefetch is generated. In local prefetching, the
agent doing the prefetching (e.g. a browser-client or a proxy)
uses local information (e.g. reference patterns) to determine
which objects to prefetch. Prefetching algorithms that do not make
use of information from the server, whether employed at a client or at
a proxy, would be considered local prefetching.
In server-hint based prefetching, the server is able to use its
content specific knowledge of the objects requested, as well as the
reference patterns from a far greater number of clients to determine
which objects should be prefetched. The actual prefetching, however,
must be done by an agent closer to the client. Therefore, the server
provides hints that assist this agent (either a proxy or client) in
prefetching. Implementation of this model is complicated by the
requirement for modifications at both the client or proxy side as well as
the server side.
Given these options for caching and prefetching, we examine
four different methods: passive proxy caching with
unlimited storage; an active cache with local prefetching and
unlimited storage; server-hint based prefetching alone; and an active
cache with server-hint based prefetching and unlimited storage.
We set upper bounds for each model by basing our simulations on
some best-case assumptions. We assume that each method
works with full knowledge of future events. Then we place certain
restrictions on each method.
For passive caching, we assume that a previously accessed object that
has not been changed is still available from the cache.
For local prefetching, since an object must be seen at least once
before it can be predicted for prefetching, we assume that only the
first access to an object will not be prefetched, and that all
subsequent accesses will be successfully prefetched. We do not assume
the use of additional information, outside the traced reference
stream, that would allow the prediction of a future reference to a URL
that has never been seen in the trace.
For server-hint based prefetching, we assume that prefetching can only
begin after the client's first contact with that server. Because we
assume a system with full knowledge of future events, without this
restriction each server would schedule the transfer of each object to
complete just before the object was requested. Provided there is
enough bandwidth, this model would eliminate all communication
latency. In such a system servers would suddenly transfer objects to
clients with which they had never before been in contact. To provide a
more realistic and useful bound on the performance of server-hint
based prefetching, we assume that in order for a server to provide
prefetch hints for a client, it must have been accessed by that
client. In this first-contact model, upon the first contact
from a client, a proxy will simultaneously prefetch all of that
client's future requests from that server. So, for example, if you
contact on Tuesday, this model would assume that all
of your requests to for Wednesday, Thursday, and
Friday would have been prefetched on Tuesday.
Even this first-contact model may be somewhat unrealistic. We
investigated the effects of placing limits on the prefetching lead
time, and on the amount of data prefetched simultaneously. To limit
the amount of data prefetched simultaneously we place a threshold on
the bandwidth that can be used for prefetching. After the first
contact, subsequent requests are scheduled for immediate prefetch
until this bandwidth threshold is reached or exceeded. The next
request is then only scheduled to begin once some current prefetches
have completed and the bandwidth being used has gone below the
threshold. We varied, bandwidth and lead time independently and in
Finally, to bound the performance of active caching using server-hint
based prefetching and unlimited storage, we test if an object could be
found in a passive cache. If this is not the case, we test if this
object could have been successfully prefetched under the first-contact
We used trace-based simulation to quantify these bounds. To obtain
traces, we modified the firewall Web proxy used by Digital Equipment
Corporation to record all HTTP requests from clients within Digital to
servers on the Internet. The traces ran from from 29 August to 22
September 1996. Each event in this trace stream represents one Web
request-response interaction for a total of 24,659,182 events from
17,354 clients connecting to 140,506 servers. This proxy provided no
caching or prefetching; it simply served as a method for crossing the
corporate firewall.
To provide separate samples for comparison, we extracted three mid-week
segments from the traces, each covering a Monday through Friday. We
labeled these samples Week 1 through Week 3 for each work week
and all for the entire trace stream. We also examined a subset
of the trace data consisting only of clients in Palo Alto, CA, where the
proxy was located. These samples are labeled PA 1 through
PA 3 and PA all. The workload from this subset would be more
representative of a smaller, more localized organization.
Since our main concern is the latency seen when retrieving a Web page,
our simulations focus on requests that use the HTTP protocol and the
GET method. We ignored events that failed for any reason (
e.g. the connection to the server failed during data transfer).
For all of our analyses, we assumed that query events and events with
cgi-bin in their URL cannot be either prefetched or cached.
This convention is used by most proxy caches.
In our simulations, we use the observed total and external latencies
to estimate total (t), external (e) and internal (i=t-e) event
latencies that would be seen if this request were to occur again. If
our model says that a request could have been successfully prefetched
or cached, then we use the internal latency as our estimate for the
modeled event's new duration (n=i). Otherwise, we use the previously
observed total latency (n=t). Given these values, we then quantify
the fraction of the latency reduced as (t-n)/t. This approximation
ignores the possibility that the proxy was transferring information to
the client during its communication with the server. However, since
we are looking for a lower bound on the latency of this event, which is
the same as an upper bound on the latency reduction, we can ignore
this possibility.
Using these approximations and the bounding models described in §2, our simulation steps through each event
in the trace stream and determines whether it could have been cached
or prefetched. We compare the distribution of event latencies seen
under these bounding models with those in the original trace (measured
without caching or prefetching), in order to compute the average
latency reduction, for the workload represented in these traces.
We note several possible sources of inaccuracy for the
results presented here.
Our assumption that URLs with queries and cgi-bin cannot be
prefetched or cached might cause our upper bound on latency reduction
to be less than the best possible latency reduction. An algorithm
that is able to cache or prefetch such items could see greater latency
reductions then those presented here.
Our traces lack last-modified timestamps for about half of the entries
because many servers do not provide this information. This left us to
use changes in response size as the only indicator of stale data for
these requests. The result is a simulation that in some cases would
simulate a cache hit when one should not occur, causing us to
overestimate the potential for latency reduction.
Our models assume that the latency for retrieving a
successfully prefetched or cached item from the proxy
is the time of the original event minus the time for proxy-server
communications (t-e). This assumes that there is little or no
overlap between the server-to-proxy data transfer and the proxy-to-client
data transfer. When this assumption is wrong, as it is for the larger
responses and more distant clients, our simulation will
overestimate the possible latency reduction.
The goal of our simulations was to use the workload traced to quantify
the four bounding models presented in §2.2.
We first present the latency reductions for passive caching and active
caching with local prefetching. We then examine the
first-contact model with and without unlimited storage caching. We address
the variation in latency reduction by examining the distribution for
latency reduction for each event and for the different types of
objects that were requested.
First, we simulated a passive caching proxy with unlimited storage.
Table 1 shows the results. The first three
rows show the averages for original total latency, external latency
and the simulated latency for a passive caching proxy. The next row
shows what fraction of the original total latency was contributed by
the external latency. This ratio serves as a limit: if we could remove
all external latency, then our average event latency would be reduced
by this percentage. The last three rows show the percent of latency
reduced by the simulated caching proxy, the cache hit ratio and the
size of the cache that would be required to hold all cached data.
From this table we can see that passive caching is only able to reduce
latency from 22%-26% (15% for a smaller organization), a far cry
from the 77% (or even 88%) of external latency seen in the traces.
Also, while the cache hit ratio ranges from 47%-52%( 19%-28%),
the latency reduction is only half of that. This implies that the
majority of the requests that saw a cache hit are for objects smaller
than the average event, which confirms a similar observation made by
Williams et al. [15]. That study showed a weak
inverse relationship between the likely number of accesses per
unchanged response and the response size.
In Table 1, the latency reduction, hit ratio
and cache size are larger for the entire-trace columns than for the
single-week columns. This occurs because with the longer traces,
there is a higher chance that given object will be referenced.
Table 1:
Passive caching with unlimited storage.
Measurement |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
All |
PA 1 |
PA 2 |
PA 3 |
PA All |
Total latency t |
4.6 |
4.7 |
4.3 |
4.1 |
2.8 |
2.4 |
2.7 |
2.4 |
External latency e |
3.6 |
3.6 |
3.2 |
3.2 |
2.6 |
2.2 |
2.4 |
2.1 |
New latency n |
3.5 |
3.6 |
3.4 |
3.0 |
2.5 |
2.2 |
2.4 |
2.0 |
Percentage external latency e/t |
79% |
77% |
75% |
77% |
90% |
90% |
88% |
88% |
Total latency reduction |
24% |
22% |
22% |
26% |
12% |
11% |
11% |
15% |
Hit ratio |
48% |
47% |
48% |
52% |
19% |
20% |
20% |
28% |
Cache size (GB) |
23 |
26 |
27 |
88 |
1.3 |
1.2 |
1.1 |
4.5 |
Latencies are averages in seconds. PA 1-3 and
PA all represent work week 1
through work week 3 and the entire trace stream for the Palo Alto subset.
Next, we simulated prefetching based on
locally-available information.
Here, we assume
that an object may be prefetched if and only if it has been seen before
in the reference stream. This model provides a bound on active
caching with local prefetching and unlimited storage.
This model differs from the passive-caching model in that even
if an object has changed (as indicated by a change in either the size
or the last-modified time-stamp),
a subsequent access to that object can still be prefetched.
Table 2 shows that the latency reduction bound
for local prefetching is almost double that for passive caching (see
Table 1). The two results differ because
the passive cache pays for a miss when an object changes; the high
observed rate of change [3,11] is what
causes much of the poor performance of passive caching.
Table 2:
Bounds on latency reductions from local prefetching.
Measurement |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
All |
PA 1 |
PA 2 |
PA 3 |
PA All |
Percentage external latency |
79% |
77% |
75% |
77% |
90% |
90% |
88% |
88% |
Total latency reduction |
41% |
38% |
36% |
45% |
26% |
22% |
24% |
33% |
To simulate server-hint based prefetching, we assume that prefetching
can only begin after the client has contacted the server for the first
time. To simulate a combination of caching and prefetching, our
simulator first checks if an object is in the cache. If not, then the
simulator uses the server-hint based model to determine if this object
could have been successfully prefetched. Table 3
shows that this first-contact model, where all future requests are
simultaneously prefetched upon first contact, will reduce the latency
by a little more than half. For a smaller, more centralized
organization (as represented by the Palo Alto subsets), even though
the external latency increases to 88% of the total latency, the
improvement from server-hint based prefetching is only slightly
better. In combination with an unlimited-storage caching, server-hint
based prefetching provides at best a 60% latency reduction.
Table 3:
Results of server hint-based prefetching for
an unlimited first-contact model.
Measurement |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
All |
PA 1 |
PA 2 |
PA 3 |
PA All |
% external latency |
79% |
77% |
75% |
77% |
90% |
90% |
88% |
88% |
Total latency reduction without caching |
53% |
51% |
50% |
53% |
57% |
56% |
56% |
58% |
Total latency reduction with caching |
58% |
56% |
54% |
57% |
59% |
58% |
57% |
60% |
We modified our first-contact model to provide a more realistic bound by
placing a limit on how far in advance of a request the data could be
prefetched, also known as prefetch lead time. We then further
modified our model to limit the amount of data prefetched
In order to examine the effects of limiting prefetch lead time,
we modified our simulation to forget about contacts between
client-server pairs that have been inactive for longer than a
specified interval. This means that any subsequent request from the
given client to the given server will be treated as a first contact.
Figure 2 shows the results of varying prefetch lead
times from one second to (represented in the figures as one
million seconds). We note that for lead times
below a few hundred seconds, the available reduction in latency is
significantly less impressive.
To limit the amount of overlap between prefetch requests, we set a
threshold on the bandwidth that can used for prefetching. Figure 3 shows how this bandwidth limit affects the amount of
latency reduction. At the left end of the graph, a small increase in
the amount of bandwidth limiting prefetching significantly
improves the reduction in latency. However, the total difference
between unlimited simultaneous prefetching and sequential
prefetching is no greater than 11%.
Figure 4 and Table 4 show the effects of varying both limits.
The slope in Figure 4 along the axis for
prefetch lead time shows that this parameter is the dominant factor.
The relatively consistent slopes in the surface graphs imply the two
parameters are relatively independent in their effects on latency.
Therefore, the curves in Figures 2
and 3 are representative of the behavior of this model
over variations in both parameters.
Table 5 shows the latency reduction seen by a
server-hint based prefetching model with unlimited cache storage, for
representative values of prefetch time and bandwidth available for
prefetching. Comparing Table 5 with Table 4, we note that for a weak or moderately
capable prefetching algorithm, the use of caching is especially
important. For example, for a prefetching algorithm that can predict
requests up to 3 minutes in advance, and has bandwidth
threshold of 8 kbits/sec, caching will still offer an increase of
approximately 11%. On the other hand, for an unbounded prefetching model,
caching only offers an improvement of approximately 4%.
Figure 2:
Percentage of latency reduced versus how far in advance
requests may be prefetched (All clients in Digital (above) Digital clients in Palo Alto (below)).
Figure 3:
Percentage of latency reduced versus bandwidth threshold
(All clients in Digital (above) Digital clients in
Palo Alto (below)).
Figure 4:
Reduction in latency for prefetching (bandwidth in
kbits/sec, time in seconds). Note: the scale for the X axis is
(All clients in Digital (above) Digital clients in
Palo Alto (below)).
We examined how the type of object requested affects the latency
reduced (object types were determined by an extension and if any, at the
end of the URL path). Table 6 shows the results from
caching and prefetching listed by object type. The category
NONE represents URLs that had no extension, and the category
OTHER represents objects with extensions other than those listed.
The first two rows show the average for original total latency and the
simulated latency. Rows 3 and 4 show the percentage of the total
event stream that each type accounts for by event count and
event duration, respectively. Rows 5 through 8 show the percentage of
latency reduced by type for passive caching, local prefetching with
unlimited cache storage, server-hint based prefetching without caching
and server-hint based prefetching with unlimited storage caching.
This table shows that for the most part, the common types (GIF,
HTML, JPEG, CLASS, DATA) all offer slightly
above average latency reductions, while the less common or
type-ambiguous requests offer significant less benefit. This result
suggests that a cache which only kept objects of common types might
make more effective use of its storage resources.
Table 6:
Latency reduction for prefetching and
caching by type of data requested (times in seconds).
Type |
New latency |
1.3 |
2.4 |
1.6 |
0.3 |
1.6 |
3.9 |
110.8 |
12.9 |
Original latency |
2.5 |
4.3 |
3.3 |
1.5 |
3.8 |
7.2 |
151.7 |
17.0 |
Percentage by count |
29.5% |
12.1% |
42.4% |
0.2% |
0.3% |
11.1% |
0.0% |
5.4% |
Percentage by time |
17.8% |
12.5% |
34.3% |
0.1% |
0.3% |
19.4% |
0.4% |
15.2% |
Passive caching |
26.7% |
21.8% |
34.5% |
73.0% |
40.4% |
27.1% |
4.5% |
8.8% |
Local prefetching |
48.3% |
43.7% |
52.7% |
79.9% |
58.2% |
45.8% |
26.9% |
24.3% |
Server-hints without caching |
49.3% |
61.6% |
62.5% |
66.8% |
64.4% |
62.7% |
27.5% |
27.9% |
Server-hints with caching |
51.1% |
61.5% |
60.1% |
79.9% |
65.0% |
58.4% |
26.4% |
27.6% |
To examine the variation of latency reduction across separate events,
Figure 5 shows histograms of the
percent of latency reduced at each event for passive caching, local
prefetching, server-hint based prefetching and server-hint based with
unlimited storage caching. These graphs show a bi-modal distribution
where an event either sees significant latency reductions (the peaks
around 95% and 100%) or little to no reduction (the peak at 0%).
What these distributions show is that under the models we have
simulated one can expect a web request to either see minimal to no
latency reduction or a significant reduction in the total latency.
Figure 5:
Histograms of the percentage of latency reduced at
each event.
Many researchers have looked for ways to improve current caching
Padmanabhan and Mogul [12] described a server
hint-based predictive model.
In this model, the server observes the incoming reference stream
to create a Markov model predicting the probability that a reference
to some object A will be followed, within the next n requests, by
a reference to some other object B (n is a parameter of
the algorithm). On each reference, the server uses this model to
generate a prediction of one or more subsequent references and
sends this prediction as a hint to the client, including it in the
response to the current reference. The client may then use this
hint to prefetch an object if the object is not already in the client's
In their simulations, they estimated
reductions of as much as 45%, but note
that such techniques will also double the network
traffic. Nevertheless, they show that a reasonable balance of latency
reduction and network traffic increase can be found.
Bestavros et al. [1] have presented a model for
the speculative dissemination of World Wide Web data. This work
shows that reference patterns from a Web server can be used as an
effective source of information to drive prefetching. They observed
a latency reduction of as much as 50%, but only at the cost of a
significant increase in the bandwidth used.
Williams et al. [15] presented a taxonomy of
replacement policies for caching within the Web. Their experiment
examined the hit rates for various workloads. The observed hit rates that
range from 20% to as high as 98%, with the majority ranging around 50%.
The workload with the hit rate of 98% comes from a cache that is
placed close to the server, rather than close
to the clients, with the purpose of reducing internal bandwidth
consumed by external HTTP requests. This workload
addresses a different problem
than that examined here. For their other workloads, our cache hit
rates are reasonably comparable.
Several of the results found by other studies are close
to or higher than the bounds resulting from our simulations.
We note that these results are highly dependent on the
workload, and on the environment modeled.
One should take care in applying the results of any of these
simulation studies, ours included, to a specific situation.
Using trace driven simulations we have explored the potential latency
reductions from caching and prefetching. For the workload studied
passive caching, with an unlimited cache storage, can reduce latency
by approximately 26%. This disappointing result for caching is in
part because data in the Web continually changes. On the other hand
prefetching based on local information offers, saw a bound of
approximately 41% reduction in latency. Adding server-hints
increased this bound to approximately 57%.
We observed that prefetch lead time is an important factor in the
performance of prefetching. Under more realistic constraints
(prefetch bandwidth threshold of 8 kbits/sec, lead time of 3 minutes),
the best we could hope for is a 35% reduction in latency. Combining
server-hint based prefetching with unlimited cache storage could
result in, at best, a 60% reduction in latency. We also saw that the
uncommon types of objects provided significantly less then average
latency reduction.
Finally, we can make some observations based on comparing
the results from these models with the total
external latency. In the workload studied,
57% of the latency is
external latency that can be removed by caching or prefetching;
20% of the latency is external latency that cannot be removed,
from events such as first contacts or queries;
23% of the latency appears to be internal latency.
The results we present here serve to illustrate two conclusions.
First, caching and prefetching can be effective in reducing latency in
the Web. Second, the effectiveness of these techniques does have
limits. The bounds produced by our simulations are for off-line
algorithms that have full knowledge of the future. One would expect
any on-line algorithm to be less effective. Again, we caution that
these results are highly dependent on the workload and environment
modeled. They should be applied with care. Nevertheless these
results emphasize the need for improved prefetching techniques as well
as additional techniques beyond caching and prefetching. These
techniques might include wide-area replication [5],
delta encoding [2,11] and persistent TCP
connections [10] which has been included in the HTTP/1.1
protocol [4].
We are grateful to Digital Equipment Corporation for their support of this
work and the use of their facilities, the Office of Naval Research for
their support, Prof. Mary G. Baker for her kind guidance,
Dr. Richard A. Golding for his insightful comments and enthusiasm,
Prof. Pei Cao for her comments and input on this work, Carlos Maltzahn
and Dr. Kathy Richardson for their work with the Squid proxy,
Dr. Lawrence Brakmo for his input and comments on early portions of
this work, Randal Burns, Tracey Sconyers and the other members of the
concurrent systems group that provided comments on this work,
and Suzan Fry.
Additional details on these traces, and the traces, are available from:
- 1
A. Bestavros and C. Cunha, ``A prefetching protocol using client speculation
for the WWW,'' Tech. Rep. TR-95-011, Boston University, Department of
Computer Science, Boston, MA 02215, Apr. 1995.
- 2
R. C. Burns and D. D. E. Long, ``Efficient distributed backup with delta
c1ompression,'' in Proceedings of the 1997 I/O in Parallel and
Distributed Systems (IOPADS'97), San Jose, CA, USA, Nov. 1997.
- 3
F. Douglis, A. Feldmann, B. Krishnamurthy, and J. Mogul, ``Rate of change and
other metrics: A live study of the world wide web,'' in Proceedings of
First USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, Dec. 1997.
- 4
R. T. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. C. Mogul, H. F. Nielsen, and T. Berners-Lee,
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