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- 1
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- 3
- 4
Squid Internet Object Cache.
- 5
WWW Collector - The Prefetching Proxy Server for WWW.
- 6
Azer Bestavros.
Using Speculation to Reduce Server Load and Service Time on the WWW.
Proceedings of CIKM'95: The 4th ACM International Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management, Nov 1995.
- 7
Vaduvur Bharghavan and V. Gupta.
A Framework for Application Adaptation in Mobile Computing
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Software and Applications
Conference, Washington D.C., Aug 1997.
- 8
Carlos R. Cunha, Azer Bestavros, and Mark E. Crovella.
Characteristics of WWW Client-Based Traces.
Technical Report TR-95-010, Boston University, CS Dept, Boston,
MA 02215, Apr 1995.
- 9
Carlos R. Cunha and Carlos F. B. Jaccoud.
Determining WWW User's Next Access and Its Application to
Proceedings of ISCC'97: The Second IEEE Symposium on Computers
and Communications, Jul 1997.
(Extended version).
- 10
D. Goldberg, D. Nichols, B.M. Oki, and D. Terry.
Using Collaborative Filtering to Weave an Information Tapestry.
Communications of the ACM, Volume 35, Number 12, Dec 1992.
- 11
James Gwertzman and Margo Seltzer.
An Analysis of Geographical Push-Caching. vino/web/server.cache/
- 12
James Gwertzman and Margo Seltzer.
The Case for Geographical Push-Caching.
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Workshop on Hot Operating
Systems, May 1995.
- 13
Barron C. Housel and David B. Lindquist.
WebExpress: A System for Optimizing Web Browsing in a Wireless
MobiCom'96 Demonstration Session, Nov 1996.
- 14
James J. Kistler and M. Satyanarayanan.
Disconnected Operation in the CODA File System.
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, Feb 1992.
- 15
Evangelos P. Markatos and Catherine E. Chronaki.
A Top-10 Approach to Prefetching on the Web.
Technical Report No. 173, ICS-FORTH, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.,
Aug 1996.
- 16
B.D. Noble and M. Satyanarayanan et al.
Agile Application-Aware Adaptation for Mobility.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems
Principles, St. Malo, France, Oct 1997.
- 17
Venkata N. Padmanabhan and Jeffrey C. Mogul.
Improving World Wide Web Latency.
Electronic Proceedings of the Second World Wide Web Conference
'94: Mosaic and the Web, Jul 1994.
- 18
Venkata N. Padmanabhan and Jeffrey C. Mogul.
Using Predictive Prefetching to Improve World Wide Web Latency.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Jul 1996.
- 19
Joe Touch.
The LowLat Project., 1996.
- 20
Stuart Wachsberg, Thomas Kunz, and Johnny Wong.
Fast World-Wide Web Browsing over Low-Bandwidth Links. sbwachsb/gong.html, 1996.
- 21
Bruce Zenel and Dan Duchamp.
Intelligent Communication Filtering for Limited Bandwidth
Proceedings of the fifth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating
Systems Rosario, Washington, May 1995.
Sau Loon Tong